
Extreme Evil (3)

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Grand Tang had been seized by Han Ke, and her father had become the culprit.

To keep her father out of jail, she was being forced to marry a man she didn't love—Han Ke. Her engagement ceremony would be the following day. 

But he had taken away her first time like that...

Mo Qing gave a faint smile as he stroked his thumb over her slightly cold cheek.

The delicate touch melted on his fingertips, making him reluctant to let go.

The van drove away.

"Be sure to look pretty at tomorrow's engagement ceremony."

Without his support, Gu Xiaoran went weak in the knees and almost dropped to the ground. She quickly held on to the artificial rocks behind her to stabilize herself.

"Mo Qing, you devil."

"You didn't let me down. Great taste." His fingers stroked her cheek.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"I want to have a taste of you."

He had taken advantage of her situation and raped her because he wanted to have a taste of her?

Gu Xiaoran clenched her fists, resisting the urge to hit him.

"Where are you taking my father?"

"They are not my men, but if you are obedient, I can guarantee that your father will return safely soon."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Han Ke everything that you did?"

"Go ahead and tell him, but you must first prepare a coffin for your father, Gu Zhengrong."

He smiled in a relaxed manner, his tone casual.

"The police are coming. Get out of here quickly if you don't want to spend the night at the police station."

After speaking, he slid his hands into his pockets and left.

Looking at his back getting farther away, Gu Xiaoran let herself fall to the ground.

She clenched her fists slowly, and her nails sank into her palms.

Looking back at the burned building, her heart was filled with mixed emotions.

A gust of wind carrying the stench of burned corpses blew over. She leaned against the rocks, trying to force herself to puke, but her empty stomach prevented her from vomiting anything. The pain in her body reminded her every second of the humiliation she had just gone through.

She heard the sound of sirens in the distance.

Gu Xiaoran quickly composed her thoughts, enduring the pain, and ran away from the scene.


The following day, on the country's most luxurious nightclub on the sea—the Imperial Nightclub, a seven-story mega yacht—socialites and distinguished people from various areas gathered at the star-studded event.

Gu Xiaoran, who was wearing a red evening gown, held Han Ke's arm and circled among the guests like a puppet.

Han Ke had booked the entire Imperial Nightclub for his engagement ceremony with her, and had also invited all the elites in the business world. 

Just the main hall at the ground floor of the Imperial Nightclub was already more than three thousand five hundred square feet. The decoration was grand and stylish.

After the incident of the previous night, stepping on the red carpet felt like irony: the owner of Imperial Nightclub was Mo Qing.

She had signed an agreement with Han Ke to marry him. However, Han Ke insisted on holding an engagement ceremony first, before getting their marriage certificate and holding a wedding banquet three months later.

In that case, he would have two opportunities for publicity, and he could make full use of their marriage to publicize the success of Xinhe.

She knew that he was doing that to let everyone know that he had defeated the influential Grand Tang Group. He was going to marry the only daughter of Gu Zhengrong, who had caused the bankruptcy of Grand Tang, to tell everyone that he was actually benevolent despite being resolute and aggressive in business.