
Tyger Hunting

[Alexander Pov]

"Judy, stop teabagging me! I need Healing!" As I played a Cyberpunk version of a Battle Royale

"Alex, You look fun to do so. Incoming!" Judy cheekily smiled as she finished my character off the battle.

I was at Judy House Playing Video Games... we both played Retro Analog and we have fun. Sure, there were people that connected their minds to the game and their reaction time is crazy, but it was fun, nonetheless.

After I call Judy, she was happy to welcome me to her home, we had a couple of discussion about technology and playing Video games.

"Alex, thanks for hanging out with me." Judy looked at me as the screen ended with Judy beating my ass by a single point.

"No, probs Judy. I spend time as soon as I can. Thanks for teaching me to make my own Braindance."

Judy smiled but turned a bit sad...

"Anything wrong?"

"Just that I heard from the Moxies that the Tyger Klaws are acting up again... This time they are gunning for you Choom... I just can't bear to lose someone like you..."

"I will keep that in mind, Judy... Thanks for the Head up... Stay safe Judy." I grabbed my Doctor's coat as I am about to leave, I heard her whisper...

"You too... Alex." Her words left from her mouth as the door closed behind me...

[Time skip]

Gloria decided to join my hospital after a couple of days of deliberation....

After Maine told me about her history as her being part of his crew.

Right now, I saw her smile at me as she manned the reception desk.

"How is your work, Miss Gloria?"

"Doing Fine, Dr. Alexander there are several appointments waiting for you." as she handed me several appointees records, that either need my medical aid or ripperdoc services.

After I am done reading the records, I asked; "How is your son today?"

"Doing Fine, Doctor Alexander, ever since you hired me, my life had gone so much better, I am grateful that I am able to spend more time with my son. and on the side note I earned enough for his education in Arasaka." She smiled once more...

[Day Later]

I woke up with a scream from the ground floor early in the morning. I rushed downstairs....

I saw my techpriests and Gloria stood in front of a pile of corpse on the front of the door, 50 people that I care for... a Couple of them were civilians that had nothing to do with the gangs, Joytoys from Jig-Jig street, a Student from the Rancho Coronado Public High School that I worked as a part time professor... a 2 Month Pregnant Woman with her Husband, I remember the joy the couple had on their faces as they were told that she was pregnant...

All of their body were vandalized with Tyger graffiti and threatening and derogatory comments towards me and on the pregnant woman was a note that was pinned with a tanto rammed into her belly.

I calmly took the note and read it;

A note of Arrogance?

I did not appreciate that there is someone taking my customers...

I did not appreciate that these people didn't stick in their part of town....

I did not appreciate that they took a life to be born... Just to insult me...

"You may take a paid week starting tomorrow, Gloria, something happening soon." As I coldly asked her to leave for safety... as I watched the Techpriest tagging the bodies and placing them gently in body bags to be sent to the morgue.

Seeing that there is trouble that is brewing, she decided to take his advice as she left the hospital premises...

Better make a call to Rouge...

"Go." She simply states as she picked up my call.

"I have a Couple of Dead bodies in front of my Hospital, Covered in Tyger graffiti. I want to know if the Higer ups in their Organization Sanction it or they are fools to take a Job of against me?" I calmly stated as my rage is slowly bubbling as my Bloodlust was leaking out...

"Why?" She asked in trepidation seeping in her voice as she felt the bloodlust in my voice...

"So, I need to know how many I will kill." I stated as I felt the Alexander Hyde is already returning...

The Man that witness the horrors of the war-torn universe is already back...

"Ok, please don't Go anywhere Alexander, I will call you back." She said in a hurry and hung up the phone... Shuddering as she felt the same bloodlust as Adam Smasher if not, even more.

While I waited for her confirmation, I went to one of the Body Bags and Saw the Student... Those eyes haunted me during the siege of that place, that basement in Kaurava IV came back to me...

"Why?" was the look of the student glazed eyes toward me as she was the same with the corpses that cried out in salvation for the Emperor to save them...


After I done with the teaching how to be a doctor to a class, A child approached me...

"Teacher, Can I be a Doctor too?" as the young child was filled with hope...

"You can be, And you might have even surpassed me when you grow up. When your Heart Transplant is done. I could see the possibilities waiting for you." I Headpat the child as the classes ended...

