
XIII Roboute Guilleman

Macragge a fully functional world that survived the Age of strife... Now Ruled by a Co-consulate in a City called Macragge Civitas... Despite they are covered by the Warpstorm from Slaanesh birth making the fabled 500 planets in the Ultramar sector be shielded from the affairs of the outside, they received news and Trade from the neighboring Sectors...

A Streak of light crashed into the forest of Macragge at night...

A Child of Hope... A Man who would change the shape of Humanity for the better or worse...

As the Child Slept blissfully never knowing the dangers outside...

Dark Shadows now Swept towards it...

Wanting the Despair to continue for humanity for all eternity...

A wall of golden flame erupted before them...

A Very Frustrated Winged Figure armed with a Sword stood between them...

"Die Foul Beast!!" As he charges towards the shadows...

In the morning a group of Magnates went to their Hunting trip...

They found that the forest was deathly silent...

As they delved deeper... They found a Injured 8 year old standing guard over the Primarch capsule barely clinging to life...

"Save My brother..." Was all he could asked of them before he passed out...

They managed to patch him up...

They looked around and Saw Wolfs, Bears that was Slain around the Capsule... As if all the predators in the forest ventured out to harm him...

After opening up they saw a Radiant Child smiling at them...

They took matter in their own hands... And They Sent the Duo to Konnor Guilleman who was one of the two that held the title of Consul...

The man met the Injured Boy...

He was cold, Calculating... But he was curious why would a Child to go such lengths to defend a Child in a Pod...

As he arrived to the Child room... he saw the boy filled with scars and several bandages clung to his body... He wonders how much fighting he have done to defend such a child much less a brother...

"Tell me boy... What is your name and your Brother?"

"Alexander...and My brother is nameless before my parent could give him a name..."

"You don't have a Family name?"

The boy looked at the floor sadly as Konnor realized that they were alone...

"Would you like to be part of My family?" Konnor asked of the boy ...

"If only my brother is included... I don't want him to be separated with me..." It was all he could said...

"Even now he still care about his brother..." Konnor smiled as he Patted the Boy in the shoulder... The reports of how many Predators was killed just to protect his brother have touched him...

"Fine... You are now Part of the Guilliman family...and make sure that you will not be disgrace in my family name..." Konnor Smiled as He Held his hand to the boy...

A week later Konnor Introduce him and Roboute as his Adopted sons to the public...

Many had heard about the Boy exploits to defend his brother... And the Number of Carcasses that arrived in the city have proven that...

He trained both of them in the art of Statesmanship and he gathered all the greatest teachers to teach both of them...

They excelled on all subjects often debated on theories into practice...

Guilleman greatest talent was Art of war which was Macragge valued topic, While Alexander was Favored in Policymaking following Konnor Footsteps...

Both of them were called the Hearts and Mind of Macragge by the people...

As Alexander listen to the People woes and helped them and Roboute Assist them with technology making their standard of living higher...

As soon as Roboute came of legal Age.

Konnor granted him command to a Expeditionary Force to the Northern lands called Illyrium that is composed of Barbarians and Microstates to be pacified as their Bandits and Mercenaries raided the Civilized lands...

Roboute was readying his steed worry about his future there he heard his brother...

"First time?"

"I know right? Its just that having this responsibility pushed upon me just seem surreal..."

"I know you can do it... Roboute... I had my First Expedition to the North driving them back...here take this..." Alexander handed him a Map...

"That is all the Supply depots from my last Expedition and there are still Garrisons ready to be rotated... I hope it would come to use... I will be here waiting for you along with your father waiting the news of your Victory..."

"Thank you, brother..." Roboute kept the Map into his pouch...

As the Army soon disappear into the distance... With hope...

Darkness began to surround the Macragge Civitas...

Konnor along with several Industrious Magnates that followed him have made several Legislation to improve the Commoner lives of the City, at the Simple expense of the Aristocrats purses to improve their Vassal and the decaying infrastructure and making the city bigger was already touching the hearts of the citizens, but at the cost of almost all Aristocrats ire but the far-sighted ones that see the benefits aligned with Konnor...

