
Side Chapter: Non Compliance System? Free Real Estate!

While Alexander Shards Was with the Primarchs.

A Message Reached the Bucephalus the Emperor Flagship...

[Non-compliance System Detected, They refused the Imperial and League diplomacy.]

"Well, We Do what, we gotta do Revelation." Alexander Held Clenched His First and The Emperor Did the Same...

*Rock Paper Scissors!*

The Fate of a System depended on a Children Game...They Had Chess before, but it was too long and This measure of time would be used to more productive things...

"Oh Come On! You cheated!" Alexander Groaned as He Held a Paper and the Emperor Held a Scissors...

"You will alert the League and be the First To Control This System... While I will Take Hours and I Spend time with my missing Sons..." Emperor Smirked...

"Fine... I will take this System... Arik Get me my Voxcast... Tell them I lost Again..."

"Shall I join them?" Arik Joked...

"Use the Teleporter in the Mid Section of this ship and Use Code 4-2-1-4-4 it will take you to the nearest fleet to control... May the Winds of War be in your Favor...." Alexander Sighed...

Arrik Taranis Headed to the Teleported and ended up to the nearest League Fleets that have a Thunder legion Stood Ready waiting for him..

"Brothers, Now is the Time for the Thunder Warriors to Heed the Emperor Call!"

"For Unity, For the Emperor Dream!" The Thunder Warriors Chanted as the Void itself Quaked from the Depth of their Souls...

"Get Ready... For the Emperor Dream!"


In a System name Vesryn that consistent of 9 Planets that lies between Imperial and The League Space is a Micro Empire there was a planet called Vesryn Sigma that defied unification, It Boasted a Fleet of Ten Thousand Ships that were harvested from space hulks, A well trained Merchant Fleet and a Mighty Planetary Defense platforms from the Federation Era... But the Leader was a Warlord Emperor named Abelard Hallaph whose ambitions threatened the Human Race, wished to carve a Mighty Empire on his Ideals of Slaughter and Conquest...He met the League Diplomats and Chased them out as they were too Courteous for his own good, and the Imperium Diplomacy was too Suffocating with the Rules and Regulations... But he knew that they will come soon...as Both Parties took noticed of his Empire...

He Raised Taxes to the Point that People Grumbled and at the point of Rebellion was a Daily Occurrence and Rationed Food to the point that only his Citizen was paid a loaf of bread every two days, While he and the Elites lived in splendor, He Made The Propaganda work to the point that the Reason of this Morally Bankrupt policies that there is Enemies stronger than them is approaching...And they will butcher them All...

He Forced Millions to work in the Factories to produced Ammunition and supplies to the point of starvation...

Worried the Day might Come his head is on a Spike....

He Orders Fortress Cities to be built and More Orbital Defenses added to the Ever Expanding Arsenal... On a Broadcast he said his final piece...

"From the West is the Imperium of Man wanting to subjugate us to their will, The East is a Leagues of Ten Thousand... They Wanted us to Intergrate to their philosophy and their way of life, I shall say this! We Shall Fight them to our very last Breath...Our Freedoms of Survival is Here!" - Warlord Emperor Abelard Hallaph

While it riled up the Elites of hearing this message... the Masses below Held doubt of the Warlord Words...

His Fleet was In Constant Paranoia for Weeks until their minds Became weary of the constant Alert...

"Incoming!" Yelled out a Crew that manned the Radar detected several Heat Signatures as Several Lights Emanating from the Voidness of Space...

Missiles and Torpedos Flooded their Vicinity almost Like a Endless torrent of Steel, The Warlord Fleet Tried to used Anti-Missiles Countermeasures but it was Saturating to the point that the Prided Fleet of the Warlord was Unable to either dodge or Shoot down the Unending horde of missiles...

"The Fleet is attacked... We are under attack...*Static*" as One of the ships exploded as the Command Deck was Blown up...

Several Volley of Beams Accurately Hit several ships and they Vanished from Existence...

"We lost...Wait... Who was lost? Did I have a Brother?"

Many of the Ships was baffled as they struggle to remember the ships names that were Destroyed by the Beams... The People Existence that Crewe those ship never existed in This Reality as the Beams literally Erased what Defined to be a Existence... A Name on a Ledger, a Love letter, a Family photo... they were erased as if they never existed...

While they were in disarray, More conventional Macrocannon and Lancers Enter the fray...Hitting Several of them to wake up their stupor...

While their were distracted from the fleet that was attacking them... another League fleet in their flank was ready to attack...

