
Surviving The Novel

Get ready to be hooked into a captivating journey with Mark, a young man in his mid-twenties who has a life-changing encounter. During a fight in the evening, Mark's world is violently shattered when a truck collides with him, setting the stage for an extraordinary tale. But that's just the beginning. As he slips into unconsciousness, a profound realization dawns upon him—he has not deleted his browsing history (just kidding). In all seriousness, he reflects on the feeling of wasting his life. However, as he awakens, he discovers that he has been reborn as a baby, retaining every memory from his past existence. As Mark grows up in this new realm, he gradually unravels the astonishing truth: he has transmigrated into the world of a novel called "Portal of Destiny," one that he had previously read and commented on. Brace yourself for a dark and treacherous world, teeming with enigmatic creatures, potent magic, and treacherous political landscapes. Gifted with a second chance, Mark resolves to utilize his knowledge of the novel's plot and his memories of his past life to navigate the perils that lie ahead and alter his own destiny. . . . Prepare for immersive chapters, each comprising more than 1500 words, as this captivating tale unfolds. While updates will aim for daily releases, the author humbly requests your understanding, considering their commitments as an 18-year-old university student. But fear not, as a minimum of three chapters per week is guaranteed. A quick disclaimer: The cover image is not the author's original creation; it has been upscaled. If you are the talented artist behind it, please kindly reach out, and the appropriate action will be taken. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure where destiny awaits. Welcome to Mark's extraordinary new reality! P.S - Everything sucks... just bear with it. [Shiroi]

Shiroi_kage · Fantasy
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74 Chs

The Clan (2)

As they ventured through the corridors adorned with weapons and ornaments, under the guidance of the guards, they reached a door that appeared to be at the very heart of the entire structure.

As they drew closer to the grand door, embellished with symbols that showcased the might and storied history of the clan, an uneasy atmosphere settled upon them. Auric couldn't help but sense the intensity of the aura emanating from behind the door, a manifestation of incredible power that sent a ripple of unease through his very being. His internal system alerted him to the potential danger, urging him to tread cautiously.

[ I sense an formidable aura beyond this door ] the system informed Auric, emphasizing the potential consequences of any misstep. [ Approach with caution, for even a single strike from that individual could prove lethal. Remain vigilant ]

'Noted,' Auric nodded, acknowledging the system's warning. He grasped the gravity of the situation and recognized the need to display unwavering resolve in the face of such power. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as they neared the door, bearing witness to the apprehension he felt. Ellie wore a pitiful expression, her fear evident in her eyes.

Sensing their unease, Magnus let out a soft sigh and attempted to shield them with his own aura. However, Auric declined the offer, determined to demonstrate his own strength and confront the situation head-on.

"I appreciate your concern, Magnus," Auric said firmly, meeting the wyvern pilot's gaze. "But I must show my own fortitude and face this challenge directly. I cannot rely solely on others."

Understanding Auric's resolve, Magnus nodded. "Very well," he replied, his voice tinged with admiration. "I will respect your decision, young master. But do remember, this may be your first test within the clan. Be cautious." With those words, he enveloped Ellie in his protective aura, easing her expression, while she looked at her brother with concern. Auric, in turn, glanced at Ellie and gave her a reassuring nod, silently assuring her.

With their determination strengthened, they stood before the imposing door, Auric wiping away the perspiration from his forehead. The guards who had led them there stood to the side, ready to open the door upon receiving the signal.

As if prompted by an unseen force, the guards began to swing open the massive door, granting a glimpse of the room beyond. Auric's breath caught in his throat as he caught a glimpse through the opening, his eyes widening in astonishment.

At the far end of the room, seated upon a magnificent throne, was a man who exuded an aura of immense power. The air around him crackled with an intensity that sent shivers down Auric's spine. The reddish hue enveloping the man seemed to pulsate with energy, hinting at the formidable force he possessed.

The man appeared to be in his middle-aged years, his face displaying a regal yet weathered handsomeness. His striking red eyes seemed to hold the wisdom of countless years, while his hair, once fiery, had now turned a grayish hue—a testament to the passage of time. Intricate thunderous patterns adorned his arms and cheeks in the form of tattoos, further emphasizing his commanding presence.

The room was filled with members of the Emberclaw clan, each exuding their own aura of dominance and power. Auric could sense a mixture of tension and respect among the gathered dragonborn, their gazes assessing him with scrutiny and curiosity.

