
Survivor The Droolers

This is a zombie apocalypses novel. It's written from multiple perspectives but we mostly follow a bad ass lone girl. She has a bad past but still wants to help others problem is her trust is burnt up. Can she learn to trust in is new world? WARNING graphic depictions of death, and zombies

Eligha · Urban
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10 Chs

Who Wants to Kill a Fruity

I woke up with the sun on my face, it felt good. I stretched some things clattered to the floor. Oh, my pencils... wait... I slept... good. I normally only slept out of pure exhaustion and even then, I normally have bloody nightmares or at least cold sweats. I sat up and slipped out of bed. I collected my sketchpad and pencils and tucked them neatly back in the bag. I walked out of my room still in my pjs. I was surprised to hear voices in the living room. I walked out and passed the guys to the kitchen. They had put the water jug on the island, and I poured myself a new cup. I started listening to their conversation.

"Okay so we got the meds for Lyla but it still couldn't hurt to stop at a pharmacy or something if we pass one but, we still for sure need to go back to the convince store for food," Lawrence was talking while he pulled his bag open and put the meds in. Someone walked into the kitchen and I straightened my head out realizing I had turned it to listen. I finished my water by the time they came up next to me. It was Jasper.

"Can I have some, I still have my cup from last night," He added the cup thing like that was more likely to convince me. You didn't have to say all that. I smiled internally and pushed the jug towards him. I wasn't pouring it for him this time. I really didn't like all the whispering and stuff when I gave them the meds. I hopped up onto the stool and spun to face the living room. The other guys all turned to avoid my eyes. They were probably just looking at my arms. My arms have more of those paper white spots. Even on the back of my hand.

"Ya know, I was half expecting you guys to be gone already," I was just kinda talking out loud. Lawrence turned to me, but Jasper spoke first.

"Disappointed? " He was looking at me. I tilted my head a little thinking.  I shook my head no. Then I turned to look at him. My eyes met his. Jasper's eyes were an intense brown and I realized that he never looked at me differently. Even when he first saw my eyes. He just looked at me like I was normal. I felt my ears turn red and quickly looked away. What the hell was that? Nothing even happened. The guys were all standing about they looked ready to leave. I suddenly remembered that Lawrence said he didn't know where he was in this part of town.

"Do you guys even know where you're going?" I asked almost sounding annoyed. They all looked at Lawrence. He turned to me and gave me a tight smile. I sighed knowing what was coming.

"Well, I actually was hoping you could take us back to the convince store we met at," He walked towards me slowly like he was approaching a potentially dangerous stray. "Please?" He was right in front of me now I didn't realize how tall he was and sat up straighter in my chair. I leaned back, resting my arm on the counter, I thought about it.

"One condition, " I smiled, "You guys take some of my stuff with you," I paused and examined his reaction he seemed totally confused.

"Uh yeah o, okay," He walked back into the living room and put his bag back down. I leaned towards Jasper a little.

"The stuffs about to go bad, don't feel special," I looked up as I finished speaking and winked at him. It was hard to gage his reaction until he broke under my continued stare. He shook his head smiled a little and walked away. I couldn't help it I giggled. I cleared my throat when he looked back, he was still able to see the smile though. I cleared my throat again as I slid off my stool and walked past him. I paused before leaving, "I'll get dressed really quick and then bring the supplies out for you," I glanced over all of them. Then left to get changed. I put on the bind a new long-sleeved the same jacket and gloves. With new underwear and new jeans. I pulled my mask on but pulled it down to be under my chin, then I grabbed my goggles and stuffed them into my pocket. I had to look for a minute, but I eventually found my trusty driver. I walked out with the bag from my closet I'm keeping this one, it has my art supplies, some extra clothes, and some food. No medical though, I should grab some just in case. Oh, and a blade. Out in the hall I heard the guys talking quietly.

"Do you think we could get her to stay with us?" Lawrence's question stopped me from moving. I got as still and as quiet as I could to listen. Why the hell would he say that? He doesn't even know me. What he... my thoughts were interrupted by Jasper's voice.

