
Surviving the Storm

An Alpha is supposed to be strong. A leader, a protector. He is supposed to be the one his pack members can count on to keep them safe. But what happens when your Alpha is a monster? And worse, what happens when that monster is your father? At seventeen years old I ran from my pack to escape my demons. Running and leaving the country I chose to go rogue in an attempt to survive and create a new life for myself. But I was in for a shock when I found my mate. The moment I learned he was an Alpha who hated rogues more than anything else, I ran for my life again! There was just one problem, he wasn't about to let me escape!

Montana_Fox · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 9


We all looked at the look on Alpha Doyle's face, before the four of us ran upstairs and got cleaned up. After I had showered and gotten dressed, I met with the other girls. Leah had gotten an Omega she got along well with to fetch our clothes from out on the porch for us, which I was thankful for. It prolonged our ability to avoid the angry Alpha and Beta and furious cleaning staff.

We were now all gathered in Leah's room on the second floor. We sat on Leah's bed and laughed over everything that had happened downstairs earlier.

After a while I stopped laughing, then looking at Leah, I said, "Guys, your dad was furious. What do you think he is going to say when we get back downstairs?"

"He will be fine, don't worry," Julie replied, still laughing.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because I know him. Everything is going to be alright, trust me," she said. I didn't know what to think. Julie was sure that Alpha Doyle was going to be fine, but Alphas were unpredictable. I could feel my anxiety increasing as I wondered what Alpha Doyle was going to say or do about the mess we had created downstairs.

We stayed in Leah's room for a while, chilling out, before heading back downstairs. When we stepped out of Leah's room, we saw that our mess from earlier had also been tidied up. I was even more surprised to see that downstairs had been tidied up so good that it was like nothing had ever happened. I had to admit, the cleaning staff here worked fast. The girls and I made our way into the lounge room and Lilly put on a movie.

We were laying on the lounge chairs engrossed in the movie when Alpha Doyle came into the room. "Lena, can I have a word, please? In private?" He asked.

My anxiety kicked into overdrive and with a feeling of dread I silently nodded before standing up and following him upstairs to the second floor. He led me along a long hallway and into another room, and before I knew it, we were standing in what was clearly Alpha Doyle's office. I stood just inside the doorway looking around. It was a lovely room.

The room had a big solid mahogany desk with a matching bookshelf and sideboard. There was a coffee table that was in front of a leather couch which was situated on the other side of the room. There were also three filing cabinets along the wall to the left of the door. The carpet in this room was a rich burgundy red, it was so dark that it reminded me of red wine. On the wall behind the desk, proudly on display, there was a large painting of a wolf. The picture had a black backdrop with the wolf painted in a variety of different shades of grey, a few of the grays looked various shades of silver against the black backdrop. The overall effect of the painting was stunning!

There was also a large mirror on the wall, which from where I was standing, I could see the lounge chair in the mirror's reflection. The room was gorgeous, very masculine but still, lovely. Alpha Doyle put slight pressure on my lower back, urging me forward. As soon as we stepped into the room, Alpha Doyle closed the door, locking it behind him.

I watched him closely waiting for him to flip out about what had taken place downstairs earlier. He didn't say anything, instead, he led me over to the large three-seater leather lounge chair, which was situated against the far wall near the window. The window was the same black glass as the windows I had seen in his bathroom my first day here.

Since I had been here, I had learned these windows were all through the house. I had to admit I liked the effect they gave to the various rooms throughout the house. Looking out the window, I saw that it was still raining heavily outside. Alpha Doyle sat on the lounge and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my lower back as I straddled him. Feeling anxious and not wanting to make him angry I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him, my eyes trailing over his face, trying to memorize every detail. I had meant what I had told him the first day we had met. The age gap didn't matter to me.

What mattered was how much I feared him. I didn't know how to be myself around him. I didn't understand just how much or how little it might take to set him off and have him flying into a rage. How could I be a Luna for this pack when I feared my own mate?

Alpha Doyle drew me in, so I was resting my head on his shoulder. He held me as I just rested there against him, his hand running lightly along my back. As I lay there for a while, I could feel my heart rate slowly beginning to slow down as my body began to relax.

Alpha Doyle

Sean and I had been sitting with the cleaning staff and I had been talking to them for a while now trying to appease them. They had been upset about the mess that had been created earlier by the muddy wolves that had destroyed the house. I had talked with them extensively giving in to their terroristic demands much to Sean's amusement.

