
Survivor The Droolers

This is a zombie apocalypses novel. It's written from multiple perspectives but we mostly follow a bad ass lone girl. She has a bad past but still wants to help others problem is her trust is burnt up. Can she learn to trust in is new world? WARNING graphic depictions of death, and zombies

Eligha · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


I had watched the exchange between Mike and Eve with confusion and frustration. Why would he not trust her if he trusts my judgment? Once she left, I stepped up to Mike.

"Why did you talk to her like that?" he was looking down at Newts lead until I spoke. He looked up at me.

"We don't know who this kid is or where they came from and specifically where they got their supplies. What if they stole this stuff from some other group? What if they're just pretending to be nice so they can take our stuff next?" His tone was getting angrier and then he started yelling, "Did you even think about how this could affect us?! What if…" at this point I was pissed.

"Do you trust me at all?!" I cut him off and before he could respond I continued, "Well you must because you trust me enough to lead my running group. Which means at some point you trusted my judgment. So why don't you trust me when I say this. Eve isn't like that. She saved us from that mob, she brought us to her base, she gave us medicine for Layla, and she gave us some pretty damn incredible supplies. Why don't you take a good thing once you got it; and not push her away," I took the jar from the table and put It back with the other supplies. "Did you even think about how good she could be for us? Having someone who finds resources like this?" I dumped out the rest of my bag. He pulled Newt over with him as he took a look. His entire demeanor changed.

"Yeah, Lawrence is right. She could be an amazing asset to us," Zane jumped in on supporting our new friend.

"She not only has really good resources but she's smart. She figured out what kinda meds we needed, and she's got some techy knowledge as well with that music distraction thing she made," Jasper added. Mike took a big sigh.

"Okay, you're right. She sounds like a good asset, and I do trust Lawrence I'm sorry. I've just got a lot on my mind right now," Mike rubbed his eyes. He leaned over the table and started counting.

"All this in just one bag?" he sounded more impressed and less questioning now, "And all in one trip," he turned and looked at Newt. "She said it's carrying the heaviest bag," he went to take the bag off him but was having difficulties getting Newt to cooperate. "A little help," he glanced over his shoulder at us. Jasper walked behind Newt and grabbed the bag by its handle, lifting it. Mike was able to unbuckle the front clasp and with Eugene's aid pushed Newts arm up letting Jasper lift the bag off. By Jasper's face you could tell the bag was pretty damn heavy to be lifting off someone like that. He moved quickly to drop the bag on a table. It landed with a heavy thunk.

I started unzipping the bag as Jasper lead Newt to a far corner and tied him up. We'll probably hand him off to Doc later. The bag was stretched and difficult to open. It was chalk full of cans all neatly lined up. It's holding it's absolute maximum capacity of cans. My face clearly showed shock and excitement. I looked up at the others. Zane started laughing and Eugene was grinning from ear to ear. Mike clasped me on the shoulder and was smiling as well. Jasper just walked over and started unpacking everything, counting as he went; only then did he start to smile.

"Damn, I like this chick," Zane muttered as he started counting as well. That made me laugh.

"Sorry I didn't trust your judgement man I clearly should though," that comment sounded all good, but it made me feel like shit. If not for her my judgement would've killed us. I tried to get the topic off me.

"Well, it's not me who's owed an apology," I looked over at him.

"Yeah, you're right," Mike's smile faded a little and he let go of me, "Can one of you go find her? She probably doesn't know where she's going and some places are still a bit on the unstable side," Zane and Eugene nodded. Of course, those 2 will, they'll do anything to get out of stocking. "Okay good, meet me in the gym later tonight. Hey Lawrence, Jasper, can you guys bring Doc Layla's meds and bring him Newt too," We nodded. Figures we get stuck with that nasty decomposing Newt while they get to go find Eve. Zane and Eugene already left, and it looked like Mike was leaving too.

"Where you headed?" I asked. He's just gonna leave us to stock all this.

"I gotta get to a meeting. It was supposed to start at sundown. Don't worry I trust you guys to get this done," he walked out the door. Oh, great.

We tried to finish as quickly as possible, but it still took us awhile with it only being the 2 of us. I wanted to go find Eve and the guys, but we still had to deliver Newt and the meds to Doc.

