
The Rise of Texas and the march of the south

The year is 2240, almost two hundred years since nuclear fallout have landed... The doors of the shelters opened as the radiation level have lowered for humans to be able to let go, the people of America found themselves in a strange world... A ruined hellscape... Many wept of their loved ones, lost their homes, their memories of their country now lies in the ashes of the old.

Many felt confused... Lost and without purpose... Until a message spread in every shelters across the world from the founder of the fallout shelters..

"People of America and those that lived across the pond... I bring you this sad news that our beloved country is ruined, covered in nuclear ash of the old government... I couldn't save the lives of every patriots in this nation... I couldn't save lives because politicians blocked my efforts to save what little remains of our daily life, the rich and famous went into the shelters and into space... Did we voted for this? Did we voted for a war that we never wanted? Did we voted to end this world? No... This is a dangerous world we lived in... The radiation have affected the wildlife of America and perhaps the world, Bands of Raiders and madmen roamed our lands and beyond, tainting the soil with their filth. We would see things of impossible reasoning step into this world, but have no fear my brothers and sisters... Cities can be rebuilt, what is lost can be remade... We will remake America and the world once more, even grander than before... God Bless America... And he walks among us. Godspeed to you citizen of America and the citizens across the world... To the states that held my shelters far away from Texas and those that lived in Europe and Asia, I will say the same to you... Survive, Survive the horors of what nightmares of the old world crept in the night as we reach to you and unite America once more... The Texans will unite American once more and perhaps the world... This is Alexander Solair of Wondertainment... Over and out."

What comfort the people realize that there was the man that saved them is still alive till this day...

Those that listen to him find the closest industrial sectors and helped rebuild it, defended it from raiders and the furnace of America industry began to lit ever so gently... Those that lived in Asia understand as they struggle to find their way to survive this nightmarish world

(Alexander pov)

I sighed as I let down my vox cast and rested in my seat... So many lives lost... I could never get used to the fact that I pretty much do a mini age of strife... And this time, there is no emperor of Mankind to help me with his thunder warriors... I have to do this on my own... Upon arriving in this place it also trained me on how to handle a planet that undergoes a disaster.

A Guardsman approach him.

"High lord, The Army is ready... We are waiting for your orders."

Alexander nodded.

"Inform the Regiments to Head south and conquer the South Americas. Time to unify the world for the emperor."

"Understood sir... The Emperor Protects!" The man saluted and left... I followed suit and arrived at a stadium.

I stood up in a podium and looked at the men and women that I recruited and converted to my cause...

"Soldiers, At ease..." Alexander smiled as the soldiers calm down.

"I would inform you that your mission is more dangerous than before... We are fighting abominations that we don't know, and we need to conquer the south Americas to reach Panama Canal for our fleets to enter the Pacific ocean. And more. Some of you may not able to return home alive... But know this... I know each and everyone of your names as you set off on this crusade. I will ensure that your families will gained the benefits befitting of your station... But I condone traitors and cowards... They will not enter the gates of heaven... May the God Emperor Protects! May we unify this world under the banner of the Imperium and for humanity to flourish once more, we shall conquer this hellscape and make it into paradise! May our deeds echoes in eternity that we have succeeded what the old government could not...

UNIFICATION! DUTY! DESTINY! This is the task I bestowed upon you crusaders... Now ready your vehicles, Inform the quartermaster of what you need, you need everything you got to conquer the world. We saw what happened to our government, they failed us, the politicians lied to us... Time we shall take matter on our own hands... Go and reclaim our planet from the horors of the nuclear war. So that we leave a foundation of peace for our children and our deeds will be reenacted to the stars! Our brothers and sisters in the moon and mars have contacted us. They will provide aid, so we are not alone in this fight. Go and conquer the planet and take back what is ours!" The crowd cheered as the soldiers departed.

Leman Russ tanks and Chimera began to roar to life, soldiers entered their Apcs as they waited for the rollout. Valkyries and Orcas began to lift into the skies as they headed down south and east to reclaim the nuclear wasteland for humanity.

Techpriest now wander in the open as they chant their rites of prayers to the machine god as the titans walked forth, bringing unity...

The heavy industries of Texas have been safe from the fires of nuclear hellfire now beginning to come to life as they churned out materials for the war effort. Oil pumps now flowed endlessly to the refineries to be converted to diesel and gas... Metalworks furnaces glowed from dawn to dusk.

Many of the Texans youth joined up with his army. As they wished to restore humanity birthright. And they were assured their families are taken care of. Where they trained extensively for a better life.

The capitalism society is now cranking up as trade is picking up. No longer Texas is the butt of all jokes ... The Texans strike back.

He would have been satisfied... But he need a unified world to find his body parts... He looked at four possible locations in the globe... Vatican, London, Russia and Japan is where he sense the body parts that is calling for him when he does his business. But first his soldiers need to unify America... But first... He need to end the border crossing and keep his homeground steady...

(3rd pov)

In a Mexican town that survived the nuclear hellscape, it was taken over by drug cartels... And the Mexican government had fallen. And Cazadores flooded the lands. Many Mexicans lived in fear. Some prayed their gods...

A cartel member looked bored as he raised the Ak-47 to check any defects. Another approach him with a coffee, a luxury in such times.

