
It all begins with—

"Sean, can you not move around that quick?!" Young Jun could no longer hide the annoyance in his voice as he was chasing his son, Sean.

It has been ten minutes since he took his bath, but he was still unable to get him dressed up for school.

"Appa cannot catch me! Appa cannot catch me!" Sean taunted, sprinting from one couch to another.

Young Jun could only shave a hand across his face in exasperation "Maybe we should just wait for your mom," he groaned, massaging his temples.

"Eh? Not ready yet?" Shane asked the moment she stepped out of the bathroom. She was loosening the adjustable belt of her bathrobe and crossed her arms, eyeing Young Jun who is already dressed for work.

"Hon, I'm sorry," he turned to look at his grimacing wife, pouting. "I really can't control our son. He doesn't really like me."

Quinn chuckled. "Hon, that's how kids are," she walked near him and tapped his cheek. "Sean loves you, of course. You're his father. Maybe he's just—"

"Stubborn as you?" Young Jun tittered, seemingly mocking his wife.

"That's a matter-of-factly, I can't even argue," Shane chuckled. "Now get yourself ready instead, Doctor Kim. You will have another long day today," her voice suddenly dropped. "And can you not brush your hair or wear any perfume? Will that make you less attractive?" She asked. "No? How about you wear just fair brown contact lenses on? Or better shave your hair?"

Young chortled. He faced Shane properly and held her hands.

The man stands 6'0 while his wife's a smurf, standing barely 5'0, so he had to bend down to meet her face to face.

"Honey, I told you; I am yours and only yours, okay? You trust me, right?" His brows rose.

"Of course, hon. I trust you with all my heart. It's just that, I don't trust them, most especially your patients who keep on pretending they have heart diseases just to see you, for the love of—" Shane grimaced, eyes twitching in vexation. Her breathings became deeper and Young Jun had to drop her shoulders to calm her down.

"Relax, no matter how many of them in the line, you will still be my one and only choice."

"Wow! That sounds somewhat insulting," Shane said sardonically and Young Jun laughed.

"Why? Do you like me to stay home and be a house husband instead? For your information, Mrs. Kim, I don't wanna let my queen work alone for this family. Not on my watch."

Shane smiled, ruffling her husband's silky, white hair as she stare into his magical eyes.

Young Jun Kim is truly a unique person. Astonishingly, he has been born with two rare genetic conditions which separate him from the rest: Albinism and Heterochromia Iridum.

The former is a condition that lessens the quantity of melanin pigment in the eyes, hair, and skin, while the latter makes a person's eyes in different iris colours. In Young Jun's case, his left eye is sky blue and his right eye is light brown.

His condition alone already makes him stand out among the crowd, but then, he is also extremely good-looking, smart, and talented. He can sing, dance, and play a lot of musical instruments. He even has his own fan base on social media and he's no celebrity, so Shane personally thinks that trust is not the main issue.

"Alright, hon. But you'll still see me in your office from time to time, you get that?"

"Of course," Young Jun gave her a quick peck on her forehead. "I'll wait for you, okay?"

Shane playfully gave him an informal salute. "Aye, sir."

"Hahaha that's cute. I love you, honey," he turned against his heel to look at Sean who's already lying down on his stomach on the couch inside their room. "And you too, buddy. Take care of eomma, okay?"

"Ne, appa!" Sean playfully raised a thumb up.

"Geez haha," he mumbled.

"I love you, too, honey. Take care."

"I will," Young Jun took his coat on the coat rack and left.

After taking good care of Sean, Shane immediately drove him to school. She manages her own famous restaurant, so she owns her time, unlike Young Jun who is a public servant; he needs to be at work in a specific allotted time. Medicine is his passion and no one is entitled enough, not even Shane herself, to tell him what to do.

"Eomma, annyeong!" Sean beamed, waving his mom goodbye with both hands.

"Sean, annyeong!" Shane also did the same as she watches her son turn against his heel, and walked inside the gates with one of their maids.

She fixed her peach coat resting above her shoulders as she stood up straight. The white Grecian Elegance top she's wearing underneath matched her peach pencil skirt bottoms and white knee high boots.

She left her sleek fine-layered hair down with a white stylish cat eye glasses placed on top of her head.

Her eyes dropped on the gold watch around her right wrist.

6:30 AM, the time read.