[Flashback Ends]

"Rest In Peace, Little one..." I closed her eyes and watched the techpriest came with a truck to picked up the corpses as they loaded up the corpses...

Rogue Finally called me back.

"So, that wasn't a sanctioned mission, the Bosses are supporting its results. They asked me to pass along a list of demands if they were to be stopped. The Job Paid for by Fingers and the Tyger supported it."

"Rouge... I would like you to pass my declaration of intent to them." I begin.

"If the Tygers will not stop and hand me the killers of the people in front of my hospital, I will kill a Hundred "Klaws" a Day, on a Fibonacci Scale, Until they give their Complete and Total Surrender. For the duration of the Conflict, I will not be Allied by any person and Organization. The Ripperdoc known as "Fingers", Has forfeited his right to life for attacking my interest. They have Approximately fifteen minutes to have their response before I will start Obliterating the Organization." I finished stated my Demands.

Rouge was a Silent for a few minutes.

"Are you sure this is the path you want to take?" Rouge asked quietly as she was worried as he was a valuable piece...

"I only Speaking the only Primitive Language they only Understand. Time is running out Rouge. And its running out fast." I replied as the surrounding around me briefly turned into a cratered wasteland.

She Hung Up...

I took time to call some of my friends in this City...

"Alex! What's up? You want to hang up with me?" Judy asked...

"Some other time Judy, can you give me the list of Tyger Klaws hideouts, Business and location?"

"Sure, that is something we Moxies keep track of. Why do you need it for?"

"They think is funny to leave a couple of dead patients outside my door. Instead of facing me directly, I will return the favor."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Judy wants to clarify my decision.

"Positive. if not me, who else?" I simply stated...

"Okay, Be safe Alex... I mean it this time..." Judy hung up the phone

and made one last call to Sasha...

"Alex is there anything wrong? We are hanging out in the Afterlife and Rouge was being upset right now..." Sasha was worried.

"Simple, don't go looking for me. Tygers are acting up again... I intend to crush them."

"Why don't we help you?"

"Rouge will make an order that no Mercs will not help me, I said it myself, so that you and the crew will be safe... Bye Kitty..." I hung up as She want to know more....

I received the list from Judy.

They want War?

Then they will get War they wanted.

Rouge returns my call.

"They think you are joking and welcome your demise." Rouge stated the message.

"Thank Rouge. I am sending the payment to you now. Have a nice day."

"Good luck Alexander, how long do you this will take? If you survived, I have a job that might need your particular set of skills." Rouge asked.

"About no more than a Week. Depends how stubborn they are." I stated as she hung up the call, Time for me to march.

<You know that you could use me to track them, right?>

That would defeat the purpose of having connections right partner?

<Fair Point Alexander, Good Hunting... Hyde...>

Good Hunting indeed.... as My eyes Glowed Gold as I exchanged my doctor coat, with a Guardsman Outfit I had forgotten so long ago, covered it with a unmarked Armor Merc Jacket and left the hospital...

I reached the closest Tyger hideout that under one of main overpasses in Night City...

They Converted Area under it as a sign of their territory, I might as well turn it as a place for them to die on.

I carried a Railgun dual-barrelled Stubber to there and hacked their networks and confirmed that there was only them allowed there...

Chucked several satchels of Smoke and Flashbangs to their makeshift hangout and wait for it to go off... when hearing to go off, I pulled the trigger of the Stubber as it ripped them to shreds, the Tygers tried to fend off my assault only met with dismay as a transparent shield was covering around me as I continued to chug them with shells. Some tried to escape was killed by the Androids Skitarii that cordoned off the area preventing the rats from escaping...

One of the Leaders of this hideout believed he was blessed by his gods as he attempted to get in close to me with his Katana... Only to be met by a Chainblade into his stomach as I revved it to shred him to pieces... Bring Terror to the survivors that have no balls to escape.

"Why are you doing this?" as a Young Tyger rookie wanted to get my answer...

"Your Leaders has already made the wrong choice." As I ripped his head clean off the as his facial expression was in disbelief... and several Autoguns bullet was pumped into the survivors, Flesh, Cyberware were scattered on the floor, no Mercy.