Jasper took Newt and we walked next to each other through the halls. I was debating whether to start a conversation or not as we had been working in silence. Then I just figured why not.

"This might sound random but here it is anyway. I was really surprised when Eve told us her name. I thought she was a guy," I laughed a little and he did as well.

"I knew she was a girl by the way she put down Zane," we both laughed again. There was again a moment of silence. It wasn't awkward, just quiet.

"What do you think about her eyes?" I didn't really mean to ask but it just kinda fell out.

"What do you mean?" He didn't bat an eye.

"What do you mean 'what do I mean' they're 2 different colors," he just shrugged.

"I don't know. They're just her eyes," I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but I was. I know he never really cared about appearances but having absolutely no thoughts about her 2 completely different colored eyes.

"Well, I think her eyes are way cool. They're so unique and memorable," I looked over at him confused as he laughed.

"Are you sure I'm the one with the crush," he was looking at me now. I hit him on his shoulder.

"Shut up," I snapped. He laughed even harder. We went to Doc's zone. He took over the old nurse's office and the room next door to it. There was only a thin dry wall between them, and he knocked it down almost as soon as it was decided that he could take over the little office. We walked in and saw Doc was talking to Layla's family they had been staying here with her while she was sick. He saw us and excused himself. Layla was laying on a small cot, she looked really pale. Doc was pretty old maybe in his late 60's. All his hair was white, and he had a thick white beard. He honestly looked like a skinny Santa and to go with that he almost always had on a red plaid long sleeve shirt.

"Hey boys you finally back. Everyone in one piece?" He was a really nice guy too.

"Yes, sir all in one piece," Jasper always called everyone older than him 'sir' it was almost annoying how polite he was sometimes.

"Good, good. So, what can I do for you boys then?" I really didn't like how Doc calls us boys, but he even calls Mike boy as well, so I just go with it.

"Well while we were out, we made it a point to find some meds. We didn't know what to look for but we had some help so I think this should be the right stuff," I handed him the meds Eve gave us. He took them pulled out his spectacles and read what they were to himself. He looked surprised and happy. Big ol' smile spread across his face.

"How did you guys know what she needed?" He looked back up at us.

"Well, I told you we had some help," I stood up straighter feeling myself a little. Jasper had to ruin it though.

"Yeah, her name is Eve. She came back to camp with us specifically to make sure we got these back here for Layla," Doc chuckled a little but then for the first time saw that Newt was just outside the doorway. Doc's brows furrowed together.

"Real smart cookie that one must be. Let me get these to her parents and I'll be right back so you can tell me why you brought that thing with you to my healing station," he turned away from us. He had tried to rename the nurses office 'healing station' but it really didn't take off. He walked over to the family and started explaining. The mother started crying and the dad and I assume brother hugged and laughed. They went to her side and Doc told them the how and what about meds before he came back over to us. He gently pushed us out into the hall. Doc is normally a really nice guy but now he looked terribly upset. "Now tell me, why did you bring this thing here?" I was about to take lead in explaining but Jasper spoke before I even fully knew what I should say.

"Eve, that girl who gave us the meds uses zombies as guards and as personal luggage carriers. She calls this one Newt and she made us bring him along to carry the heaviest stuff. Mike asked us to bring him to you after we unloaded and stocked all the supplies," he paused, "Is there someplace you would like us to put him or should we just let him go or something?" there's that polite shit again. Don't volunteer me for shit man. I wanna go find Eve and the guys.

"Hmm," Doc rubbed his beard, "Real smart cookie," he said mostly to himself, "I'd like to meet this Eve. You said she was here right?"

"That's right Doc, we brought her back with us. Would you like us to go get her for you?" Now that's somethin I don't mind volunteering for.

"Why, yes that would be nice, how bout I meet her in the cafeteria later I have yet to eat today," he was rubbing his beard in thought.

"And what about Newt?" I asked he looked at me confused for a second then he seemed to remember.

"Ah, yes I'll take him," Jasper handed over the lead. I thought suddenly about how strange it was that Newt didn't really seem to care. He didn't seem interested in us really at all, the most active I've seen him was when we were on that dirt road. Strange, very strange. We headed back to the Gym now. Hopefully, we'll find Eve and the others here.