"Incoming Multiple Heat Signatures in the Starport!" The Radar operator Scream in Hysteria... Believing that a Missile Attack was just on the side of them...They Were much... much worse than a Missile...

Several Light from the Distance Appeared...

Several Giant Humanoids Rushed in... Their Crimson Mono eyes was the Last Sight of the Ships Crew...

They Flew Faster than any Targeting System locked on to them... Their Hands were either Ranged weapons that shoot Anti-Matter Rounds or a Melee weapons that were Super heated to slice their hulls... One of their Ships command Deck was Smashed by a Giant Axe...

A Fleet in the Front and a Fleet on their Flanks... Slowly Chipping them of till they are only 2k left of the 10k that the Warlord Bragged about..

A Call for Retreat towards the Orbital Defense Platforms... Whose Faith was Placed in the Cannons that would Outranged any Ships weapons... They were met the Same Humanoid Giants that Chased them...

"Shoot them down!" Was the Last words of the Defense Station....

They threw everything at the Flying Giants... Missiles, Flak rounds, Lancer turrets...

Most were either dodged or their Shells didn't penetrate the armor...

What came to their dreaded fear that the enemy took advantage of their Panic and Their orbital Cannons was destroyed...

Making the League Fleets came Rushing in and Destroyed the Last Remnants of the Fleet... The 2nd Fleet Catch up to them and Launched Several Tactical Orbital Strikes on the Capital Planet from below... Destroying Key Defensive Installations and to Soften up the Landing for the Thunder Warriors...

Another Fleet Appears to realspace, With Arrik Taranis Command, Launched Several Drop Pods and Thunderhawk Transports Landed on the Soil like Rain...

They March in Tandem and their Auramite Boots Quaked the Land... The Defenders in a Nearby Fortress City quivering from the Golden Men that Approached their City.... They were Given a Ultimatum... Surrender Peacefully and they will be united to the Imperium or Die Along with their Traitorous Warlords.... Their Nobles spat out from the walls, "Never! We will not surrender!" Only to Have Several Bolter rounds into their skulls and killing them...

Arrik Smiled as he aimed the Rest of the Bolter to the crowd; "Anyone wants to join them?"

The People of the Fortress City Saw that the Invaders didn't care of the Nobles that made them Suffered for Centuries and they Gave them a Chance of Escape...

One of the Defenders Gladly open the Gate... Whether it was through fear or seeing a satisfaction of the Nobles butchered... The First Fortress City among Many in this planet that is Captured...

The Local were in fear of the Golden Warriors that Marched proudly in the streets... and hidden themselves in their homes...

A Child Went towards them...

"Are you here to save us?" A Innocent boy with a Desire to know the truth...

The Thunder warrior Cocked he head a little...

And Smiled..."Yes... We are are here to save you." Laughing as he Grabbed the Child and Placed him in his Shoulder Pauldron...

This Action made the People opened their windows... And Waited with bated breath...

"We are here, not to Subjugate you or Butcher you to the Last by the Propaganda that painted us...We are here to Unite Humanity, To Unite This Planet to Terra!" The Golden Warrior Boomed...

Many Walked outside and Listen what they had to say... Terra was the Planet of Myth... and they came to here to save them...

A Day Later, The Fortress City was Fully Capitulated... and all it took was Several Bolters to the Nobles and a Persuasion to the Masses...

Arrik did what Alexander Order him to do, Lower the Taxes to Mere 6% instead of 97% Tax rate the Tyrant Impose on them, After Sending The Warlord Degrees of Heavy Taxation, Alexander Mind Turned Pale from all the Taxes tht was Push on them some of them is Even more absurd, Marriage Tax, People Tax, Death Tax, Moron Tax, other were more Absurd that He Order them to just pay the 6% Flat Tax For 600 Years as Security and Bureaucracy... Medical Supplies and Daily Necessities Flooded the City, It made them willingly joined the Imperium in a rush as their life is much better than the warlord they serve under... They were allowed to send out their People to Nearby Cities... Sure it allow the enemies to know how wealthy of the League was... And that works on both ways, One was to Capitulate the Hearts and Minds of the Civilians and the other...was a Bait...

Alexander know the Greed of Humanity and The Nobles under the Warlord were no Exceptions...

Several Fortress Cities Gates was opened and The Noble Private Armies Headed towards the Fortress City in the middle of the Night hoping to pillage the invaders resources for their debauchery lifestyle ignoring the Warlord order to stay put...

They Approached the Captured Fortress Cities... And there was not even a Single One of the Golden Giant that Man the Walls... And the Fortress Gates Was Opened...