Gallan who was part of the Co-consulate wanted to have ambitions to be a Dictator as having a Part of the Consulate and not his own was not enough for him, he contacted several nobles that was disgruntled with Konnor Policies...

Some have Contacted Alexander to kill Konnor, But they returned to their Masters in pieces...

Roboute arrived with a Triumph Army, He was Grateful of the Supplies and extra men that His brother has stationed...

As he returned home... He found the city in flames... Civilian cries out in horror as Hooligans were looting and Ransacking the City, many refugees met with Roboute and they all said the same thing...

"Gallan and his Followers have attacked the Consulate while Konnor and Alexander was Discussing the policies, Gallan have instigated this Mob Riot to prevent them from fleeing..." Was the same words they could express...

Roboute paled as he ordered the now somber Men to deal with the riot, while he ventured out alone to deal with the rebels...

He alone swept a Path of blood to the Government districts, and noticed some of them went ahead to join the looting where he marked them for termination... He arrived at his home...

He found his Brother Standing in front of his home... Wounded to the point of falling apart...

"Where is Father!"

"Inside...You don't want to lo.." Guilliman rushed past him and Found Konnor in the bed...

The Man Was Pale and A Surgeon was nearby attending his wounds....

"Tell me what happened..." Roboute eyes glowed with rage...

The Surgeon nervously spoke.

"Your Father been stabbed in the Consulate... If it weren't for your brother taking command for three days... We would have been struggling to keep his wound healed...sadly his time is coming to an end...as there were several wounds that hit his vitals organs, and they are dying slowly..."

As Roboute wanted to gather more...

"Son?" Konnor said weakly on his bed...

"Yes, I am here father..." Roboute held his father hand weakly, hoping that he will get well...

"I am sorry Son...I hoped that I along with your brother would be on the gates to see your return..."

"Tell me who is the Killer..." Roboute closed his eyes...

Konnor weakly named Gallan Associates that betray the Ideals, as he spoke the last name on the Blood list... He closed his eyes forever...

Roboute never felt much rage before... As he Reached the door he found his brother beside it, just as much rage as him...

As they exited their home...

A Purge have begun....

Roboute went ahead to destroy the Aristocrats Traitors, While Alexander took command to butcher the Mercenaries that followed Gallan, Together the Streets was filled with Hanging Bodies of the Rioters and Impaled Mercenaries with sharpened Stick... Bringing order immediately... Roboute order led the Rioters to build back the city they destroyed, brick by hand.... Knowing they will never survive finishing it...

On a Ruined Macragge...

A Platform was erected for Alexander to give a speech...

He was weary... Tired of all the chaos that ensued...

"Citizen of Macragge... Today this is the darkest day... Our Father Konnor Guilleman was Killed by Gallan..." Alexander spoke with remorse...

"He was like a Father to both to the citizens of Macragge and to us... He wanted our lives to be better, he wanted Macragge to be a symbol of prosperity in these dark times... All that taken away by some Selfish Man that wanted it all..." He continued...

"I know that the Seat of government that is empty... I would like to nominate Roboute to be the Consulate..." He spoke loudly.

The crowd cheered as they knew Roboute is the Perfect candidate for the Consulate...

Now He become the will of the people...

Alexander took the role as a Praetorian as he listened to the people what the Government office couldn't afford to cater too...

A Week later...

Roboute found Alexander in front of Konnor grave... Thinking deep until he realized the footstep behind him...

"Brother...Mother is calling..."

"Roboute, It have been so long?" Alexander poured a Cup of Wine in front of the grave...

"Yes... I know...it just that...I never wanted to returned home like this..."

"I know...Brother...I thought the days of us being with father is forever...you know brother? During the attack, he thought about your well-being...even when He was placed on the bed with all those grievous wounds, when the doctors tend to his wound... He wanted to go to the Walls to see your return..." Alexander looked at the Grave one final look before he heads home...

