
First Battle of Hoover Dam And it's Aftermath

"They are coming"... Those were the thoughts of the guardsmen that guarded the Hoover dam. Trench lines extensive over the Colorado river, defenses is more like a hedgehog for the legion to land into.

Multi Las and Stubber Emplacements were placed extensively in the dam towers. Minefields were being set up by the dozens in the direction of the Legion Path. Even the Colorado River have Gun emplacement and sea mines that would drown any fools that enter the riverside. Basilisk artillery and Griffon mortars lined behind ready to launch their ordinance. Malleus rocket launcher were being supplied with high explosives rockets.

The Air Base in Nellis and in the Strip is ready to support the fight ahead, the Valkyries and Marauder bombers hummed with power that air itself vibrates from the force it creates as several staff that comprised of boomers and service men readied to placed ammunition into the planes. The Imperial Guard now flowed into the Mojave like never before...

They would have even brought in the Baneblade into the fight, had they not be concerned about the weight limits of the Dam.

A voxcast echoed the Hoover dam defenders and throughout all the Imperial held territory.

"Guardsmen! This is Alexander Solair of the Imperium! We have reports of barbarians heading towards our direction, right on this Dam, they will take no quarters, no mercy to the defenders of humanity that stood in this land, we bring civilization, We bring order! We bring prosperity of America! We came from the ashes of the old world, from the nuclear fire that politicians willingly pushed, to butcher our generations and make our world a living hell! Look at your side guardsman! These are your brothers and sisters by your side, ready to defend what the god emperor have decreed upon us! These heathens, these heretics will trampled what we so loved, what we raised with our hands that is caked in mud, that your father and mother bled to give life, a hope in this dark times! These barbarians will trampled over our achievement, our glory, our destiny as humanity guidance to the stars! They will make your mother's, sisters and your lovers into nothing more than slaves and sluts to be serviced to a strong warrior that ripped your heart out, your brothers and your children will be brainwashed to followed a delusional man to his death, making them butcher their own families with glee.

But we are the Imperial Guard! We stood against horors more than the bunch of heretics of a forgotten civilization! We faced gods, demons and monsters beyond our comprehension and we spat at them! We stood Virgil for over ten thousand years, and we shall not let this wannabe heretical emperor take what is ours! The God Emperor Protects! If you died in the service of our lord, your body will be in the tomb of heroes! The Emperor of Mankind and your ancestors in the afterlife will looked at you kindly and with respect, that you died a defender of his beliefs, that you died a hero! That you will enter the paradise that your ancestors is waiting for you! May your wounds be in the front and never in your back! That signify that you were a coward and be Damm to seven pits of hell! In three hours, the first legion of the heretical barbarians will arrive and fight like there's no tomorrow! We will butcher them and their skulls be piled high to the skies, offer to the emperor of your deeds. Ready the engines of war! Ready your weapons! Ready your faith and zeal! Make them taste the fury of the Imperial Guards! Make them bleed that their blood will flow not us, into this very land itself! This is Alexander, And I will provide as much reinforcement!"

"Twelve million Guardsmen fighting savages at the Hoover dam... God... Just how many of the people survive the bombs in Texas?" Chief Hanlon spoke as he managed to procure a copy of the newspapers from a Imperium Affiliated Town.

They were friendly and heavily armed to prevent the NCR to have any intrusive thoughts...

He found pictures of the soldiers they will soon be up against... Armoured men in Tanks and Armoured personnel carriers.

"Could this be propaganda sir? I doubt even Texas have the numbers to field such numbers?" One of the NCR ranger doubted.

They heard rumbling in the distance...

"Those are artillery... Just how many are they!?" One shouted as the rumbling never ended.

And in the horizon there is a cloud trail as it it flew toward the skies in the endless trails of smoke.

"Look at the rocket trails! Just how many rockets did they managed to get!"

Chief Hanlon muttered a bit...

"Thank God I didn't relay the orders to actually invade. Seems like we got observers..." Hanlon noticed several two legged machines in the distance watching them...

Hanlon recognize the threat from the distance... And how well fortified every towns and villages they met. It would be costly...

"Ranger relay the Information back to Shady sands... The Imperium is a Hard shell... Risk of casualties is high...and they are able to sustain a two war front..." Hanlon spoke... This war against the imperial is costly.

