
Starship Troopers 3: Its A Good Day to Die.

[Federation Theme Song]

"Scorpion Class Pulse Warriors,

Kamikaze Bombardiers,

Titan Bugs,

Every day new Bugs keep appearing in the Battlefield.

Some wonder, are we losing this war?

Don't Bet on it! Citizen.

Here in Oppenheimer Proving Grounds in Earth and Mon Olympus in Mars, Federal Scientists have been cooking up Nasty Secret surprises on their own."

Both Places Shown How it was done, In Earth A Warrior Bugs Was Shown Blown Up Being Impaled to a Post and In Mars, A Warrior Bug Was Strapped to a Nuclear Missile to celebrate the 4th of July.

"Would You like to know more?

The newest weapon in the Mobile Infantry arsenal is the Not-so-Secret Shovel and the Trusty Lasguns.

Greater Bug Firepower means Trenches, and that means Digging in Roku San that once peaceful Agri planet in the Fringe Colony That Become the New Frontline Against Second Bug War.

There you go Trooper and Put Your Back into it!"

A Officer handed the Shovel to a Mobile Infantry wearing a Wry Face as he orders the Trooper to dig more trenches with a Gas Masked Individuals that dig much faster than them...

"If you are against the war, you are against us!

That what the Federal Judge said when he declared hanging is absolutely good enough to anyone that threaten the Moral of the Federation."

"I Sentence you to death. Execute them All!" As a Judge Finalize the Sentence of a Group of War Protestors.

"This is a simple ruling, People need to watch what they say." As the Head Judge Clarified his swift decision.

"Admiral Enollo Phid, Fleet division chief and Intelligence voiced another concern today from her headquarters in Terran Command."

A woman placed away her reports and Spoke toward the Recorder; "The Revival Of Religious Worship in here and the Outer Colonies will not be tolerated when it leads to "sedition" or in any other way that destabilize the War Effort."

"Would you like to know more?"

A Stage was Set up and A Group of Officers standing in a Formation and a Flashy Man Stood in the stage and Sang a Song...

"Courage, Duty, Honor! We call upon our troopers, in this our darkest hour,

Our way of life is what we're fighting for,

The flag that flies above us, inspires us each day, To give our very best, in every way!

It's a good day to die, When you know the reasons why,

Citizens, we fight for what is right, A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price,

For the Federation I will give my life!

Well all is fair in love and war, That's what my gunny says: You're not alive unless you're almost dyin', These are the words I march by: Duty, Courage, Honor,

And every single day I'm out there tryin'!

It's a good day to die, When you know the reasons why, Citizens, we fight for what is right, A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For the Federation I will give my life! (Courage, Duty, Honor!)

The Eagle, he flies high above us, The Eagle, he makes our spirit soar, He gives me the strength to carry on, To fight, and win this war!

It's a good day to die, When you know the reasons why, Citizens, we fight for what is right, (Courage, Duty, Honor!)

A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For the Federation I will give my life! (Courage, Duty, Honor!)

It's a good day to die, When you know the reasons why, Citizens, we fight for what is right, A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For the Federation I will give my life! (Courage, Duty, Honor!)

For the Federation I will give my life!"

"He is General Sky Marshall Oman Anoke whom everyone love.

At Last Night's Rally he thrilled the audiences across the Federation with a Pounding Rendition of his greatest hit, "It's a Good day to die".

Hey Citizens, you can now celebrate Sky Marshall Oman Anoke and Support the War Effort at the Same time, because it's a good day to buy."

The Sky Marshall Ended his Song with an applause...

"Would you like to buy more?"

[Roku San]

In a Place where Bugs swarmed towards where the Humans are concentrated into a Fortress City, Countless Basilisk cannons Thundered across the battlefield. And Punished turrets Blazed endlessly into the night...

A Mobile Infantry Looked Up the Skies after he done with the Trenching the wall, wondering if when will he done with the work for the night... He was Given the Old Morita uniform and a Shovel, Not the Power Suits as he was shown on the television, Someday he wanted to be a Hero too...

"Incoming!" Shouted a soldier nearby, several Ball like objects cluster bomb into the direction of the Trenching crew.

Many fled as fast as they could and One followed a Group bouncing using the trenches as a angling point and Landed nearby causing the Soldiers to flinch, One Krieg Appeared and rushed past the frozen soldiers and Used His Shovel And Slammed the Ball into the Air. Before it even make a Chance to Explode, it shot several times with accuracy and failed to explode.

Two Power suit Approach them, one of them is the Hero of Planet P, Johnny Rico... He patted one of the soldier and handed him the shovel, broke them out of their trance...

(Rico): Can you walk soldier?

(???): Yes, sir?

(Rico): Get up and Finish the Trenches, Brass will arrive Up our asses in T-minus 2.

(Lieutenant Link Manion): The Sky Marshall is coming here?

(Rico): Asking for a Autograph Liutenant Manion, I will have you shot.

(Lt. Manion): Of course, sir, I will not sir!

The Two enter the Command Center, It overlooked the city and the defenses... Alexander was Observing the Situation...

(???):"Officer on deck!"

(Rico):"What's the Situation Alexander?"

Alexander was overseeing the Holo war table.

He didn't aged a Day that Rico met him since his wedding. He was At Roku San as this is his jurisdiction and his Obligation to defend the citizens of the Planet.

(Alexander):"Rico, We are doing well, Bugs are getting Feisty tonight. I will be in the Bar."

(Lt. Manion): You knew that Man?

As they saw the Legend walking out of the command room with a Jolly Altitude as he waved goodbye to the people in the Command Room...

(Rico):"Saved My ass more time I could count. The power suit we are wearing are made by him."

(???):"Boat Coming down!"

(Rico):"Ohh rah Look sharp trooper!"

As the two left the center

(Lt. Manion): The Arrival of the Sky Marshall is top secret, How did you know when he arrive?

(Rico):" Alexander and Dix Hauser in general staff told me about it. Though Alexander prefers to watch the Frontlines than meeting the Sky Marshall.

As the two walked to the Landing zones..

(Lt. Manion):"You know General Dix Hauser?"

(Rico):" Dix Hauser is a dope Liutenant that worked with the Roughnecks when he climbed up the ranks. He took three years, while I took 4 years to play Colonel." [Note: Since he didn't Got that man Killed in the Training Room, his Rank would presumably be at this rate.]