He stopped as he saw Paper Lanterns flew to the skies...

Every civilian in Macragge lighted up a Lantern as a respect to Konnor... Their Hopes, Dreams went to the stars...

"Brother...thank you..."

The Emperor managed to find Roboute general location, however Macragge was Covered by a Severe Warp Storm that deter any ships and the Navigators estimate that it will be at least 5 years till it abated...

The Emperor went ahead to gather the rest of his sons while the storm blow....

After Exactly 5 years the Warp Storm abated Revelation arrived to what is Known as Ultramar...

Upon gathering information from the nearest Planet, He was informed of the Policies of Roboute and His actions in here... A Perfectly Controlled Coalition of Planets that Obeyed the Son of Ultramar...

As He Landed to meet his son... He saw Roboute kneeling down to him as he professes his loyalty to the Emperor...

Roboute was well aware of his creator... But something in the man made him curious why his looks was worried...

As For a Week the Emperor spent time with Guilleman understanding his issues...

"Son... It been hard on you... You have Brothers that are waiting for you..."

"My home here is in Macragge."

"Then Think of Terra as a Second home... Would you allow me to see your Foster Father?"

As Roboute Reached the Graveyard of Konnor, the Emperor Gave A Single Prayer...

"Thank you for Raising Roboute the Man he is today..."

The Emperor Purchased the Land where Konnor Grave was Situated, and he Commissioned the Land to be built a s a mausoleum dedicated to Guilleman Family...

When asked he simply replied.

"No man have raised a Son better than Konnor...and with that I give him the respect he deserves..."

Guilleman was given His Ultramarines with a Grateful expression...

He reformed them with tactics and Strategy of Ultramarines that they are already ingrained as a Cohesive force...

They are Logistics first, warriors Second.

Many Fell into Compliance because of their stature but some that Didn't comply, they were met with the Dreadclaws and Stormwings containing the Sons of Ultramar and rebuilt the Conquered Planet government from the Foundations.

Alexander Was tasked with a Solair Auxilia cohort to Handle the Logistics running on the Ground, that they were often jokingly referred as the Frontline Logistics... As they often have more ammo and supplies to spare for other Legions when they joined the Ultramarines in Joint operations, but their real purpose was to Alleviate the Population Dissatisfied of the Way they do things... But oftentimes He returned Back to Macragge to Give Reports of Roboute Exploit to Konnor Grave...

During the Grand Crusade he have Gathered more Planets under the Imperium and made a Safe Passageway for the League supply Ships to reach to Terra, His legion was the Largest among his brothers, He met his Supposedly Brothers... What he thinks of them is fairly unique...

On the day of Monarchia happened he received an order from the Emperor...

"Burn Down Monarchia..."

Roboute knew that Monarchia was the Lifework of Lorgar, a city dedicated of Worshipping the Emperor of Mankind... And He struggle with the Option...

"Brother... He said burn down Monarchia... But he didn't imply the destruction of the People living there?" Alexander pointed out the message...

It was a Massive Evacuation that was rolled out... Millions of People were shipped escorted into the Evacuation Ships...

Some didn't know what they were doing...

The Priests of Monarchia refused to leave as they believed that the Emperor would be the ones that save them... Pity...

As Soon as The Evacuation fleet was Warped from the System and Headed to a Cardinal World that is in League Space... Lorgar Fleet arrived, wondering what the reason of the Emperor was calling to them...

Roboute burned down the Planet...

Lorgars pleas of stopping the bombardment felt into deaf ears as the City he painstakingly raised up was Burned to ashes... The Emperor Immediately order Lorgar to Come to Meet him to Terra behind closed doors berating him that he is not a God...

Roboute watched as his destruction on Monarchia have wrought...

"Am I doing the Right thing?"

