

RedBoxDudez · Horror
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7 Chs

Sneak Plan ( chapter 6 )

So now it was night time and Alexa and John made their team name, Survivors04, so they were reddy to leave the base, they got the guns, supplies and food, so they where reddy, then John told alexa that he knows a shortcut and it would be better to go whit a shortcut so Alexa aceppt it Than Alexa said, Look bunch of zombies

Than Jhon said, Lets call them Invators, Akexa replied, Ok but what do we do , And then something fell out of John bag, it was so loud that the invators heard it and starting rushing them down while they where trying to run to the airfield whit a jet, while they where running and shooting the invators they met som traitors and they where trying to kill Survivors04 and then one of traitors noticet the jet that Alexa and Johna are gonna ascape whit, they wanted to steal the jet but one of the traitors found a shortcut and got alredy to the jet and was alredy to fly away but they didnt know how to fly a jet so they tried to figure out how to do that, while Survivors04 were running they made it to the air field and saw that the traitors where about to take off and the John said, DIE YOU INVATOR, and trowhed a brick to one of the traitors and he passed out.