
Harmless Kid?

Now, he was left wondering what the heck happened. It hadn't sting since day one and all of a sudden now, it was stinging? Burning like this as if that particular spot had been lit on fire. 

What was even going on at this point? He couldn't seem to keep up or understand anything at this point and it was leaving him all the more frustrated. 

Did he make a huge mistake by giving Adeline his blood? Should he have listened to Mr. Dima when he warned him about the effects that could possibly occur in her? 

But what choice did he have? Adeline would have died if he hadn't given her his blood. It wasn't like there was any other option in that situation. 

He had to…save her…

"Shit!" Caesar was beyond frustrated at this point. But there was nothing he could do, rather than keep waiting for  the test result. 

He wouldn't jump to conclusions until he had concrete evidence that it was his fault. 