"That I don't know now, Roboute but at least we have less blood on our hands...I would be scared to think that if he would order the extinction of The people living there...would you be the shining example among your brothers?"

Roboute resumed his conquest to the Stars without a Word, and His Brothers is worried about him as time passed...

Horus wanted to bring him under his leadership... But Roboute refused...

As he is a brother as a Equal and he rather not be referred as a Subordinate...

Ulanor when the Day when Horus became Warmaster it was another accolade that Roboute ignored...However, he gave his greetings to the newly vested Warmaster...

While He was Busy of Making Humanity to be able to handle self-sufficiency...

Horus by now have now fully gave into Chaos...

He Ordered All the Loyalist Far Away from His Path to Terra...Roboute was no different as He and the Ultramarine was sent to Calth in Ultramar space as the Warmaster Presumed that there was a Waaagh Massing on the Planet...Roboute Left Alexander to Stand Guard In Macragge

As they reached there Lorgar fleet was waiting for them...

Roboute thought nothing of it as he believes that Logar would have forgiven him for what he have done to Monarchia... As soon as the Majority of The Ultramarine Landed on Calth system...

Lorgar Fleet Immediately Attack them, Many of The Ultramarine Ships was destroyed... And Several of Roboute Officers was Killed off by Word Bearers Kill teams... 

Roboute Hailed His Brother to stop his attack..

"For Monarchia" was what he could heard from His Former Brother...

Lorgar turned into a Being of Chaos that made everyone on deck that hurled their contents as the Command Deck of Lorgar turned into a painting from hell...

Roboute stopped the Communications, And Lorgar Fleet attack Macragge Honor and Destroyed the Conning Tower...

Roboute took notes on what is still available in his forces he ordered a Psyker Choir to Macragge to Send Reinforcements before the explosion...

The Word Bearer Landed on Calth long before the Fight began, they slaughter the Ultramarines that stationed there as Emissaries and Diplomats, and their bodies was sacrificed to the Dark Gods to prove the loyalty of the Word Bearers... As the Chain of Command was broken in Calth, they were Immediately used a Protocol to Retreat back to defensive Positions...

As the Ultramarines through Several Fighting Retreat they managed to enter in Defensive position...

Kor Phaeron realized that Ultramarines was difficult to kill...

While on Calth was Attacked By the Word Bearers, Several Word Bearer Kill Teams Boarded the Macragge Honnor sending Demons into his ship decks, Guilleman was Furious as He Fought on the Decks of his Flagship in the Void, there was a thin Atmosphere that prevented the Primarch from launching deep into the void...

As he killed off the Attackers, he Resumed command and with his orders they began to drive back the Word Bearers.. Lorgar ships was being destroyed more than they could kill...

Kor Phaeron had the Last laugh as he Order the Orbital Defenses long before he was locked out, to attack the Calth Sun turning into a Supernova... Destroying the Atmosphere of Calth almost certainly Killing off all life on the Surface of Calth.

A warning was given to the Surviving Population was to head to Underground to survive the Death of the Sun...

Millions heeded the warning... But at the cost of Billions of Death, Erebus conducted a Ritual that used all the Corpses Both Loyalist and Traitor Alike to Make a Ruinstorm to Make Guilleman and Ultramar to unable Assist Terra...

Guilleman take this betrayal and reflected on a lot of things... they did Adhere to the Treaty of Nikea but with his Brother Secretly Making Psyker in their legion was unnerving and those demons... 

He Received from Alexander in Macragge that he already Reactivated the Librarians and Ultramar Psyker Corps...

After the Betrayal, Most of the Astartes that was Station in Calth and Guilleman Fleet was Maimed, and Only a Fifth of the Main Fleet was just operational...

As He Scrounged up whatever was still left it was more like a Ragtag group of Mismatched Ships than a Unified Formation and Chased Word Bearer Fleet...

It was Around 13 planets that was destroyed in Lorgars wake till they arrived in Nurceria...

as He Arrived on Nurceria, He felt Disgusted that the World Eater is Killing their own... and he found that they were installed with a Butcher nails...

