
Side Chapter: [Data Expunged]

Here is a Series of Chapters of what Alexander does in Meantime, While waiting for the Kaurava troops been given to him....

A Prestigious Man in a Noble Household is seen wandering the Halls of his mansions, having Conflicted thoughts in his mind...

"You know? You could Join Chaos to free your Sister from Untreatable illness? And you can Gain Eternal Life, You desire it yes? the Youth, that you so desire the fact that you are willing to sacrifice everything to the Imperium your time is running out you know, all you need to do is to sacrifice a few Citizen here and there, and General Stubbs will not know a Thing, and we will free your sister from her sickness" as a Voice in his head mocked him, Opening his deepest desires and his fears...

"Shut up!! My Duty is to the Imperium!" as the man Lashes out, flailing his arms in the Air...to hit a Entity that is not there...

"But did the Imperium Reciprocate your Efforts? Did all the Doctors and the Sister of Healing in this Sector said She can't be saved, Tick tok, Marquis Lykeon von der hart... I will Hear your answer at Midnight.... " as the Voice disappear with a Mocking tone...

The Man Sobbed of the Implications of Joining Chaos... and if Stubbs found out.. he will have his Head and Forget Saving his sister... She will be Slaughtered as a Deterrent to the rest of the Nobles....

He was One of the Many Nobility that Supported Stubbs, as he Made his Fortune through Trade with Other Planets in the Lithesh Sector, and In one of his Trips away as a Youth, his sister Fell ill.. She get Pus all over her Skin, and Affected her Brain in Hysteria... It was incurable, The Healers claim it could not be fixed and his Sister was turned away in fear of Spreading the plague... He almost Spent an Entire Fortune to place her in Stasis, as he looked for the cure turning his age into a Old man... Daemon found his weakness and everyday he has been tortured mentally by the daemon, with Promises and Assurances....

He wept in the Now Desolate Halls until he heard a Footsteps... He was sure that there was no Maid or Butler that attended this home as they fled his manor in fear, because of the Rumors of him Entering the Cult that is not worshipping the Emperor spread around as they thought he sacrifice his sister, Many times he was Raided by the Arbites and Sororitas, but they couldn't find a problem....

He Looked through the Darkness filled Corridor, and he saw a Cloaked Figure Holding a Burning Staff that held a Aquila that blazed in Gold hue, as the sole comfort of light in the Darkness in the Hallway as if he was just there.... as if A Messenger from the Emperors Envoy heard his Pleas.... And He felt a Gaze From the Hooded Figure Towards him to his very soul as if he was being Judged...

Do you... Want to save Her? the hooded man Spoke.... as the Burning Staff give hues of Comfort and Security, as Waves of Golden light gushed around the figure as he waited for Lykeon Response...

Lykeon wanted to say to this Intruder to get out... but those words stopped before his lips, as he Simply Nodded yes...

I do... I am Willing to Save her... I spent almost all my Fortune and My life to serve the Imperium... and Seeking the Cure for her.... Lykeon said softly, not making the figure Infront of him felt displeased by his Actions...

Indeed Lykeon... You Serve the Imperium well and in Return, The God Emperor Heard your pleas... and he sent me to cure you and your sister...

Cure? Not a Single Man, Woman, Healers and Doctors can't cure her... What can the Emperor do? as Lykeon was Skeptical of the Stranger message...

No mysteries is hidden from his light Lykeon... Now Let me see your Sister and we will begin the Curing... but before we start...do you want to be Young? to see your sister in Smooth skin? not a Wrinkle hands and Face to let her know how much you suffered?

Lykeon Gulped, as that was the reason he did wanted to stay young... was to spend more time with his only remaining family member...

yes I want to.... Before I were to ask... what is your name?

Hyde ... Is my name... Now Let me begin... your Rebirth....

as the Figure Sway his hands, Multiple Golden Furniture that bathed in Gold appeared on the floor, each bearing the Aquila, As the Double headed Eagle is observing silently for the new occupants.... The Figure Showed him to one of the Contraptions... as he Laid down, a Golden Light Flooded his Body, removing all the illness and brittle parts in his body, a Black Fog Rushed out of his body, trying to escape... The Figure Grabbed a Sword hidden in his Cloak, Blazing in Gold Flames as he Struck the fog, it Disappeared Screaming into the Night, never to be Reborn in the Immaterium, Lykeon Who was freed from the Possession, felt Clarity for the first time in his life.... No longer Feel dread or The constant Desire to Mutilate people with just his will power to hold it back, just pure peace... As Lykeon wanted to asked him, He was Guided to a Machine that is a Pod, as he Lay there willingly, His eyes was Closed a Warm Comforting Fluid Flushed all over his Body as he began to go younger and Younger, Not Like the Life extension by the Mechanicum where he get constant side effects... as he stepped out of the Pod, he was the Same Age that he lost his sister...

He looked at his hands his face in a mirror that his mother gave him... as if time turned back for him... the dashing youth that Desired to head to the stars...

He wanting to ask more... until Hyde Told him, to let him see his sister as they reached below the Manor where his sister was located... In Stasis....

Hyde Made his Miracles Machines appear on the Basement as the Placed the now Placed Lykeon sister onto the Medpod... as the Golden light Hue Flooded the Sister of Lykeon, She scream as a Enormous Entity was in green appears in Real Space, bringing Lykeon in fear of such a monstrosity possessed his sister as he hid behind a Wall, and the Demon is Spouting his titles... Hyde rushed to the Green monster and Slew the monster and the Slash and a golden burn almost covered the Demon saved for its head, as it screams for Mercy to Faust, Offering richest that he could ever desire to save Its life....

