
Sweet Captive; The Monster Comes

[MATURE CONTENT] When love is viewed by a self deluded man with Multiple personality disorder, there are a lot of things that could go wrong. Her tears were like poetry to him, and every inch of him loved it when she gaze up at him in fear. He held her captive but his delusions held him captive. He wanted her love so badly but he would be the last person she would ever fall for. Arette was just a normal college student until she stumbled upon Dominic Ferrari, a businessman known for his philanthropy but hiding a far darker side. Suddenly, Arette found herself a prisoner in Dominic's mansion, teetering on the edge of death due to his episodes of multiple personality disorder. Dominic grew obsessed with Arette because her voice resembled that of his deceased mother. Yet, the more he saw Arette, the more he became captivated by her for who she truly was, deepening his obsession.

Cratimy · Urban
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191 Chs

013 - Alejandro the Vocal coach.

"Madam Arette, where do you want us to put the piano?" None of the maids dared to look up at her face. Even when they asked her a question, their eyes remained fixed on the floor. Dominic had made it clear that anyone who dared to look into Arette's eyes would meet the grim reaper, and they knew he didn't make idle threats.

"Erm, anywhere, I guess. The room is spacious enough," Arette answered uncertainly, her gaze drifting around the room as she tried to decide on the best placement for the piano. But before she could make a decision, April chimed in with a suggestion.

"Put it at that side," April directed, indicating a specific spot in the room with a nod of her head.

Following April's instruction, the maids pushed the piano over to the designated area, their movements precise and efficient. Once they had positioned it to April's satisfaction, they bowed slightly to Arette, still avoiding direct eye contact, before quietly exiting the room.

Almost immediately, Arette walked over to the piano, her footsteps echoing softly against the floor, with April trailing behind her. As she reached the instrument, Arette's fingers brushed gently against the smooth surface of the piano, tracing the little patterns designed into the wood. She ran her hand along the keys, feeling the familiar coolness beneath her touch.

The piano before her was unlike any she had seen before. It was a vintage piece, its elegant design and aged wood giving it a timeless beauty that took her breath away. Arette couldn't help but be drawn in by its beauty.

In every situation, Arette found solace in music. It was her sanctuary, her refuge from the chaos of the world around her. And even now, as her freedom had been harshly taken away, the presence of the piano filled her with a sense of comfort and peace. For Arette, the ability to make music was a gift—a small glimmer of light in the darkness of her circumstances.

Arette's fingers lingered on the piano keys, her gaze still fixed on the vintage instrument before her. "I don't get... it's just an instrument. Yes, it looks very expensive, and it probably costs millions, but I still don't get why you're looking at it like it's your first love," April remarked, her voice tinged with skepticism.

Arette turned to face April, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Not everyone understands the concept of music – and that includes musical instruments," she explained patiently. "Honestly, I don't know how to play the piano much, but I know for a fact, this piano is just..." Arette trailed off, at a loss for words as she struggled to articulate the indescribable beauty of the instrument.

As if on cue, two knocks echoed through the room, drawing their attention towards the door. Mrs. Wolfe stepped in, her imposing presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. Behind her stood an unfamiliar man, his expression unreadable as he surveyed the scene before him.

"This is Mr. Ruiz. He will be your vocal coach from today henceforth," Mrs. Wolfe announced to Arette, her voice carrying the weight of authority. Arette's heart skipped a beat as she heard the news, a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. She couldn't contain her happiness as a smile immediately found its way to her face upon recognizing the man standing before her.

Alejandro Ruiz was a renowned figure in the opera world, his talent and charm making him a beloved figure among musicians and fans alike.

Not only was he a masterful pianist and violinist, but he also possessed a captivating singing voice that had enraptured audiences around the globe. His good looks were the cherry on top, with his dark hair, chiselled features, and piercing green eyes making him the peak of charisma and beauty.

Just one look into his compelling gaze was enough to make women swoon and men envious.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Arette. I am Alejandro Ruiz," he introduced himself with a warm smile, stepping forward to greet Arette. Stretching his hand forward for a handshake, Alejandro's presence exuded confidence and professionalism, and Arette gladly accepted his hand, feeling excitement and anticipation building within her.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Arettte. I am Alejandro Ruiz," he said, stepping forward to introduce himself, his hand extended for a handshake. Arette gladly took his hand, reciprocating the gesture with a polite smile.