The cleaning staff had claimed compensation for pain and suffering, well that is how they had put it. Personally, I had thought it was absurd. Pain and suffering? Really? Sean had had a tough time hiding his laughter as he had listened to the cleaning staff pleading their case. By the time we were done, I had decided that Lena and my girls had a lot to answer for. They had cost me dearly. The cleaning staff had seen the perfect opportunity to hold me to ransom and they had taken it. And I had to admit, now that it was all said and done, it amused me how they had not held back!

After meeting with the cleaning staff, I had found Lena in the lounge room with my daughters. They were all watching a movie as though nothing had happened. "Lena, can I have a word, please? In private?" I asked.

She looked at me and I felt my heart pang when I saw that she looked terrified. Silently nodding she slowly got up from the chair she was sitting on. I walked out of the room, with Lena silently following me, upstairs to the second floor and along the hallway before heading into my office.

When we went inside, I locked the door behind me and noticed that Lena was watching me. She was tense, almost as though she was preparing herself to have to fight for her life. I led her over to the large three-seater leather lounge chair, that was up against the far wall near the window.

Lena was gazing out of the window. It was still raining heavily outside. I took a seat on the lounge, on the end of the lounge chair closest to the window and pulled her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her and stroking her lower back as she straddled me. She wrapped my arms around my neck and looked at me, her eyes trailing over my face. It was as if she were trying to memorize every detail of it. As she looked at me, I could see in her eyes that she had meant what she had told me the day that I had first met her. The age gap didn't matter to her, it didn't matter to me either, if I was being honest.

What concerned to me was how much she feared me. I needed to find a way to get her to relax enough so she could see she had no reason to fear me. I drew her in to me, so she was resting her head on my shoulder. As she rested there against me, she was extremely tense, and it concerned me that she was shaking. I held her as she just rested there against me, my hand running along her back. As she lay there, I could feel her heart rate beginning to slow significantly to where she was becoming less tense. She soon sat up and trailed her eyes over my face again. Wanting to put her at ease, I decided to try a light bit of teasing.


I sat up and looked at Alpha Doyle, trailing my eyes over him now that I was calmer. "Do you like what you see, love?" he asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yep, do you?" I asked, feeling more confident in that moment than I could ever recall feeling in my life.

Realizing what I had said, I bit my bottom lip, lowering my gaze. "Oh, I do," he said chuckling as his eyes ran over my form, causing me to blush. Keeping my eyes lowered, I heard him chuckling.

I looked back up at him and his lips were suddenly on mine. His arms tightened around me as he pulled me in closer to him. This kiss wasn't the same as the kiss we had shared out beside the lake that first day. This kiss was harder. It was a kiss filled with passion. A strange and unfamiliar feeling suddenly consumed me deep in my core. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

It was like a heat which felt as if it was consuming me. I felt as if I couldn't get enough of Alpha Doyle, and as close as I was, I needed to get closer. I felt him getting hard, the evidence of his arousal pressing against my core. Filled with a desire I had never experienced, I started to move my hips back and forward across his erection. As I continued to move, Alpha Doyle moaned deep in his throat, deepening our kiss. His hands locked onto my hips, pulling me down harder against his erection as I continued to move over him, while our tongues continued fighting for dominance.

He broke the kiss-off as he moved to trail light kisses along my jaw and over my neck, as he unzipped the zipper of my jacket. Suddenly his eyes were running over my toned petite body, zeroing in on the scars which covered my abdomen and rib cage. I found myself feeling self-conscious suddenly and wanting to hide my body so he wouldn't be able to see the scars. Seeing my discomfort, he tilted my chin gently until I was making eye contact with him.

"You're exquisite, you're absolutely stunning, believe that love," he whispered, his eyes continuing to appraise my body. He unzipped the zipper then slipped my jacket from my shoulders. He trailed his fingers over the scars which covered my stomach and sides, and I knew it was only a matter of time before he saw the scars on my back. I placed my hands on his shoulders, pulling him forward.

All though this was all new to me, I didn't want to do anything that might cause him to become angry or put him in a position where he would feel he needed to assert his dominance. The last thing I needed was to be dealing with an Alpha on the war path.

Watching me for a moment, he moved forward just like I wanted him to. I grabbed the hem of his turtleneck shirt, tugging it upwards. Looking at me in amusement, Alpha Doyle leaned forward and removed his shirt. I slowly trailed my fingers over his chest and over his rock-hard abs. I had been right! For a man in his forties, Alpha Doyle was in excellent shape, he was pure muscle.