The First Lord that Arrived there Nervously look at his Men as they were to March into the City... it was Silence, And it was Chilling to their bones....They marched until they reached the Plaza where there was still several Supplies that was not taken by the "Peasants"...

They Pillage and Plunder it as if there was no tomorrow...

until One Soldier Opened a Crate full of Active Explosives...

"A Bo..." His Head was blown up by the Sheer amount of Explosives...His Skull became a Living Shrapnel that injure the people nearby..

They Heard Several more Shot as they and the person was Shredded to pieces... Never realizing that they were already dead as the Corpse was Still moving...

"Charge My Brothers! let our blades judge their fates!" a Giant Man in Yellow Bellowed as he Raised His Bolter and Opened Fire...

Thunder Warriors Flooded into the Plaza and Butcher the remaining survivors and they Charged out the City shooting Bolters and Ripping their Enemies into Oblivion... The night was Filled with The Screams of the Enemies, Sounds of Explosion, Bolter fire and the Roar of a Chainsword slicing flesh in the Distance.

Some Tried to Escape to warn the rest of the Battle of the Giants... They Were Stopped by another Army consisted of Human in Power Armor... As they attempted to plead for Help they were Shot By Several Volkite Weapons... the Fortress Cities that had no Nobles leading in Command is paradropped by Soldiers in Power Armor and Controlled them in a Single Night

And Another day, Several More Fortress Cities was Captured upon Realizing that they were better to follow... They Put the Civilians to Work with proper pay in food as Money Does not mean anything in a Warzone... 6 Pounds of Meat, 6 Freshly Baked Loafs and 1 Pound of Cheese and 5 Pounds of Assorted, 7 Pound of Salt, 6 Kilos of Vegetables and 12 Liters of Animal Oil... Per Day, Per Person during the Duration of the Conflict... That Works for the Imperium...

Many Rushed to Get the Food Eager to Produce Weapons and Services for the Emperor...

There are many that Doubt of the Emperor Blessings...

Until their Food Arrived Just As Requested...

"When was the First time I ate this type of bread..."

"Mom What is this Yellow thing?"

"Meat... that Red Succulent Meat!"

"Cook that Thing First!"

They were amazed of the Goods, that many joined the Imperium... They Were Converted not to the Imperial Truth but the Church of the Golden Light... With Food as a Material Desire and Religion as a Spiritual Desires they Managed to Covert to the Imperium.

There were Some That Were Skeptical...

There were some that were Diehards for the Warlord and to be Jailed Until a Further Notice... though their fate is not so kindly compared to the Imperium... As the Techpriests that follow this fleet Began to Make a Servitor Facility in one of the Fortress City...

A Nucercia Month Later...[Nurcian Day is 31 hours]

Half of the Planet was Already following The Imperium...

Millions Joined the as the Slogan Yelled out by the Criers...

"You want to be a Citizen? Something more than a Civilians? Join now For the Liberation of your Home!"

"Join Us As We Liberate Your Home!"

"Service Guarantees Citizenship!"

Was the Rallying Cry as They were equipped with LasGuns and Given them Decent Training for a Conscripts.

The South of the Planet Follows the Imperium and the North that is still a diehard Warlord Loyalist...

Diehard in Name only as The Thunder Warriors March to the North... leaving behind Garrisons of Human and Thunder Warriors in each city they captured, Many Routed as they Saw the Image of them... Those that did nothing.... Surrendered their Arms as they heard Rumors that they are more lenient than the warlord they followed... But those that pretended to surrender to sabotage the logistics line... they were dragged out by their former neighbors and friends a Bolter shell to their skulls...their bodies was impaled by the Aquila as they were the traitors, not only to the Imperium, but the unification of Humanity.

As they were on the Schedule....More like Earlier than Schedule by several Months they took a Stroll... As Each Cities joined Up in Arms and Joined the ever growing Masses of People that is Armed with Lasguns and Flak Jacket that been Issued.

Until they Reach the Capital of the Planet...

It was Covered by a Planetary Shield that Cover the City from orbital Bombardment as much as the planet and the Population is needed... Cannons Gleamed in the Sun ready to launch shells to attack the Invaders in their Range and Regiments of Soldiers that didn't disobey orders till birth... Stood on the Walls ready their Arms...

A Tremble Shook the land... The Soldiers on the Walls Trembled a Little...

Several Artillery Barrage rumbled in the distance...

After a Few Seconds, Several Explosions Shaked the capital Outskirts blowing up what Minefields that was hidden, Rocks and Soil Blew up to the skies and the almost terraformed into a Scorching Landscape... It lasted for a Day till the Land around the Capital is just a Place of the Dead...