"Nice meeting you too, Mr. Ruiz," Arette responded courteously.

"Please, call me Alejandro. It's more comfortable that way," Alejandro stated, his grip on Arette's hand tightening slightly. She attempted to pull away, but he maintained his hold, his smile remaining unsettlingly fixed as he held her gaze.

Arette glanced over at April, flashing her an awkward smile. Sensing Arette's discomfort, April immediately caught on to the situation. Even April noticed Alejandro's prolonged hold on Arette's hand.

"So, Mr. Alejandro, I am April, and the piano is over there," April interjected, pointedly directing the conversation away from the uncomfortable moment, ignoring the disapproving glare of Mrs. Wolfe.

"Come with me, April," Mrs. Wolfe stated, her voice eerily calm, sending a shiver down April's spine. Her blue eyes widened in shock, her face draining of color as she realized the gravity of Mrs. Wolfe's request. She knew Mrs. Wolfe wasn't pleased with her proximity to Arette.

But before April could comply, Arette stepped in, her voice firm and unwavering. "No, she can't. Chairman Ferrari ordered her to stay with me at all times. So no, she won't be able to go with you," Arette declared, surprising herself with the sudden assertiveness. Mrs. Wolfe needed to loosen up and stop micromanaging – a polite way of saying pull that stick out your ass.

Without a word of response, Mrs. Wolfe retreated, her expression unreadable as she exited the room. Arette couldn't help but feel satisfaction at standing her ground, even if it meant challenging Mrs. Wolfe's authority.

"So, Miss Arette, let's start with some vocal warm up. We'll begin with some breathing exercises and then I want you to show me what you can do," Alejandro stated and Arette nodded enthusiastically.

Arette stood tall, her posture poised yet eager to learn. Alejandro sat at the piano, his fingers poised over the keys.

"Close your eyes and imagine your breath filling your entire body, from your toes to the top of your head."

Arette nodded, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply, feeling the air expand her lungs. Alejandro watched closely, nodding in approval as she exhaled slowly, releasing tension from her shoulders.

"Good, now let's move on to some sirens," Alejandro continued, his fingers gliding across the keys as he played a simple scale. "Start at the bottom of your range and slide up smoothly, like a siren."

Arette followed his lead, her voice rising and falling in a smooth, seamless motion. With each repetition, she felt her vocal registers aligning, the transitions between them becoming smoother and more effortless.

"Keep it steady," Alejandro encouraged, his eyes focused intently on Arette's expression. "And now, let's try some lip trills to loosen up your lips and tongue."

Arette nodded, relaxing her lips as she produced a fluttering sound, following Alejandro's guidance as he led her through a series of scales and arpeggios. With each trill, she felt her articulation improving, her tongue and lips becoming more agile.

After the vocal warm-up, Alejandro turned to Arette and asked her which song she'd like to practise with. Arette, with a glint of excitement in her eyes, chose "O mio babbino caro." Alejandro nodded approvingly, knowing it was a beautiful yet challenging piece that would showcase Arette's vocal power.

As Arette began to sing, her voice filled the room with the hauntingly beautiful melody of the aria:

"O mio babbino caro,

Mi piace, è bello, bello,

Vo'andare in Porta Rossa

A comperar l'anello!"

Her voice was pure and resonant, each note dripping with emotion as she poured her heart into the lyrics. Alejandro sat at the piano, his fingers gently coaxing out the accompaniment, providing a supportive backdrop to Arette's vocals.

"Brava, Arette," Alejandro interjected softly, his guidance gentle, "Remember to maintain your breath support and keep the phrasing smooth and flowing."

Arette nodded, her concentration deepening as she focused on following Alejandro's advice. But just as she reached the climax of the song, Dominic walked into the room, his presence a sudden distraction.

Caught off guard by his entrance, Arette's gaze flickered momentarily, causing her to stumble over a phrase: "Vo'andare in Porta Rossa..."

Her voice faltered for a moment, a hint of frustration crossing her features, "I'm sorry, Alejandro," Arette apologised but Dominic's eyebrows knotted in a frown immediately.

"What do you mean 'Alejandro'?" Dominic interrupted, his voice laced with jealousy, his face flushed with anger as he glared at Arette.