"Thirty minutes left," Shane muttered. "I can still make it."

"That's Dr. Kim's wife. No wonder he married her."

"Yeah! She looks so young and gorgeous."

Shane's brows twitched and a grin curved on her cherry lips. As soon as she turned to look at the three women talking meters away from her, the grin plastered on her face a while ago evaporated into an innocent smile.

"Omo! She's looking at us," one of the women gasped almost in a shout while the other two are trying to stop her from being so noticeable.

Shane smiled to them for the last time before heading back to her car. A sigh of relief escaped her lips the very moment she stepped inside.

She took her press powder out of her expensive white trapeze purse to check her makeup and added more to make herself alluring, but not to the extent as she is planning to drop by the hospital to where Young Jun is working to check what kind of patients her husband have this time.

She wants to look her best every time she visits to intimidate the women who kept on tailing Young Jun despite them knowing the gentleman is already married.

Shane parked her black Ferrari Laferrari beside Young Jun's silver Gordon Murray. Truly, the two are living a simple life as a couple, but they have a thing with cars that most people knew about.

"Oh! Thy highness Mrs. Shane Kim is finally here," Dr. Jonathan Abad, one of Young Jun's colleagues, greeted her when she passed by a nurse's station.

"Hey, doc," Shane winked, flipping her long hair.

"Woah! You looked stunning, Mrs. Kim," Sherry, a nurse, had to bend over the counter to look at Shane who cat walked her way towards Young Jun's office.

"As always and as I should be, love," she smirked before knocking the door thrice and entered, leaving the people who saw her stunned by her remarkable presence.

Her eyes instantly squinted when she saw a woman whom she thinks in her twenties; she's sitting in front of Young Jun. Seeing Shane's reaction, he giggled, shaking his head.

The two seems to be having only a patient-practitioner conversation, so Shane behaved herself on the couch a little farther to where the two are. Young Jun's office is quite spacious and extremely white—everything's white; the floor, the ceiling, the curtains, the furniture—everything—including him, so Shane had to wear her glasses on.

She crossed both of her arms and legs, and looked straight to the woman which kept Young Jun from chuckling every time his eyes met hers behind her tainted glasses. He could clearly tell that his wife's already cursing the woman to death, so he had to end the session as soon as possible.

"Thank you so much, Doctor. I'll come back as soon as possible—oh," the woman took a step back when she saw Shane cocking a brow. "Good morning, Mrs. Kim. I'm sorry I didn't notice you right away."

Shane's lips thinned and stood up, arms still crossed. "Apology accepted. Now, if you have nothing else to do here, you may leave. I still have important matters to talk with my husband," her voice remained flat and emotionless.

To stop himself from laughing, Young Jun had to cover his mouth with one hand. He was only standing behind the woman who immediately excused herself outside the office. The moment she's gone, she removed her glasses.

"How was that?" She grinned, twitching her brows. "She won't be coming back again, will she?"

Young Jun who still had his hand covering his mouth shook his head once again. He slowly walked towards Shane and stopped in front of her.

"You do realize you are risking my credibility and my job, right?"

Shane placed her glasses back on her head. "Yes, I do. That's my objective."

Young Jun scrubbed both hands across his face. "Hon, you know this is—"

"Your passion, I know," Shane cut him off. "And I was just kidding like I always do."

"And my patients don't know about that—whatever! Come here, you," Young Jun groaned and pulled her for a hug. "My wife's being soooo annoying again," he carefully pat her head.

"And that's why you loved me, right?"

"No—aww!" He yelped when Shane pinched his waist. He took a step back, arms still wrapped around her. "I was just joking, geez!" His lips pooched. "When will you head to the restaurant?"

"Minutes from now?" Shane replied in askance.

"Make it five."

Shane's brows rose when Young Jun placed his lips against hers. She thought it would only be a quick and light kiss when his lips started moving in a slow, orgasmic manner.

Young Jun moved away and looked at her in the eyes, cupping both of her cheeks with his slender fingers. Shane knew what those looks mean and she started grinning.

"I've been meaning to do this with you before we parted ways earlier, but we didn't have the time," he whispered seductively and she gasped when his right hand slide down her right shoulder, slipping her coat off.

"Hon, what are you doinggg?" Shane squealed softly, stopping his hand in the middle of her right arm. "One of your patients might catch us like this. It will be too awkward," she batted her eyes a split second faster than usual.