A Valkyrie Managed to dodge several Plasma Batteries and Landed in the landing zones.

(???):"Officer on deck!"

A Familiar face to Rico stepped down

(Dix): "*Laughing* Johnny Rico!"

(Rico):"Good to see you Dix!

(Dix):"I have to Introduce you to someone, I think I am in love."

(Rico):" Yeah? What have you?

(???):"Officer on deck"

(Roanoke):"Sorry for the Sudden Visit Colonel, Yet I sense that you were expecting my visit?"

Several Press Surrounded the Two as They Shook hands. And Roanoke raise a signature to stop the recording...

(Roanoke):"Tell me about Roku San Colonel, these farmer fight?"

(Rico):"They Need us, but they Don't like us."

It Made the Sky Marshall contemplate something.

(???): Hello Johnny.

A Woman Step out of the Valkyrie.

(Rico):"Lola Beck,What are you doing here?"

(Lola):"I flew the SM, You know me Johnny"

Beck and Johnny Shook Hands. She Noticed the Wedding ring in his armor.

(Beck):"Seems, that you are Married, Congratulations Johnny."

(Dix):" Captain Beck is the Person that I was talking about earlier"

(Rico):"Congratulations to you two as well."

(Roanoke):"You three have much to discuss, Liutenant Manion would you have the pleasure to give a tour of this fort?"

The Liutenant was giddy as she lead the Sky Marshall to the places she knows.

The Trio Left in the landing platform and Head to the bug...

In the observation deck, Roanoke Watch the Bugs with Manion, that was being destroyed in the distance... He asked Manion; "Soldier, What do you think about the bugs?" as he Stared at the Bugs in the field of Battle through a telescope.

"They deserve to die." Manion

A Soldier approach them

(???):"Sorry to bother you sir, would you sign my helmet?"

(Roanoke): Of Course, Trooper!

As the Sky Marshall wrote his signature on the helmet.

(Manion):"All I know this, is that there are a lot more than in the Wire Dessert. A Lot More."

(Roanoke): Well, they maybe heard that I was going to sing?

In the bar, It contain the Farmers that Managed to Evacuate to the fort. A Song from the Sky Marshall was heard until the door was opened.

(???):"Officer on deck!"

(Dix):"At ease"

(Alexander):"Rico! Seem like you have new friends. There is a seat ready for you"

Alexander was with the Local Farmers.

Hearing their Issues...

"Yes, Can you tell me the Time about your work? I remember the time your Meat that was shipped to Mars. And It was Delicious." Alex Poured a Farmer a Drink.

"I remember the time that this place was such a beautiful place... I remember my Animals... Now I am Stuck here... Drinking my life away."

"Don't worry, We will win this planet and I will sure that your losses will be reimbursed... You have my Word." Alexander Patted the Farmer back.

"Always a Saint, Sir..."

"Rico Don't Mind me I am off duty and I give you command in this base."

When Rico And Beck Remember their old High school days, Dix was getting a bit hot in the scuffles...

"General, That is in the past, Besides Rico a Married Man now and all it takes is for those two women to drag him to hell if he cheats." Alexander Chimed in... Making Dix To refrain from making a scene. After all A Director whose Rank is Higher than him and Accolades, Connections is already pervasive throughout the Federation, He couldn't make a Scene... even if he is part of The General Staff.. The man Before him has a Blood Legacy behind him as well, Many Assassination were sent to him or his family often ended up disappearing or was place their corpses in their families lawn..

Dix Spine had a Chill as Alexander Eyed him as such...

The two Women already Join M.A.Rs and Finished their Maternity Leave and spending time with their children.

Carmen Ibanez Now Commanded a Fleet of her own... After Rigorous testing she have the Capacity and skills to handle such fleet.

Dizzy still in command in Rico Roughnecks, Now Dizzy Roughnecks, And Both of them every night they are able to use a Personal teleporter to their homes given by Alexander as part of a program to make sure all Children could still see their parents when they are still deployed. And as a Benefit to Joining Alexander Organization, Their Age was Halted the same day on the wedding night with Rico. As a result Their libido was high That Rico often asked Stamina Potion to keep up.

When the Tv nearby was opened to a New Broadcast, It shows the Guilty that was Sentence earlier having Execution by hanging.

All Five of them was Hanged for all to see...

Causing the Farmers to be upset...

"It's a Pity really, Peace against the bug will never happen, Because the bugs want to kill all of us... " Remarked Alexander as he sat next to where Rico was .

"How so Director?" Dix asked, Curious of why the Director phrase it that way.

"After years of War, suddenly they want to make peace? Remember General, Just as Human trying to understand the bugs, So do the Bugs try to understand us, they want us to make amends? No, It's either Extinction of one race and I am placing my bet of humanity being on top."

Alexander Frowned as He placed a Holo Tablet...

"The Base Defenses went offline Aside from the Basilisk, Shield Generator is turned off... and the Gates has been Breached..." Alexander Became incensed...

"Seems that there is a Traitor..."

"Yeah, I know, Rico you go help put up with the defenses, Dix and Beck find the Sky Marshall to Evacuate the premises, I will Defend this place. These People Need help the most." Alexander Ordered as The Trio Went out leaving the Director in the Bar...

[A Few Moments ago]

Lt. Manion Escorted the Sky Marshall to the command Center, He was Impressed with the Technological Knowhow of the Base, Many of the Staff Swarmed him for his autograph, Manion wanted to get her own autograph from the sky marshall, but temporary stopped as she remembered Rico warning... But she shrugged as "One Signature wouldn't hurt would it?" She turned around and Saw the Sky Marshall disappeared in the room, she went out and did not find him there...

[Base Defenses offline...]

That Word Made Everyone Panicked, As they weren't expecting the Famed Defenses to Be offline... The gates were breached, and the Warrior Bugs flooded the Trenches. Mobile Infantry Scattered in fear as most were just freshly draftees that were told to do menial duties, but M.A.Rs Stayed behind, Bloodthirsty as they hold their ground... Stemming the tide until the rest of the Soldiers get into a More favorable positions

(???):"Scorpion Bug!"

One of the Trenches collapses and revealing a Bigger Scorpion Bug than in Kwalasha... it Shot a stream of Plasma killing all the soldiers nearby...