I smoked a Cigarette as I watched a Dump truck was pulled up as the Techpriest came out and carried the corpses to the dump truck and separated the guns away from the dead...

And I have a Very good Reservation for the front row seat for a very special guy.

[Time skip]

I arrived at the Office of Finn "Fingers" Gerstatt...

I opened the door, and his back was turned towards me.

"Hello, How Can I help you?" Fingers Sleezeball Voice Grates My ears...

"I am here to investigate a case of Unethical business practices. You wouldn't know about what I am talking about Fingers?" As I glare at the Man as he turned towards me.

He scanned me top to bottom until he had an inkling of the man in front of him.

"Ah So you must be that new Ripperdoc over in Heywood. I "sincerely" Apologize, but that is how business is conducted in Night City, If you have any problems with it, I have friends in high places that will be more than willing to sweep this issue under the rugs..." as Finger wore a Shit Eating Grin.

"Is Killing Patients, Killing Children and Pregnant woman is how you conduct business?" I asked quietly as I thinking how to torture this arsehole.

"So, what, People Die in the thousands every day in Night City, so what does it matter to you if a couple of them die in front of your hospital?" He said nonchalantly as if those lives mean nothing to him.

I Grabbed his Skull and Rammed him across the wall.

"Please... You don't know what you are doing!" He screamed through his bloody mouth as My hand Slowly slides from his skull down on his neck...Slowly choking the man life....

"The difference between you and me, Fingers..." as I closed in just beside his ears.... felt the rapid palpating Veins of the scum as he soiled his pants...

"Is that I care!" Snapping his neck, destroying his spine and windpipe in a single crush...

I stuffed his corpse in the inventory and tossed cleaning grenades that erased the bloodstains of the scum. As a last speck of respect for this ripperdoc, I switched his opened sign to close and shut the office lighting down as I left the premises....

[3rd Person view]

[Outside Megabuilding H8]

People stood by in wonder as a Covered Dumped truck pulled to a stop and backed up to the state of the building.

Several Red Cloaked figures Jumped out and removed the covering in the back.

Shout and screams of horror permeated in the area as the dump truck unloaded its cargo, Unloading the dead and dismembered Tyger corpses all over the front steps of the Megabuilding.

A Steel Stake that held the Aquila was placed in the middle of the pile, Held up by the surrounding bodies, "Fingers" head was Latched on by the Aquila talons, recognized by many passersby.

A Large Banner was Draped over the pile of bodies. With a Message written in blood;

Day 1 has ended with 105 Tyger deaths on your hands, Expect more tomorrow. The culling is starting soon. Fingers has paid his dues, Will you?

[Time Skip]

[Alexander Pov]

I received a Call from Rouge after I was done destroying another Tyger Hangout.

"The Higher ups in the Tygers sent a Revised set of demands... " She began to speak, I interrupted her.

"Does it Include their surrender?" I questioned as I rammed my Shovel in a still living survivor neck that was trying to escape...

"No..." Rouge trailed off after hearing the death across the phone...

"Inform whoever that is in charge with that demands, that this is not a negotiation but a ultimatum. Their organization will be torn down brick by brick until they surrender to me, or Tygers will be the extinct species in Night city." I stated my words as final.

"Wakako Okada have asked me to pass along this message; "I am not Involved with the Tygers. When you are done with this mess, Give me a call if you need a job." Rouge Finishes.

"Always Pragmatic, Isn't she?"

"As Far as she is concerned, The Tygers poked something they shouldn't have, whatever happens next, will be on their heads. so be it." Rouge Chuckles at the thought.

"I'll leave her and her sons off from my shit list. just tell them to stay out of my way." I warned Rouge.

"That would Make her relieved and Happy, Anything I could help you with?" Rouge ask

"Do you know any Tyger locations that the Mox don't know about?" I asked.

"Maybe, But it would cost you, You are really upsetting the balance of power here Alex."

I wired five Million Eddies to her account causing her to choke.

"Hell, Alright Wiring you the list of coordinates now." Rouge said and she hung up.

I took a look at the Gps of the new Cordinates and then return to the task of demolishing another Hideout.

I read a report from my partner as a notice is music to my ears...

