
Sweet Revenge Of Pain

The heels of her shoes were hitting the floor, making a rhythmic beat that gave off a bad vibe.   She got to where I was and crouched down to my level. "Huh, poor baby," she said in a cry-like voice as she shook her head in self-pity and patted my head, then whispered    "Shh, don't cry; it will soon be over," she said, still gently patting my head.   She brought out a small, shiny silver knife that I hadn't noticed that she had been holding for a while.   "Clara, please stop whatever you are planning to do." I pleaded in fear and looked at her in horror as I tried to process what she intended to do with the knife.    "My, my, my, someone is scared; don't worry, I won't be too hard on you." She coaxed me and laughed like a maniac when she saw the expression on my face.   "Please, for the sake of our friendship, please stop." I begged for mercy.   "Shut! Shut the fuck up!" She punched me in the face until her hand was colored with my blood.    I was too weak to fight back as she slashed my stomach slowly and deeply, making a pathway for the blood to flow freely like a stream.   "Honey, you don't have to stain your dress. Let the guards do this," Gabriel said as he saw my blood pouring out of my stomach's hundred-meter radius.   She dipped her hand forcefully into my stomach and brought out my under-formed fetus, then used the knife to cut the placenta that connected me and my baby.    She stabbed it repeatedly without mercy while I looked on in pain and helplessness as my baby died tragically before me.    "Raven! Bring the rest now!" She ordered in her authoritative tone that she normally uses whenever she wants something done with an immediate effect.   

Ada_Miniscent · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Sixty Seven

The wind howled through the jagged peaks surrounding the battlefield, carrying with it the acrid scent of blood and burning flesh. The cave entrance, once a dark, malevolent wound in the mountainside, now stood quiet, its power severed with Eleanor's death. But as Demion and Ariana collapsed side by side, their bodies bruised and battered, the battle was far from over.

Their victory over Eleanor had only stalled the inevitable—a darkness far deeper than any they had faced still loomed over the horizon. This was just the first tremor in what felt like a much larger quake of impending chaos.

Demion forced himself to sit up, every muscle screaming in protest. His hand instinctively went to his side, where a jagged wound from one of Eleanor's curses still oozed blood. The healing spells cast by the warlocks had stopped the bleeding, but the pain remained like a smoldering fire beneath his skin.