
Side Chapter: Mecahanicum, Excavation, Expeditions, and A Promise

While Alexander is Working his ranks to Legitimatize his Branch of the military

Kosch Corteukael now designated as the Fabricator General by Alexander, now he leads 200k worth of Techpriests as well as 500k worth Of Servitor with Alexander Graciously given them as "free labor"... Is Now Doing Expeditions to the Interference Zones in Mars with the Help of the Imperium Guards and One By one the Zone is cleared with them Returning to Base Zero with Information and Technology and Relics beyond their wildest imagination... Some Were Miniaturized Plasma Generators that is able to Generate Similar Output as the Standard Plasma Generator that they use today or a Blueprints or even Buildings From Xenos Races that they couldn't be Able to obtain due to their former home Stigma and fear of the Unknown... Now with the Regulations Lessen to a extent that they could Make Anything they desired, as long as their Line of Work Doesn't Endangered Humans, Environment and themselves, its more than enough for research and tinkering with the Objects found in the Blackout Zones... And More and more Inventions were Created each Day and the Church Of the Omnissiah Favors the Bold as the Best inventions were Placed on the Pedestals for all those who are worthy of such an endeavor their Inventions never Rusted or Decays as if the Church that Alex Built was respecting their Desire to Research and Invent

While the Techpriest Were Summoned as a Builder, that did not mean their Former Occupations was Simply "Forgotten" they spend their Free time to resume or start a new project and while they learn to build the structure Alexander needed, They Can Use the Requisition Points Provided by Alexander weekly to Purchase the Materials needed For Such Needed Projects from a Command Panel in the Necron Undercity that is Strictly Guarded by Prefecture Magisterium and Astynomia and their Purchases were recorded and Punished said individuals if such Material is Found to have warp Influenced, One Techpriest Enginseer Who was Part of Legio Cybernetica Purchased such Blueprints of Kastelan Robots Of his Era and in the Future Castellan he managed to decide to combined these two timelines into one Powerful Semi Self-aware Kastelan that is Loyal to the Creator and He was the First Person that was Blessed By Omnissiah Light as his Blueprints was Encased in Stasis on a Pedestal, the Church Heralded the First Inventor to entered its Halls... And the Effects of Such... Embolden the rest to Continue their Desire of Invention.

There was even a Enginseer from Collegia Titanica wanted to Make a Smaller Versions Of Titans and in many months, he managed to make a Smaller Version of the Wolfhound Titan and Named it Packhound while not as terrifying as a normal Wolfhound Titan it is able to be created in the Mechanized Command En masse and can be manned by two people... While others Made more Projects that is beneficial like a Mass-Produced personal Void Shield for the Imperium Guards and rectify the problem of the Void not able to detect slow moving projectiles... Auto-Loader for Artillery, Fixing the Actual Problem of the Plasma Guns From Blowing Up, Ideas from the Past Collide with the Future In Debates in a Hall as they draft Plans, that not both People From Different Eras Hoped to Achieve, with the Resources in their Disposal, Plans that were Forgotten due to Cost and the Difficulty of Getting Said Materials can be Achieved by Just Being Loyal to Alexander, And One could theorized that, if at the current rate they could reach the grasped of the Dark Age Of Technology and everyone in the Mechanicus in its entirety Agreed that there will be no Men Of Iron, lest they will lose the home that accepted them or the world that blessed their inventions.

Such Was the Days of the Mechanicum, Until Someone managed to Opened the Vault that the Remembrancer mentioned in the Video that was shown years ago..., A Techpriest managed to find it Under a Derelict Monolith as they were clearing out the Plaza Grounds of the Necron City and it managed to not to be crushed by the weight of such a Structure such was a miracle of itself and it bears the Aquila Mark and Several Xenos Marks Circled around it, that some of the techpriest deduce it as Aeldari, T'au and even a Necron since it was a Necron since they build this place..., and the Vault had so many Locks of both Physical and Data combined with both Imperium and Xenos Locks and that CyberSmiths and members of the Divisio Linguistica had a Hard Time translating the language for Countless months and it would take centuries, if not for the fact they can manage to find Xeno Language Packs from the Console that they managed to reached this far...

When the Last Lock on the vault Was about to be Broken, A Klaxon Horn was Heard Throughout the Necron City and Only that Was meant it was emergency, Many Techpriest Stopped their Projects and Grabbed whatever Weapons they Could Grab, Kastellans Were Roused From their Maintenance Bays, Prototypes Vehicles Rushed out of the Mechanicum Workshops and The Imperium Guard Was Alerted and Send their heavy Weapons and Chimeras and Leman Russ was Transported down in a Heavy-Duty Elevators and men through the Maintenance Shafts and High Speed Elevators, and GuardsMen placed Sandbags, EarthShakers Platform and Repaired Turrets were Placed on Necron Walls turned around and Aimed at the Vault ready to Blow Out whatever Abomination that Might Escape from the Vault..

Kosch Corteukael Stood Infront of the Vault as the Last Lock was opened and Sent Probe Servitors to Scout the Area that led to the Vaults Depth...

And A Skull Probe Manage to Give Clarity of what it seen in the Vault Depths... While the rest of the probes was still undergoing searching protocols

And Treasures of Great Value that is unable to determined, in the eyes of Mechanicus was sitting below their feet more valuable than any of the Blackout site on the surface of Mars..

It was Like Space was Expanded in the vault to Accommodate the Last Legacy of that Universe...

