
Surviving The Novel

Get ready to be hooked into a captivating journey with Mark, a young man in his mid-twenties who has a life-changing encounter. During a fight in the evening, Mark's world is violently shattered when a truck collides with him, setting the stage for an extraordinary tale. But that's just the beginning. As he slips into unconsciousness, a profound realization dawns upon him—he has not deleted his browsing history (just kidding). In all seriousness, he reflects on the feeling of wasting his life. However, as he awakens, he discovers that he has been reborn as a baby, retaining every memory from his past existence. As Mark grows up in this new realm, he gradually unravels the astonishing truth: he has transmigrated into the world of a novel called "Portal of Destiny," one that he had previously read and commented on. Brace yourself for a dark and treacherous world, teeming with enigmatic creatures, potent magic, and treacherous political landscapes. Gifted with a second chance, Mark resolves to utilize his knowledge of the novel's plot and his memories of his past life to navigate the perils that lie ahead and alter his own destiny. . . . Prepare for immersive chapters, each comprising more than 1500 words, as this captivating tale unfolds. While updates will aim for daily releases, the author humbly requests your understanding, considering their commitments as an 18-year-old university student. But fear not, as a minimum of three chapters per week is guaranteed. A quick disclaimer: The cover image is not the author's original creation; it has been upscaled. If you are the talented artist behind it, please kindly reach out, and the appropriate action will be taken. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure where destiny awaits. Welcome to Mark's extraordinary new reality! P.S - Everything sucks... just bear with it. [Shiroi]

Shiroi_kage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
74 Chs


"KEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The Simian Swarmer snarled at Auric with seething anger. The burning sensation it had endured from his previous attack was excruciatingly painful.

The monkey lunged at him, intent on sinking its teeth into that very hand that had singed its fur.


However, before the Simian Swarmer could harm Auric, he swiftly deployed a [Lightning Shield], enveloping himself in a protective barrier against the onslaught.

This display incited a furious agitation among the surrounding Simian Swarmers. How could they allow a mere human to trample upon them?

"KEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The other monkeys joined in the assault, converging on him simultaneously. Seeing the opportunity, Auric shouted urgently at Ellie, "ELLIE! NOW! RUN!"

But Ellie remained paralyzed, consumed by fear. She attempted to flee the cave, but the sight of so many menacing creatures surrounding them had cast her into a fearful trance.

As she observed the monsters attacking her brother, trembling with fear, she closed her eyes tightly and covered her ears with her hands, desperately trying to escape the terrifying reality.

"Shit," Auric cursed as he glanced at Ellie. It was understandable that she couldn't move. She was just a young child, and the harrowing scene was overwhelming for anyone.

Some of the monsters near Ellie caught sight of her and advanced with the intention to harm her.

"Fuck!" Auric witnessed this and swiftly employed his [ lightning steps ] to reach Ellie's side.

He arrived just in time, positioning himself between her and the encroaching monsters. With a swift motion, he unleashed his skill, [Thunder Wave], from his back, effectively repelling the surrounding monsters. However, this action only served to worsen the situation.

Auric's mana pool was limited, preventing him from utilizing more powerful skills. Even if he could, both [Thunder Wave] and [Lightning Shield] were on cooldown.

The monsters bared their teeth with increased aggression.

Now, he had no choice but to flee. He scooped up Ellie in a princess carry and activated his [Lightning Steps], fully aware that his mana reserves would soon be depleted.

But as he took a single step, a claw struck his neck, causing him to emit a weak grunt. Nevertheless, he pressed on, running in the direction he had entered the forest—the same path through which he hoped to escape.

With great speed, he dashed, evading the pursuing monsters while carrying Ellie, who cried uncontrollably. "Sorry, brother... HIC Sorry... Because of me... HIC Because of me. Waah!"

Blood trickled down his neck, staining Ellie, intensifying her sense of guilt. If only she possessed more courage... If only she could fight... These thoughts flooded Ellie's mind.

"It's okay," Auric assured her, though he said nothing more. It was not the time to console Ellie and say that it wasn't her fault.

Auric sought possible escape routes from the system, but to his dismay, none were found.

[ I can't find any way to escape from the monsters ] the system conveyed, leaving Auric no choice but to curse in frustration.


His mana had already been depleted, and fatigue began to overwhelm him. Dizziness crept into his senses, while his energy waned from the arduous sprint.


As the sun ascended above the horizon, its radiant beams pierced through the gaps in the dense canopy, casting an ethereal glow upon the mystical forest. The air was thick with swirling mist, lending an enchanting atmosphere to the entire expanse. Like a whimsical dance, the sunlight intertwined with the mist, transforming it into a shimmering tapestry of silver, as if nature itself had been adorned with a delicate, otherworldly veil.

Every tree, every leaf, and every blade of grass was bestowed with a celestial luminescence, as if they had been touched by celestial fingers, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. The forest, a realm of secrets and wonders, held hidden dangers that were as fatal as they were unimaginable.

And in this deadly forest, Auric was racing through, pursued by a group of monstrous creatures that resembled monkeys.


Auric panted, feeling overwhelmed by the intense chase.

He was now completely surrounded.

