
How It All Began (2)

She looked to where the speech was coming from as she felt a quiver run down her spine.

"G-Grandfather!" Ling Yuna quickly bowed her head to her approaching grandfather. "Don't worry grandfather, today father gave me a novel about Soul Companions and I have been studying nonstop!" She answered with a timid smile.

Ling Jingyi looked her up and down with ridicule and spat: "Then why aren't you studying now?"

Ling Yuna froze. "W-Well.. I-I.. wanted-" before she could finish he rolled his eyes and strode away with disgust in his eyes.

Ling Yuna clutched her heart and took a deep gasp. She peeked at the direction he was returning to making her way into the grand hall.

As soon as she stepped inside she was greeted with warm voices.

"Princess Yuna, good-morning!" The servant girls spoke warmly. They did not mind working day and night for her Soul Companion Welcoming Party as she had always been so kind to them making sure they had rest and food.

Ling Yuna slightly bowed her head with a smile on her face.

"Hello everyone! I'm sorry to ruin the surprise but everything looks so magnificent!" She glanced around and let out a soft sigh.

She wandered past all the tables, her fingers lightly brushing on them.

She paused at one and delicately took a rose out of it's vase. She drew it towards her nose and inhaled the luscious fragrance.

As the servant girls watched her graceful movements, their hearts couldn't help but pulse. They watched her secretly for a moment until they heard heavy footsteps.

They broke out of their trances and promptly went back to work.

Hearing the thundering footsteps Ling Yuna softly looked up. When she discovered who it was she swiftly set the flower back in its vase and strolled back towards the stairs.

"Why are you running away?" Ling Liuxian scoffed as he promptly caught up with Yuna. She turned around and looked at his haughty eyes.

"I'm not running away I… thought I should go back and study the novel father lent me.."

She examined him attentively, scared that he would snatch her hair again. Liuxian stared at her with ridicule before speaking again.

"Ling Yuna, I'm sure grandfather already told you this, but don't be a disappointment for one in your life. The noble Rin family and the noble Won family will attend and the Soul Champion Alliance."

Ling Yuna slightly nodded at his brutal words. "Yes…"

The noble Rin family is said to be some of the best Healers in the nation.

Rin Jianhong, the elder of the family is longtime friends with the Healer Alliances founder: Kong Hong.

Kong Hong is the best Healer in the nation. He was born an orphan and traveled alone. He met his Soul Companion when he was about to die of starvation from roaming the boundless lands. His Soul Companion is a tortoise.

The tortoise launched a vapor of some sort at Kong Hong, healing him instantaneously. Eventually the two established a soul bond which is how Kong Hong developed his skills. As he grew up, he treated the ailments of many, some that were not heard of.

He started his Alliance with the aid of Rin Jianhong. Rin Jianhong was from an exceedingly wealthy family. He and Kong Hong met at Luoyang Academy, a school that houses only the best talents. Rin Jianhong's talents we not remarkable, but he could get into the Academy with his prestigious status.

When Kong Hong brought up the fact he craved to establish an Alliance, Rin Jianhong agreed to help under one condition: He teaches him some of his healing ways.

Kong Hong gladly complied and thus the two came to a shared agreement. As Rin Jianhong grew his family, Kong Hong taught them healing practices.

The Won family is strange. No one is certain how they came about or why they are wealthy and dignified.

Won Jing, the elder of the family, is a secretive person by nature. All people know is that they should not mess with him or his family.

There was one event where a man insulted his son's wife. He called her a worthless whore and that she shouldn't have been able to marry Won Qing.

At first Won Qing was going to deal with the man himself, but his father beat him to the punch.

Won Jing traveled to the man's residence and turned him into a cripple.

This was disturbing considering the man had a Mature Companion rank Soul Companion.

It was also on the brink of a breakthrough to Master Companion!

Once people learned of what Wong Jing did, they kept their insults to themselves.


After the talk with Ling Liuxian, Ling Yuna felt drained. She laid down on her bed as she sighed. She turned to lay on her side as she quietly let out a soft prayer to the heavens: "Heavens above, please be with me tomorrow. Grant me a Soul Companion that will guide me through troubled waters…"

As she ended her prayer, she softly closed her eyes, falling asleep.

When she woke up she smelled the sweet fragrance of pancakes. She gently opened her eyes to two servant girls holding plates of pancakes and a glass of milk.

Entranced by the smell she instantly sat up and smiled lovingly at the plates of pancakes.

"Good-morning Princess Yuna. Today is the day of your Soul Companion Welcoming Party. Empress Ruogang asked that we bring you some breakfast! We know how much you love to eat so we brought you two servings. Please enjoy." The servant girls smiled at Ling Yuna as the set her food on two folding tables.

"Ah! Thank you so much! Please send mother my thanks!" The servant girls nodded and headed out of the room.

With no wait, Ling Yuna dug into her food. As she finished, she patted her stomach and smiled.

She stretched her and made contact with the most gorgeous gown she had ever laid her eyes on.

Yuna hoped out of bed and rapidly made her way to her wardrobe. Her fast walking made her rug shift under her feet. Her feet slipped as she let out a yell: "AHH!" she reached out her hand in hopes she would grab her wardrobe door nob.


She laid in the floor groaning. Yuna slowly pulled up and steadily walked over to the gown.

On the gown was a note. Yuna opened it and smiled at the words: "The most beautiful gown for the most beautiful girl. I cannot wait to see you grow up into a mature girl tonight. Love, Mom."

Yuna grasped the note in her hands as she held back light tears.

Her mother had recently got sick and was bedridden. Doctors advised her to stay in bed.

Even with her illness she made time to see Yuna get her Soul Companion. This warmed Yuna's heart.

Just as she took the gown of its hanger a servant girl came in to help her get dressed.

Ling Yuna looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a beautiful dark orange loose gown with a bow each on the strap. It went slightly above her knees. Her shoes were golden pumps that shimmered in the light. Her hair was brushed down smoothly gently laying down her back.

"Princess Yuna, you look breathtaking…" The servant girl praised Yuna as she also looked at her in the mirror.

"It's all thanks to you… Thank you for making me look so beautiful!" Yuna looked at the servant girl as she beamed at her.

"Oh please, you look beautiful without even doing anything!" As the servant girl said this another came in insinuating that it was time for the party.

The servant girl bowed to Yuna. "Have fun Princess Yuna!" She quickly walked off.

Yuna felt her heart pound. She took a deep sigh as she headed out the door.

She looked down the railing to find the whole place overflowed with people. Just as she was about to turn around and go back in her room, she thumped into someone.

Without looking up she said: "S-Sorry.." She slowly glanced up to notice that it was her father.

Before she could say anything he spun her around and pressed her back forcing her down the stairs.

"W-Wait!" As he took her down the stairs she met the views of all the people.

Seeing that Princess Yuna had finally come down, everybody got up and cheered.

This action made Yuna feel less shy. She bowed at all the people and peeked up at her father as if asking where to go.

Ling Lei sighed and signaled her to the podium in the front of the grand hall.

"Welcome Princess Ling Yuna. Please come over to summon your Soul Companion." A grim elderly man spoke powerfully.

I did not further elaborate on this in the last chapter but Soul Companions are portrayals of a person's character. For example: If a character is shy and timid they would summon a rabbit.

A rabbit represents: fear, timidity, nervousness, and humility.

Please have this in mind as you continue to read. You will soon find out each of the described characters Soul Companion, However, I wanted to let you know so you could try to predict what theirs would be.

MaiPhancreators' thoughts