He landed on the Planet in hopes that Angron would explain why he allowed his own sons to become a monster and why they butcher their own people they liberated...

There he found Angron now his head fully covered by the Cursed nails...

Angron in his Rage attacked Roboute... As they Clashed on the Ruins of the Once former City of the Free... Lorgar Tried to Make Angron into a Daemon Prince of Khorn....

Upon the Blood of Three Legions slayed on Nurceria, Angron was reforged, remade into a Monster... But Angron Ignored what was Happening to him as he Bash Roboute With his fist... Roboute Battered and Bruised, His Sons sacrificed their lives to defend their Genefather from the Duo Grasp,,,

This was a crushing defeat to Roboute as he retreated from Nurceria...

He Returned with not a Traitor Brother as his Captive...

As he Returned to replenish his depleted forces, He received news that Vulkan arrived in Macragge with Konrad Curze in custody... Lion and Sanguinius arrived thank to the Pharos Device that serves as a Beacon in the Ruinstorm...

Guilleman wanted to make Imperium Secundus as he believed that the Emperor is Dead and he needed to keep the values of the Great Crusade alive, Sanguinius stopped him...

A Battered Fleet from the League Arrive bearing news of the Emperor and Terra Still alive... 

And added more information Konrad Informed his brother that he would soon die by his Father assassins is unnerving to Guilleman but he still believes the Emperor have his reasons...

As Soon as the News of Konrad escaped from Macragge, Guilleman Didn't chased after him. As he still believes in Konrad reasoning as well and he made a Excuse for himself that his forces was still reforming... If Konrad wanted to cause trouble he would have stayed behind and cause terror to Macragge...

Sanguinius had a Vision of the Key of Ending the Ruinstorm... In Davin...

Lion and Guilleman followed him....

The Moment Sanguinius landed they were attacked by Traitor forces in both Space and on the land.

Roboute and Lion went to the planet below to help their angelic brother, only to be stopped by a Gigantic Soul Grinder... with the perfect synch of Lion and Guilleman they manage to destroy it...

As the answer of stopping the Ruinstorm is destroying of Davin...

Roboute held no hesitation as he launched the first cyclonic torpedoes into Davin.

Path of the Ruinstorm leading to terra opened in the wake of the destruction of Davin...

Horus Already took account to it and he stationed Blockade fleets that is too absurd to count...

Sanguinius wanted to dive into the heart of the enemy forces as he believed that his death was not by determined at this time...

Lion and Roboute Distracted the Fleet...

As Lion managed to distract a Portion of the Enemy Fleet, Alexander decided to split Roboute fleet taking a small portion as he could Divide the traitors fleet even further and contacting the League for Reinforcements as at this time the Organization was still on a Wait and See Approach and attack those that attacked them...

Roboute agreed. 

As a Skirmisher Fleet was Detached from Roboute... he could have sworn that in the fleet that followed his brother was a Ultramarine Ships encased with chaos symbols...

After checking out the database most of the ships was still station in Macragge...

While Roboute was Handling the Traitor well... League Ships suddenly arrived into the battlefield...

Roboute realized that his brother managed to make contact with the League and now his Forces could bulldozed the Blockade...

Sadly despite the efforts of him arriving to Terra, Horus already had the last laugh as he dealt mortal wounds to the Emperor...

He along with Lion and the rest of his Loyalist brothers stood in silence in front of the Golden Throne as now the Emperor stayed silent never to be awaken up again...

He Returned Home to Macragge to Make his Codex Astartes...

Not Everyone was Fond of that... 

Dorn and Leman Vehemently Deny this as its tactics of making chapters will deny the strengths of the Imperial Fist and Space Wolf Doctrine...

Even the Leader of the League refused the Codex astartes as the Thunder Warriors are not Space Marines as they are the Emperor Gift that should not be mocked... And Splitting them Further will make it unreasonable as there is Sanguinius legion that was barely enough to be divided properly...

