
The President Is Coming Back

"And Mom, the method Quinto thought of this time was very good." Quarto first praised Quinto, but then he pointed out the shortcomings of his method. "But Quinto's method of getting the perpetrator worked up would be useless against a level-headed person."

As soon as he said those words, a small head popped out.

It was Quinto.

"Quarto is right," Quinto said. "I figured out that he wasn't very level-headed. When he spoke to Mom previously, his face showed a look of disdain.

"A level-headed, meticulous person would never show such blatant emotion. That's why I dared to use that approach."

Charlotte was amazed again.


These two babies! Each was smarter than the last!

Their mother, who was standing next to them, kept feeling that her intelligence was not enough to keep up.

"So Quinto thinks so too?" Quarto looked at Quinto.