Looking up, I caught him watching me with interest. I lowered my gaze feeling vulnerable. His fingers stilled on my sides, and when I looked up, I saw him looking at something over my shoulder. Confused I turned and saw what he was looking at. It didn't take me long to realize he was looking at my back, which was now on display in the mirror behind us. When I turned back to him, he didn't say a word. He just moved forward and began placing light kisses on my neck once again. I tilted my head back giving him better access. His fingertips traced across my rib cage. I placed my hands on his shoulders, loving the feel of solid muscle under my fingertips. He trailed light kisses across my collarbone, as his hands slid across my back and gripped the back of my shoulders, tilting me back and giving him better access to my body. As soon as he had positioned my body at the angle he wanted, he took full advantage of it. He began trailing kisses down the front of my chest between the valley of my breasts. He pulled the bra cup away from my left breast, then ran his tongue across the hardened nipple. Taking the bud into his mouth he sucked hard on the hardened nipple, grazing his teeth across the sensitive bud.

"I can smell your arousal love, and I would bet good money you are wet for me too," he whispered, his grin clear in his voice.

Tilting my head back and closing my eyes, I continued to rub my core over his erection, enjoying the sensation that was building up deep within my core. A light moan slipped from my parted lips as his tongue continued to tease my nipple. Occasionally, he would take my nipple between his teeth and bite it lightly before running his tongue over it once more. His left hand grabbed my right breast, and he began kneading it. I released a whimper as I continued to grind on him harder. His teeth replaced the softness of his tongue and lips once more, placing gentle bites, which left behind a pleasurable sting on my sensitive nipple.

"Stop before I… "I whispered, my voice trembling causing me to break off mid-sentence.

"Stop before you what love? Before you cum? Cum for me then," I could hear the amusement and the satisfaction in his voice as his breath caressed my flesh. With his fingers and teeth working my sensitive nipples, and me grinding on him as hard as I could, it was causing the pressure building up in my core to become too much and I couldn't hold on any longer.

"I'm about to…" the tension built. My body was shaking as my need increased in intensity until it reached a new level.

"Don't hold back love," he whispered.

"I'm… "my voice was cut off as my orgasm hit. Biting down hard on my lower lip, I rode it out as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through my body until it left me feeling boneless. My body was trembling as I rested my forehead against his, my eyes closed trying to catch my breath. When I sat up, I looked at Alpha Doyle who had a self-satisfied smirk on his face. That had been the first sexual experience of my life, and I had to admit, it had been amazing.

"It's been ten years since you have done anything like this, yes?" I asked.

"That's right," he said, looking at me in open curiosity. "Well, I think it is safe to say you haven't lost your touch," I whispered.

Alpha Doyle just laughed as he held me tightly against him, his chest hair rubbing against my sensitive nipples. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into his warmth. After a while, when my head was clear once more, I sat up and Alpha Doyle reached out and fixed up the cup of my bra, covering my left breast again.

"We need to talk," he said, looking at me.

"Okay," I replied, waiting for him to speak.

"I can't let you go back to the university and live on the campus the way you have been. You, living on the campus, with no protection, and without me there to protect you. It just doesn't feel right. I need you here with me. If I can't see for myself that you are safe, it is going to make my wolf go crazy. I won't be able to run my pack if I am constantly fighting my wolf to prevent him from taking over and going looking for you. I hope you understand that. Plus, if I am away from you and something were to happen to you because I wasn't there to protect you, I would never be able to forgive myself," he said, watching me.

"But I will be with the other girls. I am sure between the four of us, we can take care of ourselves," I replied.

"I can't lose you, Lena. You are the Luna of this pack. And I have not trained my daughters to fight. So, you can't reassure me with that argument, sorry love," he whispered in a teasing tone.

"Well, whose fault is that? You should have taught them to fight!" I said in a teasing tone, making him laugh.

"Hang on, if they haven't been trained to fight, then why are they living on campus with no protection?" I asked, confused.

"They outnumbered me in that argument. But do you think you would you be open to considering doing your schooling online?" he asked sounding hopeful.

"Don't do this to me. I have been looking forward to the total university experience for a while now. And I have only been going to school there for a less than two months. Please don't take this opportunity away from me. I will have Julie, Leah, and Lilly there with me. I will call you multiple times throughout the day if that helps to put your mind at ease. I could come back here on weekends. Or maybe I could even just drive into the campus to take my classes and come back here in the afternoon. Please, just let me keep going to school," I knew I was begging him, and I was ashamed of myself for it. But I needed to maintain some freedom.

"Well, let me just bring it to your attention that before this weekend is over, you will start your heat which will last for two weeks. You will be having to stay up on the third floor for two weeks, otherwise, your heat will drive the men within my pack crazy," he informed me, looking as though he was worried about how I would react to this news.

"I understand that, and I will bet that you will be right there with me when I am going through my heat. Just as I am sure that we will be a pair of wolves acting like rabbits during my heat," I told him in a teasing tone.

