

Can a diva dripping with sex appeal, devious ambition, and serious Swag gain the trust of a top crime boss? Undercover officer Jazmine Coleman believes it is all she needs to infiltrate one of the city most notorious hustlers, Love. With traps set in place, Jazmine pulls Love's right hand man, Thump into the mix, causing a deadly, yet twisted love triangle. Even with the cops on his trail, Love has his fingerprints on everything in the city, including the mayor that he helps get elected. All is still going according to plan until a New Jack named "SWAG" steps on the scene with the same determination as Jazmine to knock Love from the top spot. Which of the two will be successful? In the world of treachery, lust and corruption, the one with the power has the most Swag!

KdubzV · Realistic
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Chapter Two

Another scorcher...

The ghetto was red hot, frying fewer than 100-degreesplus temperatures for the eighth day in a row. Poweroutages broke out in several parts of the city, tempers and the murder rate had jumped. The city was on fire. Officer Jazmine Coleman tipped back her motorcycle police helmet and wiped the sweat off her brow. She was steaming in more ways than one. The mirror shades were the only thing keeping the world from seeing the fire in her eyes.

Underneath her uniform and her bulletproof vest, her whole body was drenched in sweat. She had only been out of the Police Academy a little over a month, and she was stuck giving out parking tickets. This definitely wasn't why she joined the force. She had plans, big plans, but she couldn't make a move until she got a break. Today was her lucky day. But at the moment she definitely didn't feel lucky. At the moment, she was in the process of giving a ticket to a young Asian dude in a brand new BMW. He was pleading, but starting to get belligerent. She was aggravated and ready to go postal, when a green Toyota Camry shot through the intersection with a police car in hot pursuit. She heard the call over her radio: Dispatch, this is 94. We're in pursuit of a green Toyota Camry, license, David-Paul-Alpha 3-6-1. Heading West oncorrection, the suspect just made a left heading North on Turner Boulevard. Request immediate assistance. Suspec tThat's all she needed to hear. In the rush to get on her motorcycle, she handed her ticket pad and pen to the Asian could be armed.

dude and roared off to join the chase. Jazmine had been waiting for a moment like this to prove her worth. To make her big career move, she knew she had to have a stand out moment, so she was determined to make this that moment. She pushed the bike, dipping through traffic in hot pursuit of the chase. She spotted the Camry. A dude was driving and a girl was in the passenger seat. Two more cruisers had responded to the call. The Camry driver definitely knew what he was doing, whipping and dipping the vehicle like a pro. His only mistake was when he came to the next intersection. He should've dipped instead of whipped. He sideswiped a delivery van and ran up on the curb. Without missing a beat, he jumped out and kept it hot on foot, sprinting off like he was possessed by the spirit of Jesse Owens. By the time Jazmine joined the foot race a few seconds later, two other officers were in pursuit. She shot past them like they were standing still. Jazmine didn't have runner's thighs for nothing. Even though he had a head start, she was in top shape and had a natural speed that put her on pace with the dude. The dude saw her closing in. He turned abruptly to his left and hopped a five-foot chain link high fence, using his hands to vault him over. This cost him some time because Jasmine used a car parked beside the fence. She hit the trunk and then leaped the fence, landing in stride. The dude cut through an alleyway and disappeared inside an abandoned warehouse.

Jazmine pulled her gun as she surveyed the situation. She had looked the dude over as he ran. He wasn't armed, but he had a healthy build. If he ambushed her and gained the upper hand . She started to wait for back up, but her quick mind came up with a better idea.

"Car 94, come in 94," she hoarsely whispered into her walkie-talkie on her shoulder."Go ahead, Car 94." She moved cautiously through the door.