A Group Soldiers armed with missiles launchers aimed at the bug.

(???):"Missile Lock, aim, Fire!"

A Barrage of Missile Caved into the Scorpion Bug Skull and Exploded, splattering the survivors with the entrails of the Bug...

They didn't have time as the Warrior Bugs screeching was nearby awaken the Flinched soldier to their stupor as they Hurried to the Bunkers nearby...

Rico Manage to get several survivors and made a bloody road towards the Command center...

Rico Entered the Command Center there was Chaos as the Staff is Panicking and the Soldiers used the Hard point Emplacements to kill the bugs from approaching the Center...

"Colonel Rico, I lost Sight of Sky Marshall Roanoke..." Manion Reported.

It made Rico a bit Upset...

"Trooper Status report!"

"Sir, We are in the Blind here... all commands aren't responding!" A Officer desperately trying to tune radio frequency for the units out in the field..

"Shit, Activate the Hyperlink Communication..." Rico ordered and Activated one of Alexander Protocol that only he knows...

Alexander was fearful for the lives of his men that he made contingency after Contingency, Karl Jenkins, Johnny Rico and Carmen Ibanez only knew some of it, Not even the Sky Marshall knew such contingencies, And One such contingency allowed Them to communicate in another Communication instead of the Regular M.A.Rs Voxcast or Federation Radio...

"This is M.A.Rs Fleet 41st what's happening over there? Why is the Comms is offline?"

"Someone Became a Traitor, We need Orbital Bombardment now!"

"Roger, Wilco...ETA -2 Hours and 45 Minutes"

Dix went searching for the Sky Marshall in the Chaos, While Becky warms up the Valkyrie Engines... He Roamed about and question whoever he faced, most of them was in Shock or heavily focused to keep the bugs in bay to notice a Missing Sky Marshall, Dix noticed the Sky marshall wandering in the trenches until a Bombardier Bug dropped into the trench and exploded causing the Sky Marshall to go into Shock. Dix Carried Sky marshall using a Fireman Carry as he dashed towards the now ready to leave Valkyrie for Field Aid...

[Landing Zones]

The Sky Marshall Roanoke woke up in the Medbay of the Valkryie...

"Are you alright sir? Sir?" The Sky Marshall Doctor asked for his health.

"Captain Beck when do we leave?" Roanoke Asked

"About T-Minus Now Sir." The Lola Beck Said.

"Sir, requesting permission to stay in Roku San. I "

"Trying to be a Hero Dix?"

"Somebody, gotta stay here and fight."

After a Short moment the Sky Marshall agreed

"Perhaps your destiny is here after all Dix, Go and do your part!"

Dix Was about to leave... Beck wanted to make him stay...

"I love you Dix... Don't go..." Beck held his arm...

"Get the Boat up to the Fleet..." Dix Turned and Leave the Valkyrie.

After seeing the Valkyrie Manages to reach to orbit to the Sky Marshall Ship Geronimo, Dix Grabbed a Radio Transceiver...

Amongst the wounded he began a rally.

"*Attention All Unit This is General Dix Hauser, I am Assuming Command, All Units report to my location at Sector 7*" Dix Yelled in to the Comm that were still Operational...

Some of the Soldiers nearby looked at him as a Idiot, As Johnny Rico and Alexander Solair was stationed in this base.

A Bombardier Bomb Was Dropped Nearby and Blown up causing Dix to be Unconscious.

Rico Defended the Command Center and Managed to Hold Out until reinforcement have arrive, A Plasma Bug shell Drop on his location and Collapse the Ceiling causing him to be black out...

Alexander Finished his drink while watching the rising dawn... The Farmers were nearby with looks of awe and respect...

In front of the Bar was Several Corpses that was Filled with Bug Corpses with Marks of Scorched Melee wounds.

"Are you a God Sir?" The Farmer that was Spilling his Issue was staring at a man with a Flaming Sword enjoying the Rising Dawn, Believing a Higher Entity was just next to him Honoring his words...

"Nah... More like his Emissary. Oh, Your Families are safe... Come Let's Evacuate and Meet them up..." Alexander Chuckled as He led them to a Safe Zone...

A Fleet Appeared in Orbit and Landed Several Lancer Strikes around the Base... Providing the Reinforcements that is needed...

Roku San Was Save at what Cost?

Meanwhile the Sky Marshall Ship Geromino was suddenly Under attack in Mid Warp and went missing....

[FedNet Theme Song]

Roku San Pyhrric Victory (Canon Devastating Defeat)

"Roku San was the line against the Bug. Managed to Survive Barely in a Single night, How many Dead not many could say.

With the Immediate Intervention of M.A.Rs Fleet that was Stationed nearby, Federation managed to turn back the tide."

"Another Day, Another Peace Rally in the outer colonies."

But this time is different because of Elmo Gonif, Leader of a Growing Gonif Coalition that questioned the Policies of the Federation.

"I know my rights, I have my faith in god, not people! Peace at any Price is a Human Right" Elmo Spat out.

"Due to Roku San Debacle the outer colonies are questioning the efficiency of the Mobile Infantry. Some Held Praise of M.A.Rs of the Swift Response that saved whatever they could."

"Would you like to know more?"

"Now We bring you live to Terran command, for Sky Marshall Roanoke will address to the federation on the Roku San Criss."

"My Fellow Citizens, I come here today with a heavy heart, Within in the past 12 hours we almost in the Grasp of defeat Roku San, Thanks to Director Alexander Solair of M.A.Rs we managed to defend what is left in the planet, But Betrayal, Incompetence at the highest level of Command, I assure you that those that responsible of Roku San to almost be fallen to Bug Fangs, will be Punished, Ours is a War, is a Destiny that will End in total Victory!" The Video Ended.

What remained on the podium was Fleet Admiral Enolo Phid posing as the Sky Marshall, CGI, A.I Generated Facial and Voice speech and Special Effects made her assumed the image of Sky Marshal...

After the Live was Ended, Dix who managed to survive the Roku San was Upset.

"So, What the Matter Gentlemen, You both don't look happy with me?" Enollo looked at the Dix.

"I understand why you are doing this to maintain the Stability, Until we Manage to locate the Sky Marshall, this farce will end."