"But I thought you want each of them to know who my beautiful wife is," Young Jun bent down and started kissing her neck. "And I want them to know either," he whispered, breathing right on her skin that she had to inhale a lungful of air to stop herself from doing something out of context.

"Stop it," she giggled, carefully pushing him away. "You know we don't do silent sex here, Mr. Kim, and I don't wanna let anyone hear that or they might come after the orgasm you're always giving me. I might turn into a murderer pero, por Dios, sin engaños."

Young Jun had only chortled when Shane made a sign of the cross, looking all innocent.

"Hahaha goodness, hon. You don't have to blurt it out like that, damn! Hahaha."

"Whatever," Shane pooched her lips out and took a step forward to fix Young Jun's white coat. "But, I'm telling you you this; once I see, heard, or even feel something that you are touching another woman other than me, I'd really turn into a vicious monster—"

Shane cut herself off when Young Jun planted a kiss on her lips once again. This time, it was indeed quick. He then held her hands and looked at her closely.

"Hon, I promise you," he started, eyes shifting into her right and left eye. "I might have done foolish things, but I'd never do anything that would shatter your heart. You trust me on that, right?"

Shane was not able to answer right away. What Young Jun said sounded questionable for no particular reason.

It is not the first time he asked her to trust him neither is the first time that he promised her the same thing, but it might be something in his voice that sent chills to her body or the way he looks at her makes her soul turn cold.

"Hon? Are you okay?" Young Jun's question snapped her back to reality and she immediately nodded.

"Y-Yes, and of course, I trust you with all my heart."

Young Jun smiled. "That's what I wanna hear. Now get going, it's almost time for you to be at work, Mrs. Manager Kim, madam, ma'am. And expect me to be home early today to get myself some of this."

Shane gasped when he pulled her tops and bra up, licking her right nipple in a matter of second. He then shove them down as if nothing happened.

"Damn it," she could only whisper coarsely as she could already feel her heart beating a few ticks faster. Young Jun sure is teasing her to make things hotter later on.

Before she could even calm herself down, someone had already knocked and entered the office. It's one of Young Jun's patients, Miss Enrique.

Shane's coat is still hanging loose on her shoulders with her tops completely out of of order, showing obvious intense phenomenon.

Miss Enrique only stood at the door quite surprised. "Uhm... d-did I come too early, doc?" She stuttered and when Shane realized things, she immediately wore her bitch face and glasses once again.

"You're just in time, darling," she smirked. "We just finished," she turned to look at Young Jun who's suppressing his laughter. "I'll see you later at home, honey. Don't forget to buy some wine to spice things up."

After that, she left with a grin plastered on her face.

It was around 7:20 AM when she reached the restaurant, not the one that she owned, but the one she and Christopher Clay Whitlock will meet.

Her eyes immediately saw him as soon as she entered and the moment he saw her, a wide smile plastered on his face.

"It's been a while, Mr. Whitlock," Shane greeted when she sat down in front of him.

"Yes," Christopher beamed. "You looked prettier every time we meet," his voice went low and soft, just enough for Shane to hear.

The man only wore a white V-neck shirt, black fitted jeans, and white sneakers, but still looks so expensive--might be because of his cool wolf cut hairstyle, well-formed Autralian physical appearance.

"You never change," Shane giggled and placed her glasses on the table. Suddenly, their auras changed. "So, what do we have now?"

Christopher pressed his lips together and handed her a white folder which she immediately took and opened in a wide spread.

"Those are the only information I have gathered for the past six months of investigating," he started. "Unfortunately, nothing's leading us to somewhere."

Shane's lips thinned. She closed the folder and placed it down the table. "It's okay, I haven't even gathered anything either. This person is worse than ghosts. It doesn't leave anything; no footprints, no fingerprints. No—nothing, as though we're chasing thin air."

"I'm so sorry. If only I am like Chrishawn, I would have already taken you away from this mess."

Shane looked up to meet Christopher's welling eyes. "No, it's not your fault," she reached for his hands on top of the table and held them. "And I wouldn't like it if you become like him. Who would be left to look after me?"

Christopher chuckled and placed a hand on top of hers. "I promise. I'll make this fast, so we could be together again and so that I can get to know my brother-in-law and my nephew of course."

"And so that I no longer have to lie," Shane suspired.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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