

Bryan Wood lost his father when he was young and had only his mother to cater for him and his two sisters. He had to work part time jobs to survive hoping one day his dream of being a musician. He left his home town for College and to find his dreams. But instead, he met the cocky, manipulative Skye Miller, who turned out to be his Boss. Skye Miller was the nightmare. A wealthy mafia boss who recently separated from his wife. When he saw the pretty singer in his Bar. He felt a sudden attraction and a need to keep him.

Didifavy · LGBT+
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25 Chs


I watched Skye's smile slowly fade in the dark room,  an Intense and lustful Look appeared on face. The next thing he reached for my face, his hands on my face were so big and bold.

He drew my face and shoved his lips on mine. He breathed Sharply and started sucking on my mouth. He pulled my body to rest on him and he made for my ass and gripped it. He pulled my waist closer, my hands on his crotch area moved away and he rubbed his hard member on my groin.

I didn't know what to feel. This was not my first time but it definitely was my first time with a man. I had never thought of this with a man but here I was. Knowing that I have this effect on him made my heart swell.

My member swelled  when he moved and stroked it. I whimpered and all I thought about was how good this felt. 

I was a man and any hand on my member could incite my desires.

He dragged me to the bed and gently pushed me on it. He looked out of control with his dark eyes.It was filled with Lust. He mounted me and took my lips again, he deepened the kiss, this time I kissed him back weakly and  heard a soft moan from him. It wasn't that bad kissing him but it was strange. It was different from a woman's soft kiss.

He tugged away my T-shirt. He slid his hands up to my nipple and with his fingers he drew circIes on it till it hardened.

He moved downwards and sucked on my nipples. My dick swelled so hard that I moaned.

He slid to my jeans and unzipped it, l felt my dick being released. My feet coiled and I couldn't think straight with his palm on my dick. His thumb grazed the tips before stroking it hard and fast.

He stopped and moved to the side, He Yanked my jeans and boxers away. He then unbuttoned his T-shirt ,unzipped his plain trousers and took them off, along with his boxers.

Skye was so good looking and his perfect muscled body added more to it.

He mounted back and grasped both of our dicks in one hand and started stroking it hard.

I cried. Whimpered and moaned because the pleasure was too much for me. This was gay. It was wrong and stupid but I didn't want it to end. The pleasure was something that l have never experienced.

" Do you love it?" He asked with a sensual whisper.

"Yes" I moan.

I couldn't last long. I was overwhelmed. I saw stars as I unloaded my jizz. He ejaculated a few seconds after me and we lay breathing hard.

He stood and watched himself. I was drunk and exhausted. He came back seconds later with a wet towel. He wiped me and places where the semen stained. I felt him enclose me with a blanket as I drifted off to sleep.


I had a terrible hangover the next day. And the situation was worse when I recalled last night. I held my banging forehead and gazed at the ceiling for a while thinking of what I had allowed myself to do last night.

I didn't like men and I have never seen men the way I saw women.

I unwrapped my blankets and made for the bathroom. I took a piss stayed hours under the shower thinking of everything.

I slipped into my jeans and T-shirts and left the room. I didn't know how to face Skye but I met him the moment I reached the sitting room.

Skye acted as if whatever happened was nothing and was like a norm to him. He reached for my shoulders and patted it.

"Hope you slept well?" He smirked.

I frowned and moved my body away, ignoring him. I didn't know how to feel at this moment but I need my space to digest all of this. " I will be on my way to Lectures"

" Okay, let me drop you off"

" No" I said quickly " Not today. Please"

And he seems to understand me because he allowed me to make my decision.