As his mana ran out, he slowed down, and the monsters closed in on him from all sides.

The system had advised him to head right towards the foot of a cliff, allowing him to face the enemies from one side instead of being attacked from every direction.

Though he knew it was a suicidal plan and a dead end, he couldn't hold on for long. He had to fight.

Reaching the designated spot, he gently set down Ellie, her face still tear-stained and filled with fear. She clung onto his shirt, unwilling to let go.

Auric caressed her head, trying to calm her down, and quickly turned to face the direction from which the monsters were approaching.


A landing sound echoed as a large primate-like creature emerged, followed by others descending from the trees to the ground beside it. They had been tracking Auric from above, their faces adorned with unsettling smiles, seemingly mocking him.

Auric gritted his teeth and retrieved his short sword from his inventory.

These monkey-like monsters, with matted fur and razor-sharp claws, eyed the seemingly defenseless boy. They believed victory was within their grasp, their guard lowered as they anticipated an easy kill.

And indeed, Auric was already depleted of mana and exhausted.

Yet, a steely determination filled his eyes as he tightly gripped his short sword, his heart pounding with both fear and a fiery resolve.

With a sudden burst of energy, Auric lunged forward, his small figure becoming a blur of motion. The nearest Simian Swarmer, caught off guard by the young boy's audacity, barely had time to react before Auric's blade struck with all his might. The sharp metal collided with flesh, producing a sickening thud that made the creature shriek in pain and surprise.

[ * Rank D Simian Swarmer killed! Obtained 1100 EXP, 900 SP! ]

The other monsters froze, their eyes widening as they witnessed Auric unleashing his fury upon their comrade. The boy's strikes were swift and precise, fueled by primal instincts to survive. With each swing, he displayed a level of aggression.

Blood spattered the jungle floor as Auric continued his assault, his face contorted with a mix of determination and a feral, almost terrifying, intensity. He roared like a beast, trying to assert his dominance over the monsters.

Meanwhile, Ellie, on the other side, cried out for her brother, her voice trembling with fear.

Auric's display of ferocity left the other Simian Swarmers dumbfounded. Their confidence faltered as fear gradually took hold of their beady eyes. However, their momentary hesitation was swiftly overtaken by their innate darkness and malicious instincts. Emitting a collective shriek, they launched themselves at Auric, baring their claws and fangs.

Auric had initiated his aggressive move in an attempt to intimidate the monsters, but it appeared to have little effect. Undeterred, he swung his blade with lightning speed, striking with unwavering aggression and targeting vulnerable spots on the Swarmers' bodies. Each clash of steel against monstrous flesh sent waves of pain through the creatures, yet their numbers quickly overwhelmed Auric's valiant efforts. As one Swarmer fell, two more lunged forward to take its place, their snarling faces contorted with fury.

[ * Rank D Simian Swarmer slain! Gained 1100 EXP, 900 SP! ]

The battle swiftly transformed into a tempestuous whirlwind of violence. Sensing the imminent threat to their lives, the Swarmers abandoned their initial shock and counterattacked with renewed ferocity. Claws sliced through the air, meeting flesh with a sickening thud. Auric's small frame bore the brunt of their assault, and the pain he endured surpassed anything he had ever felt before.

Cuts crisscrossed his body, leaving behind bleeding wounds that painted a macabre tableau. Bruises blossomed on his face, marking the aftermath of the Swarmers' brutal strikes. Blood stained his clothes, serving as a vivid reminder of the life-and-death struggle unfolding in the heart of the jungle.

Despite the relentless assault, Auric fought on with an indomitable determination that defied logic. His diminutive stature moved with a desperate grace, and his strikes were fueled by an unyielding will to survive. However, the Swarmers remained relentless, closing in with each passing second, their overpowering strength threatening to extinguish the flame of Auric's resistance.

Exhaustion cascaded over Auric like a suffocating wave, causing his movements to slow and his once-sharp reflexes to dull under the weight of the relentless onslaught. His grip on his sword wavered, his fingers slick with his own blood. With each fleeting moment, the swarm of monsters inched closer, their triumphant grins growing wider.

Then, with one final surge of effort, the Swarmers lunged forward as a unified force. Auric, bloodied and battered, fought with every ounce of his being, but the sheer number of enemies overwhelmed him. He stumbled, his young body unable to withstand the unrelenting assault any longer.

"BROTHER!!!!" Ellie cried out in anguish as she witnessed the state Auric was in, while the monsters also closed in on her.

'Ah... Am I going to die once again...? Even this time, I failed to protect my sister... Will I be able to face Emma in the afterlife, if I am granted the chance to go there...? I... I am sorry... Everyone... All your sacrifices were in vain...'

Auric knelt down on his knees, a single tear rolling down his cheek, filled with regret.

However, in that moment, he felt an unexpected gust of wind.



And the sound of liquid squirting filled the air.

Auric opened his eyes and gaped at the horrifying sight before him.

All the heads of the monsters had been decapitated, and blood was gushing out from their neckless bodies. Drops of crimson liquid splattered onto Auric's face, stinging his eyes.

"So, it was you..." Auric turned towards the voice and his eyes widened.