
Scandal II

in Fu corps)

"I am Soo fucking mad!!!...." Han smashes all the glasses

"Boss eula texted and said she wanted to come back together she wants to have a talk with you and is currently downstairs" His secretary informed him and they bring eula

in the office)

"Honey who made you this mad!!!" Eula shocks to see his office disarranged

"it was nothing Soo I heard you want to get back with me huh?" Han moves to her

"Han Ge I was wrong I didn't know what to do when I found out that OUR baby was gone but I started to see that I was a total jerk to you!" Eula starts to fake cry " its all that bitch fault she gave me pills and that made me loose OUR baby!" Eula sobs more louder

"Which bitch would do this to you!! I'll have their head brought to you this moment!" Han clenches his fist reading to punch anyone who came in

"who else would it be than that Lu Jia" Eula sobs more to be pathetic

"I should have killed her years back!! that dumb woman made me loose my baby and my fathership ,she will pay!!" Han grits his teeth " she wouldn't mind if something happens to her"

"Han Ge I think she has a strong back up I created problem and she solved it in 24 hours!!! and beside the whole Qin family is backing her up especially Qin Wen,that damn bitch!" Eula cleans her tears away

"what would she do when she gets involved in a scandal like a hot one! they dont just call me FU HAN for nothing!" Han calls a number and instructs him to do something

Next morning)

[News: Video released; Lu Jia having a BED affair with the director]

the news started to trend and netizens began to despise this Lu Jia

[ what's her problem!! why is she trying Soo hard to be something when she is just NOTHING! ]

[I agree with this writer!! Lu Jia must LEAVE this instant

[ You shameless slutty bitch,F**k off,we dont need someone like you]

comments like this started trending all insulting Lu Jia