
Sweet Treachery: Betrayed And Rejected By Her Beloved Alpha

Oyiza_Oyiza · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Working as his maid

A few days later

It's a beautiful morning, and Aurora has just been in bed and doesn't feel like leaving the room even after Amy asked her to help her out with something in the garden. For the past few days, she hasn't been able to get the thoughts of the hot guy off her head, as she keep asking herself who he is. As much as she wants to go back there and see him again if she can, she's scared of what will happen if she ever gets caught for the second time.

Recalling his perfect figure, his toned abs, and his aura that airs fear and perfection, she can't help wishing to see him again.

Still fantasizing about the man, the door to her room suddenly burst open and she snaps back to reality only to see Amy giving her an unbelievable look.

"You are still here?" Amy whines like a baby.

"Hmm," She hums as she finally sits up on her mat and groans tiredly.

"Every maiden of the pack is needed in the royal castle. We should be there quickly," Amy announces, and she pulls a puzzled look.

"Do I need to be there? I'm not from..."

"Shhhhhh! Don't say it out to anyone if you don't want to get yourself into trouble. If anyone asks who you are, just tell them you're my sister, OK?" Amy quickly shuts her up, and she slowly nods her head before she stands up from the mat.

The two stride out of the room afterward.

A few minutes later in the royal castle...

Amelie and Amy arrives at the veranda of the castle where many of the young she-wolves of the pack are already waiting eagerly. She keeps looking around as she stands behind the many she-wolves, hoping to find that young man around, but he doesn't seem to be anywhere close here.

The sound of the shoes clicking on the floor pulls her attention, and she tilts her head forward to see a middle-aged woman walking up to them.

"Greetings, lady Astrid," They all greet the woman in unison.

"Who is she?" She asks Amy in a whisper.

"That's lady Astrid, the head maid," Amy whispers back, and she mouths an 'oh', wondering why she must've called them here when she's not even a maid in the castle.

"Greetings to you all. I will just go straight to the point. The alpha needs a maid, so I called everyone out here to make my selection..." The woman pauses so they can digest what she just said. Many of the maidens already have exciting and eager smiles on their faces. Who wouldn't want to work with the alpha? He's super hot and every woman's dream. He wouldn't have to stress to get any woman to his bed because of his graced perfection, so who wouldn't want to be with him?

Unlike every other person who is waiting eagerly to be selected, Amelie's attention is somewhere else as she eye searches the man from the fountain days ago, still hoping to find him.

"Hey..." Lady Astrid's angry voice pierce through her ears and snapped her back to reality. She snaps her head to look at lady Astrid, and she gulps down nothing as realization dawns on her that she was caught.

"Me?" Although she knows that the woman is referring to her, she still asks anyway.

"What do you think you're doing? Doing something else while I'm here and talking to you all. Am I a joke to you?" Lady Astrid snaps at her, and she bites her bottom lip.

"The rest of you can leave. Come here," And with that, lady Astrid turns around and walks away while the rest of the maidens glares hard at Aurora for getting the woman angry.

"Why's she asking me to follow her?" She asks Amy fearfully.

"Lady Astrid is strict, let's just hope that nothing horrible happens to you in there. You should start going already. You won't like what will happen if she comes back here for you," Amy urges her, and she sighs before she walks away to meet lady Astrid.

Alpha Ren's study

"When are you going to get us another maid, father?" Rhea, the alpha's eleven years old and oldest daughter asks as she plunges herself onto the chair

"Astrid will take care of that, Rhea," He assures her with all of his attention on the book he's reading.

"When is she going to find one? All the maids here are annoying and I can't stand them..."

"That's because you're annoying, yourself. I've never seen anything wrong with those maids, yet you keep complaining about them and they ended up getting thrown out of the castle," Ares, her younger brother of nine years old takes his attention from the book he was reading, and glares hard at his sister.

"All thanks to you, we've had more than five maids and they were all thrown out because..."

"Watch the way you speak to me, Ares. I am still your sister," Rhea sneers at him, and he only rolls his eyes.

"Do that again, and I'm..."

"The two of you, that's enough. Ares, I told you not to talk to your sister like that. You should protect, and not bully her," Alpha Ren glares hard at his son.

"But father..."

"Greetings, my lord. Astrid," Astrid's voice interrupts them from outside.

"Come in," The door creaks open, and Astrid walks in with Aurora trailing behind her.

"My lord, she's here," Astrid announces as soon as they walk in. He finally raises his gaze from the book to look at them after about two minutes, only to see the lady from the fountain standing beside Astrid with her gaze held low.

"Astrid, you may leave," His eyes boring into her body, he says to Astrid who bows before she turns around and walks out of the study.

"What's your name?" His voice pierces through her ears, and she blinks her eyes confusingly. She knows this voice, she heard it somewhere, but she has forgotten where she heard the voice, and who it belongs to.

"Amelie," She replies nervously as her heart beats rapidly against her chest. As much as she wants to check him out, she's scared, having heard so much about this man.

"Do you like her, Rhea?" She finally raises her gaze to look at the man with a confused look on her face, but her eyes almost pop out of their sockets at the sight that welcomes her. She bats her eyelashes to be sure of what she's seeing. Wait! Is he the alpha? How come he's here?

"I think she's not bad. I'll give her a try, and if she doesn't match my taste, then she'll be disposed," Hearing a little girl's voice, she tilts her head to see Rhea scrutinizing her with her eyes.

"How about you, Ares?" Turning his head to his son that's just sitting beside him, he asks him.

"You know I'm always good with everyone. Rhea is the problematic one," Ares replies sarcastically, while Amelie stares at them confusingly as she tries to understand what's happening. Is he a dad already?

"You're going to be working as my kids' maid..." He pauses and stares at her for seconds while having a blank expression on his face.

"Don't mess with them if you don't want to die young," He threatens, and she gulps down nothing nervously. Seeing the look on his face, she can't help but ask herself if this man doesn't recognize her or something. He was the same man she had seen back at the fountain days ago. How come he doesn't look like he knows her before? Is he pretending or does he not really recognize her?

"Did you hear what I said?" His eyes boring into her body with an unexplainable expression on his face, he asks her

"Yes, my lord," She quickly bows slightly...