
Chapter 7

Just to the left of the stairs, a few hundred yards down the beach or so, was the little alcove where they’d often gone to talk as children and then teens.

One evening in particular, Jason had been late to their arranged meeting. They’d been fourteen then and Danny already knew he preferred guys. He’d been in love with his best friend then, though he hadn’t gotten up the nerve to admit it.

A full thirty minutes had passed since the time they were to meet and Danny had been about to go home when Jason finally showed up. Danny knew from the watery shine to Jason’s eyes something bad had occurred.

“My dad’s drunk again,” Jason had told him. “He was pissed and he went to hit me, but Kent stepped in front of me.”

“Shit. What happened then?” Danny’s heart had pounded. He desperately had wanted to hug Jason, but didn’t. He just stared at his friend, feeling the misery, the pain coming off him.