
Sweet Cowboys - Unexpected Love

I never thought I will be free of him, he had broken me physically, and mentally in billions of pieces, I am closed to love anyone besides my daughter's fruit of painful memories... I refused to let him keep abusing us and finally found a way out... The scars and bruises all over my body are so deep inside my soul that I will remember forever why I never should fall in love again, why I should never trust again... From an almost dead hopeless housewife to a multimillionaire Ice queen business owner, I had focused so much on my career that my body and mind starts to give up on me and burn for touch and caress that I had pushed far far away inside. Until one day my besties come with this crazy idea and show me a new way of release sexual frustration 1800 Sweet Cowboys.

SkylarGreyZzz · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter One - The Way Out

I was cleaning our huge living room which is so big that my mom's house fit here, and still have free space we have a 2.9 acres state with +15.000 square feet and 7 bedrooms oceanfront, the place is breathtaking but lifeless... The house is amazing don't get me wrong though I never felt it my home it's like living as a guest but without the guest privileges.

"I miss my shoebox in Manhattan" I sighed but I was "fine" after 10 years I believe he finally gets bored and has found a new punching bag, today is the 7th he didn't touch me and I'm not pregnant.

After finish my chores I went to my guest room, the only space I can call "mine," he has cameras everywhere, I had to beg him to let me at least have one place to be my own in this huge house with some privacy since he has cameras even inside the bathrooms.

I never work or leave the house by myself if not to take or pick up the girls at school, and he couldn't care less about our daughters it's like they are adopted or something, he never had a paternal approach towards them even when they were newborn...

An ad pops up on the screen catching my attention and was speaking about how to build a business from home using only a computer or smartphone after reading it I like the proposal and had subscribed for the free training.

I wasn't allowed to have a computer but he did give me a smartphone and a tablet that I share with the girls"my girls" We have three daughters Julia 10, Ana Clara 8, and Emily 5, he just doesn't beat them because of the school constantly social control... all his rage when they do something he doesn't like, is on me.

"Working and saving money I will be able to pay a good divorce lawyer and get out of here I will see my mom again... I will be finally free"

It's been years since the last time I saw her I am allowed to call her once a week and he is literally in front of me controlling what am I saying like if he's afraid I would say something I shouldn't.

I don't dare call her when he is not home because my phone calls are controlled too and when II try to call her without him at home he got so angry that Doc comes to visit me right after...

I never understand why Doc never told the police what he was doing, but once when they thought I was blacked out I listened Doc say to him:

"If you touch any kid you're done" Oscar replied with an "uhum" and Doc keep working on my wounds.

I enjoyed the free training pretty much something sparks inside my being a glimpse of something I don't feel in a long time... Hope. As if my life depended on it and in a couple of days I was doing all the free training I could find online.

I made a secret online bank account in Switzerland due to their privacy policies that favor me a lot, after a couple of weeks of working my ass off learning and testing several strategies money started to get in, I created a website selling my affiliate products and was doing pretty good.

I graduated in business marketing strategies and had awakened all the study skills I had, back in college I graduated with honors and several job offers. I love everything about marketing and publicity and I am damn good at it.

One day someone from a female entrepreneur group I follow and stay very active emails me saying that she loved how I do my marketing campaigns and asked me if I could do it for her business, I had never done for others though I see that as a hint of the universe to save more money.

A couple of days later she shared her sales graphic in the group leaving an amazing review, she had grown 58% on social media and increased her sales by 39% in only 10 days LOL! This fuss makes me get so many clients that I was literally overbooked for the year!

When I realized I was working with marketing business strategies too, the money was way better than affiliate marketing but I kept it as passive income, I was making my name as a professional out there. Every work I did was becoming better and more people were looking for me, I was becoming more creative and people love it.

When my bank account reaches a decent amount of money a year and a half later I had enough to find my way out of there. I never could celebrate my financial freedom however putting all my sources of income, stocks, and investments together I have made a little over half-million dollars and I was proud of myself.

Even hurt hammered to blood I never stop working my mind was so focused that time has passed quickly. I couldn't call or email a lawyer so I have to come up with a plan to have at least one free hour outside alone to be able to make an appointment.

The days pass and I finally figured out how to do, one of Julia's school friends has a mother as a divorce lawyer so, the next day when I leave the girls at school I briefed my case very quickly and ask for an appointment so we could talk better.

I didn't want a man as a lawyer I was disgusted by men and towards the years I built quite an aversion to it. -"Please never email or call me," - I said she could feel the fear and worry in my eyes and words.