"Do you have the girl in the car in custody?" "Affirmative.""In thirty seconds have her call this dude. Thirty seconds, 10-4?""Ten-four."Jazmine trained the gun in front of her, stepping stride over stride, her every sense turned up to the max. The warehouse was one big cavernous room. Barrels and crates littered the room. There was no other way out. A large rat screeched and scurried away, making Jazmine bristle. Her nerves were tighter than a guitar string. In her mind she tried to keep a count, but when she got to twentyeight, she heard the phone ring off to her right. Jazmine spun and fired off several shots in that direction, but purposely high."Hol'hol'hol'. Gotdamn, hol' up! Don't shoot!" the dude squawked."Then come out slow!" she demanded.

The dude came out from a stack of crates with his hands up."On your face, now ... Slow! Don't fuck up! If I make a mistake, you won't know about the apology!"Ai'ight, man!" approached. The dude turned his head, looked at her, a n dThe dude got down on his face, spread eagle. Jazmine "Goddamn! How the fuck you caught by a bitch ?" heShe put her knee in his back and yanked his arms behind rolled his eyes.


him, just as three more officers ran in."Just make sure you smile when you say that," she retorted, and then put the cuffs on extra tight.

* * * By the time she got back to the precinct, the story of the quick thinking traffic cop had beat her back. Especially since the dude had three kilos of cocaine in the car. When she walked in, all eyes were on her and not just because of her heroics. Once she took off her motorcycle helmet and sunglasses, all eyes stayed on her. From her full pouty lips to her kewpie doll nose, short, spiked hair, and cattish eyes, her resemblance to Sanaa Lathan was unmistakable and tantalizing, and her strut said she knew it. In the short time she had been a cop, half the force had hit on her, and not all were men. But she brushed them all off like lint because she had a plan, and it all began with Detective Hall. Hall was the chief detective of the Narcotics Division.

Narcotics was the fast track to rapid advancement up the cop ladder and beyond. Hall didn't like slackers, because he ran a tight ship. But with her big arrest she knew she'd be on his radar, and she would definitely make the most of the opportunity. By any means necessary. She caught sight of Hall and a junior detective heading toward his office."Detective Hall," she called out as she approached.

eyes appraising her. He was a short bull of a black man with aHall stopped and looked back, watching her approach. His preference for impatience.

"Well, if it ain't Robo Cop," he gruffed with a chuckle as Jazmine caught up.

"News travels fast around here," she replied.

"That, and I keep my ear to the ground."The junior detective branched off as Hall reached his office. Jazmine paused at the door."Umm, Detective Hall, if I could ..." She let her voice trail off, in a questioning manner."Whatever it is, just make it quick," he answered, plopping down behind his desk. She entered and closed the door."That, uhh, incident from earlier you referred to ... That's what I wanted to talk to you about," she began."What about it?" he retorted, looking over a folder on his desk."I've been on the force for over a month, and since I've been here, I've been assigned to the traffic division. And while traffic law is ... important, I really think I'd be more of an asset in narcotics."He glanced up with an amused expression.

"Oh, you do, do ya?""Yes, sir. I really do. I know those streets, sir. But I joined the force to put that knowledge to good use. I'm quick on my feet, sir. I'm just asking for a chance!"Hall leaned back in his chair, took off his glasses, and placed them on the table. "Officer ...""I'm sorry, sir. Officer Jazmine Coleman." "Coleman. Where you from, Coleman? I detect a drawl in your voice."She smiled. "Georgia, sir." "Georgia ... and you come to the big city to put your knowledge to use, huh? Now, I'll give you that you're quick on your feet. That phone thing was quick thinking. But you know what I think, Officer Coleman."Jazmine shielded herself for criticism.

"What do you think, sir?""I think you're a renegade ... a cowgirl, which in my book is a problem waiting to happen. You may've nabbed a good collar, but you were assigned to write tickets. You didn't do your job. Now, I admire ambition. Hell, I don't trust a sumbitch unless he has some, but there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it," he told her. Then he put his glasses back on, leaned back over the folder, and added, "Now, do that well enough, then come and talk to me."Jazmine stood there a moment, looking at his bowed head.