It had been a few minutes the ranger came back with a news that question the sanity of the politicians...

"The message from Shady sands..."

"What out with it..."

"We must take control of the Imperial Assets.. and.. Imperium civilian casualties are negligible to our operation...that is what I received from shady sands..." The Ranger is grasping his throat...

Chief Hanlon felt conflicted... He supposed to attack people that didn't bother with the NCR, but his duties to the Republic is eating him alive...

"Alright, Have the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion to be the point man duties... Have them scout out the terrain... " Hanlon gave his orders. The NCR army picked up speed and immediately attacked one of the Village that is closest to NCR...

It was heavy defended towards the Raiders that raided their home... But to the well trained army? The walls was breached after several hundred of the Troopers lain dead by the automatic defenses.

It was the First Warcrime committed by the NCR...

"Why? Why would you do this to us? We just have perfect life and you turned it to ashes... " The Village head spat as he watched the NCR looted everything that Texas gave to them... Not even the kitchen sink was spared...

But what came after... Was something that placed Alexander with a grudge with the NCR..

They rounded up the civilians, and the soldiers that were a bit loose on controlling their anger, immediately opened fire on the Villagers that had nothing to do with the casualties, as they just having their day... Any trade caravans that headed from Texas were immediately fired upon and their wares stolen.

The military satellite in space have already recorded of the incident...

"The Village 45 Incident, a village near NCR borders is perhaps the one of many casualties of a unprovoked invasion made by the NCR, there was no war declaration, no mercy, it was brutal, there is not a corpse, nor identification to identify the corpse, the village is thoroughly cleaned that is better than a raider hygiene... 1928 villagers is dead and Several Trade Caravans is destroyed, some have managed to arrived at the nearby bases for shelter... And the people desire vengence..

" Remembrancer Af'Tya 'The Uncalled War of the West'

While the NCR is invading in the west...

"Kill them all!" One of the guardians yelled as he aimed at his stubber turret at the massive horde.

He pressed the trigger and cloud of blood burst in the distance.

The fight is bloody as the defenders rain their arsenals to the legion that is heading towards fhe dam.

Malpais Legate who later known as Joshua Graham that search for salvation in the grand canyon gritted his teeth. There was not a humble believer in him in the canyon of Zion as he is filled with vanity and pride.

He swore to Caesar that he would take the dam by noon...

He saw hell on earth...

Legions were blown up by the extensive minefields and the constant artillery barrage rained hell on earth. Every second that he charged forward to the dam, every second a shell have took lives of the men that he led. The massive legion that Caesar have drafted from the tribes in the east... Were slowly decimated by the hour... Every meter, is a hundred dead that is shot or pulverized to pieces...

"March on! We have a dam to take!" Malpais snarled.

"Malpais Legate! We are suffering heavy losses! We must re- " a explosion came and the legionary that saw reason was blasted to bits...

"March on men! They don't have the shells to kill us all!" Malpais rallied the survivors as they sprinted towards the dam. Their adrenaline pumped into their bodies that they felt like they are walking without armor.

As soon as they reached the peripheral sight of the dam, they met by scores of lasers that rained down on them...

Malpais heard something in the air..

The humming of the sky...

His eyes widen as a hundred Bombers appeared in the horizon...

His ego at the start was injured of the hubris that the Imperium that denied their right to rule the west... One was not a concern, as he could order them to dodge the bombing path.

But seeing the bombers in the horizon... There was nowhere to run.

His will shattered...

"Retreat men! Retreat!" Urged Malpais as the legions of the Caesar retreated.

However... They are a little too late...

The bomb bays of the marauder bombers opened as they unleashed hell on earth once more...

The bombs felled in a torrential storm of explosives and flames...Malpais that is miraculously not injured is carried off by the surviving legionaries as they dodge the fury of the defenders...

Malpais last thought if there is a god... He believed that a deity saved him as explosions came to where he once stood.

The bombers didn't end there... They headed deeper into the Caesar Legion territory... They unleased the remaining bombs that didn't drop and lobbed it on the formations of the legions that is catching up to the first ....

Their scream and cries rose to the skies to a uncaring god as the corpses and ashes remained in the bombers wake...