"Unsurprising, I thought you take some time to recover, from your ordeal." Enollo was curious of Dix Response.

"Sky Marshall asked me to be in my office." Dix left the Podium

Dix Returned to the Office, He knew that something was wrong during the past 24 hours and there is no call from the Sky Marshall... He looked at the Picture of him with Roanoke and Enollo Smiling... A knock on the door and there was a Female Lieutenant at the door with a classified case.

"Hmm Who are you?"

"Lieutenant Lamb, Sir... There is a Report about the Sky Marshall. There a Distress call in the LQZ Yesterday." the Lieutenant handed him the case.

"How are you aware of this and am I not?"

"Transmission Came under my watch, Sir."

Dix read the Last Coded Transmission of Geronimo.

"Why didn't you send this upstairs? Surely there are someone above that might know about it"

"We were instructed to ignore it and keep it under wraps. And I supposed to keep my mouth shut."

"Why are you here Lieutenant?"

"They are out there, and nobody is doing a single thing."

"All right, You are never here."

"Sir, Thank you sir." The Lieutenant Smiled as she left.

As the Female officer left Dix stared at the Signature of the Command that locked down the transmission...

"Enollo Phid.... You better give me a reason.." Dix Growled as he left the office, and he knows some people that could help him...


Rico was in A Medpod and Alexander was Waiting for the Hero to be healed up...

(Rico):"Umm, Where am I?"

(Alexander):"In Earth Rico, You managed to Make Quite a Stand."

(Rico):"Did we won?"

(Alexander):"Barely, My Forces have to get you out of the rubble... Your Wives will kill me if I let you off for a minute."

(Rico):"I pretty sure they do...What now?"

(Alexander):"Well, Better make a Call to Carmen and Dizzy or else they be ringing my Hotline for days about you."

(Rico):"Alright, Alex Help me to the Nearest Comms... and Thanks again for saving my ass."

Alexander helped him up from the machine and Helped him to a Wheelchair and Escorted him across the hospital hallways.

They Managed to the Comms Booth and Alexander Waited outside to not bother Rico. After all A Director blocking a Path is kind of deterrent for most people that wanted to know why.

Rico turned his Home number and two women stared at him, drilling holes into him.

(???):"Rico... I thought that You were Dead again."

(???):"You nearly made me have heart attack! We watched the news and thought you died at Roku San. You nearly almost made Rico Jr. and Sarah Cry!"

(Rico):"Dizzy, Carmen, Sorry I am Late but I am doing fine.

(Carmen):"If you are fine, Rico why are you in a Wheelchair?"

(Rico):"Director Alexander place me here since I finished my Medpod treatment Still feeling a Bit woozy from fixing my brain..."

(Dizzy):"I got the Feeling that the Director is a Guardian Angel and he saved all of us the pain..."

While Rico is Consoling his wives, a Man Approach the Communication booth, Alex Smiles at a familiar face...

(???):"Oh? I thought Rico is dead?"

(Alexander):"Carl, you and I know that guy is like a Indestructible Man in this point. And Thank you for visiting him during your working hours. Jeez you were expecting a funeral?"

Carl Jenkins Appeared Before Alex as he smirk his usual Grin.

(Carl):"Tell me then Alex, Is it true about that in Roku San? "

Alex looked around and Saw that the Hallways is cleared and Devoid of people showing the power how Carmen should truly be. He told what he truly thinks.

(Alexander):"Not Sure, Even my Authorization, I couldn't Deactivate the Defenses all at once in a Hot zone, At the start only The Sky Marshall have the Master Clearance codes given to him, and he appeared in that Battlefield for a Surprise Visit and In my Jurisdiction? When I was near him, he wasn't Infected with the Infector Bug...I am beginning to doubt if he is working for the Bugs. I get the something is deeper than the Roku San, If a Sky Marshall wanted to get the PR he should be at one of the M.I or My Bases where it is safe, but in a Battlefield?"

(Carl):"This is more mysterious than before... I better get ready. I will help out."

(Alexander):"Thanks, How's the Bracelet?"

(Carl):"Very effective and it helped my research to a Great success... Though, There is something I wish to tell you that might be of interest..."

(Alexander):"What is it?"

(Carl):"Remember the Brain bug that Rico Found at Planet P? It was Short time I worked on it, I sense that my Mind was weak and I found myself almost under control by it... Thanks to your bracelet, I broke free from that, perhaps it might be a Clue...Toodles."

The Psy ops Director left the Hallway and Human Activities began to flow Into the hallway.

(Alexander):"Thank you and Take Care Carl."

Alexander received a Message and it was urgent that he needed to attend to.

"Sorry Rico." Alex walked out to the Exit

Rico went out of the booth, almost being chewed up by his wives worrying...

He noticed Alexander was not there...

Before Rico Could find Alexander, Dix Approach him...


A Place where the Last known location where the Sky Marshall Disappeared...

A Group of Survivors surrounded themselves in a Drop pod. They decided to go towards where the Valkyries that held Mobile Infantry that have Combat Experience against the Bugs.

The Travel of Geronimo was Mainly used the Pre-warp travel FTL drives as Roanoke wanted as he held distrust towards Alexander forms of Transportation and somehow during their trip home they were attacked in the Middle of their journey causing the ship to halt their warp drives and Arrived in a Arid planet with a Ocean, then suddenly Bug plasma Balls came from the planet and attacks them, The ship Enacted Emergency protocols and Commence Evacuation.... There were several Drop pods and Valkyries to escape from the Exploding ship... Some were destroyed outright during the deployment.

Roanoke and his staff along with some of the ship crew that was religious ended on the Beach...

For Several Days they travelled to the Supposed Valkyries Location that housed the Mobile Infantry Attachment to Geromino as they have heavier ordinances than the Personal Defense weapons...

Along the way People in their Crew manage to say their faith, some Prayed to their Gods.

Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Some Minor Religions and some Were from Alexander Church Golden Light Believers

Many of them tried to Convert one another for their Theology Point of view. Others were Violent in their beliefs that they were in the right, that they wanted to Harm one another in the journey.

Making Beck Felt Disgust, In such Dire times they wanted to Convert people to their faith.

Despite How she dislikes about the Religion, there is safety in numbers.

During a Night Watch, She Noticed the Marine Praying to a Aquila Enveloped with a Sun, He didn't Asked other to see his point of view nor forcing others, She Approached him with curiosity.