She turned to the door, but instead of opening it, she simply closed the blinds. When Hall glanced up, he remarked, "So, now what you gonna do? Beat me up?"Jazmine ignored his quip, rounded the corner of his desk with a slow strut, and then sat one cheek of her shapely ass on the desk."Detective, I know you're after a guy named Terrance Love and his crew, but you can't arrest him. It's all over the department, and it's no secret that you're none too happy with your people for not getting him ... I can get him. Where four men fail, send in one woman. She'll get the job done. Nobody knows me. They don't know my face. I haven't been around long enough. I'm perfect for undercover," she propositioned him, never losing eye contact. Putting extra sexy syrup on her drawl, she added, "And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to convince you so."Hall chuckled.

an "Wow, Georgia, you've got a pretty big set of peaches on you. Don't you know I can have you suspended fo r sexua lJazmine shrugged. "That's only if you feel harassed. Do you feel harassed, detective? You think I don't know about the pool going around, betting on who's gonna screw the new girl?" She smiled and winked. "How much you in for, detective? Hall smirked at the reference to the pool. Almost every man at the precinct wanted to fuck Jazmine. He couldn't deny her sexuality, nor could he help but admire her unabated ambition. She was starting to look like an offer he couldn't refuse."Ambitious," he remarked, looking her over.

"Vivacious," she replied with a smirk."Well, you know ... I was just going to go home and pop a couple of burgers in the microwave.""I make a helluva Alfredo." "... And maybe watch the game" "I love basketball." "And then"—he began eyeing her steadily—"go to bed." Jazmine smiled. "I never wear panties." His dick jumped in his pants just from the thought."If you were to ... drop by ... I won't throw you out," he signified. The look between them said the deal was sealed.

harassment for this?" * * * * * * "Ohhh, yesss, daddy. Mmmm, right there, right ... there!" Jazmine squealed with total abandon as she rode Hall's dick at a feverish pace.

Instead of fucking her, she was fucking him as he gripped her hips just to hold on. Her pussy was so wet, every stroke sounded like wet, hungry lips smacking together.

As an older man, his secret of his success was the little blue pill, but he couldn't hold out much longer. The pussy was toe curling scrumptious. He gripped her hips and flipped her over on her back, legs pinned back, and he pounded her vigorously."Yeah, daddy, beat this pussy," she growled, biting her bottom lip. He obliged her, but it wasn't long before he came hard deep inside of her, and she squealed her way to her own explosion, Exhausted, Hall collapsed on top of her. Jazmine giggled and caressed his ear."After all that, I'm through with young men."Hall, catching his breath, chuckled as he rolled over to his back."You know, you may be a natural undercover." "What you mean?" He looked at her with an amused expression.

"Because you're a helluva actress."They both laughed. Jazmine cuddled up next to him, reaching down and squeezing his dick."Don't underestimate yourself," she purred, kissing his neck. Hall took her hand off his dick."You gonna have to give me a minute. The blue pill ain't that good."Jazmine sat up with her legs curled under her, leaning her weight on her right arm. Hall eyed her admiringly. She was beautiful. The type of woman that he knew couldn't be possessed. But her choice of profession intrigued him."You know, you're almost too pretty to be a cop," he remarked. She smiled her thanks.

push it. Instead, he changed the subject."It kinda runs in my family, that and the military. My father raised me more like a drill sergeant than a daddy," she joked, but in her eyes, Hall detected a touch of pain. He didn't try to "If you would've waited, you wouldn't have had to go through all this." Jazmine shrugged.

"It's just sex, no big deal. Besides, you needed me." "Oh, I needed you?" he replied."Exactly! Because, you won't get Love without me," she answered confidently. Just hearing the name soured his mood. Of all his years on the force, he had never seen a crew so tight, airtight and Teflon. Nothing got in and nothing stuck."Love is a murderer, a drug dealing lowlife with nine hundred lives. What makes you think you can get him when I couldn't?" Hall gruffed. Jazmine smiled.

"Becauseyou tried to go get him, but I'm gonna bring him to you." "With what? That?" he asked, nodding to her fat-lipped pussy. She pointed to her head.

"Naw ... with this."