Honey's Sweet Tooth always seems to get the better of her, here are some of her stories. The stories of the Sweet Toothed Honey. #Bubbly #Girl #does #haughty #naughty #dripping #cannabis #seductive #seductivegirl #nothuman #nonhuman #cultivation #RNG #kinkyfarmer #alchemy #food #alchemyasfood #edibles #marijuana #treant #marijuanatreant #goddess #reincarnation #enlightenment #fighting #cooking #eating #nonsense #sidestory #sidestories #Friends #OOMTOWN #Request #requested #requestedwriting #2021 #2022 Does not release on a Schedule. OTHER WORKS: Re:Birth as the Hero https://www.webnovel.com/book/17340962606579205 Kink, the Story of Errit. https://www.webnovel.com/book/19822575806497305 TEXAN IN ANOTHER WORLD (C▓NSOR▓D) https://www.webnovel.com/book/17332235305415905 The Dog gets more respect https://www.webnovel.com/book/17362329505538505 ISEK.AI: The AI Stole my Reincarnation https://www.webnovel.com/book/22164131606907005
Honey woke up, her eyes were sparkling like gems. There was only one thing on her mind, her sweet tooth. In the pocket Dimension, she was allowed to do many things. One of them was to tend to the many gardens but when she wasn't taking care of the herbs, her passion was making sweets. She had storage rings filled with them.
Whenever she would leave the Pocket Dimension, she would lose a quiet place for her to cook. It spoiled the mood as she loved to cook in secret. One of Honey's biggest issues was that she would always try too hard to impress those around her. However, when she was cooking, alone and with her own thoughts, Honey was able to make sublime sweets.
The boys had been away for about a month, they were testing their newest strains of medicines, cultivation and selective crops made the process a tedious one and Honey could only do so much. She was able to mimic most of Titan's abilities, with a varying degree of success.
Honey worked quickly gathering eggs from the Crystal Bird Forest Dimension in the morning, by mid-afternoon, she had half a basket of multi sized eggs.
In the broken down battleship, the kitchen was actually very spacious for one person. Honey sorted the eggs along the counter. While Crystalline Birds were primarily used for alchemical purposes, their eggs contained a thick yolk.
Cracking the Eggshells delicately, Honey used the broken lip of the eggs as a cutting tool. rolling it gently, the egg whites were separated and the yolk itself was left in the center of the eggshell.
In a large clear container, she started to deposit the egg yolks. There was a lot of yolk from a basket of eggs but she needed the yolks specifically. After she had a cup of yolk, about the equivalent to eight chicken sized eggs, she had plenty of separated Egg whites and put them aside.
Sugar wasn't a problem, Titan was a greedy foodie. He never skipped on ingredients and the pantry on the Battleship was stocked from time to time. Although it was Kink's private domain, Honey had been given access to it and she couldn't bare to give it up. The perks were just too good.
Aside from Honey's ability to cook, she found it easy for her to grow and cultivate within the pocket garden dimension. The dimension mostly took care of itself, there was little she had to do other than exploit its resources and most of the time, her cooking, or at least a large portion of it, was left behind in storage for anyone that wanted it.
"Sugar... Where's the Sugar?" Honey nudged her knees up across a stool and it wobbled a little.
"ooo..." Honey nearly lost her balance. Catching herself on the Shelf, it shook. She wondered if it was a good idea, steadied herself and let go. 'Sugar..'
The Sugar was on the bottom shelf, large thick lined sacs of it were left in dry storage but always on the bottom shelves. Honey puffed her cheeks but realized no one was around and calmed herself down.
"Ahh, here we are." Honey measured out three cups of sugar and closed the sack.
Returning to the Counter, she put the sugar into the bowl with the Egg Yolks. A book sat in front of her, it was one of the many on board. "Corn Starch?" Honey looked through the herbal ingredients ring and found a suitable supplement, starch was starch. Adding a cup of the dry starch to the mix, she threw in a teaspoon of salts and three cups of water.
