
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Eastern
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143 Chs

You Dare Act Recklessly Here?

In Chu Capital, nightfall descended quietly.

In an ordinary courtyard, Marquis Chu Chang was drinking alone when he suddenly felt an invisible force envelop him.

"Hmm?" Marquis Chu Chang felt the world around him shift, and he found himself transported into an illusory realm.

"Marquis Chu Chang," a figure formed from mist appeared, smiling as it faced him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time," Marquis Chu Chang looked around. "I didn't expect you would drag me into an illusion. The Two Realms Palace, famous across the entire Origin Continent, only dares to meet me in an illusion?"

The misty figure replied, "This is Chu Capital, personally refined by Yan Feng Ancestor. Even our Two Realms Palace must be cautious in this place. I ask for your understanding, Marquis Chu Chang."

Marquis Chu Chang regarded the figure before him.

The Two Realms Palace was a powerful force hidden in the darkness of the Origin Continent, with the identities of its members shrouded in mystery. It was said that even the weakest members were at the God King Second Stage, and there were even rumors that disciples of Yuan1 were part of it.

Compared to Yan Feng Ancestor or Thunder Ancestor, Yuan was revered even more on the Origin Continent. Yuan, being transcendent, casually left behind powerful legacies and valuable resources, not even bothering to take on disciples. However, some ancient beings who had gained his teachings claimed the title of "Disciples of Yuan."

"I am just an ordinary member of the Two Realms Palace," the misty figure smiled at Marquis Chu Chang, "but helping you achieve one of the top ranks in this Heavenly-level task would be an easy matter."

"You want to help me?" Marquis Chu Chang looked at him.

The figure, being a formal member, was at least at the God King Second Stage—a being who could crush him with a flick of a finger.

Still, as a royal first-rank marquis, Marquis Chu Chang had his pride.

"Marquis Chu Chang," the misty figure said, "you should understand, within the Chu Lineage, among the first-rank marquises, your potential ranks the highest, even surpassing Marquis Chu Feng and Marquis Chu Ji."

Marquis Chu Chang listened.

After countless years of contention, aside from the newly ascended, the eight other first-rank marquises were all well-acquainted with one another's strengths.

"Without enough strength and insight to help you, you will be ranked below the top eight," the misty figure continued.

"I cannot help you rise above the top eight unless you agree to give me half of the resources you win," the misty figure said, watching Marquis Chu Chang.

Marquis Chu Chang laughed, "Half? These are the resources of the Yan Feng royal family, and the Two Realms Palace dares to claim half?"

"Everything is voluntary, we won't force you," the misty figure said. "If you agree, we will leave immediately and not trouble you further."

Marquis Chu Chang studied the figure before him.

The most prominent figure in the Chu Lineage was Marquis Chu Feng. Even though the newly risen Chu Yu was backed by the Chaos Transcendent "Saint Luo He."

"If you help me, and I take first place, then you can have half. If I rank seventh, you only get two-tenths. If I place eighth, you get one-tenth. Anything below eighth means you weren't much help and don't deserve much of the resources," Marquis Chu Chang said.

The misty figure shook his head, "Helping you will still require significant effort."

"If you take first place, I will take half."

"For seventh, I'll take three-tenths."

"For eighth, I'll take two-tenths. Any higher ranking, I won't ask for more," the misty figure stared at Marquis Chu Chang. "This is my final offer. You can either accept or decline."

Marquis Chu Chang smiled, "Alright, it's a deal."

The misty figure nodded, "Since we have an agreement, the cause-and-effect is sealed! Marquis Chu Chang, don't think about going back on your word... the consequences of breaking the pact will be too severe for you to handle." With that, the misty figure vanished.

Marquis Chu Chang felt the illusory world fade away, and he was back in the courtyard, sitting at his table.

"The price of breaking a cause-and-effect pact?" Marquis Chu Chang frowned slightly. Though he was at the peak of the Chaos Realm, he had never considered reneging on a deal with members of the Two Realms Palace.

"If I gain enough resources in this Heavenly-level task, I might have a chance to ascend further." Marquis Chu Chang harbored ambition too. Even though his talent wasn't the greatest among the first-rank marquises, he had still reached the peak of the Chaos Realm, proving he had potential. With enough resources, he could still strive to become a God King.

The treatment of a royal first-rank marquis was vastly different from that of a royal God King.