"Tell Me Man Of Faith, Why are you not like the others?" Becky Asked

"Miss, The Golden Light Have Provided me all I needed. He will Provide the Salvation for all of us." The Man Finished his Daily Prayers.

"And Help Will soon come Miss Beck, For he works in mysterious ways..."

"How do you know the Church of the Golden Light is a Man?"

"He is always around us in times of need, He is the Golden Emperor, the one that is the Beacon of Hope, Miss Beck when I was the first wave that went to Kwalasha, I lost my Faith to God in Christianity, I lost My brothers in arms due to a Failed Retreat. I needed something to believe in. That Religion brought me the truth...the Dogma of the Church understand my plight..my reasoning for living this world. Every time I prayed to this Aquila it gave me hope. And it Gave me more than I wanted."

"What is it like in your Religion?" Beck asked.

"Humanity have the Mantle of Responsibility, If one wished to convert, they are welcomed with open arms, People have their purpose in the cosmos Dictated by him. Defilement of the Dogma will be Punished by death, As One life has been reborn in the Golden light, Defiling the Mercy given to them will not be tolerated, Such as Using the faith of the masses to benefit oneself or prostitute themselves in Debauchery, for worshipping the sinful acts will be shot to death. Faith on its own is nothing, but faith with determination to strive ahead will accomplish what task is at hand."

"That is a Interesting Concept Trooper" the Sky Marshall pass by.

"Sir, Do you believe that God is Around Us?" The Soldier asked.

"Of Course, God Is Everywhere. He may be in this Land Itself" the Sky Marshall Speak Cryptically.

"Well then We Better pray for the Help that will soon come..." Beck Prayed a Bit...

In the Morning, Beck noticed that there was a Bug Group in the Distance....

"Seems like they are herding us" Beck looked through a Binoculars as a Warrior bugs looked in the distance...

The Sky Marshall laugh it off and called it "divine Intervention".

[Ramilies Starfort: Sanctuary]

Two People Looked outside and Saw a Ramilies-class Starfort in orbit of a Azure planet, Countless Ships flowed in and out daily, Some of them were federation Corvettes, Others were Sizes of the Luna Class Ships and Acclamators Swarmed Around it...

(Dix):" This is the first time for you to visit Sanctuary. Eh Rico?

(Rico):"This is the big wow?"

(Dix):" This is it, If the bugs found out about this place, It would cripple the Fleet Capacity to handle security in the Outer Colonies.

(Rico):"Losing this would make the make both M.A.Rs and Mobile Infantry harder to hold the ground."

(Dix):"Boom Goes the Neighborhood."

(Rico):"So this makes this one of the Secrets of the War.

(Dix):"I don't think the Sky Marshall know where it is."

(Rico):"Why Kept it a Secret?"

(Dix):"Only a Handful of pilots and the Director of M.A.Rs know about this."

(Rico):"Don't tell me Lola Beck is One of them?"

(Dix):"Yup if we don't find her, we are screwed."

[Inside Sanctuary]

There was activities and Platoons of Soldiers serve as Patrols and Scientist Flocked around in rooms that weren't meant to show in the general Public...

(Rico):"Why All the Secrecy, Dix? Why not Inform the Council about the actual Sky Marshall disappearance?"

(Dix):"Enollo Wants to be Roanoke."

(Rico):"Thank God, I am only focused in Bugs"

(Dix):"We are here."

They About to Reached to a Mecha Hangar....

(Rico):"Tell me How many people will we sent to fetch Roanoke?"

(Dix):"Well, Rico Only Seven. Director Alexander Wanted to help, but he have his Hands Tied as Well, ever since his Stunt to allow a M.A.Rs fleet to aid Roku San, all of his Ships and Soldiers are being monitored. Even his fleets are being Put in the Mark."

(Rico):"So You are saying I only follow to the depth of hell with a Rifleman Squad?"

(Dix):"Not at all, He Left you a Present and a Unmarked ship to aid your endeavors."

In a Large Holdings Seven Mechas Gleam Dark and Classy...

(Rico):"These are not Those M11 Barbars or Mobile suits..."

(???):"Correction, This is Armor Cores. Ever since in Kwalasha and the disastrous results, Titans were to inconspicuous, Mobile Suits were Easy to die, I Managed to Create a Mecha that is Lower Profile and More inline as a Commando Squads. they have the best technology I have incorporated, and You were on the top of my list."

Director Alexander Appeared from the shadows...

(Rico):"Alexander, You are here?"

(Alexander):"Of Course, I Built this Place. Dix Had to get you Up to Speed."

(Dix):"So You are in?"

(Alexander):" Yes, I may not be able to help you and Rico with My Organization. But At least This is what I could do. Something is Wrong With this current Administration cracking down on religion. Dix I know there is some distrust with you two. And this is more that.

Alexander Lead them to a Room With A Documents and People that being assembled.

"Rico, this is the Soldiers will go with you to the Bug House. All of them are Trained to the Extreme." Alexander Passed the document to Rico.

Rico ignored it and immediately Walk to the Soldiers, Well trained and Eager for a Fight is in the people Eyes. He nodded and Picked 7 from the Lot.

"These People. They are all I need." Rico pointed them out.

"I see... Time to Borg you up." Alexander Smiled.

"Is that A New Term?" Rico joked.

The Process was Simple. To prevent the Armor Cores from being Hijacked, They had Neural Links Install to them. It may not be As Powerful as a Newtype or Psykers controlling but it has no risk of being Mind controlled by a Entity that is Higher than them, But it is much saner as it Meld both Man and Machine together. And after a Short test it will make them more responsive than a Analog Controllers.

Rico Smiled as he used his AC to Run around the Starfort and Made Several Pakour with it.

After He was Done he was Shipped with the Soldiers in the Newest Class of Venator that Warped into the AQZ

"Dix, you Sure Enollo will tell you the Coordinates?" Alexander Said.

"I am Sure that she will." Dix said with Certainty.

After they parted ways, Alexander received a Message from Carl...

"I found the Reason Why the Sky Marshall...." - Carl Jenkins

Alexander Looked at the Contents and His face grew Ugly...

