
SWEET OBSESSION; Belonging to the mafiya

“You know what to do” his voice was a sultry whisper in my ears and I could feel my breath quickening and my pulse thumped in excitement. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my neck and I was glad for once about the dark lighting of the room, if not the shame of my arousal would have been visible to this imposing man standing behind me. Running had been what she always does. But when she finally begins to relax and stop looking over her shoulder, nemesis catches up with her. Cassie’s dream is to become a chef and when she landed her first job at a five star restaurant as an assistant cook, she loved it with every bit of her heart and vowed to do her best. Everything got even better for her when she met her boyfriend, Mark, a nerdish lanky guy who worked as a software manager for a Tech company, Mirage games who developed videos games. Things seemed to be falling in place for her and she couldn’t wish for more. Her simple life tilted on its axis when her boyfriend’s boss, Mikhail, came into her life with an unbelievable proposition. She agrees to this in order to save her boyfriend, little does the sweet Cassie knows that the CEO does everything with his twin, the vicious leader of a mafia. And by everything, I mean everything!

Faderera_Kelani · Urban
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7 Chs


Romanov's P.O.V

Jagged, domed rooftops reached up to stormy clouds like talons ravenous for the untainted and pure taste of innocent angels hiding up in the clouds. The stained glass windows of paintings of Christ, Mary and whoever the fuck the other disciples He had with Him glared down at me with condescension.

Judging, making me feel so evil and corrupt.

Yeah, I totally felt condemned on the threshold of God.

There was a primeval huge bell that hung barely held by rusty nails and a stone statue of Christ that now sunk to the ground like the ruler of hell desperately wanted it there. The church portrayed a perfect picture of a haunted shithole and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.

I sneered at the inscription on the sandstone walls, the words seemed to be mocking me, taunting.

Blazhenny Chistyye serdtsem; Ibo oni uvidya Boga (Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God)

I sure know who I would be seeing at my death and he should be prepared to share his seat with me.

Two major arches housed the entry doors—French doors—and right in the center of the room, the statue of Mary, mother of Christ. It is totally fucked up but I had wondered how the virgin lady got knocked up, then I got fucking tired of the lies they fed me with during bible study that I emptied five bullets into the Sunday school's teacher, it gave me a pleasure that I still can't explain. I know that I am a sick motherfucker but I do what is right by me.

I hated this place. The cathedral. I knew right from the start that agreeing to attend the burial of the motherfucker whose tongue I had slashed and whose head I had decapitated would end up as a disaster.

But even a tough son of a bitch like myself couldn't ignore the tears and pleas his wife tended to get me to attend the funeral. Hence doing right by me.

Had she known that I was the one who made her into a widow and fucked her life over, she would have run far away from me with her tails between her legs.

Now, here I am, pushing open the double doors of the church, striding unsmiling, two guns shoved into the waistband of my jeans to the rows of long chairs set up in the church.

"My condolences." I grunted to Nikolai's wife as I took the seat behind her. I would have sat at the last row close to the exit but the woman waved me over and blya! I am getting soft! I shouldn't be feeling sorry for the wife of the man who put my own family in danger. Because of his slip up to the beast of Russia, I have to go warn my brother in San Diego, that fucking nuisance.

The priest mounted himself at the plinth and I tuned out whatever the fuck he was saying, this was fucking insufferable.

Eileen, Nikola's wife, dressed in all black, turned to look at me and her veiled eyes which were red from tears bore into mine, making me uncomfortable and my hand automatically wrapped against my revolver.

"Master Silver, Promise me you would kill the motherfucker who did this! The soulless motherfucker who beheaded my husband, slit his tongue and sent the body parts to me as a souvenir." She whispered harshly and I cursed beneath my breath.

This was a fucking set-up, I didn't send her no fucking body parts, I am a cruel fucker but I would never make her children go through that kind of horror.

"Eileen, I think it is best to let go of the past and move away from Russia with the money I sent to you."

She cackled humorlessly and removed her veil, exposing her red rimmed eyes to me, "I have never heard Master silver not getting revenge for the death of one of his men. Who again did you say did this?"

Now my finger was squeezing the trigger lightly and I carefully removed my revolver from the waist band of my jeans, nobody was none the wiser. I could as easily say it was some opponent but I am many things but a liar and a coward.

"I did not say I would not get revenge but…." The bitch cut me short with a scream as she slapped my face.

"You fucking monster, you killed my husband! You think I don't know?!"

My nose flared as I struggled to control my anger as every eyes were now turned on us, "Shut the fuck up Eileen, your husband was a fucking traitor. And you wanna know what happens to the families of traitors. They get fucking burned but I am willing to be merciful so get the fuck out of Moscow with your bastard kid and never come back. I wouldn't be as merciful if I set my eyes on you again."

I heard it before I felt it. The safety of a gun was removed, cocked; ready to go then I felt the chill of the gun as it was pressed to the back of my head.

The little crowd in the church screamed and scampered away in different directions, leaving me, Eileen and the gun wielding person behind me.

Eileen drew her head back and spat on my face, the thick spittle land directly on my eye. "Kill him."

And she walked away, the skirt of her long black gown swishing behind her.

"what are you waiting for asshole?" I snarled at whoever pressing the gun to my head, this wasn't my first time being at the receiving end of a bullet so I wasn't bothered.

The gun pulled away from my head momentarily then found its resting place again at the small of my back. "Turn around, master silver." A rough voice said sarcastically.

I obeyed, my hands not swaying from the waistband of my jeans even for a second. My eyes met with the beady ones of the leader of the beast of Russia.

"Your father would be disappointed in you." The old man laughed.

My insides were boiling but I maintained a calm exterior, my lips even pulling in a smirk, "Says the man who was just ordered by a woman to kill a man."

His face turned blue as he went livid with anger, "I don't take orders from anyone you piece of russian shit."

I knew I hit a nerve, the man had small balls and goading him about his submission to a female might be my get-out-of-jail card.

I shrugged, "Then prove it to me. Put the gun away and let our fists do the talking."

Now, he laughed, "Trying to pull one on me uh?"


"You know my father always talked about you."

"What he say to his little boy uh? He tell you how I fucked your mother while he watched." He flashed yellowed teeth in a grin as a nerve ticked in my jaw and my arm moved, drawing his attention to the gun I was holding.

Before he could even blinked, I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him, my finger glued on the trigger. "Mother fucker, you don't take my mother's name in your fucking mouth."

He threw his head back in laughter and I narrowed my eyes at him, then I looked up and saw four of his guys hiding strategically in the church with their guns trained on me. 'Motherfucker! Where were my men when I needed them!?

Swallowing hard, I knew I was surrounded. Royally fucked! I glanced over his shoulder and found a lady looming behind him, hands wrapped around a berretta. She looked familiar and I wondered if she was part of the men.

She signaled at me to move away as discretely as I could.

'what was she up to?' I thought irritated