

Bryan Wood lost his father when he was young and had only his mother to cater for him and his two sisters. He had to work part time jobs to survive hoping one day his dream of being a musician. He left his home town for College and to find his dreams. But instead, he met the cocky, manipulative Skye Miller, who turned out to be his Boss. Skye Miller was the nightmare. A wealthy mafia boss who recently separated from his wife. When he saw the pretty singer in his Bar. He felt a sudden attraction and a need to keep him.

Didifavy · LGBT+
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25 Chs


Four days later, I came to lecture. I had already briefed Sam on text that I was so sick so he asked about my health when he saw me and relieved that I was healthy now.

It was Juliet that I wanted to avoid so much. When I saw her and smiled sheepishly at her she rolled her eyes and looked away furiously. She had called and texted for the past four days and I wasn't with my phone. Skye had kept it somewhere and didn't even bother to tell me that Juliet had called and when I saw the missed calls I wasn't ready for all sorts of temper tantrums and questions.


I saw her walk up to me after the lecture.

" You have to be sincere with me about whatever we are doing." She was pissed.

" Am sorry" I said quickly. I wasn't ready for any of her questions or arguments. It was actually tiring and I haven't gotten that we'll have arguments.

" Sorry for what exactly?. You didn't pick up or even reply to me. You disappeared on me"

" Julie. I was Sick and I wasn't with my phone"

" That's not an excuse." She fired " Am the one that should be there for you when you are sick."

I drew close to hold her and say something but she shoved me away.

"Why weren't you at your apartment?. You were in your Boss's house?. "

" I told you I had to work"


"Julie, am sorry" I finally got the chance to hold her as I was close. " All these things are still new for me. Please I need you to be more understanding with me. Believe me I want this to work too"

It took Maybe some hours before she could accept my apologies. 

I tried to make it up to her. I stayed with her during lectures, I bought her lunch and we ate together in the Cafeteria and I also made plans with her for a date night on weekends. But the time with Skye was something I don't think she can change. He was more deserving of my presence after he took care of me when I had a fever. For the first time, I felt that I really mattered to someone.

There was a party in the Bar where I worked on Saturday. Although I hardly work there these days, Skye already consumed my time and I was mad at him for paying more than the salary we agreed on but he shrugged it off as it was nothing. I was grateful too because there was enough money I could send to my mother.

It was that Saturday that I made plans with Juliet and the last thing I would want to do but fail her.

I texted Skye that something important came up and I would be late for the party. I was surprised that he wasn't reacting or trying to question my reasons.

Juli and I spent Saturday evening in an expensive Restaurant. I couldn't remember what we talked about but all I could remember was glancing at my watch and waiting patiently but impatiently waiting for us to be done so we could move to the Bar. Skye's silence made me more uncomfortable than his threats.

We arrived at the Bar by nine o'clock. It was so crowded with people. I caught a glimpse of Sam in the room, he had informed me earlier that he would be here because Patrick had invited him too.

I led Juliet deeper into the crowd where we met Sam. Sam was so excited to see us, he smelled of alcohol when he said "hello" and hugged us.

We sat with Sam and a little while later Patrick joined us. We greeted each other. He has changed so much. He was kinder to me.

My heart fluttered when I remembered that I was yet to see Skye. This was his party and he wasn't here yet, I looked around to make sure that he wasn't lurking somewhere. Or was he in his VIP room, I had to stop myself from checking for him in his VIP room. What was wrong with me? Why do I care much about who he is with? I really did not want to give a fuck but sadly I do.

Ten minutes later, Skye's VIP room opened and he came out with a fair skinned man who obviously wasn't keeping his hands to himself and openly flirting with him.