The Hoover Dam Defenders cheered as they watch the barbarians burning before their very eyes... The corpses become carrion for the scavengers of the dessert.

They even cheered louder as Tank columns tremble past by, now spearheaded into Legion Territory ready to conquer the wasteland for the Imperium...

Caesar stood dumbfounded as he watched the bombers returned back to Vegas... But something in him grew... He look at the dam with obsession than fear... Ulysses who's still under Caesar noticed the madness that is swirling in him...

"Instead of a upstart... We stepped on a dragons tail... Ulysses... What happened?" Caesar asked his Frumentarius.

"The first legion is wiped out, Malpais is no longer fit for battle... The Second and third have been crippled...it would be years till we gather enough strength... And the imperium have already establish a base on our side of the river..."

"Gather those that supposed to be in Hopeville... Ulysses... Gather the tribes in Utah and make them raid the Imperium Supply chains under my name...and if they do well... They may have a chance to meet me." Caesar smiled as he order Ulysses to his task...


"But first thing first... What shall I do with Malpais?"

"May I say, my liege... He should be set a example to blame the disastrous campaign... His crucifixion will make the rebellious thoughts at bay..."

"Set him on fire and toss him into the Grand Canyon, He should be set a example..."

Ulysses stunned a bit as he when outside...

"Alexander... Solair... You will be beheaded by my hands..." Caesar stood upon the Sand Table that overlooked the Mojave... It was a Disastrous defeat indeed. But it didn't hinder Caesar ambition... It stoked it.

He lost territories in the Colorado river and now they are on the defensive as Vehicle now barged into legion territories...

Alexander would have just ordered his space fleet to open fire and end this charade of the legion, but that is a easy way out... He wanted to stoke the Native to remind them that it is their will, and tenacity that won the day, he made their Identity and purpose tied with his own. Giving him a mythos of victory to those tha join his army willingly...

(Bitter Springs)

The Great Khans is faced with a dilemma... They were supposed to work in tandem with the Caesar legions to raid the nearest supply lines of the Imperium. But how do they even attack tanks and armoured transports and Battalions of armored Soldiers that clock in every minute? With hunting rifles and scavenged guns?

They fear Alexander wrath than the Caesars crucifixion... Many of their youths spied the Army and came back with information... But the elders that is stuck with their old raider traditions ventured forth and harass the Imperium, until one day... It was out of the blue. The Khans were enjoying the raids on one of the supposed caravan traders. And they were ambushed as the Caravan is a trap for raiders to attack. Hundreds of soldiers surrounded them and immediately opened fire on the Khans...

They fought back, but they were bulletproof and had personal shields, Many were tranquilized on the spot using Stun guns, Some fled... Bringing disaster upon the Khans.

The Imperial guard have orders concerning bout the enemies within the mojave, either force the raders like The khan to surrender, or butcher everyone and ensured that not single one left to tell the tale, Alexander is merciful... But he doesn't want some entitled prick in a hundred years from now screaming reparations for being a frikkin raider.

The yurts was full of activity as the cleanup crew arrived. The males ventured forth to meet the enemies as they distracted the foes for their family to escape from a hidden canyon passage.

As the children, women and elderly tried to escape...

Several snipers on the side of the canyon ridge loaded their rifle with tranquilizer and took aimed at the fleeing khans.

Canyon 25... It was a site once mentioned by Boone as he follows orders to gun them down. Forcing him to question himself and left the army.

Now the escapees is peppered with tranquilizers darts and dropped down... The soldiers apprehended them.

A burly man found himself sitting in front a table with a mug, that is filled with beer and a tv nearby.

"Well... If it isn't papa khan himself..." A voice was heard behind him.

"Show yourself stranger so that I can mug ya!" He bellowed.

"Very well then..." The voice ended.

A redhead man walked past Papa Khan and sat across him.

Papa Khan observed it was a man of high standing... But his instinct from his raiding days picked up that the man before him is someone more dangerous...

"Who are ye? And what do you want?"

"Alexander Solair, Leader of the Imperium... Or in your words. I am the Tribe leader. I came to discuss with you Papa Khan."


"No, I haven't, Your people is sedated, and now undergoing medical treatment, something that you couldn't get from raiding Caravans and Villages.. here is my proof."

