
Qin Wei

The bright sunlight shone through the large windows along the aisle, lighting up the whole enormous mansion. The nebulous vibe was dissipated a little, but it could still shake the heart of all visitors uncontrollably.

Yun Yilan followed the tall man walking in front of her. His quiet manner and pitch black suit made her heart thump. His name was Mu Junxi, and he was the reason why she was here.

Yun Yilan looked through the place to calm her chaotic mind. This mansion seemed as if it was especially built for a royalty, beautifully designed, extravagant, and gigantic. Despite that, she didn't see any living things except for Mu Junxi and a few servants. This whole place was so quiet, so silent that a glint of fear had emerged in her heart since her first step to the mansion, like she was going right into the black hole.

Mystical was the only word she could think of.

Yun Yilan's skin slightly became paler as she walked behind the tall man in black, trying her best to silence her footsteps. She could feel her veins pounding, her breaths becoming lighter. Aisles after aisles led her deeper and deeper into the house. Yun Yilan felt as if she would stop breathing from the pressure that lurked from every corner of the house when Mu Junxi suddenly stopped behind a large black wooden door.

He turned around, a bit surprised to see the girl looking back at him even though her large brown eyes contained a tinge of fear, which she was unable to hide.

"Master is currently relaxing in the office." Mu Junxi said as he gestured her to go inside.

"Thank you," she tried her best to give him her usual bright smile. He gave her a small nod in return and walked away quickly, leaving Yun Yilan alone in front of the door with her heart pounding like drums.

Her thoughts were wandering off like butterflies, her palms damp with cold sweat. The dark feeling emitting from the room was so intense that she felt as if she was walking to the Guillotine.

Mysterious, dark, angry and cold, Yun Yilan couldn't think of anything but these.

Maybe it was not the person inside, maybe she was just imagining things.

She lifted her suddenly heavy hand and hesitantly knocked on the door with the courage she could manage to gather.

She knocked it a few times and there was no reply, so she just waited there.

"Come in," a deep stern voice answered. Recieving the emotionless approval, Yun Yilan creaked the door open.

As soon as the inside of the room came into her sight, a pale figure sitting amidst the dim immediately caught her attention.

Her eyes were fixated on the man. His gorgeous face and heavenly build was more like that of a descended god. His jet black hair along with his deep black eyes enchanted her like a dangerous trap.

He was reading some documents behind a desk silently, and his fair jade-like skin seemed to glimmer like stars.

His appearance was too alluring, too beautiful to exist. And yet, the darkness and rage that seemed to circle around him made Yun Yilan cold to the core of her bones.

She only managed to stand there, waiting for the angel to speak to her because she didn't dare make any sound.

Only the sound of her breath was there to hear, and nothing else.

Yun Yilan didn't know how long had she been standing there, but when she felt like she was about to stop breathing from all the pressure in the room, the man eventually stood up.

Feeling suddenly awkward, the girl gazed at a pair of shiny leather shoes that were walking closer and closer, until it stopped right in front of her.

Her legs felt like noodles and they were slightly shaking unstoppably.

"Look at me," said the strong deep voice.

Yun Yilan tried to inhale without making a sound before looking up to see a pair of the most beautiful eyes in the world, staring at her with indifference.

Her heart shivered.

Yun Yilan tried to break out a smile and squeezed out her voice, "Good morning sir, my name is Yun Yilan, and I'm here to..."

"I already know that," he interrupted, not shifting his intense gaze away from her.

Yun Yilan felt smaller all of a sudden. She wanted to hide in a wardrobe and never come out.

She could feel her back cold from sweat as he kept staring at her. The girl had to gather her courage once again and asked, "May I ask your name?"

Yun Yilan thought her voice sounded really squeaky and annoying, she couldn't help it. Those pair of obsidian eyes were searching through the deep pith of her mind. The girl wanted to push him away so that he would stop that frustrating glare.

It was only then that she realized how close the distance between them was.

Yun Yilan only needed to raise a hand and she would touch that broad chest of his.

Yun Yilan kept looking at his eyes while her heart swinged here and there. After some time, the deep stern voice spoke up.

"Qin Wei," and after pausing a bit, he continued, "my name is Qin Wei."

Yun Yilan stopped breathing. Her skin turned as pale as snow, she heard imaginative sounds of her body bombarded with a million bombs and her mind exploded like the Big Bang.

'...Qin Wei!"