In the Chu Lineage, the most talented figure was Marquis Chu Yuan.

Marquis Chu Yuan gazed out into the night sky from his window.

"Buzz." Holding his communication talisman, he contacted a powerful friend.

"Junior Brother Chu Yuan," a calm voice responded.

"Senior Sister Di Qing," Marquis Chu Yuan greeted respectfully.

Saint Di Qing was a direct disciple of Emperor Chu, one of the most powerful of the thirteen emperors of the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom. Emperor Chu excelled at teaching disciples, and Di Qing Little Saint was among the best Chaos Transcendents, possessing profound and diverse methods, bolstered by treasures given by Emperor Chu.

"This time, the Chu Lineage's first-rank marquises will have to compete," Di Qing explained, "For the Blood Spirit Fruit task, I will need your help."

"When many royal elites visited Master, he once remarked that among the Chu Lineage, Junior Brother Chu Yuan's talent was the greatest, and he was destined to become a God King," Di Qing said calmly. "The Chu Lineage should allocate its best resources to you."

Marquis Chu Yuan felt grateful.

With just a word from Emperor Chu, Chu Yuan's status had skyrocketed, and he had access to abundant resources.

"The royal first-rank marquises must still compete, as decreed by the Ancestor," Marquis Chu Yuan replied. "Do you have time to assist with the Blood Spirit Fruit task?"

"I will handle it," Di Qing responded. "It won't be easy to take first place, but I won't hold you back."

"Thank you, Senior Sister," Marquis Chu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

A single word from Emperor Chu had caused even God Kings and Chaos Transcendents to be willing to associate with Chu Yuan.

However, the Blood Spirit Fruit was produced on the border of the two great ancient kingdoms, where border conflicts were confined to the Chaos Realm. If a God King were to intervene, the conflicts would escalate into a full-blown war between the two kingdoms. For a sub-task in a Heavenly-level mission, causing such a war would be a consequence no one could bear.

Since the task was limited to the Chaos Realm, Marquis Chu Yuan thought carefully and decided that Saint Di Qing was the most suitable ally.

Throughout the Origin Continent, the two great kingdoms and some hidden powers had a total of only eleven Chaos Transcendents. The strength of these Transcendents naturally varied.

"Among the Chaos Transcendents, Senior Sister Di Qing is ranked at the upper levels," Marquis Chu Yuan mused.

On the day the Heavenly-level task was issued, the first-rank marquises of the Chu Lineage were all strategizing.

Luo Feng, who had been strolling in his cave dwelling, suddenly felt an invisible force attempting to pull his consciousness into a virtual world.

"Buzz." Luo Feng's soul, fortified by the Lie Yuan Technique and guarded by the Star Tower, remained steady.

The invisible force couldn't move Luo Feng's consciousness.

"Hmm? Able to resist the summons of the Two Realms Palace?" the hidden figure was startled.

"Who is it?" Luo Feng had sensed the powerful pulling force, but with the Lie Yuan Technique and the Star Tower guarding him, he had nothing to fear.

A breeze rose, and from it, a vague figure formed in front of Luo Feng. An invisible force spread out, isolating them from prying eyes.

"Saint Luo He, have you heard of the Two Realms Palace?" the figure asked with a smile.

Luo Feng was startled.

Whether it was his master Zuoshan Ke, Duan Donghe, or his current high standing, Luo Feng had heard of many major powers on the Origin Continent.

The Origin Continent was home to many powers, both openly and in secret. The recognized powers ruled vast territories, with the two great kingdoms—Yan Feng and Thunder—at the pinnacle. First-class powers such as the Heavenwood Nation, the Myriad Worlds Nation, and the Eastern Extremity Region followed them, while lesser nations like the Yu Nation and Shi Nation ranked much lower, along with many other minor nations.

In contrast, hidden powers were far more mysterious.

The identities of their members, their strengths—everything about them was shrouded in secrecy.

It was even possible that some of the God Kings of the two great kingdoms were involved in these hidden powers, or that alien forces from outside the cage were participating.

The Two Realms Palace was one of the top hidden powers.

"Why would the Two Realms Palace come looking for me?" Luo Feng asked, staring at the figure.

"Luo He, you're only a Chaos Transcendent now, but you've surely realized how difficult the path of cultivation is," the figure said. "When you reach the level of God King, you'll see that each step forward is like crossing a vast chasm."