When Dix returned to Earth, He Called for Lamb to know what happened while he was gone, Only to have a different person that replaced her telling him that she has been transferred. After Checking what happened to her, made him rushed toward the Fleet Admiral office

[Name: Lieutenant Lamb

Location: Alamo Detention center

Pending Execution: Hanging

Crime: Sedition

Authorized: Fleet Admiral Enollo Phid]

"Enollo What have you done with Lieutenant Lamb? Why?" Dix Barged into the Fleet Admiral Office.

"You Mean That Gingerhead that have a sad eyes and a big mouth? She gets what she deserves." The Fleet Admiral drank coffee not caring that she sent a Officer that have a concern about the missing Admiral to death.

"That What Happens to all traitors"

"Seem Like you know all about Traitors." Dix Scoffed.

"Maybe I am looking at one right now?"

"So, You Going to Hang Me as well?" Dix Slammed on the Table

"Well, it a Favorite Kind of Trend this days." Enollo Said

"What Happens to you when the Council Found out that you Suppressed the Sky Marshall Rescue Call."

"Oh really, Whole would believe you?"

"You Give the Coordinates of OM-1, Resigned and I keep My Mouth Shut."

"In A Short Time, Omar Roanoke will be Dead, And be Rewarded as a Hero and now I will take his place as the next Sky Marshall."

"Over My Dead Body." As Dix Pressed his Hand Next to Her head.

"That's Your Last request General?" Enollo Smirked as A Gun Placed against the Back of Dix. And was slammed his head knocking him out.

[Fednet Theme Song]

"Federal Council members called in today Sky Marshall Omar Roanoke for his weekly Report. THen... Disaster Struck."

"A Bomb Carried by a Member Gonif Peace coalition explodes.

Among the Missing is Sky Marshall Roanoke and his Loyal Aid General Dix Hauser."

"Today each and everyone of us has been attacked by a Man who would demand Peace at any cost, a Man who called himself as a Citizen, A Man that is no better than any bug!" Enollo Gave Her Passion Speech.

"That Man is Elmo Gonif a Self-Proclaimed Pacifist turned terrorist, today he and the others in the Gonif Peace Coalition are wanted for the Council Bombing."

"Would You like to know more?"

[??? Location]

Dix Found out that he was Handcuffed, And Taken into a Facility.

"Seem like you are awake."

Dix Looked befuddled as found himself in a car and he Stared at his former associate with a guard Aiming a gun at him.

They went silent until the car came to a Stop.

A man Approach them and asked Dix.

"How Well did you know the Sky Marshall?" He said.

"I worked with him Everyday?" Dix Was Befuddled of such a Question.

The Man nodded and Unlocked his Cuffs.

"Well I know you would immediately take action seeing that the False Execution notice of Liutenant Lambs, making you come to me, she is transfer to M.A.Rs"

"Is the Director Alexander in on this?" Dix Raised his Eyebrow.

"Not really, Her Approval is still pending, so he clearly doesn't know." Enollo Drank Whiskey glass of Amasec.

They made their way deeper and a Siren Rang out. Many Guards and Sentinels stood guard as they stood ready, And they were on edge of what was contained in the depths of the facility.

[*All Unauthorized Personal leave the Premises in Sector 6.*]

A announcement was made and it made them leave the premises as if they were being chased by Ghost.

A Shutter was Opened and a Brain bug Appeared within it, with it's proboscis removed.

"Welcome to the First Brain Bug We Captured." Enollo Said.

"What's that got to do with the Sky Marshall Disappearance?" Dix Questioned.

"Doctor, activate the Roanoke Files."

A Medical Staff appears and Played the Recording.... It shows the Sky Marshall That is touching the Brain bug side....

"Yes... My God... you call to me.... I will Surrender and we will discuss the Terms of peace.." The Sky Marshall looked so hypnotized...

"Now you understand why we blocked the sky marshall distress call? What we thought was a Victory at Planet P was a Mistake, they handed themselves on a Silver platter and now they sent Intel back to the bug at the heart of the Federation, They don't need no Infested Bugs when they can make religion to the Masses. Make them Docile, Subservient to their will...." Enollo was Disgusted with the Sky Marshall action.

"Why Not use Religion against religion then?" Alexander Popped up nearby.

"So, You are in on this Alexander?" Dix Questioned.

Alexander Shrugged; "I wasn't aware until the Bugs knew our necessities of a Faith in this Government. And The Crackdown of faith was the key to my search."

"What are you planning to do with that Brain bug?"

"We would kill it and Dissect it for why the Brain bug affected the Sky Marshall." the Man said.

The Brain Bug heard that and it Launched a Psychic Scream at the Group , Some of them fell down trying to get the noise out of their head.

Alexander Was Standing Still, As he was a Phariah, Psychic attacks don't work on him, he looked around confused that he was the only one standing... The Brain Bug Focused all its effort of it's power to Alexander, making him bear the brunt of the Attack. Seeing that he was unaffected by its attacks.

Alexander activated his Phariah Aura. Cancelling the Attack and Bringing the Group with Relief...

Alexander held a Autogun that was Dropped by a Guard and Shot Several rounds into the Bug.

Its Smooth skin that never saw the hard work was pierced and Fragmentation rounds messed the bug insides killing it...

"Now Dix, What was the Actual Reason why you needed to Find Om-1 Coordinates?" Alexander Puffed the Barrel and satisfied with his work.

Dix was Troubled as he was loyal to the Sky Marshall, but seeing that he was selling out the Federation to the bugs, he made up his mind.

"Fleet Admiral Enollo Phid, I need the Om-1 Coordinates because the Pilot that survived and Send out the Sky Marshall distress call knows the location of Sanctuary." Dix Told what was necessary.

It Made the Fleet Admiral Alarmed as she now agrees to give the coordinates.

It was one thing to be a Sky Marshall by Subterfuge, but if Sanctuary is lost, no matter how much tricks she put up in her sleeves, she could not cover up the losses in that Place. And Getting that seat when the Sanctuary collapse might put a Finger to her actions.

"Director, Do you have any Fleet in the Vicinity?" Realizing in her search for power she practically doomed the Federation.

"As long as the Federation doesn't interfere my work then I will able to send the clean up crew."

"You will have my w...."

"Word Means Nothing Enollo Phid, I Had my Organization with Censures and Inspections by your orders and Words don't mean anything when you can retract it at any time. I have a Contract with me and you better sign it." Alexander Place a Paper on her hands and Made her signed it.

