
Worse Than A Beast

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio


Looking at the man in front of her, who looked like he wanted to tear her apart, Gu Xiaoran slapped him back without hesitation, using all her strength, "Bastard! Who are you to hit me?"

Han Ke felt his face sore. He was stunned for a moment—he hadn't expected Gu Xiaoran to hit him. He grabbed her, but controlled himself and let her go after seeing people walk in and out of the building, look at them, and whisper to each other.

"You are a loose woman, hitting you is too light a punishment for seducing other men." There were many companies in the building, and he couldn't afford to lose face if Gu Xiaoran really went crazy and fought it out with him.

Hearing that, Gu Xiaoran, who was already very angry, got so mad that she was shaking all over. Did he actually have the cheek to call her a loose woman after giving her to Mo Qing? 

"Han Ke, are you even human? You gave me to another man for a deal worth thirty million yuan, and you have the cheek to put the blame on me after doing something so disgusting!? I have met Aunt Xiang before I came here, she said that it was you who gave her money and asked her to send me to Dynasty. Han Ke, you are worse than a beast."

"If you didn't have an affair with Mo Qing, would he have asked for you specifically? Stop pretending to be pure and chaste."

"He asked for me specifically? Han Ke, why don't we ask Lin Yizhi about this in person? If he didn't say that, I wouldn't mind seeing you in court."

"What are you going to sue me for? Rape? I didn't touch you." Han Ke was exasperated thinking about it.

"Kidnapping!" Gu Xiaoran held a flash drive in her hand, "Here is the surveillance video of Aunt Xiang sending me into Dynasty. I was unconscious during the whole thing. Kidnapping a person as hostage is punishable by more than ten years in prison or life imprisonment, together with fines or confiscation of property. Han Ke, what else do you have to say?"

Han Ke never imagined that Gu Xiaoran would dare to threaten him. His face turned grim, "Are you crazy? So what if I sent you there? You are my fiancée, what's wrong with sacrificing a little for me? Besides, you're already having an affair with Mo Qing. Would you have stayed overnight at his place if you weren't fucked by him? Stop playing the victim."

Gu Xiaoran was furious, "Why should I sacrifice for scum like you? I must have been blind to marry a beast."

"So? You're regretting it? You don't care about your father anymore? Let me tell you, Gu Xiaoran. Don't think I can't do anything to you now that you have an affair with Mo Qing."

"Don't you just want to say that you'll make my father go to jail?"

"I'm glad that you know."

"Go ahead, if my father goes to jail, you'll have to go in to accompany him." Gu Xiaoran sneered and threw a stack of printed material at his chest.

She wasn't one who would let her loved ones be punished in the cause of justice. She didn't want her father to go to jail, but her father had indeed made mistakes. She would accept it even if he had to be punished by law. She would just make as much money as she could so that she could give him a good retirement after his release.

Han Ke picked up the material in confusion. He flipped through it and his expression suddenly changed, "Where did you get all these?"

"Why do you care?"

"Mo Qing?"

"Yes." Mo Qing wouldn't be afraid of others knowing, since he had given them to her. She didn't need to hide.

Han Ke's face suddenly turned red, "Xiaoran, we've been fooled. He did all these to sow discord between us. He's using you to harm me, don't believe him."

"I don't care about your disputes, I just want to tell you that it's over between us." Gu Xiaoran took out an agreement termination letter from the paper bag, "Sign it."