
Sweet sour taste

Iris is a very beautiful and gorgeous a young teen. She was in a relationship with a boy called Jake. They had a beautiful relationship.....well that is what everyone even Iris thought....but behind their backs Jake was cheating with another girl. Jake broke up with Iris on her birthday....that must have been hard. But....what no one knew she was hiding a big secret from them all.... What is that secret? Will she share or keep it till the day she dies? !WARNING! Adult language Sexual content Mentioning of blood and scars

Wiki_Ozzy2616 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

41 Chapter

Kale got up and placed them in their cribs, he turned on their music box and they fell asleep. We went out with a radio in my hand so i could hear them when they would wake up. We went to the rest and sat down on the couch. We watched 2 movies before our girls started to cry. We got up and went straight to them. I sat down on the bed and handled them one by one so i could feed them. He changed the other one while i was feeding one. When we were done the twins looked at us with big eyes. We smiled at them and kissed their chubby cheeks softly. They giggled when we did that. They are so cute. We played with them and changed them again before we four fell asleep. 

I woke up in the morning and didn't see Kale and my girls. I freaked out and got out of bed fast before going down the stairs and looking around for them. But to my surprise, no one was inside the house. I ran out of the house and looked around for them all. But the cars were gone too. I ran back inside to the bedroom and grabbed my phone before i called Kale. But he didn't pick up. I ran around the house but the whole house was empty... This can't be true..... They wouldn't leave me like this and took my girls with them. I ran out of the house and changed into my wolf form. I started to look around to find my girls and Kale. I sniffed around and found their scent. I snarled and ran after the sent. After some time i saw their cars. They are parked in front of a hotel. I changed into my human form and i went inside. I looked around for them. I felt the world shake and someone screaming my name. I looked around but no one was there. 'IRIS!!!!' I heard someone scream. I recognized the voice...It was Kale. I looked around but he was nowhere. The world kept shaking and i kept hearing his voice calling out my name. The light got bright and i woke up in bed next to Kale and my girls. I looked around confused. 'Iris! Finally, you are awake! Are you okay??' He asked me. I hugged him tightly and placed my head on his shoulder. He hugged me back and rubbed my back, kissing my head softly. 'What happened Iris...?' He asked me. '...It was a weird dream...Just a weird dream Kale...' I told him.

He sighed in relief and kissed my forehead softly. 'Everything was fine..just a dream.' I added. He smiled. He gave me a glass of water and I drank it slowly. Once i finished drinking i cuddled against him and fell asleep. When I woke up I realized that Kale wasn't beside me. I looked over at the cribs and the twins were in them. I started to panic a bit but the door opened and i looked up. Kale walked in with food on a plate and came to me with a smile. His smile dropped when he saw my worried face. He went fast to the bed placed the food plate on the nightstand and hugged me. I placed my head on his shoulder. He whispered sweet words to me and kissed my head. We pulled away and he handed me the plate full of food on my lap. I thanked him and ate. After the food he took the empty plate from my lap and i went to the bathroom. I took a fast shower and changed into some comfortable clothes. I went out of the bathroom and i saw that our girls were up and giggling while Kale made funny faces to them. 

I went to them and picked Lily softly up. She looked up at me and smiled. I chuckled a bit and kissed her head softly. I walked with her in my arms to the window and showered her outside. She moved her little feet looking out of the window with big eyes. Kale and Amelia joined us too. I looked over at them and smiled. I leaned against his shoulder. I saw him smile, he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back feeling a bit tired but happy. I can't believe that I have my own small family. Our bedroom door opened and we turned around to see who it was. Mark came into our bedroom. 'What is it, Mark?' Asked Kale. 'Well....I want to move Christall my mate into the house.....' He said with a shy smile. We looked at each other, understanding and agreeing on a solution. 'Not yet Mark. How about she stays a couple of nights to see how that goes and then we will decide if she can move in or not.' Announced Kale. Mark thought for a while before nodding with smile. We smiled back at him and he ran out to get Christall. I'm a bit worried about her behavior towards Kale and me but i have full trust in Kale that he won't fall for any of her traps. 

We went to bed and i fed our twins. We changed their diapers and clothes before we changed into something more comfortable. We went down to the living room with our twins in our arms. Samantha ran to us when she was coming and took Amelia from me. I chuckled at her and sat down on the couch. Someone turned on a Disney movie. Kale sat next to me with Lily in his arms. I looked over at her and i saw that she was sleeping. I rubbed her cheek softly before turning back to watch the movie. Some time later we heard the front door open and close. I heard that Christall and Mark just come inside the house. They are walking to us. I can hear that she is excited. I got nervous, I know that Kale saw that i was getting nervous so he kissed my head softly. I looked at him and smiled softly. He smiled back and leaned on my shoulder with his head. She came to all of us and sat well.....pushed her way to sit in between us all. We all needed to shift and make space for her. I rolled my eyes at what happened but i just sat down on Kale's lap taking Lily in my arms and leaning against his chest. I felt her eyes on me but i ignored her.