<Caldus assassins are now available>

<Imperial Guard Honor guards is now ready to be deploy.>

[Tiger Klaw Grunt 1 Pov]

The Guard Patrols were tripled in this area after what happened. The Purge. I seen enough Gang Battles in Night city, But I never heard of a Man that is capable of that much slaughter and in one night even...

I honestly thought he was just a simple ripperdoc that have a large ego, refusing to pay up the profits from his new products. Within the day after we dumped those bastards in front of his hospital, he threatened our Bosses and razed five... or was it six?

I have honestly no idea why he taken this so personally, I mean, After all... It's just normal business in Night City right?

I heard a noise behind my back, I aimed my gun at the source of the noise...

"Who's there?" I aimed at the darkness a Tyger stepped into my view...

"Oh, It's Me....Kouhai" The man spoke causing me to lower my guard...

"It's time to change guard..." Bringing Me a sigh of relieve...

As I passed by my senior, I was stabbed by him...

"Why...." as My eyes closed slowly as a shadowed figure, took over my face was imprinted to its face...

Later the entire hideout was in paranoia as they killed themselves to find out who's the traitor. as they butchered to the last in their insanity, the Sole survivor was given a glimpse of a horror as a woman like figure copied his face and use it to mock him as she killed him...

"I am sorry... For Forcing you to take up my call to service once more..." The Man Spoke softly to the Assassins behind him... As he watch the Tyger hideout burning in flames...

[Tyger Klaw 2 Pov]

"Shit! shit! What the Hell are those things!?" as the thoughts flew in my mind as I fled into the sewer system in Night City, gunfire was heard from behind as my brothers were trying to stop that "thing."

Me and my brother is running through the sewers like a bunch of Rats.

We were like kings, all the people bowed down before us in respect, Beautiful Women come into our arms as we hold that badge... Money is no longer the issue...

We were having a patrol like usual...

Until those "things" Attacked us...

They were Hulking Monsters clad in Armor and our bullets didn't put a dent...

Ryou and the others told us to enter the sewers and into a safehouse as they tried to stop them...

"Aniki, I am Tired.." As My brother had a missing arm as he was bleeding slowly to death...

"Don't worry, we will be there soon... Ryou Senpai told us there is a Medkit in the safehouse, Just hold on for a few more moments..."

There was movement in front of us...

A Man wearing a Gas mask stood in our way, Standing silently in the darkness...

"Get the hell Out of our way Piece of Shit!" I looked at the man with my night vision and yelled at the man before us...

The Man Look like he didn't get the message...

"Brother, stay here while I get rid of this pest.." I placed my injured brother to the side as I release my katana and rushed towards him... as he stood ready with a shovel...

The man is strong... Shit.... DIE ALREADY!

My Katana was Parried away and I felt something was bash on my head....

I feel my strength fading disappearing from my body...

"ANIKI HELP ME!" as I heard my brother final cry as I heard the same sound that happened to me too...

The Kriegsman stood still for a moment between the two Tyger bodies and a Imperial Guard Primaris Marine caught up to him with a Tyger Head crushed between the Marine hands, the Two gave a nod as the Kriegsman followed the Primaris Marine as he dragged the two bodies deep within the sewers...

[Day two]

"Hello Night City. I'm Gillian Jordan, Here to bring you this latest news."

"Yesterday Massacre and message towards the gang known as the Tyger Klaws, A another Pile of Body has been found."

"Bringing to a total amount to two hundred and ten, as the yesterday number was a mere hundred and eight Tyger Klaws members."

"All of them have Outstanding warrants from the NCPD, No other gangs claim the responsibilities of their attacks."

[Tyger Grunt Pov]

Shit they are here! Souta Light them UP!

We fired at the Red Hooded Figures, But they were block by some kind of Forcefield...

They casually aimed their rifles and bolts of Lightning flew out of their guns, hitting multiple of us frying our cyberware and our organic organs...

I took one last look at them in defiance... only to have them notice me and focused their aim at me. Frying my body...

[Day Three]

[WNS News]

"Good Evening, I'm Arif Iqbal from WNS News"

"Tonight marks the third day of assault against the Tyger Klaws Gang, Making this the largest body count in a day that Night City seen in years.."

"Bringing the Body count of Six hundred and thirty"

"When Questioned, NCPD authorities Discouraged resident from going out unless they need to, to avoid getting caught in the crossfire"

"I will keep you updated on the situation and stay classy Night city."