Luo Feng nodded.

He was well aware that the gap between God King First Stage and Ultimate Realm God Kings was as vast as the difference between mastering one of the ten basic laws and mastering a chaos law. The difficulty was unimaginably higher at each stage.

"In terms of resources, the two great kingdoms will only support their royal families," the figure said. "Even though you are the direct disciple of Emperor Chu, the resources you receive will come from his own supply."

"Right now, you're strong, but some of the resources you use aren't essential to them, so they'll give them to you."

"But when you become a God King, you'll be even more powerful and need rarer resources—resources that they'll need for themselves. Do you think they'll still give them to you?"

"In terms of guidance, you are practicing a path that involves life, destruction, and matter. Biyun can only guide you on the path of destruction. What will you do about the other two paths?" the figure asked.

Luo Feng listened.

Wait, when did I start practicing the path of matter?

"The most precious resources of the two great kingdoms are not freely given; you'll need strength to take them," the figure said. "As for guidance, our Two Realms Palace members can guide you on the path of life and the path of matter, better than Biyun could ever teach you."

Luo Feng looked at the figure. "What are you saying?"

"I am inviting you to become a core member of the Two Realms Palace," the figure said. "Our guidance would surpass anything Biyun could offer. You have my word."

"What do you really want?" Luo Feng asked, staring at him.

"We want you to join us."

The figure looked at Luo Feng, "I admire you."

Initially, the figure had approached Luo Feng with an offer of cooperation, but after realizing that Luo Feng's mind couldn't be dragged into the illusionary realm, the figure changed his approach.

Resisting the summons of the Two Realms Palace? That was incredibly rare.

"The upcoming Heavenly-level task can be considered a test," the figure said. "Help Chu Yu win the Blood Spirit Fruit, and at the same time, bring me one or two. You can have the rest of the Blood Spirit Fruit."

"This is a major test, to see if you're willing to join the Two Realms Palace," the figure added. "You must know, becoming a member of the Two Realms Palace is beneficial to you and holds no drawbacks."

Luo Feng sneered and said, "Are you asking me to betray my friend, Chu Yu?"


With a wave of his hand, Luo Feng released a burst of power that shattered the figure.

The figure reformed, looking both shocked and enraged.

"You dare..." the figure began.

"You're in Chu Capital! My master's Chu Capital! If the Two Realms Palace dares to cause trouble here, then I truly admire your audacity," Luo Feng said coldly. "Do you really have the courage to act here? If so, go ahead and try."

The figure was both angry and apprehensive.

Emperor Chu was one of the most powerful beings in the Origin Continent, unmatched in the Inner World. Especially, in Chu Capital, even the invincible Two Realms Palace wouldn't dare act recklessly, as Emperor Chu was present.

"Will you leave, or not?" Luo Feng asked, clearly uninterested in further conversation.

"You truly don't understand what the Two Realms Palace represents!" the figure snapped, "One day, you'll regret this! When you become a God King, you will regret the decision you made today."

With that, the figure vanished.

Luo Feng smirked.

A group of self-righteous fools!

Even his own realm beast, Morosa, would reach its peak one day. By then, no one from the Two Realms Palace would dare provoke a peak realm beast! Those hiding in the shadows would have no choice but to cower.

"Morosa," Luo Feng called telepathically.

"Master," Morosa quickly responded.

In one of the levels inside the Star Tower, Morosa appeared before Luo Feng.

"What is this?" Morosa's gaze landed on the massive golden-armored insect corpse. Inside, Morosa's very essence seemed to call out with intense longing. "Master, is this for me? I can feel it—this will be a far greater help than the previous Chaos Realm corpses."

Luo Feng smiled, "This is material for your cultivation."

"For my cultivation?" Morosa was momentarily disappointed, even though the desire remained strong. He wouldn't dare snatch something from his master.

"I'll take one percent of the materials from this golden-armored insect's corpse—that will be more than enough for my cultivation," Luo Feng said. "The rest of the corpse is yours."

Morosa was elated.

"This is no ordinary corpse, likely even stronger than a God King's corpse. I won't let you down," Luo Feng remarked.

The golden-armored insect had once battled God Kings with just its body, a testament to its extraordinary physical form.

"Thank you, Master," Morosa said, overflowing with excitement. He could sense that the golden-armored insect's corpse would lead to his complete transformation.