As Auric's gaze swept through the room, his intuition guided him to a couple standing among the clan members. Their presence exuded warmth and familiarity, enveloping him with a profound sense of belonging. In that moment, it felt as if a wave of homecoming washed over him, bringing a smile to his face.

Noticing Auric's smile, the couple returned it with warmth in their eyes. Their expressions conveyed a silent understanding, as if recognizing the connection between them. It was a reassuring sight, a glimpse of kinship amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces.

Though surrounded by powerful individuals, Auric couldn't help but feel a mixture of tension and acceptance within the room. The palpable hostility reflected the high stakes and complex dynamics within the clan. However, intertwined with that tension, he also sensed an undercurrent of support and respect.

"We greet the patriarch!" Magnus kneeled and bowed before the man on the throne, Auric and Ellie following suit, their bodies filled with respect and anticipation. Auric's heart raced as he heard the chilling voice commanding them to rise, further heightening his anxiety. A cold sweat drenched his forehead, but he quickly realized that Ellie remained seemingly unaffected, deepening his own unease.

'Is he solely targeting me?' Auric couldn't help but wonder if the intensity of the man's presence was solely focused on him.

"Rise." The weight of the gaze and the chilling voice sent shivers down his spine, while Ellie trembled.

As they rose from their kneeling positions, the man motioned his finger for Auric to step forward, an action that sent a wave of mixed emotions through him.

The echoes of his footsteps reverberated in the hall, and the gazes of the gathered clan members bore into his being. Despite the intensity of the moment, Auric drew strength from within, refusing to succumb to fear. He had resolved not to be afraid any longer.

Auric approached the man on the throne, every step calculated and resolute. As he drew closer, the pressure in the room intensified, engulfing him in a suffocating embrace. It felt as though the man's presence was delving deep into his very core, unveiling all his hidden secrets.

The man's dry voice echoed through the chamber once more, shattering the silence. "So, you are that girl's child," he stated, his words carrying a weight that sent chills down Auric's spine.

"Yes," Auric replied, his voice steady despite the unease coursing through him.

Suddenly, an immense surge of pressure descended upon Auric, far more intense than before. It felt as though the man was peering into the depths of his soul, exposing every secret, every vulnerability.

As the immense pressure intensified, Auric felt as if his very being was being scrutinized, his secrets laid bare before the old man on the throne. The weight of the moment bore down upon him, causing his heart to ache with a crushing pain. He clenched his teeth, determined to hold onto his consciousness despite the agony.

Unbeknownst to Auric, a flood of system notifications rang in his head.

[ *Ding* ]

[ *Ding* ]

[ *Ding* ]

[ *Danger* ]

[ *Danger* ]

[ *Danger* ]




Yet, he remained oblivious to their urgency, his unwavering focus solely on enduring the harrowing ordeal before him.

A strained gasp escaped his lips, "K-kek!"

The pain relentlessly assailed him, threatening to shatter his resolve, but he fought tooth and nail to maintain his composure.

In the background, the gathered members of the clan stood in stunned silence, their gazes fixated on the unfolding scene. The aged patriarch, releasing the intense pressure, filled the room with his resonant voice. An air of intrigue colored his words as he seemed captivated by Auric's indomitable spirit.

"Hmm, not bad for the offspring of a runaway girl," the patriarch remarked, his tone laced with curiosity. "Speak now, young one. Why have you ventured into this realm?"

Auric's mind momentarily froze at the unexpected question, but he swiftly regained his composure, realizing that deceiving someone of the patriarch's stature would prove futile. With unwavering determination, he answered honestly, his voice steady and resolute. There existed no room for pretense or half-truths when confronted with the man's piercing gaze, which seemed to possess the wisdom of a demigod.

"I... am here to acquire strength and devour everyone," Auric declared firmly, his words carrying the weight of his unyielding ambition, as if they were an immutable truth.

The room descended into a stunned silence, as if time itself had come to a standstill. The weight of Auric's proclamation hung heavily in the air, the truth behind his words reverberating throughout the chamber. Then, unexpectedly, a voice shattered the stillness—an eruption of deep, resonant laughter that emanated from the man seated before Auric.

"HAHA," the patriarch laughed, his voice a rich tapestry of amusement and intrigue. "HAHAHAHAH."