[Tyger Grunt Pov]

Shit, they won't find me here right?

Those steps...

I shuddered as I met a giant man in an armor suit staring right at me covered in blood with my Brothers...

I aimed my gun to my head to end my life... than being killed by that thing..

[Day Five]

[Info Flash]

"Hello everybody! It's me Ruth Dzeng, here to bring new info to News Flash."

"Apparently someone is very pissed off at the Tyger Klaws this week."

"Sure, there are a lot of people that will admit that they are not a fan of Tyger Klaws, but this time they pissed off someone special. "

"The body count has escalated to an addition of five hundred and thirty bodies, Bringing a total Count of One Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty as additional bodies were found in the nearby junkyard at Megabuilding H8."

"If you been a long-time viewer of Info Flash, you have been aware of our gang number episode. We calculated the Size of Tyger Klaws to be roughly Five and a Half thousand in Night city."

"So it means over the course of four days, Someone demolish a fifth of the presumed amount of the gang."

"Now who did the Tyger pissed off? I know that viewers notice my singular use of terrorizing who's responsible."

"I have a theory that the body count has been exponentially increasing each day as a pattern. And our special friend continues this pattern, we would see no less than 800 bodies tomorrow, reducing the gang another fifth. "

"So, Who is capable of slaughtering half a thousand a day? Remember that Ghost that took out the Scavs's a few months ago? I theorize that the Tygers threatened something important to the ghost to the point that the ghost evolved into a grim reaper."

"Or another theory that the Arasaka have deemed that their puppets are more trouble than they are worth... and disposing them in a pragmatic manner."

"Either way, It would be interesting to see how this goes in the course of the week."

"Thanks for tuning in, see you guys in the next Info Flash!"

[Day Five]

I love my Calledus Assassins and Techpriests

They done more efficiently than I could do it alone, and I still have time to work in my hospital, and I am Raiding the Tyger Klaws hideout during my lunch break and nighttime as well.

I have less worry about them since they are equipped with Miniaturized Nod Stealth Generators as they travelled in night city and my perks also affected my troops, albeit weaker versions as they can't be detected by security and detection measures.

A call came up from Rouge....

"Guess what the Tyger did?" Rouge Teasing me

"They sent another revised demand, And I should be grateful that I received it?" I Guess the answer.

"Congrats. How far are you from today quota For the day?"

I checked the Kill counts...

""Around five hundred and forty-seven and counting.." I counted the counter that is steadily growing.

"Better hurry up, Its almost reaching 2 pm and I want the kill count on the news..."

"Don't worry I will work extra hard." I Smiled as I hung Up...

[Day Five]

[N54 News]

"Good Afternoon, Night City This is Gillian Jordan from N54 News Update."

"Multiple Bodies Pile are scattered across the city, adding to a count of Eight hundred and ninety to the Tyger Klaw death counter total and bringing the overall of two thousand, one hundred and seventy"

"Official noted that there was a severe drop in crime in Tyger controlled areas, and small business is blooming in records profit due to lack of extortion and robberies"

"More on that at Nine"

[Day Five]

[Info Flash]

"Welcome to another Info Flash, I'm Ruth Dzeng."

"As Predicted, today the Ghost has increased the kill count to one thousand, three hundred and fifty Tyger Klaws Gang members."

"It's official, the Ghost has killed over half the members of the Tyger Klaw gang in a course of the week, Causing Crime rates to have a drop in Night City."

"At this point, You are wondering what the Leaders of the Tyger Gang is thinking about tomorrow. If our Friend continues like this, By the end of tomorrow... the Tyger would at most or no longer existed."

"Abduction as well as sexual assault, and tortured statistic has drastically reduced from their usual numbers in Night city with Tygers gone. Making them the second biggest gang to just barely able to handle the Animals on a one on one."

"Questions arise, what will the Tygers do next? Will the Gang Known as the Tyger Klaws Face Extinction? Why didn't the NCPD do what a Man have Accomplished in a single week?"

"We here at Info Flash will keep you updated as things progress."

[Day Seven]

[Alexander pov]

I was finished with my patient and started my Lunch Breaks as Rouge Called me.