A Day Later The Same Action happen on the Capital... this time in full force.

Missiles, Rockets and Artillery Shells was Dropped on the Void Shield Like Crazy.

"It is the People we have to fight against?" One Soldier stood in Wonder as the Shells kept making the Orange Shield making Splashes in the City shield...

It Continued for Three Days... Making Some Gloat of their Capital Shield...But others were Worried...

"Just How Much Shells did they tossed at us?!" As the Barrages Began Intensified to the Point the Explosions almost cover the Visual Range of the City...and it Intensified to the point depriving the People without Sleep for a Month, till one Day...

"Call to Arms! the Shield Is Broken!" A Sleep deprived Captain Yelled alerting the Soldiers to take up arms...

They tried to stay in formation... Explosion erupted in the City Walls... Their Cannons Was Obliterated.... They Met The Giants....

A Group of Golden Giants That is Armed to the Teeth surrounded by Several Smaller Golden Monoeye Creatures surrounded by a Sea of Gold...

A Call was Heard from the Mass of Gold...

"Surrender or Die!" Was the Ultimatum they Sent

"Never! We The people will never Surrender!" Was the Final Cry of the Noble on the Wall...

The Reaver Titan Took Aim and Powered Up And Opened Fire at the Main Gate Destroying The Gate and the Buildings behind it.....

The Thunder Warriors Flooded into the City...

Screams was Heard.

They Stood Defiant As The Streets Ran With Blood, Those that Wish to surrender ended up with a Shot to the Face... the people before they were given the carrot as they joined the Imperium with less trouble, but the Capital city? They were the Stick to remind the population just as they joined the Imperium for benefits, so does the consequences of defying and betraying the Imperium ... 

A Group of Nobles were Gathered in a wall with several Locals that was Recruited as Conscripts...Glaring at them.

"Your Representative Said that he represent to the Rest of you?" Arrik Was Apathetic towards them...The Moment they found themselves at a Comfortable position they talk as if they were the rulers of the Universe... and when it gets bad, they Ran like Rats, Selling their Leaders Out for their lives... Arrik knew the Dream of Humanity, but seeing people like this? A Scum?

"Please, I can Follow the Imperium! I will pay any tithes you need!" a Noble Groveling in the Ground...

"The Imperium wants Unification, people of believer in the Emperor Dream... You Failed as you surrender Immediately the moment things don't go your Own Way...People of Vesryn Sigma, your Choice is at your Hands, What do you want to do with this People?" Arrik Said as they were just Liberators not Butchers... Giving a Choice to the People of this World for their revenge... But Arrik believes that they would prove more useful to Contributing to the Imperium than A Noble that just Ran towards them begging for their lives when the fight was against their favors...

The People Made their Choice as Several LasGuns Fire Erupted and Blow the skull of the Nobles...

The Warlord and his Family Soon Join their followers to their graves.

After the Conquering of the system, The people have a Choice join the League or the Imperium...way of doing things.

To solve the Population Crisis their families learn Mandatory Military Training for 2 years with A food and Housing in the Bunkers until they could be eligible to have a Job.. so that at least the defenders will have a Group that could be easily trained when the Call to arms have arrive to their doorstep.

And the First born will be the main household, the Second would be in the Imperium Navy and the Third till fifth Sons join the Imperium Guard or Initiates for the Thunder Warriors...And the Children must have Consent and not be forced in any way.

And they would be sent to a "Easier" Battlefield (What battlefield is even easy in Warhammer 30k?) after which they will be included for real.

In exchange for their sons and daughters tossed into the Meat Grinder they were given a Permanent Low Tax Rate of 5% compared to 16% of their General Income... and Added generous benefits... to lower dissent that they exchange one tyrant for another...

This allowed Continuous Flow Of Recruits tht were given by their parents, However there were some Malfeasance.. like broken injury or Mental illnesses, all they had to do was to enter the Medpods and they are right as rain..

They were given a Choice to Make a Name of themselves, a Plot of Land with housing, a Pension pay that is Assured by the Imperium.. [Provided if they lived that long]

The Garrison would be consist of 3 mechanized Regiments and A Artillery Battalion for every City, Megacities would Quadruple of the regiments alongside with the People that joined the Imperium...

This Have been repeated countless times as Alexander Loses to Revelation... 

And Each time Revelation used this time to spend these moments with the Primarchs...

As he was not pressured by time schedule like the original. He took time off to actually listen to his sons... at least even if it's superficial.