
Good Boy

After cleaning each other's bodies, finally not long after Ye Jun and Hamka came out of their respective rooms. Even so, between them there was never anything secret. Ye Jun told me where he made new friends at his new school too. There are only three friends mentioned. Namely includes Kim Dan, Shin Hyo, and also Nara. That's all he remembers.  

"You're sitting next door, Shin Hyo? Is she a girl?" asked Hamka. 

Ye Jun nodded. 

"Ha? Do you sit with a girl? Isn't that high school student, the seats are each, huh?" said Hera. 

"That's right, also each seat and table. But, it's also quite close next door. I also feel the girl is very good," said Ye Jun.  

"Lies! You're lying for sure, right?" Hera likes to tease Ye Jun. 

"Hey, why is Noona so mean to me? Am I wrong?" annoyed Ye Jun.

If you think about it, Ye Jun is reluctant to be friends with any girl. The goal is just to learn and organize the future. 


Nighttime has come. That night, Ye Jun got a text message from his girlfriend who was in the previous country he lived in.  

[Hi, Ye Jun. What are you doing? How about your new school? Did you make new friends there too? I hope you don't forget us here.] - a message from his girlfriend. 

[Hi also. I just wanted to sleep. It's getting late here. I promise I won't forget you all. You guys are my best friends.] - Ye Jun replied. 

At home, Yoona feels lonely because Hera and Hamka who usually accompany her to watch TV are no longer at home. Meanwhile, Yuri always went to bed early and couldn't accompany him. 

"Hey, why is it so quiet? The kids have grown up, my friends are married, what should I do? Tae, my best friend, she's pregnant. Then my other friend accompanied her husband abroad," she muttered. 

"It sucks!" he cried as he pinched the shoulders of the sofa. 

Yoona Moon Young is a very good mother. He loves Hera and Ye Jun who is not his only children as he should. That's why Ye Jun has so much respect for his adoptive mother. 


The next day, as usual after worship, Aye Jun prepared breakfast for Hera and Hamka. That day happened to be his turn to do the housework. Hera, her older sister divided labor so that everyone could live in harmony and peace in the house. 

Hera has been with Yoona's family for seven years. Even though it has been so long, his respect is still as high as before. 

"Ye Jun, what are you cooking this liver?" asked Hera, smoothing her hair.  

"Oh, you're awake? I cooked this broth. For some reason, last night Hamka asked me to cook this menu," Ye Jun said with a heavy voice.  

"Hey, apparently you're much taller than me now. Did you drink to build up and come to the gym to build your abs!" Hera asked, teasing her little brother. 

"As I remember, my biological father was tall and manly. Then … My mother is also tall and slender. So, it seems that there is no need to ask anymore," Ye Jun replied. 

"Gosh, why are you so stiff. How can you have a boyfriend, if you're so stiff, Ye Ju?" Hera started teasing him again. 

Hera was like that, she often teased her younger siblings. Yuri instead calls Yoona a young aunt, while Ye Jun and Hamka, always call her, 'noona'. Or it can be interpreted in Korean, as an older sister.  

"Morning everyone. Wow, what are you cooking? Hyeong, what are you cooking?" said hello and asked Hamka, when he came out of his room.  

"What you dreamed about last night, is now in sight. Oh, yes. Mama just called, Mama is sick and keeps asking for you. How about you go home first after school? You visit and make sure that things are okay," Ye Jun did look indifferent. However, he is always considerate when it comes to family. 

That day, Hera did not work. It will take her two younger brothers to school. Not even finished saying if he wanted to escort, the two younger brothers immediately refused. 


For a moment, Hera was silent. "Why are you guys so mean? You guys rejected my good intentions straight away, without further ado? Don't you understand how I feel?" Hera complained, sadly. 

"Tsk, it's normal!" said Hamka. 

Hera's face immediately changed drastically, from pleading to bending. "Tsk, I have two younger brothers who all behave coldly. Indeed Yuri is the sister who understands me the most. You guys are not fun!" Hera protested. 

"What do I care? "Replied Ye Jun. 

They continued their breakfast. Not long after, Ye Jun and Hamka finished eating. "Noona, you're not working, right?  Wash all this, yeah. Thank you." Ye Jun always annoyed Hera. 

Ye Jun and Hamka just left. The two of them only spoke in a flat tone, without being able to express sweetness to their older sister. 

"Hey! Do you think I'm a housemaid? Ye Jun-Young! Baek Hyeon Hamka! Just watch out you two!" cried Hera, not accepting the treatment of her two younger brothers.  

Ye Jun and Hamka were still used to dealing with their older sister. It can't be helped, it's already factory settings. While they were waiting in front of the elevator, they accidentally bumped into a man who might live next door to his apartment. 

The three of them were silent. do not greet each other or ask anything. The man seemed to be around 30-35 years old.  The man was tall, clean white, handsome like an idol even though he was wearing a black suit. 


The elevator bell rang. The three of them went straight in. Even so, the three of them didn't greet each other at all. Ye Jun and Hamka didn't care who the man was either. Soon, they went to the bus stop to wait for the bus and went to the station. 

"Hyeong, between us ... Who wakes up late?" asked Hamka quietly.  

"I am," Ye Jun replied shortly.  

Hearing one short answer, Hamka no longer asked anything. It's not a problem for them to communicate, it's just that the two of them are people who don't talk much. They will only talk as necessary. 

After stopping at the bus stop near the station, then they bought tickets. Usually, they will take the bus again.  But since there was not enough time left, Ye Jun finally decided to take the train to go to school. After waiting a few minutes, the train came and they got in.  Inside, there were so many passengers that there was only one seat left. Ye Jun relented and asked Hamka to sit down. 

"You sit down," Ye Jun asked. 

"No, you just sit down. I'll stand up," Hamka refused. 

"Earlier I saw that you didn't have much breakfast. So, you should just sit down," Ye Jun still chuckled.  

Both Hamka and Ye Jun suddenly married a mother who was heavily pregnant. Seems so obvious, if the pregnant mother is looking for a seat. Ye Jun and Hamka also looked at each other. They are always scrambling if they want to do good.  

"Madam, come here! There is a seat here. You can sit here," said Ye Jun and Hamka at the same time. 

The pregnant woman smiled. "You two are so sweet. What are you, brothers?" asked the expectant mother, while on the board the two of them headed for their seats. 

"That's right, we are brothers. Did you go alone like this?" Ye Jun was indeed very gentle. 

The pregnant woman nodded slowly. Coincidentally, that month fell in winter. Seeing a pregnant woman who is not wearing a scarf and her clothes are not thick. Hamka also gave his favorite scarf to the pregnant woman.  Then, plus given a thick jacket by Ye Jun.  

How did the pregnant woman react?