Craftworld ???
(An: Don't know, and I Rather not want to know, Eldar Players please 🥺 Leave me alone, Slaanesh begone, *Bolter fire*)
As Sister Dimh-Yriel Sat in her Quarters colored in Wraithbone and a Meditation chamber to keep herself Disciplined From the She-who-Thirst and a Table and On that table is Alex Handkerchief, a color different from the White and silvery colors that surrounds her... As She Poked and Prodded the Handkerchief, wondering if she could meet this "Alex Hyde" the Door Opened...
"Child... You are wanted by the Council." And Aged Eldar spoken
Dimh-Yriel Nodded as She Followed the Figure in the Hallways of the Craftworld...
As Small Eldar children is waltzing by with their Race borned traits
"Every Year, we keep losing our warriors, I don't know when will the Children even reached past a Cycle without losing their life..." As the Aged Eldar looked and Remembered the once lively Hallways is now Desolate save but a few people that still stroll it's halls
"We do Our best to survive...Teacher Iraesil Uren" As Dimh-Yriel
"I hope my child, that the Seer Council will not be as Harsh on you..."
As they Approached the Seer Council chamber, Teacher Iraesil Uren Bade her goodbye as he Tend to the Youth once more...
The Door Opened and Five Seer Councilors was seen and one empty platform
As Dimh-Yriel Knelt down as Awaited her Judgement
"Sister Dimh-Yriel, Your Mission was a Success?" A Wisdom looking Eldar asked her?
"Yes I managed to retrieve the Infinity Stone From the Eldritch Spire from Planet Mina"
(An: Infinity Stone is not the Marvel one, On Crucible mod that thing is a Upgrade for a Late game Economy and it can Make Infinity Resources that you don't even need to gather Strategy Points, Expensive but when it's done, GG when they Built Webportals and used the relic Acquisition increase Ability that decrease Resources acquisition Rate and this Stone would never decrease the resource rate and Eldar can Scramble Relic vehicles en Mass to trample you)
"Good and How is it does the People you returned less than before?" Said a Inquisitive one
"We Found that the Locals Mon'Keigh has Managed to Breached the perimeter and Sister Rhath-Shaie took her squad to intercept them and was defeated by them, only Sister Laaraywal Vesh Protected me..."
"*Sigh* I always told that child that she Should keep her head cooled down..." As a Seer Aged even older...
"Somehow the Leader of the Mon'Keigh that defeated them, Didn't Desecrate our dead..."
"Me and Sister Laaraywal Vesh observe him as he gave an explanation to his group why he deny his group to even steal even our Spirit Stones, using Sister Rhath-Shaie Spirit Stone as an Example.. They left after taking their dead and Covered our own as respect..."
Silence pervaded the Chamber...
"We have Mission for you, You are to Assist the Farseer Caerys from Ulthwé in the Kaurava System, the Ancient Enemies are awaking and She has Called all nearby Eldars Craftworlds to assist Her to defeat the Ancient Enemy.." One Middle-aged Seer Spoken as if to forget that a mere Mon'Keigh done it ..
"You will Take your Warriors to Kaurava III, You are one of our Best warriors and represent our Call to Ulthwé"
"Why me? why not Brother Kelmirr Priel or Sister Fiachwen Highwalker?"
"Their Bodies lost and They became One with the Wraithbone..."
"And the Fateweaver has Found your Destiny and the Entire Eldar race is in The Kaurava System... And your Ending of Life and Death is unknown..."
"Understood, I will best be prepared for the task at hand...." As Dimh-Yriel Left the Chambers Dread of the fate of the People that she once called a family now became a wraithwalkers... She walked until she Found herself Infront of a Wraithwalker Chambers...
"Sister Dimh-Yriel is that you?" Spoke a Wraith knight
"Yes it's me Sister Rhath-Shaie, I just returned from the Council...Why Didn't you returned to the Spirit Circuit?"
"You know me, best Sister Dimh-Yriel, I can't be Bored doing nothing so I will do my best to accompany and to Protect you"
"Would you Join me to battle Once more sister?"
"Of course! Why would I leave My Little Sister Behind..."
While they are Preparing their Journey
'I wonder if I meet this Alex in that system' Thought Dimh-Yriel...
Alex is having A Chill on his Back....
"Do you want some Tanna Sir? We got a Fresh Batch from Valhalla... Good for staving off the cold..."
"Thanks Sarge.. I will Drink to that..."
Short about Eldars,
Perhaps Alex would help or would he put a bullet on her head I don't even know?