
Sweet Captive; The Monster Comes

[MATURE CONTENT] When love is viewed by a self deluded man with Multiple personality disorder, there are a lot of things that could go wrong. Her tears were like poetry to him, and every inch of him loved it when she gaze up at him in fear. He held her captive but his delusions held him captive. He wanted her love so badly but he would be the last person she would ever fall for. Arette was just a normal college student until she stumbled upon Dominic Ferrari, a businessman known for his philanthropy but hiding a far darker side. Suddenly, Arette found herself a prisoner in Dominic's mansion, teetering on the edge of death due to his episodes of multiple personality disorder. Dominic grew obsessed with Arette because her voice resembled that of his deceased mother. Yet, the more he saw Arette, the more he became captivated by her for who she truly was, deepening his obsession.

Cratimy · Urban
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191 Chs

019 - Built on a lie.

"What do you mean mom and dad are gone?" Arette had to calm down and process Garette's words because it wasn't making sense to her, "Mom and Dad are gone?" She needed to collect herself before reacting.

Garette, tearfully, confirmed their absence, explaining they left a letter before leaving. He then handed the letter he discovered in their parents' room to Arette.