
Sweet Sixteen

"I don't really know what this feeling is, I just know it makes me happy." As I sit here, our legs dangling on the edge of the rocks we're sitting here, I know one thing for sure. I'll do anything to make you smile, to hear your laugh, to watch your eyes sparkle. I want nothing more than to just freeze this moment forever, you and me, in our own little world. Hold my hand, princess, and I'll never let go.

Savannah_Drew · Teen
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2 Chs

1. "When I first met her, I thought she was a bitch."

(Ryan's POV)

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

I looked up to see a crazy looking girl yelling at Preston. She had short black hair and was wearing red and black glasses. She looked really pissed.

I saw Preston laughing. That angered the crazy girl even more. Before I could stop myself, I chuckled before I clamped my mouth shut. She turned to me and looked like she was about to scream. "Shut up!" She yelled at me.

I stared at her, an amused look on my face. "I didn't even say anything?"

She looked even more mad at that and stormed off. I let out the laugh I was holding in and faced Preston.

"Who was she?"

I was new here, it had only been a month since I had joined Westwood Central. It sounded like a train station, I know. Weird name. It was the beginning of the tenth grade, and I honestly had no problem in making friends. People seemed to like me.

Preston rolled his eyes. "Some girl. She gets mad pretty easily, it's fun annoying her."

I shook my head. I heard some commotion in the background. I heard her high pitched voice before I saw her.


I smiled as an excited Nora sat down next to me. She was pretty fun. She brushed aside her curls falling on her face and gave me a huge grin.

"Let's play truth or dare."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me all the way to her table, with a few more people. I recognized a few of them.

"Hey everyone, this is Ryan. How about a round of truth or dare? Let's spin a bottle already!"

I laughed and sat down. After a few lame questions and Nora dancing on top of the table, it was my turn. Some guy, his name Liam I think, had to ask me.

"So," he leaned in, "Anyone catch your eye?"

"Like, like someone?"

He nodded. Nobody, really.


He wasn't taking that for an answer.

"Oh come on. Alright, if you could take anyone out on a date, who would it be from this class?"

I looked around. I wouldn't mind going with anyone, really.

I shrugged. The only girl I knew a bit was Nora, and she wouldn't be too bad to spend time with.

"Nora, I guess."

I heard some ooh's and rolled my eyes. I turned to look at Nora to laugh about it with her, but she had a weird look on her face. It took me a second to realize she was blushing.

Heck no. I really hoped she didn't actually think I wanted to go out with her. Before I could take back what I said, I felt someone nudge my shoulder and shifted to look at Preston giving me a teasing smile.

"Bro, I think she's into you."

"Who, Nora?" I whispered.

He rolled his eyes. "Who else? You're one lucky guy, man. Do you have any idea about the amount of guys wanting to be with her? You've only been here a month and she's already interested in you." He gave me a wink.

I cringed. He seemed pretty surprised at my reaction. "What?"

"I just said it because I couldn't think of anyone else. I don't even like her that much."

He stared at me, eyes wide. Then he burst out laughing. I scowled but he just laughed harder.

"The one guy she liked, doesn't like her back."

I just gave him a glare and left the table, ignoring their calls for me to come back. I ignored them and walked faster. I bumped into someone pretty hard, causing whoever it was to fall down.

I looked down to see the same angry girl from before. A deep frown was etched onto her face as she got up. She looked a little flustered.

"I'm sorry-" we both say at the same time and burst out laughing. She looked cute when she smiled like that.

She adjusted her hair, which were in two ponytails. I chuckled, causing her to frown at me again. "What?"

I had a feeling this girl really, really hated people laughing at her.

"Your hairstyle? Really? You look like a third grader."

She looked like she was about to blow up. Jeez, what a temper. She gave me a glare and stomped off. Okay, I guess. The bell rang. I groaned. Two more hours of classes before the next break.

I plopped down on my seat and stared out the window. I've always liked staring out windows.

I heard someone snicker behind me. I turned to look at Preston and raised my eyebrow.

"Dude, look at her. She's staring at you."

What was he talking about? I followed his line of vision to look at angry girl. I stared at her for a while. She definitely wasn't looking at me. She was looking out the window next to me, laying her head on her desk, with a few strands of wavy black hair falling over her eyes. She looked deep in thought.

"How much longer are you gonna stare at him?"

She looked away from the window and glared at Preston. "Who? That jerk Ryan?"

She laughed. Ouch.

"No way, I was staring out the window."

He sneered at her. "Whatever."

Why was he acting like a nine year old? She then gave me a weird look. "What?" She sounded annoyed.

Preston started whispering. "Dude, why you staring at her like that with that creepy smile on your face?"

I tore my gaze away from her face and looked at Preston.

"What? No, I wasn't staring."

He rolled his eyes and huffed. "Yeah, yeah whatever."

Class passed by pretty fast. I leaned back in my chair, eyes closed. I was bored out of my mind.

"Can you monitor the class, please? I have to go for a few minutes."

I opened my eyes to see angry girl standing in front of the class, nodding, causing her ponytails to bounce.

I realized I had not done my homework yet and decided to bug Preston to let me copy his. When I looked at him, he seemed pretty focused on something else.


He was staring at something. I followed his line of vision to see he was staring at angry girl.

I waved my hand in front of his face. "PRESTON!"

He snapped out of it and glared at me. "What?"

I wiggled my eyebrows. Yes I can do that. One of my best talents.

"Why were you staring at angry girl like that?"

"Angry girl? LOL. Doesn't her hair look ugly as hell?" He stated a little too loudly.

Her face fell, and I know she heard him. She quickly regained her composure and glared at him. Wow, Preston was being pretty mean. He usually was a certain level of rude, but he just seemed to be out to get her for some reason.

"Chill, man."

He rolled his eyes. He didn't care.

"I just state the truth."

Either he was blind, or he was just plain stupid. I know, ponytails on a tenth grader sound pretty stupid, but she pulled it off well. With that slight annoyed look, eyebrows furrowed, and lips in an annoyed curve.

"How much longer you gonna check her out?"

I gave Preston an annoyed look. She was monitoring the class apparently. Things were bound to get interesting.

Barely a few minutes passed before the drama I was hoping for started. Nora ditched her seat and sat next to me. I gave her an uncomfortable smile.

She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She really was pretty.

"You're such a prude."

"No comeback?"

"Why are you so boring?"

I turned around to see Preston taunting angry girl. She was writing something, I could see her fists tighten as she tried calming herself down. She was breathing deeply, eyes shut.

She started to scribble away furiously in her book.

"No wonder Sam rejected you."

That broke her restraint. She legit growled and jumped at him. He wasn't expecting that, and yelled out.

"Can you shut the hell up?" She screamed.

"You know I'm right."

She glared at him and lunged, trying to tackle him. Before her feet left the ground, someone pulled her back. She squirmed, trying to get out of their grip.

"Calm down, he's an idiot. Let's go."

I saw some girl dragging her away. I was baffled. Why was Preston trying so hard to push her buttons?

Nora shook her head. "That's Danielle."

"Who? The angry girl?"

"No, the one dragging her away."

I realized I never bothered to ask angry girl's name. Before I could open my mouth, Preston interrupted.

"She's so annoying."

I gave him a questioning look. "Didn't you start the whole thing?"

He just rolled his eyes and walked away. He probably got some sort of satisfaction in watching her grow angry like that. It sort of pissed me off. I looked around, but both the girls had disappeared.

What do you think? We're gonna see what ths angry girl is feeling in the next chapter.

Savannah_Drewcreators' thoughts