"Ughh.. feels like I'm missing something." Honey thumbed around for some beast butter but couldn't find any. She was slightly bummed out but then she remembered that Titan had made edibles by exchanging the oil for the butter, especially when the recipe called for very little butter.
'Hmm.. Master always says I make great edibles but he gets mad when I mess up. I worked pretty hard on this.' Measuring out 4 tablespoons of extract, she spread it across the mix and grabbed a whisk.
The Yolks were a little tougher than she imagined, working the custard till it was lump free she realized that there was another key component missing from the Custard, Flavor. Custards could be made from a lot of things but Juices made wonderful custards.
The Spirit Fruits from the Sorting Trees of the Garden Dimension were extremely potent and full of energy but their juice was a little difficult to get. The fruit itself was fleshy, the liquid inside would have to pressed out with care.
Honey found A lemon Press, sift and measuring cup. When she had two cups of juice that had been strained, she was somewhat happy with her efforts. The Custard wouldn't thicken without heat, so she had plenty of time to fix the problem. If she had tried to heat the custard without the Flavor, she wouldn't have been satisfied at all.
The Spirit Fruit Juice blended well with the custard and soon it all became a bright red, almost vivid and purple like a Heart. The fragrance of the spirit fruit and its remnants lingered, it was tangy and stout but the sugar gave it a more refined and unique smell.
Honey whisked it for about five minutes and then found the oven.
The heating formation came alive and the temperature slowly started to rise. Problems could easily occur when cooking dishes that involved Eggs. If they went unattended, typically, the dish would fail.
'Eggs are easy to burn!' Honey kept whisking while the custard's temperature rose. There was quite a bit of it but she was also using a formation. The heat was delivered evenly throughout the pot while she stirred. For what felt like twenty minutes she just kept stirring, she knew she could put more power into the formation but slower cooked custards always tasted better.
Chewing on her lip, she kept whisking. She was getting bored of waiting but then, small peels of thicker than average custard started to appear on the whisk when she pulled it out.
It was creamy and drizzled across the tip of her finger. She licked it and smiled, "Not too much longer." The thickening process didn't take too long and Honey licked her finger clean while she used her other hand to constantly stir the mix. The custard was already getting very thick but it was still hot and gooey.
"What am I going to put this into?" Honey thumbed her lip and a light bulb sparked behind her like a sign. Bowls started to appear, they were shallow and wide, slightly taller than an inch but as wide as her hand when she spread it out. There was a lot of mix, but when poured into bowls of that size, it only filled six bowls.
She quickly stuck them in the fridge and put a cover over the cremes themselves.
When the door closed, she fell to her knees and sighed. "Ugh.. only six."
Honey looked a the counter, there were still enough eggs for a few more batches. "Stop stop stop, you still gotta make the topping!" Honey slapped herself a few times and got off her knees. She dusted herself off, washed her hands and grabbed the separated Egg whites.
"More. More... More... WHISKING!!" Honey furiously attacked the Egg whites until they were fluffy and mixed in some sugar until it felt right.
The consistency of the Egg Whites was fairly different than the Yolks, she had to do experimenting to get it just right. When the whipped Topping could hold a curl over an inch long, she knew it was perfected.
"Finally." Honey looked a the bowls in the fridge, sighed, pulled one them out to check. It was still a little warm and started to move around too freely. 'Crap.' The fridge door was about to close on her so she gently put it down and she the door properly.
The meringue would hold but it was better to put it atop the dish as soon as possible. However, the Custard needed to Chill. Shaking her head, Honey stored the bowl of meringue away and waited until it was time to spread it.
'Hot Custard cooks the Meringue.. boo!' Honey paced for about half an hour until the Custard was finally chilled, then spooned the meringue across the top of the bowls until there was a heaping dome on all of them. Very little remained in the bowl but Honey wasn't afraid of cleaning it out with her fingers when she was done.
The fluffy mixture jiggled across the lip of the Bowls while she delicately put them into the fridge to cool and thicken. "Oh.. these look so good!"
About ten minutes later, a golden light appeared in the fridge. Honey was opening it again.
"Are they done yet?" Honey's eyes glittered, her grin dripped with drool and a spoon appeared form nowhere.