-"I won't, don't worry I will get you and the kids out of there" - her voice was sweet and comforting, and hope once more hit me warming my heart.

-"Here's the plan next week we have a school meeting we gonna bail it and have our time to talk about your case don't worry I will warning the school so they don't will call you because of it, do you think you can make it?" - she says with excitement and concern in her voice

-"Well he never comes to school meetings so I believe it's possible," - I said with clear fear

-"Don't be afraid I got your back, you dared give the first step towards freedom now, hold on fighter!" she throws her arms around me the in first seconds froze though soon I find myself hugging her back allowing my tiny spark of hope gets stronger.

That same night I bring the notifications of the school meeting and wait for him to get home. He comes home early looking happy and relaxed, I use that in my favor.

-"Good evening Sir." I said with my plastic happy face, over the years I mastered my poker face to help me avoid his wrath, he looks at me with arrogance.

-"What do you want?" - he speaks without caring to look at me.

-"Next week we have a school meeting, are you coming with me this time?" I said while handing him the school notification he reads the topics of the meeting and shook his head.

-"Nah, too boring you go I have more important things to do" - his voice was clearly annoyed.

-"Ok, do you need me to anything? you early today"

-"Nah, you're boring too get out go sleep in your room, I have a date and she is coming here tonight, don't you dare walk out of that room until the morning"

I was shocked he never bring any of his punching bags in the house although also I never felt so relieved, my guest room is on the same floor as the kids and I never had slept so well in all these years, this night I have a beautiful dream, I dream about being free...


The school meeting day finally arrived, it's days he didn't have touched me, and honestly, I wasn't sorry for his new punching bag she had it coming.

I was grateful he found another woman the last days he also brings her every night so I was sleeping alone or with my kids feeling better, energized the black circles and bruises are disappearing living only the ugly scars on my back but I didn't give a shit at least I was healing.

I didn't care to do her laundry and clean their disgusting room, they still in their sweet season and I was glad of it. "The calm before the storm" I know pretty well...

Arriving at the school I left my car and phone there because he could track me. I meet with Marina Stanton my divorce lawyer, getting in her car she drove us to her office, it wasn't safe to be seen around someone could tell him, the school management had covered for me and I was surprised.

-"How did you manage the school," I ask curiously

-"I told them half-truth," she said smiling while driving

-"I know is hard trust in people after everything you've been through but once you ask for help if your motive is right you will be helped, and most of the school board are women it was easier than I expected!" she says with a huge wide grin.

Inside her very elegant top-floor office, I take a seat astonished at how beautiful and powerful looks like Hampton's divorce lawyers are the richest! She calmly walks away and seconds later comeback bringing some coffee to us.

-"We don't have a lot of time the meeting will finish in two hours this is our chance tell me everything," she said while sipping her coffee I sigh and start talking, I believe it takes the first hour just to tell her 11 years of my life, she was horrified you could see the shock in her eyes.

-"Jesus Christ Olivia," she said running a hand through her long liss chocolate hair.

-"I'm sorry you had have been through this Olivia I need build something the judge can deny when he sees" she continues -"He's an important person and very powerful, when you first talked to me I do some dig about him, he's a mountain and his lawyers are just bastard as him but we..." she locks gaze with me and I can say there's some kind of spark in her eyes.

-"We, my dear, are the water" Her hazel eyes sparkling with a plan

-"I need proof of anything you can give to make our case indisputable, can you get through the security system?"

-"Impossible from inside the house, he controls everything and if he sees me in the security room I'm dead" I sighed

-"No no no don't worry what's the name of your house security system, again?"

-"Alpha security"

-"Amazing." she said loudly clapping hands -"I have friends there although they will ask for money, are you ready?"


-"I will call them later today, now stand up and take off your clothes" She opens a draw and get a camera, I stare at her terrified.

-"I'm sorry, I need all the evidence I can get the judge has to see it for himself, we can't use the security footage because we are getting in a non-regular way however I can screenshot him beating you and the doctor..." she was speaking excited but sadness was all over her eyes.

"This is it" I sighed

I gather my courage strip my clothes when unexpectedly hear her gasping I turn to see her eyes widen and she embrace me in a bear hug from behind with watering eyes.

-"Oh my God Olivia I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I will get you out of there as fast I can" Her eyes had empathy and her hug was encouraging, I had to hold myself to not cry like a child yet some sobs scapes... When we finished I dress and we come back to school.

-"Be ready Olivia it will not take long, when you bring the girls tomorrow I will tell how much my friend will ask and we move on ok?! we gonna get that bastard, he will not see what hit him" she had a mischievous and confident grin in her face.