He laughs out loud at what I have just said before adding, "Oh, I know we will love."

I was surprised by how the mate bond was drawing me in. Although I was still wary of him, due to his being an Alpha. In that moment I felt safe around him, and that feeling came from the mate bond. Feeling at ease, I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him as I laid my head on his shoulder while he trailed his fingertips up and down my spine. We stayed that way, until a knock came on the door.

"What is it?" Alpha Doyle called out.

"Dinner is being served up Alpha," a voice that I did not recognize, replied through the door.

"We will be right down," Alpha Doyle replied. "Lena," he said, looking at me.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"How did you get those scars?"

"From my father and my brother Mason, and various other members of my old pack thanks to Mason and the lies he spread around about me," I replied.

Alpha Doyle let out a low growl. I reached out placing my palm to his face. After a moment he looked at me as he rubbed his hands along my outer thighs, then he placed his hands on my hips lifting me up and setting me on my feet. He picked up my hoodie off the floor, helping me into it and zipping it up, then he pulled on his turtleneck. We were walking toward the office door when I stopped.

Alpha Doyle looked at me in confusion, and asked, "What's wrong, love?"

"Do I smell like sex?" I asked, feeling worried.

Alpha Doyle started laughing at my question, then seeing that I was serious, he said, "No, no, definitely not."

I looked at him, trying to see if he was being serious or not. He seemed to pick up on it because he said, "I wouldn't lie to you, love."

'But he had lied to me', I thought. I had asked him a couple of times outright if he had brought me here so that he could kill me, and he hadn't answered. He had omitted to tell me the truth, and lies of omission were still lies, no matter how one tried to dress it up. We made our way downstairs to the dining room, and I saw that they had set the table. As always, the food looked delicious. After we had finished dinner, I called it a night, and I made my way upstairs to get ready for bed.

As I was leaving the lounge room, I saw the girls giving each other looks and the thumbs up gestures, and I quickly fled the room before they could embarrass me further. As soon as I got to the third floor, I made my way into the spare bedroom and threw everything into my suitcase before making my way back into Alpha Doyle's bedroom and setting my suitcase beside the bed side table.

I made my way into the bathroom and walked to one of the vanity basins, where I started cleaning my teeth. After I had finished cleaning my teeth, I went back into the bedroom, and once I was in there, I removed my hoodie and bra and slipped on a long-sleeved tee-shirt. I walked over to the bed and pulled the blankets back, then turning out the bedroom light I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Alpha Doyle to come upstairs.

I didn't have to wait long before he walked into the bedroom. He stopped just inside the door, surprised to see me sitting on the bed. Not saying anything, he made his way into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The only illumination in the bedroom now was from the light shining out from the gap in the bathroom's door. When Alpha Doyle walked back out of the bathroom, he stopped in the doorway and stood there watching me for a moment.

Looking at him, I asked, "What side of the bed do you sleep on."

"I will take the left side, you can have the right," he said.

"Do you usually sleep on the left side?" I asked, not wanting to put him out.

"I usually sleep in the middle, but I will take the left, that way if something were to happen or someone were to attack us during the night, with you being on the right side of the bed, anyone coming through that door would have to go through me to get to you," he said.

"Well, in that case, you can have the left side, it's all yours," I told him, smiling at him.

He smiled back, laughing, before turning off the bathroom light, throwing us into total darkness. I crawled across the bed onto the right side, laying there in the darkness. I heard a rustling in the darkness, then after a while, I felt the bed dip as Alpha Doyle got into bed beside me. I turned onto my side, facing his side of the bed. He reached out in the dark resting his hand lightly on my hip and I moved closer to him seeking his warmth.

I pushed myself up leaning my weight on my right arm as I leaned over him in the dark placing my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him until I was being held against his naked body. I felt the warmth of his body flush against mine. After a while he slid his hands up under my tee-shirt and explored my body. I slid my left leg over him and sat up as I straddled his waist.

He seemed surprised by what I was doing, taking the lead. But in the darkness, I felt braver in this moment than I had ever felt in my life. Sitting astride him, I ran my hands slowly down his naked torso, and as I did, I could feel him getting hard. By now my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could make him out as he lay there watching me.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling the fabric up over my head and throwing it onto the floor. As soon as I did that, Alpha Doyle's hands made their way up to cup my breasts. He slowly began to knead my breasts. I leaned down and placed my lips on his once more. As I kissed him, I touched my tongue to his bottom lip seeking entrance, but he denied it. Not wanting to let him win this little battle of wills. I slid my core over his erection. At his slight intake of breath, I took full advantage and delved my tongue into the depths of his mouth, seeking, and I was met with his tongue.

