
Sweet Words

lefergus · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 11 Car

I wake up to the sound of soft snorning. Dad doesnt snore and dad doesnt stay in my room. I open my eyes to the room being dark. My body feels heavy. I feel around with my hands and work out that Derek must be with me. I try to move away from him.

"Just a little longer" I hear him moan sleeply.

I try to wiggle free, he moves his body off mine and i get up.


The light turns on.

"What hurts?" I look at him speachless, my quiet ouch wakes him up? not the moving to get away.

"My body" I walk very slowly towards the bathroom. When I come back out my legs start to feel better. I look at Derek. His chest holy cow. I sit on the bed and reach under it for my first aid kit.

"I fear Im a bit too strong."

"Nar, its just a scratch, it will be gone in the morning." I turn towards him and he rolls his eyes with what he sees in my hand. I ignore that and pull out the alcholic wipes and wipe over his wound. Than I grab a big band aid and place that over the top. "It will heal, Im supernatural remember." He grabs my figers and places them on his lips and kisses them. I put the first aid box away and sit on the bed. He moves me with my back facing him as his places his hands on my shoulders to rub.

"Were you in pain after the first time we make love?"

"Just little. It was my legs mainly. Its like i ran longer than normal."

"It will take a bit to get use too."

"Ok, Im really not use this kind of sex. It feels real different."

"How so?" I turn to face him.

"You just want to hear how much better you make me feel than anyone else, giving you evidence than you and i are truely true loved."

He smiles."So I am better?" I shake my head. He leans in and kisses me. "I dont need evidence to prove anything. I just need you to be aware that I am in love with you and that will never change."

His sweet words making me crave his touch. I lay down and he joins me as i switch off the light. He grabs my body and pulls me into him tangling us. I dont remember when i fell asleep but i felt safe, like nothing is going to hurt me and im never going to be alone again.

I woke up to my alarm. I roll over and hear something squish underneath me. Paper? I pick it up.

"Goodmorning beautiful, had to leave for work. Use this if you need to drive long places."

"Use what?" I look down to where i picked up the paper and see a dark purple key chance with my name on it. I pull it up and see keys attached to it. He must of left me his car for me to borrow for the weekend. Sweet.

I get up and get ready for karate and i pack my whites into my bag with my brown belt. I walk down starts to the kitchen. man im hungry. I eat eight weekbixs and two pieces of fruit. I pack two sandwiches and more fruit hoping that will get me through my practise today. I put on my shoes and walk to the front door where i see a note attached.

"Lisa, we need to talk about this when i get home." Talk about what? I open the front door and find a purple skyline in my driveway.

"Oh fuck!!"

Ignoring the fact that there is a super expensive car in my driveway i walk to the end of my street than get my phone out of the bag. I dial Dereks number.

"This number is currently in flight mode, please leave a message after the beep."

"Um Derek, its lisa please ring me back as soon as you can. thanks." I hang up. I throw the phone into my bag and run to my session. It must be one of his sisters car.

My muscles are still hurting after last nights sex. After an hour of workouts we sat and ate. God im hungry. I ate all my food in one go. After training I stopped at the friut shop to get something to eat. There is no possible way a person my size can eat this much without getting fat. Reaching the start of my street my phone rang.


"Haha hey pull the phone away from your ear and look at the screen."

"Oh." Dereks face was smiling on the phone. Strange device.

"Just landed and i heard your message. whats up?"

"Oh right, the car is it one of your sisters?:

"Nope." He makes a real big smile.

"Your mums?"


"Your dads?"

"No Lisa it isnt dads, cant really see him with a car thats purple."

"Please for the life of me tell me someone in your family owns it."

"Yes." Thank god. "Its yours" I drop my smile.

"Thats not the answer i was looking for Derek. I cant afford that car and my dad is going to flip major."

"Why do you need to afford the car? Its a gift."

"Its way to much please give it to someone else?"

"Nope its yours. Gotta go."

"I dont want the fancy car Derek."

"Well you got a fancy car."

"What I am going to tell my dad, whos home right now." Crap.

"Your super hot god like boyfriend gave it to you." I hit my head with my hand. As he hung up the phone. The screen goes black.

Great, this guy is serious trouble, why the bloody heal does he want to spend so much god dam money on me. It starting to make me uncomfortable.

I walk up to my dad who is waiting at the front door for me. No point in sugar coating this.

"Hey dad."

"Hey young lady. I need an explanation for this." He points to the purple car.

"Apparently its a gift." My dads face drops.

"Do you know how much this car costs?"

"Not really, I know it would have to be very expensive."

"Its three five bedroom houses." My face drops. Fuck! Surely it cant be that much. Its a lot of metal thats all it is. Why would someone be stupid enough to buy a car thats much?

I pull out the keys and toss them to him.

"Want to take it for a test drive?" My dads eyes opened very wide and a smile slowly starts spreading on his face as we both walk towards the car.

Its been a while since dad and i spent some time together. He asked alot of questions about Derek and alot of them I had no clue about. He finally asked about school and my hobby. He talked about his work and the way that he has been slowly getting promoted. Hence the reason he is home early. To think about the promotion that they have just asked him to take. It was a longish drive and you can tell my dad enjoyed every minute of it.

We decided to park the car in the garage so that it doesn't stand out and so that no one steals it. I double checked to make sure the door was locked.

"How do I convince him to take it back? Hes already got me a new phone and laptop."

"Thats something for you and him to work out. Im ok with him spending money on you. Not sure why I would be but you do deserve it." I grabbed the books out of the back seat that i noticed was there when i got into the car and took them to my room. I pulled out the little book about me from my school bag and sat down at my desk. I flip the cover. It took me an hour to read the book with me hardly understanding any of it. I got no questions and i got no answers.

I look at the books that I found in the car. there is seven all together. I open one but before i can start reading the laptop starts making a noise. I open it to see Derek on there.


"Hello gorgeous, how are you going?"

"Fine thank you, before you start going on about stuff. I found seven books in the car."

"Good, I was hopeing you would. They are books about my kind."

"I see. any order i have to read them in?"

"Hold on." He walks away from the screen and comes back with his dad.

"Hello Lisa."

"Evening Sir. " He smiles.

"Show me in inside of one of the book covers. and George is fine." I lift up one book. "book 4."

I grab a sticky note pad and a pen and write on it. i ripped it off and stuck it to the front of the book. we did that for all seven books.

"Thank you. um. Mr George."

"Your welcome. any questions just hit me up. im an expert. and just George is fine."

"Ok." He walks away leaving Derek staring at me.


"I miss you like crazy."

"Its only been one day Derek."

"Im not surviving."

"You look fine to me."

He shakes his head. "I dont get why is so hard for me but so easy for you."

"I guess its because you have the gold streaks and i dont."

"Well about that." I look at him.

"Last night while we.... You started showing small ones." Ah crap.

"So your saying that im starting to love you cause your amazing in bed."

"Haha, What ever works for you." I shake my head. Love is for fools.

"Well I got to get back to work. Sleep well."

"Goodnight Derek." The screen goes black. I have alot of reading to do. Ah shit, I completely forgot to get up him again for the car.