A television opened and it shows several people that is medicated and being treated properly...

"How do I know that you are lying?"

"When I have done with your people, acceptance of my proposa is the leasst of your concernsl..."


" I have a grudge against NCR... And I heard you are no fan of them?"

"Of course, I hated them, they ruined us, we were a mighty raider tribe... And I saw it falldown...what the deal?"

"The Khans will work for me. I will ensure that your people is not mistreated or harmed, unless if one is cruel to my own people."

Time seemed to go on forever as Papa Khan sat silent...

"Will you assimilate us? Willingly?"

"I heard that you can make drugs. I will even make your people a company to make drugs that pharmacies would love to have, it's about time for the Khans to take root and assimilate peacefully."

"You are too soft on us, why?"

"You are under Caesar orders... But I give your people a shining path...take it or leave it... There's always consequences.."

"I am kind to your people, But order is coming... I giving you people a way out. If I am so cruel..."

A image of a ship in space is silently drifting a bit...

"I would have already killed your people several times over."

Papa Khan gulped, if his people continue to raid... And didn't know the ship beyond the skies.m they would not escaped... He grabbed the beer and gulp it down.

"Why have you said order is coming? Nobody can even unite this country together in two hundred years!"

"Because I can...After all I do admit that your men have the balls to head straight to my soldiers, I give you that." Alexander laughed a bit.

"I taught my boys well. Now then.... Let me see my people before we have any more deals..."

"Understood... Come with me."

Papa Khan followed the man as he exited the compound that held him... He stunned a bit as giant metal humanoid robots that walked past him... Giant tanks that is bigger than the ones that his ancestors talked about...

"So... If I refused... Will they be sent to my people?"

"Perhaps...these are just the smaller size of what I suppose to toss in bitter springs..." Alexander smiled.

A large plane swept over them as Papa Khan widen as it head towards the Caesar territory.

He is a bit grateful that Alexander didn't unleashed his wrath... Fully...

They entered a Military hospital and he was shown of the people that is undergoing medical aid... The children is undergoing assessment...

"So... You didn't kill them all?"

"I merely apprehend them... Including the defenders of your home."

"You are a fool."

"I am a fool, i see you as a human than what the Caesar have sent ambassadors to your tribe. They never considered you even humans by their standards."

"I see... We will have a fighting match. To see if your words is more than talk." Papa khan measure if he is just a ambassador that is sent by the Caesar, he was surprised that Alexander smiled.

"Of course, May our fist do the talking."

A fighting ring is erected in the military base, all the Great Khans and the Military personnel watch as two people engaged in the fighting ring.

Alexander Solair now dressed in tank tops and military shorts readying his fist in one side. Other is a Man that is the leader of Great Khans. Papa Khans burly chest that is covered by the jacket he wore.

"Alright, this is a no bar hold, the person that drop on the ground is the loser and agree to the terms with the winner?"

Both of the contestants nodded.

The ringer started their fight

Both of them take their stances, many of the personnel cheered.

"Go Papa, Beat him up!"

"Go Sir, Our paychecks on your winning!"

Both side cheered their respective leaders.

"You truly are beloved huh Papa Khan?'

"Same thing to you Alexander solair, You are beloved by your own forces if they could make a joke like that."

"Alright, you first, Papa, I want to see the strength of the man that lead the Khans!"

The Khan nodded as he swung a uppercut to Alexander face.

"Papa Signature punch, he definitely dead!"

Many watch in silence as the punch did connected and hit Alexander jaws, and it didn't ripped his jaw apart.

"I felt the strength, now allow me to send my lunch back." Alexander punch at the khan, lowering his power to not blast the Khan to pieces.

Khan eyes widen as his burly body pushed into a few step back.

"I never met a foe that could best my punch much less pushing me back."

"I take that as a complement then?"

Each of them punch each other, many of the people around him cheered.

"You punch good for a leader, Alexander."

"You definitely deserve to lead the Khans... That punch deserve a award."

Each of them smiling, Alexander body is lightly bruised. Papa Khan looked worse for wear. Few of his teeth is knocked out and his face was like he was stung by a wasp nest.

Papa Khan went forward to punch Alexander once more, but he was tripped as his body almost falling...

