

Qin Wei, the only rightful heir to the fortune of the Qin family, rose to power when he was only fifteen.

The Qin family had held great importance and power in Country M for decades, passing the heirlooms on 3 generations, and the leader of the 3rd generation was no other than Qin Wei.

He had led the Qin family to greater prosperity than ever before. He was gifted, acute, and his ability was remarkable. But what was more renowned of him was his temper and ruthlessness.

Although the information of the Qin family had always been kept secret, rumors had long been circling around about Qin Wei's brutalness.

Very few photos of him had been revealed to the public, and his personal information had been kept confidential.

This was the first time Yun Yilan had seen his face.

She was stunned, and petrified. Her feet were already frozen.

"Tell me about yourself," Qin Wei said, his gaze piercing through her soul. "And make it impressive."

Yun Yilan didn't see that coming.

For a brief moment, she opened her mouth to speak and closed it, not knowing what to say to impress the king.

In fact, she kept repeating that embarrassing behavior for a long moment. It made her wanna hit herself for being so useless.

Yun Yilan felt like she was a rotten tomato, being squeezed up by an invisible hand until it blasted.

Her brain's ability to think clearly suddenly lowered down to zero when she felt Qin Wei's eyes grew darker and darker.

"Uh...," Yun Yilan bit her lips, if she didn't speak now she might lose this chance forever, "so...I'm in sophomore year at Qing Yan high school. And I have some experience on taking care of people. I've taken care of babies and uh...Some people with stroke and muscle weakness. Uh...And I am quite confident that I can take care of you very well and I'm willing to put in all my effort to do the job..."

She really couldn't help stuttering. Everything in her profile seemed too bland.

She felt like a peasant trying to impress an emperor.

While Yun Yilan was racking her brains to find something more interesting to say, Qin Wei said in his deep alluring voice,


Thus, Yun Yilan shut up her mouth immediately. She cried and prayed secretly in her heart.

She really didn't want to lose this job. It was her solution to every struggle she was facing right now.

Inside the dark gloomy office, Qin Wei just stood there, using his deep black eyes to examine Yun Yilan.

She looked like an ordinary girl. Her looks were mundane, and her outfit was poor. She didn't look like anything within his standards. The most interesting thing in this girl would only be her eyes.

They were brown. Although they contained fear and uncertainty, they were full of hope and sincerity.

Qin Wei was silent for a moment, he just stared into the girl's eyes.

Eventually, he said, "your work starts the next three days," and before Yun Yilan could beam with happiness he continued, "any mistakes that shouldn't happen, you will be fired."

Yun Yilan's heart started thumping again but this time it was from happiness. She wanted to smile to the world and go on the roller coaster ten times. Just a minute ago, Qin Wei looked like a devil but now he looked like an angel.

She didn't how to express her overwhelming glee and gratitude, so she just smiled brightly to her new employer with shimmering eyes.

"Thank you Mr.Qin, I won't ever let you down," Yun Yilan said, "I promise."

"You're dismissed," Qin Wei said, looking at her with the same indifferent eyes but somehow she just felt like they were a thousand times more beautiful than before.

Qin Wei gave her a chance to the swamp of struggles in her life, a chance of a prosperous future.

Little did she know that that day would be the beginning of everything.


Qin Wei peaked through the black curtains hanging from the window in his office. His eyes were locked to the cheerful girl chatting to his secretary while walking out of the mansion.

He continued looking at Yun Yilan getting on one of his cars until it drove away out of his sight.

His gaze then shifted from the window to the document that had been lying on his desk since morning. It was none other than the girl's resume for being his assistant and caretaker.

Qin Wei had been reading it again and again since it was first sent in.

He could only tell that she was special, and only time could tell how.