
4 Years Later...

In a piece of starry sky, a beautiful young man in a black armor stood loftily with a silver blade in his hand. The stars and planets around him trembled in his presence, could only act as a background to his greatness.

The young man suddenly looked toward a certain direction, and his mouth corner rose in disdain. Follwing his action, Behemoth-like monsters with various shapes started appearing from all directions, covering the whole starry sky light with their exaggeratedly divine bodies and the only unaffected source of light is the silver aura around that person.

Each monster is at least thousands of times the planet of earth, and some are so colossal that the sun could be swallowed in one bite.

Roars sounded all around, and palanets and stars crumbled one after another, turned to ashes under their deterrence.

The young man wasn't fazed at all. He gently raised his blade, as he poked the space in front of him unhurriedly.

Space and Time were in disorder, the Elements were in disarray.

Silver-light aperture suddenly appeared as if the universe initially created. This light aperture expanded crazily, as if the whole starry light was encroached and swallowed by this light.

The light seems to appear and dissapear in a blink, and along with it, this piece of starry sky with dozen of light-years radius seems to turn in black hole, full of desolation and death.

Neither monsters nor the still previously intact stars were spared. Only yhe young man in black armor acted as a sun full of hope, as if he wasn't the one the culprit behind this devastation.

in a sudden manner, a mutation appeared. The whole world turned pitch-black, even the distinguished young man light vanished instantly. A cold voice that seems to come from everywhere resounded on this darkness.

"Stop playing around, you will be late for school..."

A beautiful mixed-race woman in OL suit with a noble temperement appeared without warning, destroying everything everywhere all at once in the world.


With a depressed face and pouting mouth, Luo Feng took over the grey-black helmet from his head as he refuted while lying on his comfy bed in his underground princely bedroom.

in the middle of his forehead there were eight little tattoos with various colors and shapes. If someone with a little knowledge here, he would scream in disbelief, how is this possible.

That's right, he was already acknowledged by the will of the universe, not only simple acknowledgement.

All the eight laws were in consummation, the only bottleneck is the source level, which would take hundreds of years even for him with the current talent.

As for time and space, it was only a matter of days or months.

As for his genetic level, it was already 10. as he could increase his genetic level by 2 every year, and until now, he was still apprentice level 9, but his brute power could even trash the constant star level.

Those eight small tattos, and whilst it looked weird, didn't seem abrupt, but rather pushed his already fatal handsome like face to another level.

"I'm not playing. I'm just testing the last upgraded virtual helmet's realism."

The current Luo Feng is already about 12/13 years old, and he was no longer a primary student, but an honorable middle schooler.

Yao Rao looked at him with surprise, and sighed in resignation. However deep down, she was full of admiration, worship and even some unsuitable emotions to talk about.

"I really don't know how your head is grown. It has been four years since we got to know each other, and each day, month, year I'll be shocked by you. If it weren't for my strong mind state, I will have turned autistic long ago under your 'shock' attacks."

"Principal Yao Rao, you can't say that. It's just that humans are so stupid, and I'm a little bit intelligent."

Luo Feng joked as he started wearing his school uniform. Yao Rao approached as she skillfully and naturally helped him, from the sight of it, she seems very skilled, not the first time at all.

Her expression was on the other hand, full of resentment and helplessness.

"You little pervert, how dare you have the guts to mock me? If it wasn't for your perverted motives, I will not degenerate to such form!"

Luo Feng shook his head in denial, as he grabbed his school bag.

"Principal of school is a respected, prestigious, estimable, honorable... how can this be called degeneration?"

Ignoring her response, Luo Feng headed towards the elevator beside the door, but soon his head was clutched with a beautiful hand, as she started ravaging him.

"It hurts, stop, stop..."


Sitting inside a luxurious limo-like, wide and large vehicle with all kinds of entertainment props, Luo Feng's eyes watched the outside scenery as he marveled at the high-sky buildings, the futuristic city and the hovering cars with various shapes, and the slowly moving clouds, as he was soon brought in a trance while recalling the four years that passed by.

It's not an overstatement that the whole planet ushered in alternative industrial revolution. Everything started by the sudden appearance of V.E.E (Virtual-Earth-Entreprise).

It was a mere whim. Due to his researches bearing fruits, he felt like sharing his results with the world, so the idea of forming this entreprise was put on list, and seeing his parents worry-free, he decided to make them move a little bit.

The Entreprise work wasn't as tiring as someone may imagine, because the business template followed by him was gradually different.

Innovation, Authorizing Patents, AI management and Auctions.

Luo Feng wasn't free yet to lead the whole revolution by himself. He only put the core piece puzzle, and the whole world follow him to complete it and generate wealth.

Energy, Materials, AI, Virtual Helmets, Virtual Games, Virtual Social Network, Weapons, Banks, Auctions, Vehicles, Aerospace...

The first product of the company was in the energy field, as a new-type of energy that humans ignore, become the most sought after.

Cosmic Energy Reactor.

Later, Personnel AI Service plus Synthetic Metals with durable, flexible and divergent characteristics and functions pushed this revolution to the pinnacle, as all kind of armors, weapons (laser sabers, laser guns, laser artillery...) buildings ( Advanced Architecture) and vehicles (Hovering Cars, Spaceships, CampingVehicles...) appeared.

Which consequently lead to the drop in warriors death and increase in the lifesaving percentage.