The forces that I unleashed reported that they already reached roughly eight hundred, as the Tyger Klaws are moving more incognito and hiding in areas not known in the map. My assassins are tracking them as we speak and soon we will eradicate them...

I answered the call;

"Hello Rouge" as I munched on a Spanish Bread and Gulp a Gallon of coffee.

"The Tyger Bosses wish to hold discussions to discuss the terms of their surrender, They offered the Penthouse in Megabuilding H8 to meet."

"About damm time, I would like to change the venue to a quaint little pub in Wellsprings. I'd would like to ask you to hire some people that is a neutral party to keep everyone "Honest"." I inform her.

"They are not going to like this..." Rouge states.

"Tough luck, They had the chance to stop this a week ago, Instead I spent my time and effort to cleanup this pathetic excuse of a gang instead of being a doctor, we will meet there in two hours, do you have anyone that I could hire that serves as guards for the venue in a short notice?"

"I'll find someone. Send the Address." She replied and Hung up, She Smiled a bit as she found someone that won and done something ...

[Two Hours later]

[The Hive]

A Decent place for me to enjoy, as I passed by during my work and enjoyed the atmosphere as it was one few places that make organic honey as it kept bees.

"Plus I like the Honeycomb theme..."

I was accompanied by the several Hired Mercs and waited for the Tyger Bosses to show up. Jun Azegami and Marcus Ichida.

"Gentlemen Have a Seat." I gestured the seat where the new Arrivals supposed to seat, as they stiffly seat sit across me.

The waiter delivers food and drink and departs, leaving three of us sitting in the corner.

"What do you want, what are you waiting for?" Marcus states as he fed up watching me eating...

"You have? Why so impatient for fifteen minutes of me eating and drinking, while I waited for a week for your surrender? " I reply, after finishing the drink.

I lean across the table as I continue; "At the Start I demanded the Killers to be handed over to me, It took a week for me to wait for you to even think about surrendering."

I lean back and stretched; Now? My price has increased. For me to stop this purge, You must meet my demands. I know you sent agents after my Associates during the week, while none of them is not successful, I will not stand for it." I stated as my eyes glowed gold.

"Demand compensation!? After Slaughtering three thousands of our People!?" Jun Snarled at me

"Technically is already four thousand and Nine Hundred as of this afternoon before you begged to parley." I corrected his misunderstanding, making both of them Paled slightly.

"Make no mistake of my generosity, You are here because I allowed you to be alive. I forced to take time and effort to teach you and your gang with a painful lesson after threatening, extorting and sending my patients dead on my doorsteps, One way or the other this would end tonight. The question is whether you and the remains of your gang leave in one piece or in a body bag."

"What are your demands?" Marcus asked the demands of the Monster in front of them...

"Ownership of Megabuilding H8 and Several properties owed by Tyger Klaws, You have Twenty-four hours to evacuate this premises and leave this city. You will allow to remove owed item and devices, but does not include the Joytoys or Dolls in your possession, they are to be left alive and unharmed. Should you refuse even this single one of my demands, the purge will recommence, and I would personally get your skulls till the ends of the earth. If a Tyger wished to leave the gang, they will be allowed to do so and remain in the city, Any attempts to restart their criminal activities will be met with termination. Is that clear?" I listed my demands.

Both of them stuttering, attempted to renegotiate. I slammed the table until cracks were formed...

"You had a Week ago to have a chance and you blew it thinking I am just a Ripperdoc that you can crush with numbers, and you use strong armed tactics, Make your choice Gentlemen... My Patience is wearing thin..." As I glowed red bringing them in a world of death and destruction...

Both of them whispered in rushed tones back and forth between them for ten minutes, before they turned to me...

"We agree with your terms..." Jun Clenched his teeth, as he had lost what his clan build up was usurped by a single man.

"Great, I arranged a notary, so we can do the signing now. After you leave to visit what's left of your group with good news. I sent several squads of men to oversee your exodus from my properties." I state, as I wave the nearby Merc that handles the paperwork...

After they signed the papers, they left the Hive and disappeared in the streets as if they aged by a dozen of years... I pay the bar for the damaged table, I informed Rouge of my mission is done and called Judy.

"Hello, Alex is it over?" as Judy worried voice was heard over the phone...