In the Arachnids Quarantine Zone a Ship arrived and Waiting for Dix Message until they received a Coordinates.

"Colonel Rico, We Received Message From Dix, we now have the location of Om-1." The Captain on the ship informed him.

"Alright Boys and Gals time to suit up! Upon the next Warp jump, we will be saving the Survivors!" Rico Barked as he Headed to the Mech Bay.


After a Day Journey They Managed to reached the Valkyries Site at night, but there was no one there.

"Seems that there is no one there?" One of the people Asked.

"Alright Search the Valkyries for the Weapons." Beck ordered.

They Managed to Get Military Hardware and Noticed that Most of the Valkyrie had Corpses that suffocated as the Air Supply Lines was Sabotaged causing the Transport plane to automatically land in the planet...

The Land Trembled and Quaked causing Fissions and cracks.

Some of the People fell into the Cracks, The Sky Marshall Looked at it and Saw a Gigantic Eye Staring at him. Making Roanoke Looked Mesmerized.... The Rumble grew Stronger and Stronger a Enormous Flesh Grew out of the land Encompassing them.

"My God is here! There he is The God of the Bugs, Behemecoatyl! He will bring peace to the Galaxy! This woman will provide you to the path of peace!" The Sky Marshall Exclaimed as he laughed Hysterically as he pointed to Beck and Raised his Arms to the God Bug. He Been stabbed in his spine and Lifted up as he fanatically embrace the sweet embrace of the paradise that he was offered by Behemecoatyl

"You Said that there is a God around us, You Mean this?" The Marine Yelled.

"Yes, He is The Accumulation of the Bug and Humanity Combined!"

"My God Is A God Emperor of Man, not a Monstrosity. You Dare defile his Holy Image!" The Marine Roared in Anger Aiming His LasGun at the Sky Marshall And Blowing his Brains Out.

The God Bug Screamed as It failed to Get the information that was in The Sky Marshall Mind, And it tossed the Corpse towards the group of Warrior Bugs nearby to ripped it to shreds, But it has a Second Prize, The Bug Tried to Stab Beck because she knew the location of the Sanctuary... But the Marine Stood Between them and almost died to Blood Loss....

"Diego no!" Beck Screamed as she desperately shooting the Stalk that stabbed the soldier.

The Man Smiled with his Mouth leaking Blood, he had this last words as he was dragged off...

"The Emperor Protects..." He pulled several Plasma Grenades pin and Smiled as he will soon reach Paradise dictated by the Church...

His Body was engulfed in Plasma Fire and Damaged the God Bug that it trashed and Screamed from the Pain...

Diego Woken up in a Grand Gate and a Man Clad in Golden Armor that was Depicted in the Church Mosaic Greeted him warmly....

"Am I a Good person?" He asked...

"No, You weren't good person, but I heard you were the best. Now Come... Your Friends are waiting..." The Man As Guided to his Friends that was lost their lives in Kwalasha was Waiting for him in a Verdant Lands with a series of Cities that touched the Skies...

"This is true peace" Muttered Diego as he Entered the Gates of one of the Cities....

After the Explosion the Warrior Bugs Swarmed the Survivors, there was nothing in their Chants or Prayers help stop the tide of Bugs that was Furious of a Mere pest that damaged their god, No shouts of Valor, peace or Courage was found in the Religion when fighting against the bug...

They Tortured the Survivors by thinning them down to Beck and a Flight attendant named Holly Little that was Converted to The Golden light...

"Pray with me Sister Becky... "

As the Two chant their prayers.... Beck noticed that behind Holly was seven lights that was getting brighter....

Several Lights Dropped from the Seven lights as it hit the God Bug... Explosion was Envelope the Bug...

Seven Mech Clad in Black Whose eyes are crimson...

"Alright, Troopers Let er' Rip! " Rico yelled.

The AC Marched in Tandem Blasting the Bugs with Gatling guns and Laser Rounds into the Warrior Bug Crowd where they were shredded into pieces, And when the Titan Bug Appeared to the stopped them... Rico rushed ahead and Cleanly Slice it with a Laser sword. Several Scorpion Bugs that came to aid the God Bug Sprayed Plasma Bolts to the Mech only to be absorbed..

They were dispatch quickly...

Rico Rushed to where Becky and Holly was in and Grabbed them... and place them inside the Cockpit.

"Johnny you came?"

"Dix Sent me here...I know we have a Past Relationship, But He needs you more than ever."

The God Bug screeched as it Called the Bugs that cover the Land to converge to Its location...

Bug Warriors Swarmed the Location where the God Bug is.

"Colonel we better leave this place, the Bugs are flooding more than we could pump lead!"

"Not after We Leave a Present behind." Rico Smirks

As He flew up he activated the Mech Laser Sword and Slash the God Bug, Moving Around it as the Rest of his team now providing Fire Support...

It Grew Tentacles and Tried to grab one of them but they were Too Agile and hard to catch...

The Ship From Orbit Provided Fire Support to the Retreating AC, raining down Burst of Light and Scorching the Bugs around the God Bug.

It was Scalded and it scream toward the Orbit...

What Made Rico and his Team amazed was the Number of Ships coming in from the Warp...

"The First Armada..." Rico Muttered...

[(*Exterminatus Commencing*)]

On His Hud those words were Shown....

"Get to the Ship Before you are blown to pieces!" Alexander Voice Yelled in Rico Communications.

While Rico Reach his Mothership, In the Depths of Flagship, Alex Was Staring at the Virus Bomb that was Being Loaded. He Sighed and Teleported to the Command Deck. He activated the Intercomms Signaling the Entire Fleet.

"I Have Declare Exterminatus on the Xenos Planet Om-1 Of AQZ, I hereby Signed the Death Warrant this Entire Planet. And Any Human souls that are left in this planet, May your Duty be noticed by the Golden Emperor. And those that are unworthy, Be Punished, With this Death of the Planet, May Humanity Thrive for another Day. I order with a Heavy heart, That This World Would Be Burned to Ashes and Be Scatter to the Solar Winds as a Show of Force, that Humanity will not Bow down in front of the Bugs!"

In the First Wave, A Virus Bomb Was Launched, Purifying the Planet of all Life, Almost Taking the Vitality of the God Bug. It Stared Up And Screamed.

