
What responsibility!

"Where am I?"Molly sits up

"You're awake aren't you?"Zhou Shiyun blows his hair with hair dryer then drops it and walks towards her

"Who are you? and what do you want?"Molly shivers, this is a handsome dream she would never wanna leave

"You didn't ask that when I carried you here! well I am Zhou Shiyun? little girl,you're?"Shiyun puts a pillow at her back for support

"Shaui Le any problem?"Molly says as she stares into his eyes

"Yuan sister? let me take you to your brother,he must be worried!"He picked up his phone and called him

"Wait! dont call him!Shiyun I am quite hungry can I eat before leaving?"Molly stood up from the bed and found herself downstairs

"There is pancake with syrup in the fridge, make sure you have it Ans when leaving drop my room key at the reception okay?"he wore his suit and opens the door

"Ming Min? why are you here this morning?"Shiyun opens the door for her and she steps in

"I am quite hungry,do you have any food in the fridge?"She walks in and she opens the fridge and takes the pancake .."Quite nice!"she eats the pancake

"Ming Min? aren't you going to work?"Shiyun closes the door

"Boss Zhou? how can you let an injured person work huh? I got my lips hurt because of you!"Ming Min pouts her lips and turns back and sees Molly look

"Oooh! you must be the princess in damsel? I am Wang Ming! Zhou Shiyun girlfriend"Ming smiles brightly

"Girlfriend? you've got a girlfriend? dont miss understand me Ming? he was just helping me"Molly replies nervously

"Just kidding,look at your face Soo red!"Ming laughs as she puts the remaining pancake in the fridge... "We are just good buddies okay?"she packs the file.."Shiyun we are gonna be late for work okay? I'd get the car ready,you driving or me?"

"You choose!"Shiyun goes downstairs

"Take care Molly!" Ming closes the door

"That was Soo scary! Yuan!"Molly locks the door and drops the key at the reception and goes to Yuan enterprise

At Yuan enterprise}

"Molly! stop there!"Yuan says as he gets up and walks slowly to her

"Brother! dont be too harsh on little Le? huh?"Molly pouts her lips and Andrei comes in

"Andrei? please beg on my behalf okay, he looks like he is gonna skin me alive"she hides at the back of Andrei

"Dont use me as shield! we were all worrier for you! dad almost got a heartache when he heard that you were missing "Andrei frowns

"Its not my fault! I went on a cruise and I got to excited!" Molly lied as she takes a seat..."Bro? I wanna ask you something"she moves to where he was and started to massage his shoulders

"What do you want Molly!"Yuan says without batting his eyelids

"My brother is the best!Yuan? do you know Zhou Shiyun?"Molly looks at him

"Zhou Shiyun? you mean my lawyer? what happened any chemistry between you two?"Yuan drops his files and turns to face her

" Kind of but not like that! I slept at his house last night"Molly responds

"At his house? did he touch you?"Yuan asks

"No! he was a gentleman but I just wanna know whether he is in a relationship"

"How am I suppose to know when we aren't that close?"Yuan furrows his brows..."Why do I feel you're interested in Zhou Shiyun? if so then stop the guy is a blockhead when it comes to love you'll end up getting hurt and beside GALAXY has signed the contract and you'll be modelling their clothes for them you dont have time to be in a relationship"Yuan tells her

"Yuan? sweetest brother? do you know where he works or his phone number?"Molly tugs his shirt

"He has his own law firm okay! no leave you're pissing me off here is his phone no"Yuan wrote it out for her and she leaves

At ZS Law Firm]

"Zhou Shiyun? you're mine!"Molly mumbles as she goes to his office and enters it

"I am on l..n..ch ,Ming Min!"Shiyun says as he sees molly elegantly stepping in

"Zhou Shiyun? how could you leave without taking responsibility for me!"Molly smirks as she walks slowly to him

"What responsibility! "Shiyun gulps hard as Molly pins him to the wall