"It's over, I will head over to Lizzie's Bar, I have something to say to them." I ended the call...

<Why did you let them Escape?>

I simply pointed out towards Arasaka Tower towards a Mechanical Beast of a man as He sensed my awareness of him...

He Smiled as He went deeper into the tower...

"If I achieve total Annihilation, no doubt Arasaka would deal with me, and My Friends, I can't save all of them if I done that..."

"And Public Opinion would change painting me instead as a savior that save the City, they would label me as a Monster that craves blood when someone pissed me off."

<Sounds reasonable enough>

[Time Skip]

[Lizzie's Bar]

I arrive at the Bar and Rita greeted me.

"Yo, Big Boi! Judy is in her Den and Suzie is with her. You remember the rules right?" Rita Smile as she let me in.

"I do Rita, Let's have a Carving Competition next time. I have a very good Marble to chisel." Making her laugh for a bit..

I walked past the Camera booth, through the dancers dressing room and downstairs to Judy Braindance studio, I found Judy was editing a braindance with Suzie standing off to the side as she waited for Judy to finish the product...

Judy was done with it and finished her braindance... and she noticed me, and ran towards me and hug me...

"Alex... I thought you died until you called me..."

"I thank you for giving me the heads up."

"Alexander! I didn't hear from you ever since that you called for Judy to get the Locations that we found, did you resolve the issue?" Suzie asked, Watching Judy Clinging to me...

"Yup, Tygers are now Moving out of Night City." Causing both of their eyes widen.

"I expected them to be crippled and made concessions with you... But you chase them out?" Suzie remarked...

"I gave them 24 hours to pack things up or leave the gang entirely. If the people that leave the Tygers returned to their criminal ways, its open season for everyone to hunt them without repercussions. The Leaders agreed to leave, and I got all of their properties..." I stated

"Does that Include Cloud?" Judy looked at me with hopeful face.

Judy told me about the Cloud in Megabuilding H8, A dollhouse that cater every desire of the customer and it is the more prominent Dollhouse in Night City... She told me about Evelyn her best friend in that place...

"Yes, Including the Clouds, Judy... Maybe you might see your friends again... And that is a part of the reason why I am here, I am Planning to Hire the Mox to run the business In Clouds" as I patted her head...

"Are you sure about, Entrusting Cloud to us?"

"I prefer a stake of the profits, and I have no Experience in the Dollhouse industry, You have the Experience needed to run the Establishment, know what the dolls really want, and base on your work on Lizzie's I could place my trust in you to handle it. I have too much to renovate and projects to accomplish in the rest of the building and cleaning up what those Tygers left behind. So, in a Sense you are doing me a favor." I waited for her response.

She spent several moments as she looked toward the ceiling for answers; "Sure, we would do it, we just don't have the manpower to provide security. Much less than the Guards for the front door."

"Then I will provide the Manpower instead, If you are not sure of my capacity, I can get some Animals Bouncers as well, what's truly stopping you, Suzie? Isn't this the best opportunity for the Mox to accomplish their original intent? This could provide an increase of funds would make those goals even closer than before, why hesitate?" I urged a bit making a smile coming out from Susie...

"It feels like a dream Alex. Not too long ago, we were just struggling just to not get under the radar from the Tygers and yet here we are, standing here as you gave us Clouds with the keys to it no attached deals with it." Susie questioned.

"And this is for a better future in Night City as I am a Person that get what I want. And I Make Miracles." I Stated making Judy Giggles...

"You make Miracles? How would you make miracle?"

"Like this" as I Make a Amasec Bottle appeared in front of their eyes...

"So, Susie you are in?" as I poured the Amber Colored Drinks to a Cup and Handed to her...

Susie Grabbed the cup and took a swirl and chugged it down as she made her final decision as she agrees to let the Mox to Run the Clouds and Made Judy Kiss me on the cheeks as they left the Bar to check Clouds, I headed to the Afterlife...

"Alex! You are safe!" Sasha rushed towards me, the moment she saw me...

"When You last called me... I thought it was the last time we called..." Her tear was almost streaming from her cheeks.

"Well, I am back... Sasha..."

Maine crew Swarmed Me congratulating me...

Maine only gave a Nod as Dorio Giggled next to him as they wave me off...

