
Sweet Sweet Life 020

Eli dealt with a lot of things growing up, yet when he comes back to South Korea everything is gonna change...

Gangy221 · Urban
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4 Chs

Eli's childhood part 2

Eli ran into the house, ignoring the pain of the flames, he kicked down the front door. Looking left and right, he saw the bathroom door open and a hand sticking out. Rushing toward the bathroom, Eli opened the bathroom door to find his father.

There was blood covering his eyes, Eli picked up his father, and suddenly an explosion scorched Eli's back. Feeling the pain or the burn, Eli gritted his teeth protecting his father from the fire. 

Seeing the window of the bathroom, feeling his strength leaving him, Eli placed his father on the bathroom sink, clenching his fist, Eli punched the glass and dragged his father out of the bathroom to the backyard. 

1 hour later...

"Brother, it seems, this is his dad."

Opening his eyes, Eli's dad felt something off as his eyes were never this clear before. "You have awaken, how are your eyes?"

Eli's dad got up and looked around, "Where am I?"

"Oh, you are in a hospital right now."

"Wasn't I in my house? What happened?"

The doctor frowned, "Seriously, you lost your memories..."

Getting up, Eli's dad had a thought cross his mind, "Doctor, where is Eli?"


"My son, Eli, where is he?"

The doctor shrugged, "You mean that little boy? Oh, right, I heard he had donated his cornea to...you since your cornea was damaged, wait, did you say he was your son..."

Eli's dad was confused, "What, why...why would he do that for me, why?" Breaking down, Eli's dad could feel the way he felt towards his son was shifting. "Wait, do you have the DNA test?"

The doctor looked at him solemnly, "It seems...he is your son, you must have thought he was somebody's son, dumbass fool."

The whole world came crashing down on Eli's dad, "W-What, h-he was my son this whole time, impossible, that is impossible..."

Suddenly 2 police officers came into the hospital room, "Kang Tao, we have found you guilty of child abuse and child neglect. You have the right to remain silent, now come with us," said one of the police officers.

Dragging Kang Tao to a police station, he admitted everything...

"Brother, he is awake," said a man in a suit.

Eli looked around and for the first time, he stared at people's faces. They were like blurry pictures, "Eli, what happened?"

"Who, are you?" asked Eli staring at the face of a man. Reaching out, Eli felt the face and scar. "Are, you...that guy?"

"Yes," said that guy. Eli gulped and pulled back his hand slowly, "My name is Kim Long, what is your name?"

"My name is...Eli Jin Tao, nice to meet you," said Eli looking down.

Grabbing Eli's face and making him stare at him, Kim said, "You donated your cornea to your dad, why?" Trying to get out of the grip of Kim, Eli threw a punch at Kim's chest, surprisingly the punch sent Kim back a little.

Letting go of Eli, Kim fell and clutched his chest, "Damn." His brothers all came towards Kim in worry, holding out his hand, Kim smiled, "Good punch kid."

Eli noticing he had hit Kim said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you."

"It's fine, but wow, you are quite strong for a kid," said Kim walking towards Eli. "Now, tell me why you gave your cornea to your "Father", you know that he abused you, and yet, why?"

Eli put his head on the bed, "I only have one father in the world, I know he doesn't think I am his biological son, he thinks my mom cheated on him. I know I am his son because I saw the DNA report. Even if I wasn't his son, I would still do the same thing."


Everyone in that room was confused and shocked but the next words shocked them to their core. "I don't forgive him for the abuse, but I can forgive him for the sake of my mom. She wouldn't like me to live in this world filled with hate, so after I give him my eyes, I will live my own life from now on."

Feeling tears well up in their eyes, everyone felt their heart beat like the drums of Zunesha. Patting his head, Kim said, "You are...one of a kind, how about you become my younger brother?"

Everyone was shocked, "Sure?"

Bowing, everyone said, "Welcome, Brother!"

Eli looked at everyone in confusion, "Brother? Why are you all doing a weird pose?"

1 day later...

"Well Eli, here is the apartment I own, it is a two-story, I live with my younger sister, and her friend lives downstairs," said Kim holding Eli's hand.

"Uh, okay."

Kim led Eli upstairs, knocking on the door, and a bunch of foot noises could be heard. Unlocking the door, Sunny was surprised to see her brother, looking down, she saw the adorable kid she met. "What were you doing?"

Sunny gulped, "I wasn't, um, eating your cake..."

Clenching his fist, Kim sighed, "I swear, you are gonna gain weight if you keep eating my stuff."

Pouting, Sunny said, "Not fair, your food is so good, but anyways, who is this?"

Kim looked down at Eli who was hiding between his legs, "He is my friend, Eli, say hi to my younger sister, Sunny Long."

"Hi, I am Eli, nice to meet you..."

Sunny touched Eli's head and said, "Don't you remember me? I am the one who made you ramen."

Tilting his head, Eli nodded, "Oh, why are you here?"

Laughing a little, Sunny said, "I am his younger sister, wait, why did you bring him here?"

Shaking his head, Kim whispered in Sunny's ear. "His dad abused him and was arrested, he has no place to go, and he also donated his corneal to his father meaning he has blurry vision and needs assistance, so I am bringing him here to live with us for now."

"What, is that..." Sunny then waved her hand in front of Eli, and on instinct Eli grabbed it.

"What is this?"

"It is a hand," said Sunny.

Eli nodded as his stomach growled, "I guess it is time for lunch," said Kim leading Eli inside.

Sunny following behind, looked at Eli and smiled sadly. 'He was being abused by his father and yet he sacrificed his own eyes for his father.' Feeling a tear drop onto the ground, Sunny went up to Eli and patted his head.

Seeing that Eli didn't flinch made Sunny a little bit happier, yet the fear in Eli's eyes flickered for a moment. Sitting down, Eli smelled a heavenly fragrance, "What is this food?"

"This is fried chicken, we also have egg rolls," said Kim, suddenly picking up a phone call, Kim's face fell down a bit. "You guys can eat, I have something to do."

Walking out the door, Eli didn't question anything as he began to feel for the food. Seeing his futile attempt to grab some food, Sunny picked up a wing and placed it near Eli's face. "Say Ah," said Sunny.

Eli was confused but did as she said, opening wide, he felt a slimy and greasy thing, until he bit down. The juicy salty chicken combined with the batter that was a bit tangy was the perfect match of balance.

Smiling broadly, Sunny felt happiness just watching Eli devour the wings with gusto all while having a smile as bright as the sun. Picking up an egg roll, Sunny said, "Eli, have this egg roll, say ahh," said Sunny.

Placing the chicken down, Eli opened wide and began to chew on the eggroll as Sunny placed it in his mouth. "Eggroll is yummy."

On that day, two smiling idiots had the best day of their life...