
Sweet Wife Wants Revenge

Robin, a sheltered and devoted wife trapped in a controlling marriage, finds herself shattered when her possessive and violent husband, Malik, cheats on her and causes the death of their unborn child. Consumed by rage and fueled by revenge, she strikes a deal with Ramsey, a seemingly ordinary clerk yet a mysterious underworld figure. Ramsey promises to help her exact revenge on Malik, but at a steep cost—he wants not only her cooperation but her heart and soul as well. Desperate and numb from loss, Robin agrees, willing to sacrifice anything to destroy her ex-husband and all he holds dear. However, as she and Ramsey grow closer, sparks fly and Robin discovers she's not just a shell of her former self. But with Ramsey's secrets looming, will their connection survive, or will history repeat itself?

Glimmy · Urban
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152 Chs

Wash It Away

Robin's heart sinks, and she feels a familiar dread. "No, please don't. I...I came back, Malik. I'm sorry for leaving, and I know I've been disobedient, please." She takes a tentative step forward, her gaze pleading. "Please, I need you, and I can't be without you."

The woman scoffs, her lips curling into a sneer. "You need him? Oh, how convenient. Malik, you can't seriously be considering taking her back after what she's done."

Malik's eyes narrow, and he turns to the woman, his expression unreadable. "Layla, I think it's best if you leave. This is a private matter."

Layla opens her mouth to protest, but Malik cuts her off with a raised hand. "Now, Layla." His voice is firm, and the woman reluctantly storms out, casting a withering glare at Robin as she goes.

Robin watches the exchange, her heart pounding in her chest.

 She knows she's done something wrong, but she can't quite grasp what it is. All she knows is that she needs Malik, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to earn his forgiveness.

Malik turns to Robin, expressing disappointment. "So, what I. And you think that's going to fix everything?" He shakes his head, a humourless laugh escaping his lips. "You're a fool, Robin. I have no use for a cheating wife."

Robin's breath catches in her throat, and she feels like the ground has been pulled from under her. "Cheating?" she whispers, her voice barely audible. "But I would never—"

"Save it," Malik snaps, cutting her off. "I saw you, Robin. With that man. And now you come back, begging me as if that will make everything better." He takes a step towards her, his eyes narrowed. "You've betrayed me, and I won't stand for it."

Robin feels her heart shatter, and she sinks to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "N-no, Malik, please!" she begs, her voice trembling. "I love you, and I would never do anything to hurt you. I- want to be with you, to make you proud. Please, let me make it up to you."

Malik shakes his head, his expression hardening. "It's too late for that, Robin. I've made my decision." He turns and slams the door, leaving his wife alone outside the house, her sobs echoing in the silence that follows 


The rain pours down in sheets as Robin hurries through the dark streets, her heart pounding. The weather quickly changed when Robin was making her way home from the mansion, and the taxis refused to let her in their cars because of her clothes.

So she had to walk.

On the bright side, at least the weather matched Robin's current mood.

She clutches her purse in her trembling hands, the streets blurring through her tears. 

He kicked her out and refused to listen to her. 

And now, she faces the devastating reality that she is pregnant with his child - a child he wants no part of. She couldn't even tell him about the baby because she was scared.

Desperate and distraught, Robin makes her way to Ramsey's apartment, seeking refuge.

 She stumbles up the steps, her clothes soaked, and pounds on the door. When Ramsey opens it, his expression unreadable, Robin collapses into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I take it. It didn't go too well," Ramsey murmurs, guiding her inside and closing the door behind them. Robin sobs harder when she glances down at the note in his hand, his throat tightening in guilt, "I'm sorry for leaving without telling you," she whispers, her red eyes overflowing with more tears, " I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to care for a useless burden like me!"

Ramsey immediately shushes her, a frown on his face, "That's for me to decide, Robin." He says sternly.

He pauses before grimacing, "And besides, it's okay. It looks like you had a rougher time than me, he says pointedly. "I take it he didn't take the news well."

Robin shakes her head, her voice trembling. "He-he kicked me out. Told me to leave and never come back." 

She looks up at Ramsey, her eyes pleading. "I- he wouldn't listen to me."

Ramsey sighs and leads her to the couch, sitting her down gently. "What are you going to do, Robin?"

She shakes her head, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "I don't know. I can't lose him, Ramsey. He's everything to me. But I can't...I can't do this alone."

Ramsey watches her, his expression unreadable as he listens to her anguish. He reaches out and squeezes her hand, offering what comfort he can.

Over the next few days, Robin makes three desperate attempts to return to Malik's house, each one more heartbreaking than the last. 

The first time, she stands outside the imposing gates, begging the guards to let her in. She had tried to sneak through her usual way, but it seemed like Malik had informed the guards about that because they were guards patrolling the entire perimeter. So she had to beg them. But Malik remains steadfast, refusing to see or acknowledge her presence.

"Please, you have to let me see him!" Robin cries, her voice cracking with desperation. "I need to talk to him, to explain-"

But the guards shake their heads, unmoved by her pleas. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but Mr. Malik has clarified that he doesn't wish to see you. You'll have to leave."

Defeated, Robin trudges back to Ramsey's apartment, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

Ramsey is waiting for her, his expression grave.

"He wouldn't see you?" he asks, though the answer is obvious.

Robin shakes her head, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "He won't even listen to me, Ramsey. I don't know what to do."