STC's, Blueprints of both Imperium and Xenos were stacked like a hill from an era unknown to them and 30 fully Functioning STC Database, an Armory that consisted of weapons Sentient Races and a Blueprint and a Vox Recorder to Build a Astronomican Beacon created by a Techpriest Belisarius Cawl... Though Upon listening the importance of such a Creation... Cawl Under Orders from Roboute Guilliman During the last Few Years Left in that Universe from the Outsider, He was Tasked to Create a Version of the Astronomican to give Humanity and the last Vestiges of Any Sentient Species to Survive, Albeit with Partial Success with the Help of the Aeldari, T'au and even Necron Scientists, He managed to Create a Beacon that Acts Similar to the Astronomican and acts like a Barrier from Chaos from infecting, but With a Smaller Radius and it needed Multiple of it, to be in capacity similar to the Golden Throne, but the Hardliners in the Last Gasp of Defiance refused to carry out Damming them to Hell, by Sabotaging the Prototypes because of false promises, In his Last Act of Desperation, he Managed to Snuck in the Blueprints to Build these Beacons into the Vault... And Hoped, that Whoever in the Surviving Mechanicus will not be so strict to their Dogma and Doom humanity and Mechanicus Once more...

"Omnissiah once said to me... Knowledge should not kneel to power... It should be the other way Around... Alas it is not always so... But we should try our best to treat each other with respect to make it true...I kept true to my word...and my work is done..." Were the Last Words that recorded...

Kosch Corteukael Informed Alexander About this Findings, Alexander Requested that this "Beacon" was to Be Constructed and It will be Placed on Base Zero and Make Multiple Copies that is within the Means of the Mechanicum each Month so that it has a spare part and allowed The Techpriests virtually almost all the Resources made available for such an Endeavour....

When the Beacon was constructed and Activated, a Golden Beam Of Light was Activated and dissipated and the local Psyker Claimed that God Emperor was here and blessed them with his Prescence, the Mechanicum Knew better and stood silent about the matter...

After the Activation of the Beacon, Kosch Corteukael took Cawl Blueprint and Placed it in the Church of the Omnissiah Pedestal, and it was Acknowledged by the Omnissiah as the Blueprint was Sent into Stasis and shone in different Colors... Not like the First Techpriest that Re-Invented the Kastellan, but as if Omnissiah recognizes the Hard Efforts of Such an Individual... Kosch Corteukael Left the Premise and Vowed that this Mechanicum would not be like the people that looked down on such an Individual... And Respected Such an Individual in despite such desperate odds... He never wavered in the overwhelming horror he faced...

In a Universe on the Verge on Destruction

A Last bastion of Races that desperately Defending what's left of their people, culture, their beliefs... on the Last place on Mars as the Galaxy Burns and the Stars are Snuffed out One By One, as the darkness that seem to mock the people that kept their hope alive, as the defenders fell one by one

A Techpriest More Machine Than Man Was Fighting against the Outsider Forces with the remnants of the Skitarii Legion in front of the Hidden vault in the Necron City along with the forces that still Defy to the end times dictated by the Outsider, His Body was Crippled, and His Reflector Shield was shattered to the point of unable to repair...

He Stood Still Momentarily in the midst of battle and felt in his metal surface warmth like a Human Heart that he lost long ago... not by the Fires from the Foes, Not his Generator that is bleeding Cooling Fluid, as his generator is in Overdrive that desperately to keep him alive, as if someone heard his Pleas for a better Future, He Cackled Madly as He swung his Axe and shot his Solar Atomiser at his foes till his Actuator and Servos began Breaking down from Stress and from Enemy Fire...

When the Outsider approached his Limbless Body and Tried to Persuade the Now Dying TechPriest to Join him and the eternal Crusade to burn the Galaxy that is similar to the Techpriest own...

The TechPriest, Like Any Other Iteration of him that met the Outsider, laughed at the Outsider offer, and Activated the Fusion Generator Meltdown in his Heart and Ready to Blow himself up, Laughing at the Displeasure of such a being...

"Omnissiah...My...Work...Here...Is Done..." Were the Last Words of the Techpriest as his Metal Parts Begin to Glow Bright Red... His Memory flooding Like a Lantern... His youth... His Meeting with the Emperor through a Memory of Sedayne as he Soul Merged... His Efforts in the Primaris Project... He laughed not at the Futility of his efforts, but in Spite of the being that thinks he had won... Perhaps in another Universe... His legacy lives on...

A nuclear Blast enveloped both of them seen in the distance... and after the Dust Settled and in the Center blast Radius was the Outsider was Unharmed... And in the Outsider hand was the remains of the Techpriest clothes...

"CAWL!!! EVEN IN THIS WORLD AND IN THIS UNIVERSE, YOU STILL DEFY ME!!" As the Outsider Bellowed, howled to the Remaining Stars above and at the Shattered Earth, as if Revelation was Denying his Prize...


A Chaos Marine Approached him in fear...

"Sir What will we do with this planet?"

With A Snarled He Look at the Remnants of the Clothes of Cawl and Tossed it to the Solar Winds...

"Destroy it"

Mars Was Destroyed into Many Pieces by the endless Bombardment from ships that Blanketed the Stars.... They Didn't bother to search the remains as they left to another Galaxy to commence the cleansing... what's left of the Necron City that held the Vault was Sucked up by an unseen Force... With a Hope And Dreams from a Destroyed Universe... It delivered a Promise... Of Redemption...

A Auramite Statue that depict a Techpriest was Placed in front of the Church of the Omnissiah on the request from the Mechanicus to Alexander which he agreed...

On the Slab of Ceramite that was below the said statue state its purpose...

[Besarius Cawl: The Man who is been Blessed by Omnissiah and stood defiant to the bitter end in a world that on the verge collapse...

Knowledge should not kneel to power, It should be the other way Around, Lest we Forget our Way.]