
Kwalasha Mission IV: In Too Deep

[Federation Theme Song]

"There is danger Afoot Under Foot, Underfoot! The Vicious Bugs Lurked deep in the Mines of Kwalasha, Preparing For Their Next Vicious Attack. Wiping out these Nest Is Dangerous Work, but nothing that the Soldiers of the Federation Can't Handle. Our Brave Troopers will Uncover and Eradicate the Enemy Wherever they hide!" - Fednet

"Howdy! Seem like this Time we are truly screwed, a supposed Bug Cleansing Operation in the mines turned out for a fight for our lives and we are pretty much having free time on our hands to make High Command to choose us to reinforce 501st, with added Tails Warp Shenanigans summoning us from the Ignis multiverse to save my sorry ass and Claustrophobia Fueled Nightmare with bugs in the Dark with our headlights broken, I will see you around..." - Rubrix Raptor of Commander of Ignis Corps

"Come On, We Need to Clear this Mines by the End of the Week!" A Ignis Member yelled Amidst the Gunfire...

For Three days, they been fighting in the depths of the Federation Controlled mines, the bugs made them literally bleed every inch of the way, Tunnel Cave ins, Pit holes that is filled with Chariot Bugs, Tunnels being made each hour, Some above their heads, under them or behind them to attack their supply lines. Ignis now requested the HQ for Flamers, Meltas and Explosive Charges to go ahead with the plan...

[Mining Entrance Area]

"Fck, where is Tails?" Jay Yelled to the Yellow Painted Man Absence...

"Uhh... Jay He kinda Run off into one of the tunnels" Emerald Pointed out...

"For Fcks Sake! Where are the Reinforcements!" Jay tired from the group shenanigans...

"We We here here, Lordly one!" Scamper the Skaven Called out...

"Yes, you are better join the rest and kill the bugs In that tunnel... "

"Frag!" One of the Soldiers in the comms tossed a Grenade into a hole.

It exploded and collapsed one of the tunnels that the Bugs flooded from. Their Operator gave them a sigh of relief...

[M.A.Rs Operator]: M.A.Rs Flame tank and is now available and now approaching to your location.

A Tank with dual flamethrower arrived in the battlefield... Sending Stream of Gold Flames into the Tunnels

"Step aside or you would be smoked!" The Driver called the comms...

The progress was made smoothly as the Flame Tank was unable to enter the tunnels, it provided a Support for the Soldiers to retreat in safely as they escaped, the bugs no longer dragged the soldiers in the depths of the mines...

Every tunnel that was sealed, means more Miners began to man the machines and began directing the Drills to make the Ore easily carried to the Refineries above...

They Came across a wide Cavern with several egg-like sacs clinging all over the place and a strange Bug that is Taking care of the Eggs with some of them about to hatch... And a enormous Bug that stuck in the Ceiling that ignore them and busy laying eggs...

"Jay... I think we found the Egg Room And that Ugly looking thing in the Ceiling is the Queen Bug..." Cypher Whispered Nervously as the Eggs Soon about to hatch numbered in the thousands and the Flamers and Meltas were short ranged...

"Kill them All, leave none of the Eggs alive! Pip Inform HQ that there is a Hatchery in the Mines! Queen Bug Threat!"

"Holy Shittt, here they Come!" Iron Scream through the Comms

"Fck, The Closed Tunnels reopened!"

"Where are the bloody reinforcements!"

"Not My Balls again! Why does this happened to me! I am sorry, I Teabag your Sis? Brother? Don't Tear my ball off!"

The Mother Bug Screamed and the Bugs Flooded the Cavern

"Protect-Save, Lordly One! Hurry-Quick, Kill Kill Bug THINGS!" A Large Chattering with burst from one of the tunnels with a flood of Skavens shooting Lasguns Blindly into the Mass of Bugs..

"Holy Hell, Avoid the Skaven Lasfire!" Page Hid himself behind a Wall...

"Thank God, the Skaven Reached here, I beginning to get used to those guys" Jay Remarked as The Horde of fur and Lasers started to scatter about....


The floor of the Cavern beginning to crack..

"Guys, there's something wrong with this floorrrr....." Jay yelled as the Squad felled down on the Hole along with the Skaven screaming into the void....

[Tail Pov]

Huh? Something is calling me...

I left my Squad knowing that they could handle whatever is thrown at them in the moment....

"Come..." was the voice that Beckon me to the depths of the mines...

I only had a Plasma Pistol, besides is a good measure to whatever thing is waiting for me...

In a End of the Tunnel I went in I found a Altar on it was a Tome

I went to the Old Tome on a Pedestal and Examine it...

"Ignis Arma Manual?" I touched it...

a Sudden flash Engulfed me...

[Jay Pov]


I bled... Possibly some broken bones or some Organs flailing about...

Fck I Fell that far huh...

I stares that the Void where we supposed to seen the Queen Bug...