And they needed time to mourn their Primarch...

Others like Corvus, Jaghatai, and the Representative of the Iron Hands whose genefather was killed agreed...

It was a 4-4 Votes, Thank to Corvus Raptor Project being Successful the Numbers of the Legion Swelled once more...

But Roboute never met his Brother ever since the Day he resolved himself as a Bait...

Using the Connections as a Regent he found out Alexander went Missing...

A Message Arrived on his desk bearing a Bloodied Hand....

"Come and Meet Your Brother... Son of Ultramar..."

It Shown a Location just near the Fringe space of Ultramar... As Roboute Fleet Arrived at the Given Location... He met with a Traitor Fleet... But it shown no Id of Iron Warriors, Emperor Children, Sons of Horus, Thousand Sons or Even the Alpha Legion... But his Own Fleet Signature...

"I have arrived at the Location now tell me Traitor... Where is My Brother? Before I have a Chance to rip your skull from your shoulder." Roboute Quietly Spoke through the Comms...

A Familiar Voice returned back...

"Traitor? Are you speaking about yourself?" As the Video Feed Opened to Guilleman Flagship, he found facing a Version of Himself a Roboute that embraced the dark gods...

"You must be one of the Doppelgangers my brother warns me about...Now where is he?"

"You must mean this fellow right here? He and his little band of brothers put up a fight... but it is meaningless against the one that is bless by the Gods." The Fake Roboute Held Out a Skull...

Guilleman eyes twitched as he recognized that skull...

He didn't gave into rage as what happened to Dorn.... As he kept himself steady, he Ordered his Fleet to enter battle stations...

It was the Most awkward battle as Ultramarines are fighting against their Chaotic Counterpart, each knew the tactics of one another...to the Microlevels of the Astartes fighting themselves...

Despite his forces is mostly comprised of Raptor Marines and Better tech, they found themselves with a struggle of the enemies with experience...

Roboute realized that he has difficulty of fighting what is himself...

"Why give up hope?" a Voice was behind him...

Roboute Turned around and Found a Golden Version of Alexander looking at him...


"Where is that Brother I knew? He will always make the Impossibility become a Reality, Don't worry about my body... Do what you must do..."

"How can I defeat what is essentially a Carbon copy of myself?"

"Simple... Think outside the Box...there are outside factors that may not exist in your book that both of you followed.."

As the Fleets Battled each other to the death, A Derelict Fleet of Alpha Legion from the Horus Heresy Passed by... Both Sides didn't take heed until the Derelict Ships engine began to roared to life and rammed themselves into the Chaos Fleet...

Taking advantage of the chaos that ensued, Roboute and Along with heavily Shielded Terminators teleported to Chaos Roboute Command Deck, Seeing that Roboute knew all the Escape Hatches on the ship, he destroyed them...

There he faced his own darkness counterpart while the Terminators was sent to dealt with the reinforcements...

Darkness and Madness Raged around the Doppelganger... As if he seen the Primordial truth...

"Tell me, Roboute, How well is Father?" the Copy Asked...

Roboute stood silent as he face with him with his Sword Drawn...

"Seems that he never did told you the full history of Chaos...why don't you join Me so that you know the truth?"

"I would Rather reject it and knowing what my brothers have become... I reject that notion!"

"Then you will Die Alone...Ignorant."

Roboute Clashed as soon he realized that his strength was not enough for a Being that is blessed by the Four Gods... the Copy swung with such a Force that Roboute crashed into one of the pillars...

'Is this how Father Felt when he faced Horus?' He Thought to himself as he looked at his sword cracked.

Several Bolter rounds Exploded behind the Copy... As he turned around knowing that Roboute have no strength to spare... he found a Silent Golden Figure holding a Bolter...

"Ah yes...an Imperial Angel...Seem that Father of ours have loved you so much that he revived your dead brother...typical of that Bastard."