I did what she said and the next day I pay 30k dollars and wait. I had never stopped working I used every free time to develop, deliver, and get new clients also to make me not freak out by anxiety. He got home earlier today and wasn't alone...

-"Olivia" he calls out -"come here" his voice was sharp and full of arrogance -"This is Roxanne Muller" He presented to me his new punching bag she is a beautiful brunette with short diamond blonde hair and emerald green eyes she looks very young and is wearing gym gear.

-"She will leave here with us"

My eyes widen in surprise though I recuperate instantly "he just got crazy!" I thought there's no other way but I play along I don't wanna be hit. She looked at me curiously and raised an eyebrow.

-"It's this your housekeeper, isn't she's too young? Where are your daughters?" she speaks calmly looking at me.

-"They are in school now however you don't have to worry about them Olivia will handle them"

-"Good because I don't know how to take care of kids and you know that," she said scowling at him.

-"Nah baby, I will send them to an institute for girls soon, they will not be a burden for us"

I low my head to not show how possessed I was "put your shit together Olivia play along we are almost there" I collect myself and ask him -"What can I do for you, Sir?"

-"Go get her baggage in the car and take it to the master suite"

-"Yes Sir"

It was my cue to leave quickly finally releasing the air I've been holding, my heart was extremely excited I was promoted to his housekeeper for some this may sound sick though for me means he will no longer harm me I thought "puff". After collecting her things I approach the master suite and eavesdrop on their conversation.

-"Your wife must have been so loved by you"

-"She was, her death got me badly and I don't know what to do with the kids I will not pressure you to be their mother I will handle myself "

I suck my breath "DEAD! he must be kidding me, so this is his plan?" I felt my body frozen, what he was going to do with me? I panic but force myself to get a grip.

"Don't stop now, play along put yourself together we're not gonna stay here longer"

I give myself a deep breath and knock on their door -"Sir. Can I come in?"

-"Yes" he replied annoyed

-"Put her baggage inside the closet and tomorrow organize everything"

-"Yes Sir" I do what he said and walk to the door before I leave he says -"You're free today I will show my girlfriend around when the kids get home take them to their room immediately"

-"Yes Sir" I leave quickly and run to my room I still have three hours before pick up the girls so, I started to work on my new client project.

Not longer my door bursts open and he steps inside locking behind him, I quickly change to a game app without doing any suspect movements.

He stares at me -"I like it how you behave this afternoon, good girl!"

-"Where's your girlfriend?" I ask trying to sound casual

-"Showering," He said as walk close -"You look different and gained some weight" a devilish smile crossing his face.

-"Yes, when you're happy I'm happy I try to get beautiful for you, but now... now you have a girlfriend If she discovers that I'm not your housekeeper?" I tried to sound casual but it was a wrong move...

He grabbed me by the back of the neck and pin my wrists in bed with his free hands throwing his muscular body weight over me.

-"She will not know at least not now and you will keep the kids away while she is being smothered" My eyes widen in horror "So this is his plan, keep both of us, beat both of us?"

My mind starts racing my breath quickening, he looks at the rise and fall of my chest with hungry eyes, his gaze locked on mine and he knows I am terrified, for my bad luck he loves this.

-"Shush baby, I will take care of you too don't be jealous I have a feeling that you have missed me all those days however your rest was good your body is beautifully recovered"

Holding the back of my neck he starts smooth caresses kissing me slowly his other hands release my wrists and go up and down through my body, he cups my breast and gives a squeeze I gasp, It wasn't a good gasp at all I know what was going to happen...

If I say no or try to resist Doc will come to visit me again, he buries his face on my hair groaning smelling me I can feel him, he's starting to get hard.

-"You smell so good I missed you, Babe, Roxanne is good but not good as you" he is babbling between muffled kisses on my head and neck, he pulls a little to look at me his eyes darkened with sparkling lust I could feel his bulge hard on my thighs I didn't dare to move or show any resistance.

-"Move with me slowly" His voice was hoarse and commanding. I obey we start to move as he rubs his hardness against me moaning softly in my ears. "Keep going let him do it, do not resist I need be in one piece to leave with my kids"

-"Open wider your legs, Baby!"- he commands

"Oh please God, have mercy"


✨ Damnmnnn poor Olivia shes so close yet so far...

✨ What do you think about this chapter in general?

✨ Did you like Marina? and what your thoughts about Roxanne?

✨ Let me Know!

✨ My Instagram: @SkylarGreyZzz

✨ Word counts: 3123