Releasing my breasts, he grabbed my hips, holding me against his erection as he thrust his hips against me. Keeping our mouths joined, he rolled us over, laying me on my back, so he was on top of me, placing his weight onto his forearms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him close.

He broke the kiss and started trailing kisses down my throat and over my chest. Trailing kisses down my chest, he found his way to my right breast, taking the pebbled nipple into his mouth and sucking on it. He took the nipple between his teeth, biting down on it and rolling it around between his teeth, and then laved it with his tongue. Moving on, he continued to trail kisses down my abdomen, moving into a kneeling position, he grabbed the material of my pants and quickly dragged them down my legs. Tossing them onto the floor with my shirt.

He laid back over me once again and started placing light kisses on my abdomen and working his way down. Kneeling between my thighs, he started kissing my left inner thigh, and I bit my lower lip to stifle a moan. But then he surprised me, when he placed my left leg over his shoulder and continued kissing my inner thigh as he worked his way up towards the juncture of my thighs. The moment his mouth reached the apex of my thighs, it felt like an electric shock had gone through my body. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as my hands reached down to grab his hair. He took his time, his tongue working its magic, worshiping my body, as he continued dragging out this delicious torture.

"Doyle!" I cried out.

He raised his head and his eyes met mine. "I have wanted to do this to you from the moment I realized you were mine, love," he whispered, before going back to what he was doing.

I felt delirious, my mind was trying to comprehend how something could feel so amazing, my body was shaking uncontrollably. He was making me feel something that was so intense, and so addictive, that it was taking over all my senses. I never wanted it to end, but I knew it was going too. I could feel my body gradually building up to a climax. I climaxed with a scream that tore out of my throat. My hands digging into the bed sheets, gripping them tightly in my fisted hands until the last aftershock of my climax rippled through my body and ebbed into a haze of ecstasy.

Doyle moved back up my body, his lips covering mine, as he entered me, surging into me in one powerful thrust, causing me to cry out and tense up at the sudden pain which consumed me at his sudden invasion. He stilled and looked down at me, realization dawning on his face. He remained still, allowing my body to become used to his breaching of my inner walls. He moved his right hand, placing it between my thighs, as he began working my clit with his thumb, causing pleasure to shoot through me effectively drowning out the pain of his invasion, causing me to release a breathy moan. Pleasure burst through me and consumed me, becoming more powerful when he started moving within me. I moved my hips faster, meeting him thrust for thrust. It was strange, but after a while it felt as though our souls were suddenly in tandem.

I wrapped my arms and legs around him, wanting him as close to me as possible. After a while, he slowed down and bringing his right hand up, he gently cupped my cheek. I looked up into his eyes, which were so full of adoration as they roamed over my face.

Suddenly he flipped us over, so I was now on top of him, straddling him. His hands gripping onto my hips. My pulse was throbbing faster. I placed my hands on his wide chest, starting to move slowly at first, then faster as I found my rhythm. We never looked away from each other. Our bodies moving in perfect harmony as we continued to look into each other's eyes.

He placed his hands on both sides of my face and pulled me down to him for a kiss. Both of us were moving even faster in our abandon, and when he came, I soon followed, my climax ripping through me.

Wanting to make sure there was no chance of any other she-wolves mistaking who he belonged to, my wolfs possessive side came out to play, and in the heat of the moment, she decided that we should take the leap and mark him. Sinking my elongated canines into the crook of his neck causing him to hiss as he became hard again and gripped my hips tightly, as he began to thrust into me harder than before. I was running my tongue over the area I had just bitten, removing any traces of blood when Doyle grabbed me around the back of the neck and dragged me down to him, sinking his elongated canines into the crook of my neck, returning the favour, which once again saw me drowning in the most intense sensation of orgasmic bliss.

When he was done, he slowly ran his tongue over the area removing any traces of blood from his bite. I lay down on top of him and his arms encircled me, holding me against him in a tender embrace. I listened to his heart racing, his heartbeats matching my own.

"It's never been this way for me, you know. Even with the girls' mother," he murmured after a while, stroking my hair, "it was never like this."

"Like what?" I asked, confused.

"Different. Special. Truth be told, special doesn't cut it." He kissed the top of my head. "Just now, with you, those were some of the best minutes of my life, honestly love, I mean that."

"Are you sure that it's not just because you have been celibate for so long?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"That's not it at all, love," he whispered, stroking my hair.

I grinned and snuggled closer to him, "I feel the same way... best minutes of my life," I whispered.

He held me more tightly in response. I closed my eyes and feeling safer than I had felt in a long time, I fell asleep in his arms in my human form.