"Yo Choom! You really are a Reaper! That's amount of dead Tygers on your belt!" As Rebecca Eyes Gleamed with Excitement...

"You really Made it Big time Alex! Why not have a Celebration with Sis as a Input? Sister not the Bullets!" as Pillar cover his face with his hands as Rebecca kept the finger on the trigger to hide her blush....

"Yo Choom! A drink to ya health Hombre. You made it a Big shot!" as Jackie was nearby joking out loud as he told tells nearby patrons on how he met me...

Rouge was nearby giving a Silent nod as she resumed her talks with a client.

I finished my meeting with the People in the afterlife.

[Megabuilding H8]

A lot of Cleaning up to do...

While my forces watched the Tygers packed up their bag and they headed back to japan....

I have to clean up the Megabuilding with several Android Skitarii cleaning helping me in the process...

There was a Room that was Dedicated to Drug production in one room, some of the works is left unfinished... Probably I will make it into a larger Alchemy Room after I clean up this mess as it has decent ventilation.

When I opened a Door... Sometimes I wished I had chosen the choice of letting them Die.

Several People was Trapped in cages, their eyes lost all hope...

And there were several Joytoys and Dolls that were mutilated...

Plenty of the rooms are filled with dead and some barely alive.

Some of them were forcibly turned into Dolls and their Doll Chips is so fried that they lost all function of a human...

I called Suzie and the Moxies guided the survivors to rehab Clinics to help them... Not before I injected them Elixirs to their body and Prayed that it works...

This Place is Perfect for Hydroponics as the Meat trees is getting grown... and Wondertainment is now entering the Food Industry...

Problem is the amount of production needed... Leave the Problems for tomorrow me...

[Third Pov]

Meanwhile in Texas...

A Crack of Reality opened and Came several Giant Humanoid Machines... Different in heights... Different in weapons...

"Transmission received.... Protect the Seventh, the Eighth have sent us reinforcements to hunt down the Insect. His forces are nowhere to be found..." their Verniers began to Glow and Left Dust storms in their wake as they headed towards west... to Night City

[??? Pov]

[Somewhere in Night City]

Shit, Is that Follower of the Corpse God is here?

Better Hide now... Those Assassins are getting closer to my trail... I hope my reinforcements would arrive soon...


Why Do I not Care for the Environment? I struggle to ponder my actions for a few days and it's Simple, President Rosalind Myers...

The Current timeline is now 2073 just a few Years After the Unification Wars and the Scars of what NUSA has done to the Free states and the Treaty of Unification was written....

If Alexander does any mass terraforming at this time?

It would have Implications...

Think about it...

What Happens if Night City Have a Fertile soil in the Badlands? Just Right after a War for Resources in a Pretense of unifying the USA?

She would have a Casus Beli to be a bit more aggressive in her negotiations Towards Night city as Having a Man In American Soil that can make the Land Terraformed back to a pristine one and to be a Bargaining chip for her ascension to the political seat?

While Night City is Depressing, it is neutral and Stuck between the northern California that is Free states and Southern California is under NUSA.

And a Man that Have the technology to reverse what the People have done to the environment in a Flash? is both a Blessing and a Curse.

Alexander still have a Job to flush out the Numbers...

and Finding that Silverhand, where is that skeleton anyway?

What Is those Humanoid suit?

Mobile suit? Or Armor core? Or perhaps a bit of both?

Alexander already crippled Arasaka Puppets early so there is not much bounty's compared to what they done in 2077

Seggs? Not good at lemons.

Alexander Did have a Good relationship with Sasha after spending dates during the time with her... and I dunno about Judy and Rebecca... Hmm, I am not even sure if they have Love interest with Alexander...

Let me know what you guys think?

Should I fully implement Terraforming project using Horizon Dawn and the Detoxifiers mods from RimWorld and Risked Getting Night City Under NUSA Gaze? Or Give it a Green Light and Riding on the waves of positive public opinion for doing so?

Or Just wait for it until 2077? Until President Myers crash in Night city? after all This is probably just a Vacation at this point in time.


I have Voodoo Boys on my hit list now...

While I dislike their actions, Making Pacifica a Hell hole to keep The population in there fear them... and it become a place where even the Trauma Team themselves not wanting to visit that place?