
Sweet Wife Wants Revenge

Robin, a sheltered and devoted wife trapped in a controlling marriage, finds herself shattered when her possessive and violent husband, Malik, cheats on her and causes the death of their unborn child. Consumed by rage and fueled by revenge, she strikes a deal with Ramsey, a seemingly ordinary clerk yet a mysterious underworld figure. Ramsey promises to help her exact revenge on Malik, but at a steep cost—he wants not only her cooperation but her heart and soul as well. Desperate and numb from loss, Robin agrees, willing to sacrifice anything to destroy her ex-husband and all he holds dear. However, as she and Ramsey grow closer, sparks fly and Robin discovers she's not just a shell of her former self. But with Ramsey's secrets looming, will their connection survive, or will history repeat itself?

Glimmy · Urban
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152 Chs

The Notion Of Freedom

After that day, Malik's demeanour towards Robin takes a drastic turn.

Gone is the affectionate, loving husband she once knew; in his place is a cold, distant stranger who barely acknowledges her existence. 

Robin walks on eggshells, terrified of saying or doing anything that might further incur his wrath.

The invitation to the art gallery weighs heavily, but she cannot bring it up, fearing Malik's reaction. 

Instead, she resigns herself to staying within the confines of their bedroom, waiting anxiously for Malik's return each evening.

The morning of the gallery event dawns, and Robin wakes to the sound of crinkling clothes.

When she sits up, she sees Malik's suitcase open, packing his clothes. She watches him silently, her heart pounding in her chest.

"W-where are you going?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

Malik pauses, his gaze cutting through her like ice. "I have a business trip," he states flatly. "I'll be gone overnight."

Robin swallows hard, her fingers twisting the fabric of the bedsheet. "Oh, I... I see."

Malik offers no further explanation, merely zipping up his suitcase and striding out of the room without a backward glance. 

Robin waits until she hears the front door slam before allowing the tears to fall.

Insidious voices start to whisper in her mind.

Why? Why does he keep treating her this way? Doesn't he love her? 

Robin shakes her head, discarding the atrocious thoughts. Of course, Malik loves her! He's doing everything to keep her safe.

But Robin still feels.....so sad.

Alone in the oppressive silence, Robin feels a spark ignite within her. 

It hurts that Malik would leave like this, but on the other hand....This could be a chance – an opportunity to experience the freedom she's been craving finally.

Steeling her nerves, she retrieves her phone and quickly types a message to Ramsey, confirming her attendance.

"I'll be there," she sends, her fingers trembling only slightly.

With Malik gone, Robin knows this is her one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She might never get a shot at this again.

She quickly changes into a simple yet elegant dress, taking extra care of her appearance. As she studies her reflection in the mirror, she can't help but feel a sense of giddiness – this is the first time she's ever done something so big without her husband's knowledge or approval.

Just imagine! She's going out! By herself!

It's mind-blowing!

When the time comes, Robin quickly slips out of the mansion through a window, avoiding the watching eyes of the maids and deftly climbing the fence.

This is how she mostly sneaks out of the house. She doesn't do it all the time, and it's mostly for when she needs more art supplies.

 For as long as she can remember, she's always been good at stuff like this. Malik didn't like it….. so she kept it a secret.

But recently, Malik seems to be one step ahead anytime she attempts to go out.

She jogs a little distance away from the house before she hails a taxi.

The blonde gives the driver the address of the Grand Gallery, her fingers drumming nervously on the car door. 

As the sight of the city passes by her window, she can't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. She'd never done anything like this before, and the thought of it was thrilling and terrifying.

Finally, the taxi pulls up to the grand, imposing building, and Robin steps out, her eyes wide with wonder.

 Swallowing, she nervously approaches the art gallery, her heart pounding. The invite to this gathering was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

As she steps through the ornate doors, her eyes immediately land on the classically handsome face of the clerk. 

He's dressed more sophisticatedly now, in a dark blue blazer and loose grey slacks. 

His eyes shine with excitement when he sees her.

"Miss! I'm so glad you could make it," he exclaims, striding over to greet her with a warm smile.

Robin forces a polite smile, her fingers fidgeting with the strap of her purse. "Just Robin is fine, uh…?" She trails off awkwardly, flushing when she sees the amusement in his eyes.

"Ramsey," The man, Ramsey, says smoothly.

Robin nods quickly," Thank you for the invitation, Ramsey," she says, cursing herself for not remembering his name earlier.

Ramsey chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "No need to be so nervous," he says, his tone reassuring. "Come, let me introduce you to some other artists."

Robin nods, allowing Ramsey to guide her deeper into the gallery, where a crowd of well-dressed individuals sip wine and engage in animated conversation. 

She feels her palms grow clammy as Ramsey introduces her to one celebrity artist after another, each one exuding an air of confidence and creative brilliance that makes her insecurities rise to the surface.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Robin," says a tall, striking woman with vibrant red hair. "I've heard wonderful things about you from Ramsey here. You must be very talented," she says with a teasing glance directed at Ramsey.

Robin swallows hard, suddenly tongue-tied. "Oh, um, well, I - I'm still learning, really," she stammers, cursing her lack of eloquence.

The woman chuckles warmly. "Nonsense, my dear. We were all beginners once. I'd love to see your portfolio sometime."

With a nod she dodges the question, joining the gang of artists as the gallery opening hits off at a success. 

At last, the long day finally comes to an end, however Robin's problems were just about to begin. 

"You know what about we go out and celebrate?" The host suggests. 

Everyone is in this, however for Robin this would be her first, she checks her time, it's a bit too late, she knows she should head home by now but knowing her husband is on a trip a sudden procrastinating thought pops into her head. 

"Just a little bit," she tells herself. 

Ramsey walks over to her corner and questions with concern, "Are you okay with this?" 

She nods, "I might be able to stay for a short while," she says. 

Giving her confirmation, they get into their respective cars, Robin sharing with Ramsey as they head over to a bar, much to her surprise. 

Upon their arrival, one of the artists nearby clinks his wine glass with a spoon, drawing everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your focus, please?" he calls out, his voice rich and commanding.

"I propose a little game to liven up the evening. Who's up for a round of 'Questions or Kisses'?"

A chorus of excited murmurs ripples through the crowd, and Robin's stomach twists with apprehension. The artist grins mischievously. "The rules are simple. When it's your turn, you'll be asked a question. If you can't or won't answer, you must kiss the person beside you. No exceptions!"

Robin's eyes widen alarmingly as the other artists laugh and cheer. She catches the eye of Ramsey, silently pleading with him to intervene, but he merely shrugs apologetically. 

She asked for this, there was nothing he could do, only now does she know she's gotten into a risky game.