
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Eastern
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143 Chs

Refining the Heart With Emotions

A green-clad woman stood atop a tall building, gazing out at the vast and expansive Chu Capital.

"Was it worth coming to Chu Capital for cultivation?" the green-clad woman thought silently. In the small border town, there were only a few dozen Eternal True Gods in total, and with her strength, she was one of the strongest in the town, living a very comfortable life.

"In that small town, I could never obtain powerful legacies, and there was no hope of breaking through to the Chaos Realm."

"But after coming to Chu Capital, I quickly obtained a legacy that suited me! I even acquired many resources, and now I can be considered to have reached the peak of Eternal True God strength," the green-clad woman thought.

She had obtained both a legacy and resources, and her strength had improved. She had even mastered several Chaos Realm techniques and could see a glimmer of hope for breaking through to the Chaos Realm.

"Opportunities have come, but troubles have also followed," the green-clad woman sighed. "If it weren't for the help of my friend Marquis Chu Le, I might be better off dead right now."

"But Marquis Chu Le, being a third-rank marquis of the royal family, has no real power."

The green-clad woman had been in Chu Capital for a long time. She had come here to establish 'Qianyu Pavilion,' gradually attracting many patrons with her music and illusions. Even many distinguished guests had come to admire her. Chu Capital was full of powerful factions, and although she had exchanged some benefits for cultivation legacies and resources, trouble still found her despite her caution.

"I've been very careful in Chu Capital, taking every step cautiously, not daring to control the minds of any noble guests. But trouble still came," the green-clad woman lamented.

Chu Capital was a web of intricate relationships, and even first-rank marquises of the royal family fought fiercely with each other. As a mere Eternal True God, despite her caution, she had still been caught in the dark vortex.

"Hmm?" The green-clad woman suddenly noticed two figures approaching.

A black-clad man was accompanied by a simple and honest servant.

"Saint Luo He?" The green-clad woman immediately recognized the person and felt a tremor in her heart, as if the entire sky had suddenly brightened. She hurriedly went to greet them.

In the main hall of Qianyu Pavilion:

"Play a few of your best pieces," Luo Feng said as he sat there, while Morosa was eating and drinking nearby. He was already accustomed to his master's love for listening to music. However, that he had no interest in music.

Luo Feng had more interest. At the banquet, there were many performers, but on such occasions, it was not a good time to practice the Art of Refining the Heart with Emotions.

After arriving, Luo Feng gathered information.

Among the performers at the banquet, eight were particularly skilled in musical illusions, and that green-clad woman was named 'Qianyu' from a border city in the Flame Wind Ancient Kingdom. She was currently entangled in a bit of trouble involving a local general named 'General Xue Chi.'

"In a place like the capital of Chu, it's impossible to avoid trouble," Luo Feng thought. When he first came to the capital, even though he stayed out of trouble, Marquis Chu Yuan, Marquis Chu Ji, and the eight guest ministers around him still conspired against him.

Only after becoming a Chaos Realm Transcendent did he truly rise above it all!

At the banquet, there were eight skilled in musical illusions. Luo Feng chose Qianyu, also intending to help out this time.


The green-clad woman stood there, surrounded by streams of water, using the many streams as instruments to create sounds that resembled the music of nature. This music of nature even resonated with the laws of heaven and earth, stirring Luo Feng's emotions.

Luo Feng had long since activated the Art of Refining the Heart with Emotions, allowing himself to become more deeply immersed in the experience.

Moved by the music, he was soon in tears.

"Hmm?" The green-clad woman was surprised. How could someone cry while listening to music?

She dared not stop, focusing on performing her musical illusions.

Piece after piece, Luo Feng did not say to stop, and she dared not stop.

"This Luo He seems to be deeply moved by the music. But during the banquet, he didn't seem to care at all," the green-clad woman thought as she performed, lacking full confidence.

While observing Luo Feng, she continued to perform, making sure not to make any mistakes.

"Enough," Luo Feng suddenly said.

The green-clad woman could only stop.

"That's all for today," Luo Feng said as he stood up and walked away.

Cultivators live for too long and experience too much, making emotions easily become numb.

The Art of Refining the Heart with Emotions, though capable of stirring deep emotional responses, can also lead to numbness over time if used too frequently. So it's best to use it sparingly.

"The Art of Refining the Heart with Emotions is ultimately just a supplement. The Art of Destroying the Heart is the foundation1," Luo Feng thought as he shifted from the Art of Refining the Heart with Emotions to the Art of Destroying the Heart.

He had long since become accustomed to the sharpening of his mind and will. Continuous honing also filled Luo Feng's heart with determination.

"How much is the fee?" Morosa asked as he saw his master stand up, immediately waving his hand to gather up all the food and drink they had brought. He then looked at the woman in green.

"Saint Luo He coming to Qianyu Pavilion is an honour for me. There's no need for a fee," the woman in green said.

Morosa frowned, "My master doesn't like taking advantage of people. Tell me, how much is the fee?"

"Ten grains of universe sand will suffice," the woman in green replied.

Morosa waved his hand, and ten grains of universe sand flew out. Then he followed Luo Feng as they quickly departed.

The green-clad woman immediately followed them out.

She watched them until they disappeared into the sky, feeling both excited and nervous.

"They just left like that?" The green-clad woman felt a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Marquis Chu Yu's estate.