"*Hey Juan, how's the broad that we took?*" He asked.

"*I got bored of her, she squirm so much, it was fun while it lasted, her father is a pain though...*" He smug as he held out a bloody knife indicating he already killed the man... Both chuckling as he noticed a figures in the distance.

"*Juan what is that?!*"

He pointed and saw a group of two legged giants heading their way.

"*Alert everyone! Americans are attacking!*"

A warhorn was heard alerting the garrison and the drug lord from his slumber.

Many of them used their technicals, scrap tanks and cartel members rushed out, some in underwear ready to shoot at the figure.

"*My god... What is that!?*" One screamed as a Titan squad now towered over them... Making their hands turned limp...

Until the drug lord shouted.

"*Death to the Americans! Raise your guns and kill this monstrosity!*"

They agree and opened fire. Their tanks opened fire at the titans.

But how do Cold war era weapons work against a machine that fought in a galaxy in 41 millennium?

The cartels looked scared as their attacks only affected a shield that covered the machines. The titan walked towards the town and used their secondary weapons, no need to eradicate the town as it would be used as a supply hub for the conquest down south.

Mega bolters ripped apart anything the criminals have sent out. Blood and gore splatter the skies as if giving joy to their invaders descent...

Many of the citizens watch of these giants that the flames and smoke covered them...

One elderly woman spoke...

"*God angels... Has descended upon us*" her feeble hands raised to the titans face in the distance, and they watched the woman raised her hands as they moved further south. Their roars of fire and flame echoes in the distance as a reminder to the civilians that they have come to reap vengeance to the monsters of the wasteland.

The town now undefended is now swarmed by Imperial soldiers and they used the town chuch as a makeshift command center as their base is erected nearby.

One woman asked one of the officers in Spanish...

"*Are you here to save us?*" She nervously asked.

"*We are here to liberate this land for the God Emperor. And destroy the filth that tainted this lands and humanity...*" The officer spoke in Spanish.

As the weeks go by the town is improving better than before... The lands outside is safe and farmers once more can grow crops as they feared no beast that invaded their lands or poison that is eternal, children able to walk out in the streets at night. And they started the Night of the Dead as they prayed for the lost souls, the ecclesiastical priest watched them and absorb the tradition for them to better assimilate the Mexicans.

The civilian mingled with the soldiers and they saw a priest that preach of the Ecclesiastical truth... Many joined the sermons of the Ecclesiarchy. Some children even decorated the servitor skull probes with flowers, Hoping to find solace in this dark times.

Alexander never intended to forcibly convert to those that saved by him.

He prefers Lorgar method of assimilating the population through faith peacefully than Roboute of crashing everything down and rebuilding step by step from the ground up. It will breed resentment. And unification of humanity is the thing that is needed. Make the native population realized that following him is better than the alternative of defying the Imperium. Faith, respect of their culture and assuring they lived a good life. These are the secrets of what lorgar taught him about making a docile population...

They already conquered the Mexico through this method. Carrot and stick. And they arrive in Panama canal which somewhat remained Intact from the nuclear hellfire and they propped it up and running. But they were not safe... The mutants animals of the Amazon was displeased of the intruders of invading their territory. And they sent all they had to attack the occupiers. And the trees mutated by the radiation came to attack them. Mutant treants and radioactive piranha fish that chew through armor is slowly hinder the progress.

Many of the plants and animals that is effected by the radiation is catalog and place into noctis labyrinth for Trazyn as he was upset that Alexander refused to let him come and have a treasure hunting...

The natives living in the south Americas that lived in fear of the jungle as their shaman spoke of monsters lurking in the jungle, they heard fire from the north and smoke that raised to the skies. They feared the gods had descended and is angry with them.

Planes that they haven't seen for decades have now flown into their skies... The might of Texans and Imperium is arriving In the lands of the south.

Bringing Civilization with them in the wake of war.

Roads repaired and made to enable the logistical lines not disrupted, outpost is set up every 5 kilometers, every cities that is held by Cartels and drug Lords is retaken and rebuilt, the lands is slowly had their radiation removed, factories raised to make the population to work on goods, food now flow freely into the controlled territories... Making the south safe from being invaded. As the majority of Alexander forces capturing and assimilating the Caribbean and the south.

Alexander looked up to the north... Towards Las Vegas. Where Mr house is kept in stasis.

"I coming to save you old friend. I will bring order to this chaotic wasteland... And we have a good chat again like old friends... Like the old days...hey... Perhaps I will let you wake up in a more decent Las Vegas..." He looked at a old picture of him and a younger Mr house before the bombs fell. He was one of the people that lived in this world that understand Alexander vision... And Alexander said that if the city is standing, he would assure him to make it a better space...

As Texas armoured divisions head towards Arizona, Forces of East and West have stirred...

NCR have recent activities of troops heading towards the east for land and the Caesar legion is heading in the direction in the west of conquering the lands to destroy the decay of the west, assimilation of tribe through force, with Alexander Imperium from the south for unification with revitalizing the lost American soul. Las Vegas is the turning point of these three factions.

Clashing for a city. One for electricity of the Hoover dam, one for the control of a logistical hub for the march to the west and the last was to secure his friend.