"No..." the figure said...

"I came on someone else behalf..." It aimed his bolter...

The Doppelganger Sought to use the Warp energy to make shockwaves and attempt to kill the elusive figure... Every shot of the Bolter had made cracks on the Copy armor... 

In a Moment of chance, Copy Roboute manage to stab the Ghost with his Sword...

"Brother! Do it Now!" The Figure Yelled...

The Chaos Lord realized what was happening while he was distracted chasing a Ghost...

Roboute carried a Sword now Enveloped by Golden flames and Lopped his Neck ending the fight...

The Head spoke with ominous words before it passed away...

"You will one day find yourself in the far future, where none of your father dreams come to reality, and your brothers nowhere to be found... You will share the same despair as I have..." it turned to dust never to be found...

Roboute carried this deep in his heart of what he meant, as he looked for his brother... there was only the Bolter laid on the ground that he used to distract the Doppelganger with...He gathered the Skull and Retreated to Macragge and Place the Bolter next to Konnor Tomb and his brother remain was cremated and placed in a Vase...

The Doppelganger fleet remained silent... as if the moment He killed his Counterpart there was no traitors existed, he gathered all the ships and sent them to a distant sun to prevent any taint...

After which... after thinking of what the traitor had said he revised some of the Codex Astartes...

"Follow the Spirit of the Codex Astartes and do not Adhere to it as a chain that bind you..." Was Written on the First Page of His Book...

The League Forces slowly retreated back to their territory in the Ruinstorm that Magnus have made without any explanation to the Galaxy at large, leaving behind their equipment and Supplies behind even Ships that was just need of Minor Repairs was left behind... And their Leader suddenly disappeared from the Imperium... Many was saddened that they believed he felt frustrated that he failed... or some speculated that he died of natural causes as he was practically the three founders of the Imperium... Being that old was acceptable, But the General Consensus was that the League already assured that the Borders of the Imperium is already Secured that their orders of Protecting the Borders are redundant... Roboute manage to gather most of the war materials that was left behind and sent them to Macragge... Hoping to Reverse the Technologies that was left behind...

He met Belisarius Cawl and Commission him to make the Primaris Project...

Leading him to a Now Disused League Laboratory that is not known by the Mechanicus and given him certain access to the Legions Geneseed, However the Thunder Warriors was not in the Databanks of either the League or the Imperium making the only ones to know how to make them are the Emperor or the Missing High Lord... And making the Technology to resurrect him from death should he fall and Make his Armor hands Interchangeable as he got a sense that he needed to input his idea before it is too late... as the Technology that was left behind by the League have the means of accomplishing that...

He Became a Lord Regent of the Imperium working tirelessly to keep the Imperium in pristine condition...

He Ordered the Great Scouring to uproot any Traitor cells that didn't left for the Eye of Terror...

It was in Ezkrador that he believed he has slain Alpharius...

Not Knowing that The Hydra that he slayed was not his own... As Hearing the Distant laughter in the wind he could sense that his brother had the last laugh...

The Only last Known Record of his Exploits was in the Battle of Thessala in 121.M31 as he chased his Demonic Brother Fulgrim... but in a Clash of Battle he was Stabbed with a Poisonous Blade, But not without Roboute returning a Stab to Fulgrim Chest leaving a Scar to Fulgrim Body that would never recover...

The Ultramarines managed to Send him to a League Medpod, his Wounds managed to heal despite it was a Warped based attack, that some speculated that the League knew the Powers of the Warp long ago... But Roboute was unable to wake up... His Librarian Surmised that his physical body may be healed, but his soul was injured....

After seeing there was no solutions at the current time to heal him, they resolved that in the far future they may be able to find the cure... they placed him in a Stasis field and Enshrined him...


Approximately a year before the fall of Cadia...

A Computer came to life in the Depths of the Imperial Palace... It began to resume its purpose and Pristine Circuits and Wires came to life as if the time held no meaning to it...