"Probably not but" He stopped suddenly, and his head appeared in the hall. How did he know? I smiled at him and walked across the hall into a room pretending I wasn't listening. He nodded at me, so I think he bought it. I couldn't hear the conversation anymore, so I pushed it from my mind. I grabbed one of the bags from this room. It was stuffed into/behind a pile of old clothes and stuffed toys in the closet. This one has food in it, cans, and jars from the farm. Walked back out into the living room they were all quietly waiting for me, I set the food bag down.

"Go through it take want you want," I walked into the kitchen and continued, "well actually you can take everything in there I just want to keep that bag," It was one of my more heavy duty ones and I wanted to keep it. I brought the bag I wore yesterday into the living room Lawrence and Eugene were going through the bag pulling everything. I dropped my bag from yesterday on the couch. "Newt can carry that one and then your group can keep that bag," I gave a tight smile. "So how far is your trip going to be?" I asked surprising even myself about the seriousness in my voice.

"Why? You worried or something?" Eugene asked. Why must you say everything so sarcastic?

"Yes, you might run into the horde you guys made yesterday,  especially since you say you want to go back to that same store," I was trying to scare them. I didn't want them to go back there. I wanted to walk them home mostly because we were actually closer to their school then the store. Should I tell them?

"It sounds like you have a plan...?" Jasper asked, well it was more of a statement, but he raised his brow at me. I nodded.

"Kind of," I dropped my eyes. I don't like how easily he could read me.

"Well...?" Jasper prodded. I inhaled sharply and then let out my word vomit.

"Well I already know that you guys are at the school on 4th and going to the store where we met is going to be dangerous and its actually further away from the school then where we are right now. And you guys already told me that you don't fully understand how dangerous it is at night so I just want to make sure you actually get there before sundown," I looked up and made eye contact with each of them. I was surprised at how hard my heart was pounding. I was worried they hear it. Zane scoffed.

"I didn't realize you cared," He face was all high and mighty and it made me think he was being an ass. I threw my chin at him and gave him a hard stare.

"I don't, but I had to save you from a fruity horde that you made and now I'm giving you supplies because you say you've got sick kids. And I," I stepped up to him almost too close. And it gave me the reaction I wanted. Which was him getting uncomfortable and dropping all high horse face. I continued, "don't trust you'll live long enough to get it to them," I turned away feeling accomplished. "Any objections to me taking you home?" I made eye contact with Lawrence specifically knowing if he were cool everyone would follow him. He nodded. I went to put my bag on, but his voice made me stop.

"Uh, one question though," I raised my brows, "How did you know we're at the school on fourth?" He seemed worried.

"Pff because there's only one gym that could be used for survivors, heh unless your living in a gym with like weights and shit but that's highly unlikely.  So that only leaves the school," I put my bag on while talking.

"Okay, but there is more than one school in town?" Lawrence pushed further. Shit, don't say too much. I sighed.

"I've been to the other schools," I left it at that and grabbed the bag off the couch and headed for the door. "If we're gonna go we need to, we've already lost a lot of daylight," I walked outside leaving the guys. I hopped over the railing and down into the grass. I walked over to Newt's side encouraging him to come out quicker. He did and I stepped back out of his reach. With his arms extended it made it easier to put the bag on. At least the first arm, because then I have to step really close basically hug him and pull the other strap on him. I clipped the bag in front. I hopped back over the railing and walked to the side of the house. I moved the trash bags and grabbed my pre-strunged jugs of water. Lawrence, Eugene, and Zane came bursting out of the house like they thought I left already.

They all saw me and seemed embarrassed. Not like blush embarrassed just like a little bit. I ignored them and noticed that Jasper walked out calmly after them. Why wasn't he worried? That was a small thought, but I pushed it down as I hopped the fence again.

The jugs were heavy, and I had difficulty getting it around Newt. Mostly because he kept moving. But I got it eventually. I walked past Newt and untied his rope that bound him into the shed. He was following me, but he didn't worry me in the least. Especially now that he moved a bit slower with all the weight on him. With the rope I rolled most of it up then tied him to my pack. I looked back at the guys and they were just watching.

"Well, you boys ready?" I asked. Newt was quietly grumbling right next to my face, but it didn't affect me. The guys nodded and followed me into the grass. I started walking around the side of the house. We had to move to single file as the space between the privacy fence and the wall was tight. I opened the gate walked through and waited for Jasper to bring up the end before continuing down the street. It felt nice to lead. Well while it lasted. Soon Lawrence came up next to me and whispered.