Virtual Helmet, Virtual social space, Virtual Games that invaded the common people lives, and Auctions with weapons and armors beyond understanding that strengthened the entreprise stance in the whole world.

This was also a result of Luo Feng's understanding of the laws, as he never expected that a certain 'Law' is actually an amalgamation of runes, each contain the essence of a certain side of this law, and only after completly master all this runes and fuse it to a lone rune, at that time you can master the source of the law and call upon it at will.

Per example, the law of fire (Temperature, Burn, Melt, Roast, Intangible, Magma...)

Since then, all kinds of fantasy like armors and weapons appeared. (Magnetic field armors, Ligh-speed boots, Space Rings, Time rooms, Wood-based hospitals...)

Even the Virtual Space that was still under his constant developement, got more and more refined as his understanding of the laws grow up.

The entreprise wide scope of business network, coupled with the hard backstage of Dojo of Limits, Thunder Dojo, HR Alliance, China Country, and finally its leading trend shortly pushed the entreprise to the utmost height.

Just the fact of dealing with it is already treated as a humanity traitor, and the common people and warriors are the first to oppose, not to mention wether those people have that strength.

It wasn't that HR alliance, China and other countries didn't want to swallow this piece of cake, but Luo Feng soon teached them how to be grandsons, so everyone is full of solidarity and love.

Even Hong and Thor marveled at his methods.

His existence is still anonymous for most of the public, but the fact that his father and mother (LUO Family) are active as CEO and Founder, made a lot of ancient families and countries to gradually guess the truth, but the more they know the scared they become.

8 years old God of War? Sixteen Forms Founder? The most potent and eficient cultivation technique creator? The most evil genius in humanity to lead the world hundreds of years in advance.

As they said Ignorance is a bliss.

8 years old God of War, 13 years old, what scary combat power did he reach? Not to mention he is a genius that destroy every cognitive ability of the human race.

In just four years, the whole world is completely different. The human territory already expanded to outer space, and Luo Feng contibution is already beyond doubt.

Even the king monsters could only hide deep sea under his leading trend and dominance.

"We have arrived."

Yao Rao whispered to him, as he was brought out of his own reverie.

"Yes, let's go..."

Leaving the black drop-shaped vehicle full of artistic cells, he headed towards his own classroom under the admiring gazes of students.

Rich, Handsome, Exceptional Intellectual Ability...

Perhaps the only defect that he was not the villain.

Luo Feng current life is that of a typical young master, even the school was build by his own company, and was fully secured. The students were handily picked from diverse social hierarchies with clean backgrounds and special talents to simulate the most common scholary atmosphere, and even the courses are specially designed by him full of fun and genius entertainment.

After all, they were all trained to be his own cronies.

It wasn't that he needed to go to school, after all his creativity production and intellectual ability already surpassed the world, but the school is just a relaxing space for him, and he actually like it very well.

Those students are quite lucky to live in the same era with him.

Luo Feng thought so, as he moved towards his own classsroom as he nodded kindly towards his classmates.

Sitting on his desk, a cute little girl beside him looked at him with red face, as she stuttered.

"Morning, Luo Feng..."

Luo Feng smiled gently, as he responded.

"Morning Xu Xin..."

Of course, his wife wasn't spared, and was also tricked to this school.

As he was enjoying a warm conversation with one of his future wives, he was suddenly interrupted by a 'Ding' sound.

Unexpectedly, his ID Terminal made a sound.

Taking a look at his own smart watch, he found a very strange message. There is no ID, while the content is a bunch obscure numbers.

Luo Feng's expression changed, but soon he calmed down.

His AI is leading the world, who knows by how many eras, so it's impossible for a human hacker to do this. You need to know that even countries security protocoles are like sieve in front of his eyes.

Therefore, there was only one speculation.

Advanced Alien technology,

It happens that when he was dabbling in aerospace and sending disparate satellites to outer space, he was interested in the coordinates of a certain place, and surprisingly, those numbers are the same coordinates number.

Laughing foolishly at his own plight,

Xu Xin looked at him in trance.

'Luo Feng's smile is very charming...'

Not only her, all his classmates stole a glance at him often. After all his charm knows no boundaries.

Luo Feng was soon attracted by the the curious eyes of his classmates, and he could only shook his head, and continue his conversation with Xu Xin.

'Babata finally can't stand still. It seems that the trip to australia continent must be advanced.'


Actually Babata, as an intelligent life, the whole earth is under his eyes. He discovered the unusualness of Luo Feng long ago, but Luo feng was soo evil to the point that Babata was in a denial state for so long, and even thought someone playing a prank on him.

While he can't measure his brain width due to the distance and malfunctioning spaceship, he knew that such a genius with spiritual power is what he was looking for all this 50.000 years, and even exceed his wildest imaginations.

Even his Immortal master was only aknowledged by one law and at that time it was already his peak, not to mention that Luo Feng even touched Space and Time and he is about to be acknowledged.

This kind of Talent, the whole universe is perverted existence that is destined to rule a vast starry domain.

As he spy on him all those years, he only felt inferiority as time passed, and it wasn't easy to fool such smart person as Luo Feng nor did he dare.

Finally and after a long struggle, he could only come up with his utmost sincerity.

This message is full of historical meaning and emotional breakthrough for Babata.

Inside a spaceship, underground australia continent.

Babata looked at the calm expression of Luo Feng, and knew that he understand his code.

Nodding in satisfaction, as he looked to the screen with longing.

Maybe even babata is captivated by Luo feng's charm.

Next chapter