[System]: Login?

[System]: Accepted...Authenticating....

[System]: Loading....

[System]: File Obtained....

[System]: Corrupted File Detected... Resume [Y/N?]

[System]: Corrupted File Detected... Resume [Y]

[System]: Eliminating Scrapcode...

[System]: Dead Man Walking Protocol...Activate [Y/N?]

[System]: Dead Man Walking Protocol...Activate [Y]

[System]: Sending Files to Base A-864zQ in Ultramar Sector, Personnel: Belisarius Cawl....Complete

[System]: Reactivating All League Assets...

[System]: 75.9% Forces outside the League Space is Unavailable...

[System]: Sending Pylons Command...Accepted.

[System]: ETA: 5 Days 12 hours and 36 minutes

[System]: Secondary password needed for Admin work...

[System]: "Apple Seed" accepted rerouting to Central Command...

[System]: Now Transferring Command from AlexShrd 13 to Main User... Complete...

[System]: Welcome Back Commander....

[System]: Receiving 1 new message from AlexShrd 13

"About Damm time! You are the only person that know that password and that signal come from Terra? You owe me a Millennia Worth of Vacation Days! I done a pretty good job of making the people in the League thinking that you are still alive after all these years...Here are the reports of our Production Cycles over the millennia...be sure to visit me so that I can go back home! I hate Paperwork! When I come back, You will fill the wrath of a Millenia worth of Paperwork into your skull!" Transmission Ended...

A Figure smiled as he was Surrounded By Alpha Legions already waken from the Stasis pods below the Imperial Palace...

"Time to Save the Imperium and its rot. Let's Go Brothers..." He smiled to the Alpha Legion that stood among their peers as they followed him into the depths of the Imperial Palace...


A/N: Work Work there is never ending of Work

I never thought of making the Guilleman Life Long but i decided to make it short...

I Truly Never Liked Guilleman... But after reading Dark Imperium... Who could blame him?

The Imperium Decayed to the point of what was the shining example of humanity turned into a Fanatical Zealots that forgotten the tenants of long ago... Even if Alexander stayed behind there are always people like Goge Vandire that will use legal loopholes to undermine the system...

So much lore... Brain is Fried....

Might as Well Toss a Chaos United version of Roboute to Roboute to see why he was always in danger of ended up like his brother Horus...

Is Alpharius and Omegon played dead? Perhaps...? Is those two truly dead? Knowing them they always have the best technologies of the imperium has to offer thanks to Macaldor... so wouldn't they create Clones that they could manipulate from a distance?

A Short Glimpse of What happen to Alexander when he reached to 40k Terra?

I am Well aware that there is 13 shard that is lost to the Primarch... and Only Eleven was Chosen? As Vulkan is the last?

13 is already confirmed as a Puppet head of the League as he failed to latched on his Primarch... what about the 12? Something to do with the Missing or the lost Primarchs... Well let see to it when that happens...

Someone asked if I like Guilleman x Yvraine?

Political Marriage Maybe? Perhaps? After all Eldrad knew Siding with the Imperium is more needed for their survival... I am More Open Minded to Xenos that I know than the People I don't know...

Meaning I am a Selective Xenophile. I like Certain Eldar and Necrons as I am Well aware of what they want and Ambitions... T'au? Only Commander Farsight is probably the only T'au I admire a bit... Just a Bit from not Destroying the T'au Empire...

If its a Borg from Star Trek or Yuuzhan Vong from Star Wars? I am More happily commit a Xenocide as they are more dangerous to live with...regardless whether there are some good people living in there or not... as their philosophyas a whole is not compatible with humanity...and only when they are beaten into submission only then they declare peace? After what they done, they expect to say I am Sorry?

"Codex Astartes does not approve this Shipping."

Well Leandros Wannabe, He made the darn Book!

"Love Does not Bloom Like a Ork" - Roboute Guilleman

No comment in that Pirated Site that scalped my book...