"Luo He went to Qianyu Pavilion?" Marquis Chu Yu naturally received the news. With Luo He's current strength, Chu Yu was very concerned with every move of his guest minister. On the one hand, he was worried about other first-rank marquises trying to win him over, and on the other hand, he was concerned that something might go wrong, damaging their relationship.

Marquis Chu Yu understood well that just because someone was a good friend before, it didn't mean they would always remain a good friend!

Friendships need to be maintained!

"That Luo He, when he was in Huyang City, he loved listening to music. And he often became so engrossed that he would lose control," Marquis Chu Yu laughed. Back then, it was because Luo He lost control that some Eternal True Gods in Huyang City thought Luo Feng's mind and will were weak, believing Luo He to be a weak Eternal True God.

This led to Luo He's first strike in Huyang City, where he instantly grabbed the heart of a True God from a dark force's vice president.

At the banquet, he listened to the musical illusions, and then left privately afterward... Clearly, he was quite pleased with it," Marquis Chu Yu thought and immediately gave orders to his personal attendant.

"Take your marquis' token and go to Qianyu Pavilion" Chu Yu immediately instructed.

"Yes, Lord Marquis," the attendant responded and left.

Just one visit to Qianyu Pavilion, and many forces in the capital were paying attention!

According to what they knew about this 'Luo He,' he was known for his sense of justice, his love for fine things, and his love for music!

Qianyu's name was also being gathered by many forces.

"Luo He's enjoyment of your musical illusions is a great opportunity for you. Here is the token of the Chu Yu Marquis estate. If you encounter any trouble, just show the token. You can also contact me by message," the attendant of the first-rank royal marquis said. In this realm, he had a high status, and he arrived at the Qianyu Pavilion with several guards, handing over the token to Qianyu.

After giving the token, the attendant and the guards left.

Qianyu held the token from the Chu Yu Marquis estate, feeling that all her troubles were now resolved, and she was completely freed.

In reality, even with that token, the fact that a Chaos Realm Transcendent came to her pavilion to listen to your musical illusions... Just that one piece of news would be enough to make that General Xue Chi wary.

Luo Feng's time in Chu Capital was very eventful.

When he was at the peak of the Chaos Realm, few forces dared to provoke him, as there was no conflict of interest. But oncehe became a Chaos Realm Transcendent, everyone proactively sought to form good relations with him, including all the First Marquises.

"In the Di Chu lineage, there is one First Marquis who is quite capable, but the others are also very formidable," Luo Feng judged based on the intelligence he gathered and his personal interactions. "It's just that this Marquis Chu Yuan seems a bit crazy."

During that period, only Marquis Chu Yuan consistently avoided Luo He, refusing to meet him.

Luo Feng understood that Marquis Chu Yuan possessed the royal bloodline of the Thunder Ancient Kingdom and also cultivated using Primordial Bloodline, making him ferocious and somewhat insane. The root cause of this was the path of cultivation he had chosen.

"Lord Luo He, Lord Luo He," Luo feng suddenly received a message, "Get ready, the Emperor's personal guard is here."

While Luo Feng was quietly cultivating in his private chamber, he was startled.

The Emperor, of course, referred to one of the thirteen Emperors of the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom. The Emperor's personal guard had come—what could this mean? According to Marquis Chu Yu's previous speculation, it was possible that the Emperor might take on a disciple.


Luo Feng quickly left the private chamber and waited calmly. Morosa, sensing that Luo Feng had exited seclusion, immediately arrived at his side.

"Master, you came out so quickly?" Morosa asked.

"A distinguished guest will be arriving shortly," Luo Feng instructed, "Be prepared."

"A distinguished guest?" Morosa understood and immediately waited by the side.

Shortly after, four figures appeared out of thin air in the sky, one of whom was Marquis Chu Yu, while the other three figures were clad in the armor of the Emperor's palace guards, though the styles of their armor were different.

Leading the group was a figure of white flowing water, clad in white armor with blood-red engravings on it.

"The Ancestor has three personal guards, and this one is 'General Xuan Jiao," Marquis Chu Yuan introduced, "General Xuan Jiao, this is Saint Luo He."

General Xuan Jiao was burly, and the white water flowing within his armor formed eyes that were lifeless. As he looked at Luo Feng and Morosa... it was as if a suffocating aura enveloped them.

Under his gaze, the world seemed to fall into a dead silence, trapping everything within it.

"According to the information, the three personal guards of the Emperor are not ordinary cultivators but are rather mysterious beings," Luo Feng felt the vast gap between them upon his first encounter with General Xuan Jiao.

"Not a cultivator, yet so powerful?" Morosa knew that the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom harbored many secrets, and even the numerous opportunities granted by the mysterious 'Origin' were monopolized by the two ancient kingdoms.

"Master, this General Xuan Jiao is terrifying; I can sense it. With one move, he could finish me," Morosa also communicated telepathically with Luo Feng.

Luo Feng immediately saluted, "Greetings, General Xuan Jiao."

These special personal guards were Chaos realm who could reach the level of the God King with some additional power.

"Luo He," General Xuan Jiao said as he looked at Luo Feng, his tone becoming slightly kinder, "The Emperor wishes to take you as a disciple. Do you accept? If you are willing, you will come with me to the Emperor's Palace. If not... you can return and decline the offer."