In the Second Wave, A Endless Orbital Bombardment of all Ships Available Turning the Arid Planet into a Glass Planet, Scorching the Planet In A Inferno and Hellfire the Oceans Boiled and Turned into Steam.

In the Third Wave, A Series of Cyclonic Torpedoes Was Launched Turning the Planet into a Temporary Sun, With the God Bug Life Barely stared at the Fleet Above amidst the molten Glass...

In the Last Wave.... A Series of Black Hole Missiles Launched into the Heart of the Molten Planet. Engulfing the Planet in a Super Black Hole Eliminating the Existence of the Planet and the Last Message of the God Bugs to its Kind was simple.

"Humans are Crazy!" Before it was sucked into the Black hole.

When Dix and Becky saw the Power of Alexander Organization, They Hugged and Kissed as the Planet that Made Becky Suffered was Erased from existence.... Enollo Phid Held her breath as She almost touch the Power that Alexander yield, It was More Pervasive than the Q Bomb... And More Destructive than what she had planned. She shuddered of the Implications if she didn't Signed the Contract and went back on her word, No Number of Tricks will stop him from scorching the Federation to the Ashes and the Outer and Mid Colonies will Cheer on of his decisions.

[Federation Theme Song]

"Sure he is gone, but he left us with a Song."

"Courage Duty And Honor." Was Inscribe to a Coffin And was Carried by his loyal followers.

"Billions Mourn the Death of Sky Marshall Omar Roanoke, Warrior, Philosopher and a Hero of the Federation."

Roanoke Family Stood By the Coffin and his Son Saluted his Father Coffin not realizing the Man Was a Traitor. But at least that was his sole comfort of not knowing that. Alexander Allowed Roanoke Children to be enrolled in the Scholar Progenium, Earning a PR that Even in this Dire Times Alexander Still Cares for the People.

"Across The Federation Experts Agree that:

A. God Exist After all.

B. He Is on Our Side.

C. And He Wants Us to Win."

Holly White Became a Cardinal on the Earth Branch of the Church of the Golden Light; "There's Even a Good News Believers, Its Official, God is Back and He is a Citizen too." Her Words Made Alexander Shivered in his office with him Screaming; "I Am Not A GOD!"

"With the Rising Of Religion is Prevalent in the Federation, Sky Marshall Phid Has Declared that While Religion is Acceptable, Peace is not." Phid Show the Camera of her Aquila Patch in her Uniform.

"In Related News, Peace Terrorist Elmo Gonif and his 51 Friends was Sentence to Hanging, Making this the Largest Number to be executed in the Single day Since the dawn of the 21st Century."

"Fck the Federation, Fuck You All! You Can't Take my Voice! You will not take my power!" Elmo Screeched as His Neck was Wrapped around the Noose along with his Friends. And Others Laugh at him.

"Warrior Heroes Took Time to tie a knot, Get back to work troopers, there is a war on!"

Dix Hauser And Lola Beck Was seen walking out in the Church with and Many participated Dix Wedding. Including Rico and His wives and his Children. Clapping among the people that appreciate.

"Join Up!

Do your Part!

There is a Long War Ahead and we need you!"

A Wing of Tac Fighters and Thunderbolts Flew Past the Screen, A Zaku, M11 Barbar, Armor Core stood with defiance In Vibrant Colors and a Emperor Titan Stood in Background Clad in White Looking Majestic.

"Ready to do your part Trooper?"

"Service Guarantees Citizenship. "


Lola Beck with a Pregnant Belly and Dix Hauser Arrived in the Graveyard of the Lost. Where all the Soldiers that didn't managed to get a Dog Tag or a Bodied that was recovered. Only those that Knew them wrote their Name remembering them.

She Placed a Flower Bouquet in one Tombstone of the Graveyard. One Bearing a Aquila embraced by the Sun.

"Rest In Peace Diego"

"The Emperor Protects!"

"Thank you, Trooper for Saving My Wife. And Saved the Federation with your actions we live another day." Dix Gave a Salute to a Soldier that Bought Time for Rico to Aid the Survivors. They Left the Graveyard, Beck noticed Someone was Observing her and she turned around and Saw the Trooper in Golden Mist Saluting on top of his Tombstone. When She Blinked, He was Gone...

Alexander was in Zero Base with Several Vats that have beings with Enormous Proportions.

"General Fabricator, Are they ready?"

"+All of the Bodies have been in the 99.9999999th to the Percentile. They Are Missing something....But they will be Ready in a Few Days+"

"I know... Their Souls... Have Subject 098: Fulgrim Injected with the Training, We Best give Trazyn OG his replacement with perfection...Once they are done Get a Tesseract Labyrinth and Place them there." Alexander Left the Room with Ferrus Manus Now Armed with the Best Technologies. Looked ready for the Journey back to Warhammer.

"Are You Ready Ferrus? I don't know how long when we will be back..."

"Ready as Ever Brother."


A/N: Sorry for being late, I had to take several medical test. And Now I am Focusing to Warhammer.

I read in the Comments that the M11 Babars was supposed to "included" in this Movie, But I never Did Introduce the Armor Cores in the Kwalasha Campaign, So it will be a Federation Exclusive Mech along with the M11 Barbars. As Mobile Suits and Titans to M.A.Rs.

There were Several Plotholes in the Third movie, What happened to Rico Ship when he waited for Dix Coordinates for Om-1?

How Did Enollo Phid Ignored Dix Demands of the Location of Om-1 and Ignoring that Lola Beck had the Location of Sanctuary?

I rather Be Vague what happened to the Religious people done in the Dessert and their ending. but They Are probably dead.

And the Biggest Plothole was the Mind of Sky Marshall Omar Roanoke whose Brain being Devoured, and he knows all the Military Installations and Secrets of the federation? And it was not Dire to the Federation? Well it does not matter if his brains was blown out before being devoured.

Well in the Positive side, The Church of the Golden Light is now a State Religion as It doesn't conflict with the values of the Current Administration and slowly they are handing Alex the Federation... A Proto-Imperium?

So After this it would be a Loooong Warhammer Arc, Because I may be a Teenager, but the Lore is too much, I asked in Warhammer Forums on the Issue on how they perceive the Emperor, or How it was sufficient.