He felt his body was held up...

"Papa Khan... You done enough." Alexander smiled as he propped up the Khan by his shoulder.

The Khan looked around and saw his people watching him with concern.

"Papa Khan, you can do it!."

"One more punch to wiped the smirk from that leader face!"

Papa Khan smiled as he shrugged off the help Alexander gave him.

"I will use this last attack of mine to knock a few teeth from that smirking face of yours!"

"Find By me, Papa Khan, send me your best shot!"

As the Khan rushed forward and gave a screwdriver punch into Alexander gut.

He fell into the ground.

Alexander... Bled a bit, had it been a mortal human... He would been already been dead as the punch would have scramble his organs and most likely break his spine.

He looked towards the Khans that watch his fight.

"As the laws of the Khans have dictate, I am the leader of the khans. I have bested your leader in combat, the laws would have dictate that he would been dead! But I said no! In the bout that we faced, I felt his passion through his fist! I felt his concerns about you, the khans that followed him from the trails of the west that the NCR hunted your people down! You are my own people now, just as Papa Khan that have the balls to fight for you! And if anyone is dissatisfied with the fight! Come to me on this ring than talking shite about your leader that gave his all!

Many looked around as they glance those who wished to step on the ring. But they didn't step in the ring

"Together we will be united once more! No longer we shall fear to unite America, I will like to extend my hands to you. People of the Khans! Follow me and we will be the strongest together! You will be joining my path! My vision! To unite Humanity!" Alexander roared. The khans felt as if they should be following him...


A European fisherman was busy fixing his boat. For two hundred centuries, the Mediterranean is affected by the nuclear radiation... Making the calm sea into a mutant hellscape as the fishes have been mutated and made it almost impossible to fish in the deeper sea as giant monsters now dwell in the ocean, forcing the surviving fisherman to fish near the coast.

"Mama mia... Not a bite for days.." the men grumbled.

A humming was heard in the skies... The fisherman watched as several ships descended from the skies...

"Dios... Did Angels descended from the skies?"

A fleet from Mars have landed in the Mediterranean Sea..

Their landing have made waves that scared off the mutated fish and leviathans deeper into the sea...

Their hangar released Laat to scout the European and north of Africa. One of them have landed to Gibraltar and Cyprus to make a military base.

The rest joined the unification of Africa with the southern forces is joining to the north, building infrastructure and converting the native population to the imperial faith...

Somewhere in Siberia...

Russia... It was a communist country that would contend with the superpower of USA, but it felled like the original timeline, making China the last communist nation left, Cuba have already been conquered in 2036, but all the Russian technicians and researchers have join China boosting their technology to contend with USA along with companies in America that funded the Chinese to be the Boogeyman for the red scare... But ironic was that, those spies that were affiliate with the former USSR and their affiliated Comintern allies is imbedded in the European union still giving information and manipulation for Russia even after the bombs fell...

But a spark of the USSR still remained in the forgotten behemoth of a nation...

A Man stepped forth from the bunker in the stormy lands, the nulcear war have already altered the weather and landscape of the land... He hummed as the nuclear winter didn't deter his mood.

A soldier approach him..

"Comrade Premier Boris... We have been ready for our conquest. We waited for two hundred years and our brothers is hungry for conquest."

"Da, We shall make this world anew, for mother Russia shall be the world hegemony once more..." He smiled as he held a Scepter that is a semblance of a hand...

He walked back into the bunker and as he went underground, it is a massive underground complex that held a massive city... Russians watched as their premier and cheered as they venture to commence their work their massive forges and furnaces glowed red and tanks and planes ate being assembled. He headed to a replica of Kremlin. As he entered the office...

A figure appears from the shadow...

"All preparation have been made... Are you sure that Midas is coming?"

"Of course, why else that we managed to get this relic from the inept Kremlin? I given you technology and manpower...and this city, If you can't stall Midas before our plans come to fruition.. you don't deserve a seat at the numbers... Boris... Don't be useless." The shadow whispered as it faded into the shadow...

Boris gritted his teeth...

"I will, and I will become a god and your organization is just a stepping stone for my ascension..." He touched the scepter... As it glow gold in the middle of darkness. With his eyes only glimmer in darkness.