You didn't let this Subject of the Emperor get any mercy as you tormenting this family? Die!

as Hyde Pierced the Daemon in the Head killing it forever...

After the Clash, Lykeon stepped out as he Saw a Sight that was never seen in his travels... He saw the Soul of his Sister floating in the air as She was guided by Alex to her Body now cleansed from all the illness and Pus as her Injuries never happened....

Brother? are you there? as the Woman before Lykeon was confused why he was shocked... he looked at Hyde as the man told him that he erased the memories of her being possessed...

Lykeon wanted to Thank the Envoy for saving him and his sister, Hyde shaked his head as he gave Lykeon a tree sapling that was valuable to him, sapling that emits a Golden Hue as if it was giving Lykeon something what those voices in his head didn't offered... Hope...

You nearly took the Worse decision Lykeon... Had I not been here, you would have dammed this City, and the Inquisition would had called in to assess the blight and vouch For Exterminatus... Take this tree and Plant it in your Front Lawn, as it will be a reminder that you Nearly fell to Chaos and The Emperor will save you... I have Places to be and more people to save, And the Emperor's Salvation will never ends.... Baffling the Two Siblings as Hyde simply disappeared in a Myriad of Golden feathers....

Marquis Lykeon went to the place where Faust disappear and Picked up a Feather, And on the Feather was a Sentence that was Inscribed....

"Emperor Save to those that deserve"

He wept for the first time.... Even so far from Terra... the Emperor Put his People to save them.... He kept the Feathers, and his Sister made a Bracelet to hold one of the feathers for him in his travels.... No longer did he felt the Darkness crept up to him... Every journey through the Warp, his travels was always successful.... That day they planted the Tree that Hyde gave and It became a Pilgrimage site in the later years as one of the steps of their journey as they headed to the Sama District where the Adeptus Sororitas was Guarding a Grove of Trees that Emit a Emperor Essence and a Golden Statue of his likeness overseeing the Kaurava City....

As Stories of the Nobility on Kaurava I had Heard of Marquis Lykeon stories, Countless News Sprang up from the Factions that vied for Power stopped.... And They decided to Join and support General Stubbs... as rumors of a Emperor Envoy went to those that deserve Salvation.... and Revert their youth and all they needed was the Unflinching Loyalty to the Imperium... To Much of Stubbs Surprise of the support he is happy, that there was not much people that stopped his projects in the later years ...

Had Alexander didn't arrived.... Lykeon would had sacrifice Hundreds, if not thousands of people to save his sister, only for her to become a Warp beacon to allow Warp demons to arrive in The Materium Space, killing him in the process, and made the Sisters of Battle commence their Daily Purge in fear of those that is lying their oath to the Emperor.... 40k of people were burned to the stake daily.... for 10 Solar years...

as the Man in question was in the Slum District Filled with people that were to ill and Crippled to earn anything, Alex was Healing Wounds and Feeding the poor, and Hearing their Petitions....

You know Alexander? Why save The Nobles? as the system asked...

I know that I can't save everyone, But at least I can make the people lives more... Bearable... the Nobles will be my Instrument... Like Revelation.... and it will prevent Chaos from attacking here, while I am gone to purge the Greenkins... and my personal reasons....

Those Trees I left behind will serve as a Basic defense against the Dark forces that seek to control them...

Alex Began to Do his rounds of Healing returning the limbs they once lost, Fixing the illness that were too costly, where people began to respect the man that listen to them... as he made an Orchard filled with Trees that Grow Meat and Fruits that is a delicacy guarded carefully by the Former slum dwellers, He taught them how to cook Dishes to Support their livelihoods

(A/N: Beef tree and Chicken meat tree *Coughing* RimWorld Logic)

Later Groups of Neighbors Form a Night watch Comprised of former Guardsmen to prevent any Criminals from taking the Roost in their district as Arbites Gave up on the district... and Crematorium was made to tossed Garbage and Filth to be incinerated and Streets was Cleaned to the point where one was to seen it before and return they might thought it was another Peaceful district... one that is filled with Trees with different Colors adding to the Beauty close to home...

Later the Reports was given to Stubbs as he read that the Slums were no longer a place for Criminals to hide, and it made a Little City within a City, as it became a Place where people Find Cheap Food and street food and rumors of Exotic meats that Nobles eat on Terra was being made here, and Smells garbage was replaced with Scent of Beef Stew, and Barbeque was smell was all over the place, as Hungry workers went there with their family as their Work shift ended and Occasional Nobles enter there for some rarity Dish that people of Terra ate, There was Guardsmen that Sneaked out of their Guard duty for one of the Beef Skewers, While Hiding from the Commissar despite this, morale began to improve during the Drills, Stubbs didn't mind about the Guardsmen Sneaking out, but at the End of the reading, the Name of Alex Hyde was reported to make the Slum District a Better place within 2 months was nothing but a miracle.... he was Aware now... that the Emperor did Shine with Alex... perhaps... Those Rumors on Mina was not a Farce after all... he look at the Skewers on a plate that he bought at the District himself to see the Changes...

A Miracle indeed, as he Grab one of the roasted Chicken and Chewed on it... while reading the rest of the reports....