"So you really know where we're going? " He was looking everywhere but at me. Why are you whispering? And dude you really need to get out more there's no real need to look so scared. I kept that to myself and responded in a lowered voice but not a whisper.

"Yes, it's only about 5 miles," He flinched, "What it's not that far especially when you know where you're going," I winked at him. And then looked forward again. Mary was down the road about to cross onto our street. "Move to the middle of the road," I called back as I moved to do so myself.

"What but there is a zombie right there?!" Lawrence whisper yelled at me. I spoke normally back at him.

"Then keep up," I moved quicker Newt stumbling behind me. Jasper moved to follow me before Lawrence did. Jasper still kept enough space where he was still behind everyone. The rest took up the space quickly as Mary got closer. We now walked in the middle of the road I could tell they felt exposed in this position and they all watched as we passed Mary. She didn't even turn her head at us. After about 4 minutes we were walking deeper into the residential area, so I knew it was safe to relax a bit. The only walkers that stay around here are droolies and OCDs. Totally safe in the day. I looked over my shoulder about to talk to the guys but all I got was an eye full of Newt. Uck. I shifted and looked over my other shoulder. They were like a block behind! I stopped and turned to face them.

"What are you doing?" I called out to them. Lawrence put a finger to his lips and his face looked so serious. I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms, and waited for them. This is ridiculous. They finally caught up to me. Lawrence had moved to the sidewalk again and Zane and Eugene were close behind him. Jasper was on the side of the road sort of in the middle. Newt suddenly groaned extremely loud in my ear. I scoffed and pushed him away from me. I had tied enough rope where there could be 4 feet between us so pushing him did nothing to me. I walked over toward Lawrence. "What are you doing?" My eyes went dark glowering at him. He kept glancing around. This is starting to piss me off.

"We're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse you can't just walk in the middle of the road. Its way to open, way too dangerous," At his last word he brought his eyes to meet mine finally.

"You think I'd go through all the trouble of saving you, giving you supplies, walking with you intent on leading the way down a dangerous path that's going to get us killed?" He straightened himself up and he tightened his jaw. I was getting to him. I raise my brows and shook my head a little like 'your answer?'

"No," He dropped his eyes.

"Okay, good now back to the middle of the road," I turned but stopped for a second. I don't know why but I kinda felt bad now. "That logic only works in town, like business downtown area. Here its backwards, don't get close to them and 9 times outta 10 they won't even see you," I softened my voice and started walking I walked a little slower thinking he would appreciate it. He walked next to me now and we walked in silence for a few more minutes. I gasped suddenly and turned to look at all the guys. "I forgot to feed you breakfast!" Lawrence had jumped at my sudden gasp and the other guys looked alarmed as well. But once I said that they relaxed and even laughed a little. "No, I'm such a bad host," I pulled Newt around to be in front of me and pushed him back into Lawrence. "Hold him for a sec," Lawrence had already caught Newt by his shoulders keeping him away. I took my bag off and pulled out my boiled eggs, and canteen. I zipped my bag back up quick and pulled it back on. As soon as I did Lawrence let go and wiped his hands of Newt. I opened the bag and pulled one out then handed the bag off. "Share," I directed that comment at Zane who had eaten most of the apple slices and meat. He huffed a laugh and took the bag of eggs. He pulled one out and all the guy's face looked entirely shocked. Did they not see me take one?

"Where did you get these?!" Eugene asked and for the first time sounded excited. That made my composure break, and I beamed a big smile.

"A chicken," They were already pealing and eating some. Followed with groans. That made me laugh. "Okay eat all those you want but we gotta keep moving, " I turned and pulled Newt along back into movement. They continued to eat, groan, and talk about how amazing it was. I'm glad they liked them because I've been almost getting sick from them all. I was taking side streets and even a couple dirt roads. These were safer with less fruities. It was getting hot as we continued.

Newt suddenly started yelling. I stopped instantly and pulled my driver out. They all tensed up as well, I could feel Newt pulling in one direction. I knew what it meant. He was trying to go join others. I pushed him hard and turned to where he was pulling, I was scared at first but there were only 4 others walking towards us. "Who wants to hold Newt, and who wants to kill a fruity?" I pulled my mask up and put my goggles on.