Where is my Medi Pouch... Fck my headlights is down... Lost my Autoguns, I found a Screen showing a Dim light ahead of me

"Wondertainment Dispenser" was label on the screen...

and the Coin slot broke... Well better than nothing...

"Thank for choosing Wondertainment And Have a Nice day..." as the Machine Popped several Potions, A couple of Flares and a Candy bar...


Shit that hurts like hell...

I felt some of my organs and Bones slowly repair itself like someone used a Jackhammer onto your body... After awhile i stopped Bleeding..

Nice day alright? Well, if you fell down God knows how deep in this god-damned Mines and still alive? I could say it's has been a Pretty nice day?

I used the Dispenser as a Light showing several Skaven Corpses and some of my teammates...

Some of them were pierced by stalagmites, others have their bodies slammed into the ground and organs turned into mush...

"Well suck to be you then, See you topside..." I Muttered to the crew knowing they would be revived on the Flagship...

Found some of the Skaven Equipment especially LasGuns along with some Batteries that surprisingly survive the fall, at least it's still viable... Better than nothing I guess?

I heard some noises in the dark...

I opened the flares and saw what pretty much Nightmare as I saw Giant Spiders about to Surrounded me, Not the Australian kind of Spiders, staring at me... I aimed the LasGun and fired at them in reflex...

I remember the LasGun had a Feature installed, Putting it into overdrive... And it's a gamble as it consume more energy than regular, I would not be a Laughing stock to my men That I died alone...

"Here, Fckin goes nothing!" I switched it overdrive...

I could have expected a Hole in one bug... but ... A Beam Literally Pierced through a Stream of bugs..

I Grinned, as I pulled the Trigger as Fast as Possible killing God knows and For How long... The Flares run out long ago and I pretty much firing my laser for Hours now being the source of light...I lost count after 20? or was it 500.... fighting in the dark really get you...

I felt the ground rumbled...

"What now?" I groaned as My armor system told me a Reality bending event is Nearby...

While the Federation commanded me to handle the issues of the mines, M.A.Rs is more important than this bug cleansing... I fought my way through the caves only to find Tails on a Altar and army of Very strange individuals That some of them Clothed in different eras next to him...

"Tails, what you have done!"

All of them turned to me..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Howdy! The Name's Rubrix Raptor ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] *? (What happens if Raptor Meet Multiverse Raptor?)

"Hey that my Line!" I yelled out.

(Christmas Jay): "Is it time for Christmas? I need joined my group to Revive Santa from Hell. Fck I am Late By a Hour now..."

(Blood Pact Jay): Hell? Should I come along?

(Vietnam Jay): Fck! we supposed to be in Nam shooting Vietcong, but Here I am Stuck in a Underground tunnel with this ugly bugs!

(Super Earth Jay): Calm down an Assess the situation Guys

(ODST Halo Jay): Well, those things are better than fighting the Covenant I guess?

(Guardsmen Jay): Seems like you seen better days.. I survived at least 96 hours before I Die again...

(EDF Jay): Hah! Those bugs are weak.

(Warhammer Fantasy Jay): Uhh, why are there so many me?

(SCP MTF Jay): Quail, if you didn't tell me for the last freaking time, I will literally show you that picture of ScP-120

I Stared at so many variations of me and Ignis Corps...

"Guys, We should joined Forces until we get out of the mines, do we have a Deal!" I nervously chuckle as some were not so very nicer kind of Me?

"General Consensus? Yes, we better get out before discuss our next course of action..."

This became a Weird day For me leading an army of Me along with Tails to get our of the mines? When I get back, I better asked the Director about this....

Those Red looking giants With one that is leading them is A Version of Cypher had their Axes whirling as they charge at the bugs and Ripped it to shred...

"Shit, We better Get the Queen bug..."

We managed to reached to the Caverns that held it and We charge... Many of Multiverse Me's and my Corps were ripped apart by the now increase defenses of the bugs but we charge and cut a Swath of Land and Killing it with a Several Well placed Shots...

I Heard radio frequency in our broadcast channels as we marched upward leaving a trail of Blood and Bugs...

[Operator]: *Static* Rubrix you there! you been gone *Static*

"Loud and Clear, no Bug infestation... I managed to Find Tails..."

[Operator]: "Good, we will quarantine you for a Few Days for our Psykers to check..."

As I managed to see the Federation Structures, I turned around and Found only Tails alone...

"Where did they go?" I asked

"Back to their home universe..." Tails Shrugged... Adding more mystery of his powers... but seeing many versions of me? It was a Fun Experience...

Federation Report

Mining Mission Casualties:

1x Company of Skaven [Nothing of Value is lost?]

1x Flame tank (Death due to Fall, Wreck Unrecoverable)

14x Sentinels (Severe damage that is only for for scraps)

37x Miners

4x Division of Infantry


1x Queen Bug

79173x Warrior Bugs of all Variants

Addendum: Military success as the mines is working full time, despite deaths of several Mining Workers, Ignis Corps have now Been proven with their unorthodox style of fighting, managing to kill the Queen Bug crippling the Bug Production in all fronts...