
Why Are You Here, Mr. Song?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He must have noticed her bag over her shoulders.

"Yes, it was Linear Algebra class. But, the associate dean called me up to his office just now."

As she was talking, she secretly watched the man next to her.

Song Boyan was leaning against the car seat with his legs crossed at the knees. It was clear that he was relaxed from the way he sat in the car. His casual clothes matched with the deep brown leather shoes. She could not help but feel relaxed in front of him as he appeared not that strict now.

"Did your father do anything to you when you returned home last night?"

Tang Li was slightly stunned to the point where she forgot to answer his question.

The fact that she was Li Wenyan's daughter was known to only the family members of the Li family.

It was almost impossible that Li Wenyan had informed the others about that fact since her existence was a stain to his reputation. 

It was a mistake that he had made when he was young. 

There was the smell of blood in the air. 

Song Boyan did not force an answer from her when she remained quiet. He was just like a tolerant adult who did not make it difficult for the others. Then, he ordered Ji Ming, "Go to the nearest hospital."

Ji Ming looked at Mr. Song from the rearview mirror and reminded him, "You have an appointment with the white bureau at noon."

"You don't have to send me to the hospital." Tang Li understood the situation and voiced out quickly. "I'm fine. Just drop me off in front of a pharmacy if there's one on the way. I can go and buy some medicine myself."

A pharmacy soon appeared in front of them.

Ji Ming got down from the car before Tang Li after he stopped the car by the road.

Tang Li wanted to reject his kindness but Song Boyan said something to her instead, "Don't worry, Ji Ming can manage it."

She was not concerned about Ji Ming's ability.

What bothered her was that she almost could not breathe properly inside the car. It was too quiet.

Moreover, it seemed that she had flattered herself.

She immediately scanned through her memories and checked the way she spoke just now. It was casual.


She was still anxious as she was sitting with a man like him in the same car. 

He was only twenty-eight years old when he was appointed the minister of the Financial Department. Moreover, he had even broken the system of appointment and dismissal that year. He would be the youngest president of Nation S next year when he reached thirty-two years old. 

In short, he was definitely a man who was powerful and influential in politics. 

Hence, the entire Li family acted rather weak and timid in front of him.

She remembered something else when she returned to the Li family last night. She could guess the reason why Song Boyan would attend Old Lady Li's birthday party.

Old Lady Li's surname was Fang and her elder brother had a daughter whose name was Fang Qi. 

In her former life, she had had a chance to act in a film when Li Yuan'er had brought her along.

It happened during a break. At that time, she saw Li Yuan'er leaning against a chair under a sunshade when she returned from the washroom. Li Yuan'er was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat. Her personal assistant was standing next to her. She was fanning Li Yuan'er while peeling a pomelo for her. On the other hand, Li Yuan'er herself was holding a mini fan in her hand. She was saying something to the employees there. She sighed. "The current president would be my uncle if my aunt had not passed away after their engagement!"

However, how did Song Boyan know about her background?

Tang Li felt that he was well aware of her background even though she was still trying to appear mysterious in front of him. It seemed as if he knew everything about her. Moreover, she felt like Song Boyan had seen through her no matter what she wanted to do or say including the reasons why she had done so. He just did not want to expose her.

Ji Ming returned to the car when she was starting to have all kinds of thoughts in her head.

She took the initiative to speak first when she saw Ji Ming returning to them with a plastic bag full of medicine. "I'm not going to bother you any more since you're busy, Mr. Song. I can walk back to college from here. It's just ten minutes away."

Ji Ming turned and looked at his boss when he realized how obedient and timid Tang Li appeared.

He was away only for a few minutes. What did Mr. Song do? Why was Tang Li so frightened that it seemed like she had accidentally gotten onto a hearse?