
Sweet Peach: Supernatural Short Stories [BL]

It’s messy and chaotic writing. But they are my babies so try a chapter and see if you will like it. Thank you! Most chapters are nsfw so beware ;)

Duluang · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Lucas's POV


I moaned out unexpectedly. Uncontrollable pleasure was all I felt from his marking. I was still confused as to why I had two mates but all I could think about right now is how much I wanted him in me. I squirmed as the heat within me grew.

"C-connect. You and me. Hurry!"

I needed it. It was unbearable. I never felt this type of pleasure and need before. Was this how other mates felt when in heat? I groaned as he came between my legs and rubbed his bulge against mine. His eyes shone with adortion.

"Are you sure? I thought you were upset to find out that I was your mate."

"N-no, I was confused. Never had a mate before and then finding out I had two was unexpected."

Sylas chuckled as I realized he was teasing me.

"I'm entering."

"S-so sudden?! Ahhh~!!"

He filled me to completion as I clenched onto him continuously.

"Mark me, love."


I bit into his neck and moved my essence as he did to me before. I can tell he got more excited as he grew within me and also bit me and sucked my blood. I moaned out as he thrusted and pounded into me a few more times. Causing me to squeeze down as I came and him to groan while still biting into me as he released his hot scalding seed into me. We collapsed onto the couch and waited for the high to fade. He pecked my skin a few more times before pulling himself, reluctantly.


"Let's get ourselves cleaned up."

He said as he picked me up into a princess carry and went into the private break room on the side of his office.

"You don't need to clean down there…"

"Why is that?"

"It's absorbed into my body…"

I confessed with a deep blush. This news shook me to the core as his eyes widened in shock before accepting it and chuckling.

"Un, mates after all. Let's see how Elsie is faring."

Lucas nodded as he turned to find his clothes.


Lucas saw his clothes all torn and tossed on the couch and ground. He turns to glare at Sylas. Sylas raised his shoulders in a cheeky manner. He smirked before giving Lucas another deep kiss. Lucas wore Sylas clothes. Which were a bit big but he had nothing else to wear. He felt Sylas's heated gaze and hurried to go down before Sylas pulled them into another hot session. Sylas huskily chuckled as he followed Lucas down to the bar. Elsie and Avery saw the two approach. Avery picked up a scent and was shocked by her very being.

"Y-you...it's only been less than half a day!!"

She exclaimed under her breath as she pulled Lucas to sit down beside her. Lucas hissed slowly as his bum was still sore. Sylas glared at Avery in warning. Avery rose both of her hands in retreat. Elsie was silently observing them both.

"So...Lucas is also our mate I assume?"

"You can sense it? How sharp!"

Avery responded.

"I had a suspicion since I first met them both. Good to know. I'm guessing you two are mated?"


Lucas flushed as Sylas laughed and sat down beside Elsie. Lucas kicks Sylas under the table. It was only a tickle to Sylas as he moved his knee in between Lucas's. Lucas immediately sat back and straightened his spine.

"Perverted vampire."

He said under his mouth, Avery heard but ignored it and Sylas grins as he pulls Elsie into his arms. Elsie relaxed back into his chest and continued to chat with Avery, nonchalantly.

"So he was flirting with another girl after I left that night?"


Elsie and Avery talked as Sylas saw Lucas drinking straight up black coffee. He raised his hand for a waitress to bring him a strawberry cake and caramel macchiato.

"This Conner. Isn't that him over there?"

Sylas spoke up after he ordered some things from the waitress. The rest turned to look and saw him with the same girl from last time. Lucas was enraged and went to grab the dude and dragged him over.

"Lucas! Wait!"

"Avery, instead of pondering the next steps. We could just have him explain."

"Woah, wtf man. What's your problem?"

"My problem? Is that you are with another girl while dating my sister!"


Conner was shocked with wide eyes. He frowned and was confused.

"I've never cheated on you Avery."

Lucas scoffed as he continued to glare. Avery was quiet and stared at her hands.

"Let me explain, okay. I'm-I'm a shifter. The first girl was my ex. I have completely broken up with her before I approached you. Since I found my mate, which is you, Avery. And the girl over there is...my mother!"

Avery, Lucas, and Elsie were dumbfounded. Sylas was amused. He already knew Conner was a shifter and watched everything happen.

"S-so, why was your...mother there with you on that night?"

"...mother is an incubus…he comes to bars to look for her one-night stands."

"You're mixed. No, wait, then you're also part incubus…"

"Y-yea, I actually have two genders…"

"Well, this has gotten interesting."

Lucas glared at Sylas's remark and gave another kick to his mate.

"I-I haven't had time to prepare myself to tell you this...and I guess I should have said something earlier. Since this mess happened."

"It's all okay now. It's a misunderstanding. S-shouldn't I greet your mom? What do I say??"

Conner and Avery left to meet Conner's mother. The three were left to themselves.

"So...what will my darlings be doing now?"

"Hmm, Lucas. Why don't you come home with me? We can finish the mating."

Lucas blushed as he nodded. Sylas followed and they all entered Elsie's bedroom. Elsie showed her neck and Lucas marked her. Sylas bit his finger and placed a few drops of blood into a cup. Lucas formed his claws and cut his wrist, placing a few drops into the cup as well. Elsie was last and she took a knife and pricked her finger. The three bloods combined and Lucas went to the kitchen to pour wine into the cup.