
Chapter 12

He wasn’t sure how long they lay together listening to each other breathe, but eventually he heard Jason’s even breathing. He debated whether he should wake Jason since he knew the man would want to go home to be with his mother. Danny closed his eyes. He’d wake him in a few minutes.

“No!” Jason bolted upright. The single word was infused with panic.

Danny’s heart hammered in his chest. He sat up and quickly touched Jason on the shoulder. “Jason, Jason, it’s okay. Jason, it’s Danny, I’m here.”

Jason shook and tried to push him away.


Jason stared at him, his eyes wild with fear and pain. “D-Danny.”

“Yes, it’s me. I’m here. You’re all right.” He pulled him into his arms. “Shh. Nightmare?”

“Yes,” Jason whispered.

“Want to talk about it?”

“It-it was about Hal. I was in the hospital after the shooting and this doctor came to see me and then he turned into Hal, all covered in blood, you know, and he asked me why I let him die.”